MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-~ Seven hundred and seventy before marriage

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"...Therefore, our country officially initiated a request for marriage to the Holy Brittany Empire, and it was granted by His Majesty Li Ping, Emperor of the Empire." At the press conference broadcast live nationwide on the third day of Orb, it was announced to the people. related decisions.

"Prime Minister! The object of marriage is..."

"Emperor of the Empire."

"Then there are noble ladies of equal status in our country..."

"The one who got married is me."

"Then Aub..."

"Aub will become a vassal of the Holy Brittany Empire as my dowry, and there will be no change except that the post of Prime Minister will no longer be established.

No, the life of the nation will be better. After Orb becomes a vassal of the Holy Brittany Empire, the Empire will provide comprehensive technical support to our enterprises. With the support of the Empire, our country will reach a new height. "

"Miss Prime Minister..."

"Miss Prime Minister..."



"That... Captain?" At the Gibraltar base, Deputy Commander Arthur looked at his immediate commander in confusion.

Although his heart was outspoken, as the closest person to the captain, he was the first to notice that there was something wrong with the relationship between his own official and the Emperor of the Empire.

"Look at me?" Thalia looked away from Cagalli's press conference.

"The captain will go to the captain...the emperor's wedding?"

"Yes." Thalia said very simply.

"Huh?" *n

"Not only that, the Minerva was originally one of the invitations to the imperial wedding, and his former subordinates, comrades, and friends were all invited.

Including Captain Cruze, Aslan, Captain Itzhak, Captain Michel, Captain Heine, Senator Nicole, and others who have served on Athena are all invited.

The former Speaker Klein, the former Speaker Zara, the former representative of Ashar, and others who were feigning death to catch fish were also invited. "

"Captain! This way..."

"The final door has been opened, and the bell of his wedding will also be the death knell of the loose old world. After the wedding, the door to the unified new world will be opened." Thalia played with his ring.

"...Captain?" Arthur wanted to find a time machine to put himself back into the world a few minutes ago. Do you know what you mean by this sentence?

"What should I do..." Thalia was a little confused. "Would you like to run with you? Sure enough, it's better than the Minerva or the Athena. It is said that the Empire has recently upgraded the Athena..."

"About that..." Arthur sighed. "Actually, everyone also misses the days when they served on the Athena and fought against the world with their own power, forcibly pulling the world back from the brink of destruction.

It's not that we haven't experienced epic recruits, and we've been imitating the Archangel as a model actor in recent years, and we can still vaguely feel it.

Moreover, compared to the Archangel fleet, which has really been focusing on humanitarian rescue in recent years and led the team to build infrastructure in war-torn countries, the meaning of our show here is too obvious.

The people of the Eurasian Federation are living in dire straits and asking for help from the zaft, the Minerva defeated the warlords separated from the nearby Eurasian Federation, and the zaft army stationed in the relevant cities to essentially occupy the territory of the Eurasian Federation..." Arthur shook his head. "Too blunt. "

As for the fact that many countries in Africa and Central Asia did not seem to be substantively occupied, they just left after completing the construction of infrastructure and order, and changed the unofficial name of "Aob friendly country". The Archangel Xunyou fleet he formed actually made all the money with a smile.

By the way, there is no reason to attack these countries.

Everyone is living and working in peace and contentment, what are you trying to do with the right to active self-defense?

"Fuck you, Speaker, are you crazy! If you want to die, don't pull me!!!!"

Thalia heard Aslan's wailing from his dormitory on the bridge.

"...Gilbert what did he do?" Thalia stopped paying attention to Cagalli's press conference. After all, the topic has now gone from where Aub should go to how many people there are at His Majesty's wedding.

——I can't guess myself anyway.

Complaining in his heart, Thalia stood up, turned and walked towards the bridge gate. "Come with me, Arthur, and the rest of us. Let's go and see what fun our Speaker has brought to poor Aslan."

"I have no opinion on marrying Mia, but if she wants to marry me in the name of Lux, Li Ping and Lux ​​do not need to do it themselves, tomorrow I will send your head to the imperial capital Camelot. "Aslan's voice at this time has only killing intent. "Mia and I have been truly in love during the past few years. Although I'm sorry Kagali, this is a problem between us. Mia and I have reached an agreement that even if we want to get married, Mia will return to her original appearance. We fell in love because of the similarity of our situation, not the artificial Lux face.

If you want to use our wedding as a prop against the Empire, Durandal, your calculations are wrong.

As for your promised wedding of the century...

Even though I, the son of Patrick Zara, Aslan Zara, one of the only four uaces in human beings, is only a mere trump card, I still have this backbone. "

"Not to mention..." Aslan sneered. "If you dare to announce that Lux will marry me on the day of the emperor's wedding, the imperial fleet will dare to blow up all the satellite clusters on that day, do you believe it?

Although that guy Li Ping talks about the community of shared future for mankind every day, he has a wise gesture that all mankind should be united.

But if you really pressed the faces of the emperor Li Ping and the imperial concubine Lacus Klein to the ground, he would never mind telling the world what the majesty of an emperor is without blasphemy. "

"It sounds like you know him very well." Durandal frowned, he never expected Aslan, who has always been indecisive and good-natured, to react so aggressively.

"Just because I don't know enough, I'm in awe of this person. Durandal, for the sake of you sending Mia to me, I'll give you a piece of advice.

The life experience of Emperor Li Ping is far beyond your imagination. I even think that the total number of people who died of his calculations would not be on his way from a super ace to an emperor who turned his hands into clouds and rains. less than the total population of the world today.

To him, you have to revere him as if you were a god. Instead of trying to use your life to challenge his bottom line. "

"There are no gods in this world."

"He's here, so he has it." Aslan was firm. "I know you had doubts, and you were right. can do it yourself."

After speaking, Aslan hung up the video communication, and then made a call to his father.

"Father, I need help."

"whats the matter?"

"I need to meet, I will take Mia, need to meet."

"Where are you?"

"Gibraltar, on the Minerva, I will **** the Savior Gundam..."

"That little girl named Mia is also in Gibraltar, right? You'll be safe when you take her aboard. Captain Kuradis is guarding, no problem. What else?" "Preparing yourself" Patrick Zara of the follow-up to "Resurrection" didn't really care about these things.

"The Speaker wants Mia to marry me in the name of Lux..."

"...Don't bring him to die with him! Siegel! Come to live! Hurry up! Your fake daughter is going to be officially announced to my family Aslan!"

"God horse thing?! You go to contact Azaria and ask her to block all relevant content. Once Durandal can't think of it, immediately deprive Durandal of his right to speak! Take that Mia out of Gibraltar and don't give Durandal a chance. , if you really can't, hide it on the Minerva first!"


"...Is he crazy! Let the national quantum computer directly intervene in all social media and news networks. If Speaker Durandal makes this move, he will be immediately banned from the entire network." Salia Jiuer was blown away.

Others don't understand it, don't you, the group of people who can see Li Pingfa's family history, don't understand it?

What's more, Li Ping is a guy who has established a unified global regime several times. This kind of person seems to be approachable. If you really press his face to the ground and step on him, you won't care how many people will die after the retaliation.

"What did he think?!" After completing the deployment, Azalia collapsed on the sofa in cold sweat again.

"Mother? What happened?"

"I won't shock you for the fourth time." Azaria took the ice lemonade that Yitzhak handed over and took a sip.

"...What did the Speaker do to die?" Itzhak sat down on another sofa.

Simply speaking, Yitzhak was shocked for the fourth time.

"Don't mention that, mother doesn't have the intention of jumping to the empire? I heard that guy Li Ping has complained several times that the group of people in the imperial battleship design institute are all elm heads." Itzhak tilted his head to look at himself in the A mother who has been through a lot of vicissitudes in recent years.

While fighting wits and courage with a group of old foxes in front of a congressman, you also have to take into account the design and optimization of battleships, coordinate fleet construction and upgrades, and connect with MS design.

"Itzhak, your kid has started to pimp your old lady?!" Azaria took off the towel hanging around her neck and threw it on Itzhak's face.

"Mother, I asked you to change jobs after the war, but I didn't want you to marry me. Why are you anxious!" Yitzhak tore off the towel covering his face and looked at his own mother who was suddenly awkward. "How can that attract such a group of people rushing to marry him."

"...Maybe, because he is omnipotent?"


"Ah, I asked the former president of Arsta a similar question." Azaria scratched her chin. "Her answer is, to marry the prince in the fairy tale, after marriage, you will have children, cook and serve your husband, but marry that guy Li Ping and after marriage, you will conquer the world and save the world with him, and you will be able to stay young forever. Strength, this kind of combination of Jack Sue and Mary Sue, is it more fun than a fairy tale?"

"...As expected, I will also go to the Empire's 501st Legion after the war."

"In addition, you don't have to think about your mother and me. Miss Lux has contacted me yesterday. After the war, I will join that wonderful armed group as her subordinate officer."

"...Mother, think twice! Hey!"


Read Logging 10,000 Years into the Future