MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-~ 777 OOC

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"...Your uncle, don't let me find you." Li Ping pulled his head out of the ground. "I don't mind if you let me go my own way, you have to play with me, right?"

The second time he was played, Li Ping had calmed down.

I felt my eyes fall on me, and turned my head to look...

Well, the Queen of England and the three princesses are all here, and they seem to be drinking afternoon tea.

Considering that the first two worlds were classic battle starts, Li Ping slapped the dust on himself and climbed up from the ground.

"Is there any news to watch recently?"

Shake your head*4

"Has a foreign enemy invaded recently?"

Shake your head*4

"Anyone going to do something lately?"

Shake your head*4

"Oh, thank you." Li Ping nodded. "Then I'll go to the Academy City for a walk."


In the next instant, Li Ping appeared inside Academy City, or in other words, in front of Aleister.

"Long time no see." Aleister smiled and put down the words in her hand.

After chatting with Aleister for a while, Li Ping and Aleister left Aleister's building to pick up Shokuhou Misaki, who had a "three-year appointment".

Of course, during this period, the confrontation that the conventional three-dimensional space could not detect, the temptation in words and the confrontation at the level of belief did not stop.

Aleister, on the other hand, put down her hands and it has been cold for a long time. No, it should be said that not only has it been cold for a long time, but also because of the aftermath of the fight between the two, there are errors and lack of tea in her own existence.

Aleister looked at the position where Li Ping used to be for a long time and was melancholy for a long time, all the words turned into a sigh, put on the mage's robe again, picked up the staff, tore open the space, and stepped into the "hidden world". ”, this place where the Demon God cultivated.

"……what a shame……"

(Roughly, the queen bee, who once assisted technology in the third battle, had made an agreement with Li Ping before Li Ping left, for not only her own future, if Li Ping still can't solve the memory problem of Kamijou Touma before coming back next time, then she will. Join the group behind Li Ping and work for a future for yourself and the people you want to protect.)

Then this time, Shokuhou Caoqi found that she couldn't read Li Ping's eyes at all.

No, it should be said that it was precisely because he understood it that Shokuhou Caoqi felt shivering and was unwilling to accept this fact.

As long as he obeys the comfort of the ring, as long as he ignores the crazy alarm of his sixth sense and the sense of sight brought by his long-term manipulation of people's hearts, he will probably gain a perfect partner.

Shokuhou thinks while praying and having fun.

Just the right surprise when you see yourself, the right pampering when you treat yourself, the occasional embarrassing madness in the details, and the occasional overbearing domineering...

After meeting with Mikoto, Kuroko, Kanzaki, and Index, the four of them flirted with each other just right, pampering Index that was logical and in line with the bottom line of others, not to disgust myself, and even The warmth to join, as well as the inadvertent display, far surpasses my own growth...

If it is the character in the play, this is probably even more addictive than the Shuangwen version of Mary Su's harem.

However, the appearance of the other four people being inadvertently influenced by the current Li Ping, and the appearance of Li Ping's seemingly perfect, in fact, perfect appearance, made the bee-eaters who felt that Li Ping violated the harmony. upside down.

It's not because Li Ping has become unfamiliar, but Li Ping will show a gesture that the other party likes for everyone.

For example, Li Ping once showed that he can fully accept that he may always hold a person's feelings in his heart, respect his own choices, take care of his own experience, and always stand behind himself, give himself a sense of security, and support what he does. Wait for the dream prince who only exists in his own fantasy.

If it wasn't for his seamless connection with different people that made him feel disobedient, I'm afraid he would have already thrown his arms into his arms.


Shokuhou Misaka looked at Misaka Mikoto, who was standing in front of him, in amazement.

Misaka Mikoto, who seemed to be in her twenties, tightly grasped her left arm with her right hand, an arc flashed across her forehead, and she resisted it from not knowing where it came from...

It should not be said that it is the source of the interference that both of them know.

"What the **** is going on here?!" After years of growth, training, and learning, Misaka Mikoto now does not rely on Li Ping's reinforcement, and her strength has reached a demigod level.

That's why, at the moment of confluence, she discovered Li Ping's current anomaly.

Then, before Shokuhou Kaori didn't notice her, he cooperated with her to free the two of them from Li Ping's unconscious influence.

"I still want to ask you! Didn't you leave with him?! Why did he become like this?" Shokuhou Misaki bit the tip of his tongue, keeping himself awake with pain.

"A phenomenon that often occurs when a human is promoted to a higher level." Aleister, who had returned from hiding, walked over from behind Misaka Mikoto. "Everything in the world is my wish syndrome, that's how I call this phenomenon.

If, when a person is promoted, the power gap of the surrounding people is too large, the phenomenon will appear. "

"What's the meaning?"

"It means that when you were promoted, most of you were influenced by his thoughts." Aleister (possibly female, once smuggled to the mother world with Li Ping) tore the space from Aleister's side get out. "I will say that this kind of talent training mode where he wanders around the world by himself, collects all kinds of companions... well, harvests all kinds of harems, meets, knows each other, and can only move forward on his own will cause problems.

And he's such an unusual existence..."

"Didn't his brother say that everyone will kill gods in the middle and late stages? Isn't he now..." Misaka Mikoto frowned.

"Yes, but that is a planet-level god, or even a slightly stronger avatar of a god, this level is what Li Ping's brother called the god.

Most of their coming-of-age rituals are to kill an existence of this level.

But..." Aleister (possible woman)'s expression became distorted. "I didn't mention the three-pillar **** who made him beat the total gods...

The demigod blew up nearly half of his power, and blew the black goat body into hemiplegia. It's all this kind of guy. Those evil gods have already knelt down and sang and conquered it.

How could it be possible to reach a stalemate with the other side when the entire planet is no longer a human being?



"He didn't realize that he grew up so fast that the enemies he met couldn't compete with him at all."


"He got lost on his own path. He was lost on the path that should have fought against the enemy with all his strength, rather than saving the world, conquering the world, and governing the world." Aleister looked melancholy and smiled very happily, at least watching Li Ping was very happy when he got up.

"I don't know what else the power can do, but he can't see people's internal friction and consume his own racial potential for no reason, and he has embarked on the path that should not be taken."

"What way?"

"God Emperor, Li Ping." Aleister (female) lamented. "A human **** who lives not for himself, but for the rule of all peoples.

Stopped the road of proving Dao by martial arts, which had completed most of it, and turned to embrace Wanmin, give Wanmin hope, and contaminate each other with Wanmin's thoughts, and finally... that's it. "

"It's really unpleasant to exist." Aleister is still the same unwavering voice. "The second-year middle school boy who was quite interesting has turned into such a vulgar thing."

"What should I do? No, then what will he do next? What will he be like?" Shokuhou Caoqi shook his head sharply.

"Well... According to his previous behavior model, it should be to set off a turmoil, determine the target, unify the world, and then establish a tower-style regime of absolute rule. During this period, he captured outstanding women with personal charm, and completed the irreversible national trend of thought. After that, he should start to divide his own power, and turn the empire ruled by one person into an absolute monarchy that looks like a parliamentary system.

But then again, what happened to him in the last world? Why does it seem that he has become only trusting himself and not the appearance of others? "Aleister (female) counted with her fingers crossed.

"I don't know... According to the information he has obtained now, he seems to be browsing along the world he has passed through..." Misaka Mikoto gritted her Is it going to be the way of God? Which idiot arranged the way for him? Aleister rarely changed his expression. "His growth rate can only be done with strength. His mind is not strong enough to coexist with faith. He didn't realize the consequences of being bound by faith long ago." Yet? Why are you still going this route? "

"Wait, what are you talking about? What are you proving with strength? What beliefs? Neither of these two words can appear in our light!" Misaka Mikoto looked back at Aleister sharply. "Does this kind of ooc really matter!"

"The traversers are here, are you still entangled with the things that I surpassed the settings? Besides, even if I say words that surpass my settings... When did you come into being? We are only limited to projecting information on that world and becoming a Inspiration, the illusion that was finally formed by being recounted?" Aleister looked strange. "Also, did you ooc the moment you said ooc?"


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