MTL - Thank You For the Invitation, I Am In the Box Garden, I Have Just Become a God-Chapter 1270

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That is, reaching the vortex of the root.

Arrive at the vortex of the origin of all that is nothing, symbolizing the origin of all.

Sakura, arrived at the root... Tohsaka Rin suddenly became a little dry: "Why?"

"There are many reasons." Matou Sakura gently shook her head and said: "The relationship between my own imaginary space and the interference of the second method parallel world, the relationship between me, who has experienced distress in the future, and the third method heaven cup, As well as the root fragment of the goddess Kama who relies on me, and the urgent need for the master's combat power to suppress..."

"All in all, under the intertwining of multiple complex reasons, under the influence of Fuyuki City, which has held the Holy Grail War many times and tried to go to the root of the world, my consciousness successfully went to the root."

"Originally, this kind of behavior was not allowed by the restraint, and it was not something I could do when I was young, but because of the Holy Grail War, the miracle on me was not blocked by the restraint, so I succeeded (Li Dezhao) and arrived. Once there, we arrived at the vortex of the root."

Hearing this, Tohsaka Rin's eyes widened with a look of disbelief: "Then Sakura, are you..."

Tohsaka Sakura, who arrived at the Vortex of the Roots and successfully returned, has such an experience. There are only a few people in this world who are similar, and those few people have mastered the power after their return... Yu.

"Yes." Matou Sakura nodded slightly, admitting Rin Tohsaka's guess: "I am now a magician who masters some of the second and third methods."

Hearing Matou Sakura's confession, Tohsaka Rin now has only one chaotic thought in his mind:

'There is a magician from the Tohsaka family? ’

'My family has become a magician's family? ’

‘Hey, my sister is a magician! ! ’

And at this moment, there was a thud.

It sounded like the sound of a suitcase falling to the ground.

Hearing the sound, Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura turned their heads together, but they saw a suitcase that fell on the ground, and...

Standing in the corridor, Tohsaka Tokiomi was dumbfounded.

Chapter 1885 The question of Matou Sakura

"Really? Sakura, have you become a magician?"

At the dining table of the Tohsaka family, Tokiomi Tokiomi sat on a chair with a complicated expression, clasped his hands together, and said in a low voice:

"I never thought that the long-cherished wish of my Tohsaka family would come true in your generation, this is really..."

Tosaka Tokiomi couldn't hide his excitement and took out a handkerchief from the jacket pocket of his dark red suit, wiping the tears of excitement from the corners of his eyes.

"Presumably, even if my ancestor and my teacher, Xiubein Aogu, knew about this matter, he would be very happy."

The magic of the Tohsaka family is inherited from the Tohsaka Yong people, and his teacher is the current second magician gem Onzelilch.

Even if the magician had a distorted concept of his disciple, he still taught what he should teach.

However, for the Tohsaka family, who were only the first generation of magicians at the time, their knowledge of magic was simply too much.

In order to complete the magic, the Tohsaka family has used many methods, including but not limited to adjusting the blood of the next generation, and constantly forming alliances with suitable magician families. Tohsaka Sakura with an imaginary physique.

517 But the magic engravings gathered by the research institutes of the generations can only be handed over to one person, and the two excellent daughters have always troubled Tosaka Tokiomi.

After all, a child who is too good will encounter misfortune in the magic world, and the word that mystery will attract mystery is not empty talk in this world.

Whether it is a dead apostle, an alien alien with demonic blood, or even a clock tower, there is a great demand for humans with high magical aptitude.

And there is still a need for 'materials'.

Tokiomi Tosaka is definitely not happy that his daughter who has finally been raised becomes the experimental material for others, but he cannot always guard his daughter and protect him in real time, and his own skills in magic are not strong, only third-rate. level, which is a bit confusing.

Originally, Tokiomi Tosaka wanted to delay for a while to figure out how to solve this problem, but it was impossible to find a magician family without an heir to adopt Tohsaka Sakura.

Moreover, because I got news about the future from Tohsaka Rin, I understood that Sakura’s adoption to the Matou family seemed to be a little bad, so Tokiomi Tokiomi (bgai) took advantage of this time to send his wife back to his hometown to discuss it. If you decide to survive the Holy Grail War safely, prepare both hands.

The first preparation is to sell the property of the Tohsaka family and buy a magic engraving of the broken magician family, so that Tohsaka Sakura can get a certain guarantee, and the other preparation is to give up the dignity of the family and love Defert to the far-off, who has a bad relationship. The family conceded defeat, thus allowing the youngest daughter to gain asylum.

But now it's ok!

never mind!

My daughter is a magician, and I have a showdown!

Are you still worried about what daughter is going to give away?

My daughter is a magician, should I send it back? My Tohsaka family, like the Aozaki family, is now a family of magicians!

Thinking of this, the corners of Tosaka Tokiomi's mouth twitched wildly, almost crooked without smiling.

"Father..." Looking at the uncontrollable ecstasy on Tohsaka Tokiomi's face, Tohsaka Rin was a little speechless on the surface, but he was actually very happy.

The younger sister becomes a magician, which means that the future she has experienced will change. In this case, the future that Sakura was sent away will also change together. Although I don't know what it will become, at least it will not be worse than before. isn't it?

The surprised Tohsaka Rin thought of this, and couldn't help but glance at Matou Sakura, but seeing the other party's smiling expression and looking at the purple hair, Tohsaka Rin suddenly froze in his heart.

Maybe Tohsaka Tokiomi would think that Tohsaka Sakura's hair changed color because she became a magician or something. After all, it is easy for a magician to change her hair color, but only Tohsaka Rin understands.

The blue and purple hair is the symbol of the Matou family.

Now that my sister has become a magician, why, her hair tends to be purple.

Thinking of this, Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but cast a shadow on her heart, but she didn't know what happened to Sakura. She wanted to ask Sakura, but she was worried that the other party would be as polite as when she asked in the future. refuse.

Of course, such an inquiries naturally couldn't be said in front of his father, and it couldn't increase the burden on his heart to send Sakura away, even if it was his choice in the future.

With this in mind, Tohsaka Rin decided to ask Sakura what was going on in private.

However, just when she thought so, Tohsaka Tokiomi finally adjusted his mood and said in a deep voice:

"Sakura, look at the Command Spell in your hand, are you also the Master of the Holy Grail War?"

"Yes." Matou Sakura's smile towards Tohsaka Tokiomi was very polite, not like she was facing her biological father.

Tohsaka Tokiomi noticed this, thought of the future that Tohsaka Rin told him, and asked:

"Sakura, what you look like now... Could it be that you are from the future like Rin?"

"No." Matou Sakura shook her head.

Tohsaka Tokiomi was relieved when he heard the words, but he heard Matou Sakura's next sentence:

"I'm just observing the possibility of the future."

Observing the possibility of the future... Tohsaka Tokiomi's mind went down for a moment, then his eyes widened.

And Tohsaka Rin on the side opened his mouth in shock:

"In legend, the Vortex of Roots is a place of miracles that exists in the past, present and future at the same time. Is this news true?"


Matou Sakura's tone is still soft, it looks very gentle, but people can't feel her emotions.

She looked at Tohsaka Rin in front of her, looked at Tohsaka Tokiomi, and asked gently:

"More than 6,000 deaths, 30,000 times of despair, and less than 200 times, a happy future."

"Although I only see the future vaguely, this feeling is really uncomfortable, father, sister."

Hearing this voice, Tohsaka Tokiomi and Tohsaka Rin suddenly froze in their hearts.

Then, they heard Matou Sakura's questioning voice:

"So, father, why was it sent to Matou's house, and it was me who was thrown into the insect bank?"

"Why am I also the food for the dead?"

"Why is it me who was soaked in the specimen solution?"

"Why is it still me who was hunted by the aliens?"

"Why, it's all me?"

"Hey, can you tell me? My dear father and sister.".

Chapter 1886 The elegance of the Yuansaka family


Rin Tohsaka looked pale at the smiling Tohsaka Sakura who seemed to be talking about something interesting.

At this time, she finally understood where the strange feeling she had always felt had appeared.

The Tohsaka Sakura in front of me is not right, Matou Sakura is not right, she is indeed Sakura, but the logic inside is different.

It's no longer the little girl who followed her obediently calling out to her sister, or the junior who respectfully called her Tohsaka-senpai on campus, but something deeper and different.

At that time, facing Sakura Tohsaka's question, Tokiomi Tokiomi's face was heavy, but he still remained rational enough:

"Sakura, you are resenting me, resenting my father who will send you away."

Speaking of which, Tohsaka Tokiomi sighed, and then said gently:

"If taking my life would make you happier, I wouldn't~ would resist."

"Father!" Tohsaka Rin suddenly stood up and looked at his father in astonishment.

And Matou Sakura caught her breath after hearing this, and gave Tosaka Tokiomi a deep look.

In the future she observed, the man in front of her had sent her ignorant to the insect bank in many worlds, but she was also spending more time using her abilities to protect her as much as possible in the magic world outside of humans.

In very few worlds, the other party has given up his dignity more than once and surrendered to the far-away dear Defelt in exchange for his daughter's future safety.

Of course, for more time, Tokiomi Tohsaka died in the Holy Grail War, or in other words, dying in the Holy Grail War was the end of the opponent.

This man is even more miserable than her, and has no future at all.

Although Matou Kariya kept shouting that it was Tosaka Tokiomi's fault, Matou Sakura couldn't hate her father who died early.

"...Sure enough, I can't put all the faults on you."

In the end, Matou Sakura still did not choose to kill Tohsaka Tokiomi and kill her father herself in the name of revenge. She couldn't do it.

She stood up, bowed to Tohsaka Tokiomi, then turned around and walked straight to the door.

Seeing this, Tohsaka Rin immediately asked:

"Sakura, where are you going?"

Matou Sakura stopped, did not look back, just said calmly:

"To fix the world's problems."

After she finished speaking, she left the Tohsaka house without looking back.

"Fixing...problems in this world..." Tohsaka Rin repeated blankly, some understanding and some not.

At this time, Tokiomi Tosaka, who was sitting in the seat, sighed deeply: "Sure enough, did Sakura also embark on this road?"

"Father, do you know anything?" Tohsaka Rin turned to look at her father. From what she just said, she understood that her father seemed to know something.

"Perhaps, it's the fate of the magician."

Tohsaka Tokiomi said this sentence in a vague tone, and then he looked at Tohsaka Rin, paused, and said in a deep voice:

"Rin, how many magicians do you think are born in this world?"

Tohsaka was stunned for a moment, and then said with a tangled expression: "I don't know, but it seems that there are only four people in existence... My ancestor and my teacher Shubein Ogu, the magician of the Aozaki family in the far east... Besides, it is said that there are still two magicians alive, but more, I don't know."

"It seems that your common sense course is not bad." Tokiomi Tosaka nodded, and then said in a complicated tone: "But in fact, the number of magicians born in this world has exceeded ten people, or There are definitely more than ten people who can use magic.”

"What?" Tohsaka Rin was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect so many so-called magicians, but isn't there only five magics in the world? Is it possible that magic can be used by multiple people?

Without explaining Tohsaka Rin's doubts, Tohsaka Tokiomi continued:

"It is true that magic is something that is difficult to accomplish, but under the inheritance of human civilization, such existence is destined to be not a minority, but even so, there are currently only four known and determinable magicians."

"So, here comes the question. It's not difficult for an existence like a magician to live forever, but why are their existences so rare?"

"...Chasing because of inhibitions?" Tohsaka Rin said in an uncertain tone.

"That's just one of the reasons, and it can even be said to be a trivial reason. Since it can lead to the root cause under the blockade of the inhibitory force, it is not difficult for those beings to get rid of the pursuit of the heroic spirit."

Tohsaka Tokiomi shook his head, and then said:

"It is their 'idea' that really makes the magicians die."

"Idea?" Tohsaka Rin muttered to himself.