MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-~ Seven hundred and eighty-one first war against evil spirits (1)

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"Heh..." Li Ping's mouth twitched and the space was torn open. "If you can catch up, I will go to the golden toilet and squat for a hundred years!"

"Yongyin, remember to go to the market later." Unohana instructed her vice-captain. Since the thirteenth team of the Guardian is likely to be included, then the three of Usohana, Broken Bee, and Rukia have returned to the Guardian. Thirteen teams.

However, this time, these three were the commanders of the default legion.

What is this? From the Gotei Thirteen Team, to the Gotei Thirteen Team?

"Captain?" Toru Yuyin's integrity value was still very high, so he didn't respond to Unohana's one-liners.

"It's alright, but I think that even if he speaks more ruthlessly now, the more flags are erected, the empire will catch up in the end." Uzhihua quietly watched the space slowly heal.

"Does Li still not want his empire to catch up?"

"He is such an awkward person." Uzhihua smiled slightly. "When you see someone in hell, you must pull him up, even if the blood of the murder is a river, and he kills himself with bruises and bruises, he will pull him out.

Then in the end, he brought peace to the other party, showed the other party's future, and then waited for the other party to fight with him. After killing people without blinking an eye, he softened his heart again. The other party doesn't have to make sacrifices or anything. "

"However, there is a premonition that when he leaves this time, he won't be able to see him again..." Hu Cheyongyin frowned and looked at where Li Ping left.

"That's right, Yongyin, you have not yet connected to the Empire's spiritual network. You do have this feeling. Because he is indeed preparing to say goodbye to us forever."


"But... the relationship between him and us, and the relationship between him and the empire, can't be cut off so easily."

——Machine War World——

"Sister Uzhihua and the others didn't come?" Lux, who had been waiting for a long time, looked at the door behind Li Ping that was closing gradually.

"They reorganized the 13th Team of the Guardian into the Empire in the Soul Realm." Li Ping's expression was blank.


"My plan failed, and I can only take final measures. Sorry, you may be the only ones with me this time."

"It doesn't matter, that's fine." Lux nodded. Judging from the fact that the 501st Legion's troops are either strengthened people, clones, battle adjusters, photocopyers, etc., Li Ping's thoughts are on them. For a group of people, it is as outrageous and eye-catching as a bald man with a sparrow on his head.

——He brought his own harem group and people who should have died to fight against the evil gods. As for the rest of the world, a unified country, a system to prevent corruption to the greatest extent, and a positive social trend are what he left to those people. In this way, whether it is an empire, a federation or a republic, according to Li Ping's estimation, the peaceful era of rapid development should last for hundreds of years.

However, although the game has collapsed now, except that the five worlds are connected together, nothing else is wrong. With mutual support, it should be able to develop for a longer time.

"You really can write ink, and you really got stuck and came back before the final battle." Ikari Yui, who had been waiting for a long time, stood by and looked at Li Ping peacefully.

"Well, I'm back. The protagonist should appear last, right?" Li Ping looked up at the sky.

The orbital ring above the equatorial orbit was upgraded, and a planetary-level energy shield was installed, and countless space facilities such as combat orbital stations and orbital docks were anchored outside the earth.

At the expense of Iskandar's five-man mining fleet hollowing out more than a dozen star systems, the current full-level ships on Earth have been upgraded and transformed, which is called "change six", that is, space battleships. Retrofit and upgrade.

After confirming that the space fleet was unable to fight against the enemy fleet at the current stage (in the third year after Li Ping's departure, when the remote reconnaissance fleet equipped with the leap engine was in contact with the forces of Sabu Nicholas), Yui Ikari took the lead and contacted Yisi. Stasia of Kandal.

After the experimental battleship with the wave core, which was secretly developed by the Fortress of Destiny and the Iskandar Golden Fleet, tried again with Gauze Nicholas' troops, everyone confirmed that the wave technology that has been bound to the god-level civilization Iskandar can indeed be effective. After resisting the spiritual pollution of the evil god, the wave cannon, and the positron shock cannon using wave energy as ammunition can effectively kill the enemy, Iskandar launched a comprehensive technical assistance to the earth.

Iskandar didn't want to use the wave cannon because the multidimensional bursts fired by the wave cannon would tear the universe apart, attracting the warp gods.

——Now the warp evil **** has been brushed on his face, afraid of the ball.

A universe without human existence has no meaning of existence.

With this mentality, the wave cannon fleet was built.

However, up to now, only a small number of ships in the wave artillery fleet in the form of specially equipped ships have joined the frontline battle, and the other wave artillery fleets are still hidden in the snow. Underestimated, stabbed with the most deadly knife at the most critical time.

With the comprehensive assistance of Iskandar, two technical products that were previously difficult to mass-produce have been put into mass production.

——The mass-destruction reactor caused by λ-drive and heavy particle evaporation, and the mass-produced MS and flagship MS with these two technologies as the core have been approved.

By the way, the mass collapse reactor caused by the evaporation of heavy particles has a more famous name in other worlds - gn-drive.

In the years since Li Ping left, an interesting thing happened. Lieutenant Admiral Li Abao believed that in the present when the deep sea is about to be wiped out, too little deep sea is not conducive to the sustainable development of the ship girl combat system.

Therefore, Lieutenant Admiral Li Abao resolutely took a few of his own to the end of the ship's road. He was about to leave the full-level hero ship that was going to be deep-sea. He established a deep-sea guard house near Midway Island, and really let him find a deep-sea construction. machine, established a deep-sea fleet, and successfully revitalized deep-sea resentment, making the deep-sea fleet controllable and active.

According to the statement of the former flagship of the deep sea and the current flagship of the UEG ship, the ds-3 Starkiller Fortress, although the number is not comparable, the deep sea fleet under Lieutenant General Amuro has far surpassed in terms of quality. With only one-tenth of the original total number of elite ships, it has reached nearly 70% of the original combat power.

"How's the situation?" After ten years, Li Ping stepped into the command post of the Fortress of Destiny again.

"Good morning! According to the report of the front-line secret reconnaissance fleet, in the past ten years, Gauze Nicholas, one of the three gods of Cthulhu, nicknamed the Black Goat, has recovered from his injuries and entered the transition space ten days ago. According to the report of the Scandal Special Reconnaissance Fleet, Gauze Nicholas will enter the absolute defense of the solar system within 15 days.

Now, our fleets on both sides have shrunk their defenses in preparation for the final battle.

In addition, according to the reports of the Milas and the Zetra imperial fleet, not long ago, there was a fleet of unknown enemy and foe that entered the transition state in the Centaur Beta system and went to us. "

"Really, it means that within fifteen days, the king will have a decisive battle against the king and the general." Li Ping touched his chin.


"Then, inform the ueg coalition government that I'm back, and I have some preparations to do to face the evil gods. For example, the national spiritual network with me as the core or something."

"Has it been completed yet?" Ikari Yu was a little surprised.

"Before, I didn't have enough experimental data to use it on this unintegrated planet. Now the experiment has been completed." Li Ping nodded. "Although there are still some minor problems, if you don't want to face the black goat and all the staff will be spiritually polluted, you must go online. This kind of evil spirit..."

"It's really annoying." Ikari nodded. Before Stacia used the almighty Iskandar technology to solve the mental pollution caused by information, the other members of the base couldn't even read the relevant battle reports.

Because spiritual pollution will come along with the information itself that really mentions the evil gods, and it is hard to prevent.

Fortunately, there are really several deified people in the Fortress of Destiny. Otherwise, the Fortress of Destiny, which has no experience in the study of the evil gods, is afraid that there will be an unprecedented pollution of the evil gods and the Ueg will be defeated from the inside.

But even so, ueg also lost seven or eight long-range reconnaissance fleets due to the pollution problem, and several evil **** pollution accidents broke out inside the Fortress of The most exaggerated one, the Fortress of Destiny even broke out in the fortress of Destiny because of the attack on Cthulhu. The low-protection research of the gods led to the appearance of Azathoth's family. Fortunately, Nayazi built a high-end game here at that time, which prevented the outbreak of pollution, otherwise Li Ping would only see the pollution by Azathoth when he came back. up the earth.

As for why Li Ping is now keen on the nationwide deployment of the psychic network, do you still remember the psychic resistance talisman?

This is an extension of that thing.

The way the spiritual amulet works is "gazing", where Li Ping (or the divine creature) looks at is the scope of the spiritual amulet.

The amulet itself is the divinity of the divine creature.

Very typical proposition as long as magic is against magic.

In other words... that production method is really just a manual...


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