MTL - The Best Male Supporting Character In the Pet Text is Reborn-Chapter 99

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"The Star of Tomorrow" is a variety show for a men's group talent show that has become popular recently.

Although the men's group talent show is no longer new in recent years, the popularity of such variety shows has begun to decline, but if there is good innovation, it is very easy for the show to become popular.

Rising Star is a variety show that relies on a novel promotion system, spending money to invite traffic mentors, fry CP, fry torment, fry friendship, fry topics, etc., and the show immediately explodes when it starts broadcasting .

With the explosion of the show, the people participating in the draft will naturally become popular.

Yan Tong is one of them.

Although Yan Tong used to have a lot of black material on the Internet, but these black materials are said to be because there is not enough evidence, and people are sweeping their tails behind, so far Yan Tong has almost nothing but fame Nothing happened.

And those black materials are not a big deal for people in the entertainment industry. The program team wants to be explosive, and there is also a kind of red among the stars called black red.

Before crossing, Yan Tong yearned for a beautiful life because of his mediocrity and ordinaryness, and his own entrepreneurial and financial ability was not enough. Being a star was the only way out to satisfy his desire.

Anyway, netizens are forgetful. He believes that he can be white in the future, and it doesn't matter if he is black or red now.

With this mentality, and with the help of Lu Yan, he participated in the variety show "Star of Tomorrow". It's really popular. It's no longer like it was sent to the hot search by black materials before, but it has a more positive image.

Yan Tong was very happy at first, but since Fang Ziyang started to fight back, his life has been extremely aggrieved, and now he can finally raise his eyebrows.

He will shine brighter than Fang Ziyang, and he will soon step Fang Ziyang into the mud.

But when he finally relaxed from his busy career and came back to focus on Fang Ziyang, his smile immediately stiffened to his face.

When he saw the beauty liquid launched by Dongsheng Pharmaceutical and the chip ID card developed by New World Technology and the government, he was a little surprised, but he did not expect that the level of scientific research in this world is far higher than he imagined His gold finger information has not been used yet, and there have been such powerful scientific research results on the market.

But he didn't take it too seriously at the time, just thought that the R&D teams of these two companies were really so powerful, Fang Ziyang was really lucky!

But when he went to inquire about Fang Ziyang later, he heard that Fang Ziyang seemed to have been invited to participate in some important international competition and needed closed training and had already asked for leave from school.

Yan Tong was struck by lightning.

Others may not know what international competition Fang Ziyang is participating in, but he who has read the book knows!

There are international competitions that require closed training, apart from the highly anticipated international technology competition, what else can there be?

In the book, Fang Ziyang first participated in the domestic Hongmeng computer competition to win the championship, and then was invited by the country to join the "National Science Competition" competition team, and then together with Tang Xun, the two brothers led others in the competition. Shine brilliantly, and finally embark on the pinnacle of life.

How could Fang Ziyang go to this competition, or skip the Hongmeng computer competition, how is this possible!

He has done so many things and stole so much from Fang Ziyang, why does Fang Ziyang have such good luck!

Yan Tong was angry and unwilling.

He really hates Fang Ziyang!

There is also some panic.

He doesn't believe that Fang Ziyang has such good luck and can find a research team comparable to Goldfinger. The reason why these two companies related to Fang Ziyang will come up with such amazing products must be... It must be The Lu family has other information left.

After all, the Lu family has been studying the things in the golden finger for generations, and it is not surprising that there are data left in the outside world.

, that all the honor and light should belong to him.

For this reason, he had to use an anonymous letter to incite Lu Yan to find trouble.

Lu Yan is Fang Ziyang's uncle, Lu Yan didn't leave any bad handles like Fang Yandong did. Fang Ziyang wanted to easily get rid of Lu Yan's little uncle, but he didn't get rid of Fang Yandong. easy!

The lethality of this kind of creature, the best relative, he has read a lot in fiction and real life.

After instigating Lu Yan, he waited patiently for the result with schadenfreude.

But there is no news from Lu Yan, Yan Tong really has no mood to care anymore.

Because he found out...he was pregnant!

This is a bolt from the blue.

How could he be pregnant? How could it be possible to get pregnant!

This is not in Yan Tong's current plan at all. He can be so confident that he has an affair with Lu Yan outside behind Xie Wenxu's back. The biggest reliance is that he is a man. There will be no more troublesome problems of pregnancy.

He even wanted to get rid of Xie Wenxu, how could he be willing to give birth to a child for Lu Yan and be bound to him.

In addition to having a good face, Lu Yan is stupid and controllable, he is completely useless, he and Lu Yan are just playing, using the relationship, he will only be on the rise when his brain is flooded Time to get pregnant!

Pregnant Capsules can only be registered with the government after the same-sex marriage is obtained and the husband and wife decide to have children.

Other than that, you can only go to the black market for ideas.

This is not allowed by law. If you buy fake goods, the government will not be responsible, and the government will impose huge fines and punishments when the child is born. Ordinary people will not do this.

Lu Yan is not a person who likes children, and it is even more impossible to marry and have children at the peak of his career, so it is absolutely impossible that Lu Yan secretly fed him.

So when did he eat this stuff?

Yan Tong suddenly remembered the night when Shi Jingjing had an accident... He was inexplicably knocked out.

At that time, he thought that Fang Ziyang was worried about Xie Wenxu and that he could not find any evidence that he instigated Shi Jingmei to commit a crime, so he just knocked him unconscious and threw him to the suburbs to threaten and warn him. Frightened but also a little triumphant, he did such a thing, Fang Ziyang just couldn't catch his handle, and he really lost the protagonist's halo, Fang Ziyang is just an ordinary person.

But now it seems…

Fang Ziyang didn't move him because of his scruples, he was clearly setting up a game for him!

Fang Ziyang didn't eat the pregnancy capsule in Shi Jingjing's hand, but fed it to him, but he didn't realize it until he won the bid!

Yan Tong was about to die of anger.

But he couldn't go to Fang Ziyang to ask questions, and he didn't dare to tell others about it, because he got the pregnancy capsule, and if he really checked it, he would definitely suffer. .

It is absolutely impossible to have children.

His career has just begun, his youth is full of vitality, not to mention that he doesn't really like Lu Yan, he absolutely cannot give birth to this child!

But...if the child is aborted, it will have a great impact on his health.

In recent days, Yan Tong has been very anxious.

The original good-natured temper couldn't help but I lost a lot of temper in the background of the recording of "Rising Star" one after another.

It is also fortunate that behind him not only the second room of the Xie family, but also Lu Yanzhao, and he can't bring a mobile phone during the recording of the program, otherwise he will definitely have a hot search for playing a big name.

But these are not hot searches for the time being, but it is impossible to eliminate the grievances of the players and staff in the show.

Several men's team players stood in the corner, looking at Yan Tong who was resting on the sofa in a bad mood from time to time, with a very contemptuous expression.

"What is Yan Tong going crazy recently? Just now he scolded a makeup artist again. This is not like his green tea **** style. Didn't he still win over the staff of the show team? "

Wang Xi, the top three popular players in the men's team, has a very strong competitive relationship with Yan Tong, and naturally dislikes each other, and pretends to be false to Yan Tong. I saw it early.

In addition, Wang Xi's family also has some background, so when talking about Yan Tong in private, he basically makes no secret of using various unpleasant names.

Several players who are close to Wang Xi also dislike Yan Tong,

"Who knows, I'm afraid I don't want to pretend anymore. I heard that several advertisements and endorsements from Lu Yan's previous days were broadcast, and the response was very good. Recently, Lu Yan is in the limelight. Sheng, Yan Tong has Lu Yan as his backing, so it is estimated that he has swelled..."

"I really don't know what Lu Yan thinks, who doesn't know what Yan Tong is, Lu Yan actually protects him so much, not only helps him to fry his seniors in this show, but takes care of him everywhere, I I heard that Lu Yan also found several good quality advertisements for him."

"I heard that Lu Yan seems to be Fang Ziyang's uncle, right? Yan Tong robbed Fang Ziyang's fiancé. As Fang Ziyang's uncle, Lu Yan actually supported Yan Tong. I don't know what Fang Ziyang felt when he knew it. An outsider can't stand it..."

"No. To be honest, Fang Ziyang is really miserable. His scumbag brother won't say anything, and Lu Yan is really hard to say..."

"Anyway, I can't see Yan Tong's advantages other than being able to dress up. Forget Lu Yan, what I can't figure out is that Xie Wenxu is actually engaged to him, is it an engagement, not a relationship! I just don't know how these people would like people who pretend like that."

"The scumbag and the scumbag make a bunch..."

Several people pouted and talked, their words were full of jealousy and disdain.

In their conversation, a protagonist appeared in the topic.

Xie Wenxu rushed into the recording background of "Star of Tomorrow" angrily despite the staff's obstruction.

"Master Xie, this is the backstage of the program recording, you can't go in, please don't embarrass us Master Xie, if you do this again, we will call the security..."

Several staff members looked embarrassed and obstructed.

But because of Xie Wenxu's identity, he didn't dare to stop it forcefully, so he could only persuade in embarrassment.

How can anyone who is angry at the moment listen?

Xie Wenxu was about to be blown away, he never thought that Yan Tong would give him a green hat!

And it's the kind that kids put on!

When he saw the intimate photos of Yan Tong and Lu Yan and the pregnancy test documents, he felt that he was the biggest fool in the world. .

But he still overestimated his eyesight.

Yan Tong is a hypocritical and shameless Xibei product!

"Go away! Whoever dares to stop me, I will turn back and ask him to die!"

Xie Wenxu's eyes were red, and a roar shook all the blocking staff to the ground.


Suddenly, all the people who were blocking just now didn't dare to move.

Everyone has no choice but to quickly call the person in charge to report the situation and follow up.

Regardless of the tail behind, Xie Wenxu went to the backstage lounge where the show was recorded with a gloomy face.

The layout of the backstage lounge is not complicated. It is a huge and empty practice room with many small sofas. When he walks in, he can find Yan Tong who is sitting in a bad mood in the corner.

Seeing Yan Tongren, Xie Wenxu's eyes turned even redder.

He rushed forward and gave Yan Tong a slap without saying a word.


Heavy applause resounded throughout the lounge, making the lively lounge quiet in an instant.

Everyone was taken aback, and immediately turned their heads to follow the sound.

"Xu, brother Xu..."

Yan Tong was also stunned. He covered his face and looked at Xie Wenxu in disbelief. He never expected that Xie Wenxu would go directly to the backstage of the recording scene to find him, and he slapped him when he came up. .

Suddenly wronged and angry, Xie Wenxu beat him! Thinking that the gentle and affectionate Xie Wenxu actually beat him in public!

However, before he could finish his anger and grievances, Xie Wenxu's next words made him lose his face.

"Don't call me that! Disgusting!"

"Yan Tong, what am I sorry for you, you actually gave me a green hat?"

"Yes, I admit that I regret being with you, and I also admit that I still have feelings for Fang Ziyang. But I never thought of breaking up with you or abandoning you, I I even explained apologetically to you, and promised you that I would let go of my previous feelings and be with you."

"And what did you do to me? Cuckold me, even have a child! You TMD play me like a monkey?!"

The words come out.

Everyone present was stunned.

What green hat? what pregnancy? Mom, what shocking melon did they eat?

Yan Tong's face was instantly pale, and tears flowed out instantly, he didn't dare to admit it,

"You, what did you say? I don't understand! Xie Wenxu, you, don't talk nonsense, don't think that you can tie me to you in this way, I, I will follow you broke up..."

He covered Xie Wenxu's mouth as he spoke, completely unable to imagine the result of the other party's continued speaking.

The voice was full of panic, and I was caught off guard by Xie Wenxu's sudden arrival.

How can Xie Wenxu do what he wishes?

Yan Tong was originally a weaker and smaller body type. Even if he was a man, he was about the same age, but he couldn't compare with Xie Wenxu, who was trained by the elites of the rich and powerful who kept fitness and maintained his image all the year round.

Xie Wenxu pushed him away, and then threw the document in his hand into the crowd.

After the things were scattered, she continued to stare at Yan Tong with split eyes, and asked in a mournful voice,

"Yan Tong, you say, why am I sorry for you? I am a scum, yes, I betrayed my childhood sweetheart fiance, I am sorry for him, I am a scum. But I am a scum. I'm sorry for you!"

Pulled out of the vortex of the replacement case, spending money and connections to send you, a person who doesn't even have a college entrance examination score, to an art school..."

"I've done so much for you, that's how you treat me?"

"If you really don't want to be with me, just break up with me, I, Xie Wenxu, will never pester you! What I do for you is my blindness and the retribution of my scum! "

"But what are you doing to me like this? Give me a green hat, and now I even have children, you are afraid that you can't get rid of me, and that you can't climb up the ranks of other people's illegitimate children. Are you a bargaining chip? Yan Tong, you are really amazing, don't you think it's interesting to play me around?!"

"Okay, you liar bitch, I wear a green hat, don't even think about getting out!"

Xie Wenxu roared in anger.

Yan Tong, this bitch, caused him to lose everything, and he also lost his true love.

"No, no, I, I don't..."

Yan Tong shook his head in a panic, tears flowed out instantly, and his mind went blank.

But his rebuttal and shaking his head were all pale.

The scattered intimate photos and pregnancy test documents were like a big slap on his face, which was burning hot.

No matter what he says, today is destined to be unable to shirk responsibility as easily as before.

When the people around saw the photos and documents scattered by Xie Wenxu, they couldn't help but widen their eyes, and then there were undisguised voices of contempt,

"Damn it, is Lu Yan in this photo? It turns out that they have a leg! I said why Lu Yan took care of Yan Tong so much. I thought it was Xie Wenxu's role before, but I didn't expect it. It's a dog boy!"

"She's still pregnant! No wonder Yan Tong's temper has been unstable recently. He is very irritable and his appetite is not very good. It turns out that he has..."

"Even if you cheat on Lu Yan, there is no need to get a child out to tie someone up, right? Lu Yan doesn't seem to be as good as Xie Wenxu, right?"

"Lu Yan is Fang Ziyang's uncle. I heard that Yan Tong seems to like to rob Fang Ziyang's relatives and friends, and he doesn't know what kind of grudge."

"The green on the head has turned into a green prairie, no wonder Xie Wenxu is so excited..."

Of course, there is less sympathy.

Although Xie Wenxu is a little pitiful now, he didn't do it himself? Who told Xie Wenxu to break the marriage contract, abandon the real pearl, and pick up the rotten rubble of Yan Tong?

As Xie Wenxu himself said, Fengshui turns and the scumbags are scumbags.

But for Yan Tong, everyone is really contemptuous.

Who said Yan Tong harmed people? Really not talking nonsense!

The surrounding discussions reached Yan Tong's ears, and every word he said was like taking off a piece of his clothes, leaving him naked in the open air.

Rao is that no matter how he thinks this is a paper world, no matter how thick-skinned and bold, he can't help but feel a strong shame at this moment.

Yan Tong couldn't resist and wanted to run away.

And Lu Yan finally heard the news, and rushed over in a panic.

He didn't know the news of Yan Tong's pregnancy yet, and when Xie Wenxu came to him, he realized that his affair with Yan Tong had been exposed.

Although there is some guilty conscience of being arrested, but when he thinks of the situation that Yan Tong has to face, his machismo still prevents him from doing such things. Besides, the engagement of engagement is not governed by the law at all. Isn't it normal for boyfriends to break up and change their minds?

Xie Wenxu cheated at the beginning, but now he is not allowed to be with Yan Tong?

Lu Yan was not a person with three views, so he didn't reflect much on his own prying.

He was liking Yan Tongxin very much at the moment, and came to see Yan Tong standing helplessly and don't accuse him of being pitiful, and he was immediately angry. one punch,

"Xie Wenxu, something is coming to me, what are you bullying Yan Tong for? I didn't control being with him, it's none of his business. Besides, you changed your mind and wanted to save him. My little nephew, what qualifications do a half-hearted person like you have to question!"

Lu Yan's initiative to take the responsibility on himself is not so responsible and honest.

He is purely a macho personality, he regards Yan Tong as his property, and he can do whatever he wants, but he is absolutely not allowed to do anything.

Xie Wenxu is getting angry now.

Lu Yan, the adulterer, didn't say anything, but he dared to do something to him, it was like pouring a large pot of oil on a match, and rubbing it against him would make his anger again Raised a level, burning him directly lost the last reason.

"Good good, good, Yan Tong, you are really good, how come I didn't see that you are such a person to ride!"

Xie Wenxu smiled with red eyes, pointed at Yan Tong and said hello.

Looking at Lu Yan who stood up, his eyes were cold and hateful,

"Lu Yan, you rubbish, who can't sleep with him, what qualifications do you have as an adulterer to accuse me? Don't you TMD know that he has a grudge against Ziyang? You still take it With the resources Ziyang gave you to support his enemy, I'm a scumbag, how can your TMD be any better?"

"Very good, you are all good, since you dare to give me a green hat and slap me down, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Xie Wenxu with red eyes finished with a sneer, he directly picked up the knife in the fruit bowl on the table next to him, rushed up and stabbed Lu Yan in the shoulder.

"Ah—" Lu Yan was stabbed in the face and screamed in pain, "Xie Wenxu, you lunatic let go."

He pushed Xie Wenxu while screaming in pain.

However, Xie Wenxu was so angry now that he held him tightly, his eyes were cold, and after stabbing Lu Yan's shoulder with the knife in his hand, he began to slash his handsome face fiercely , and did not stab Lu Yan in the fatal place.

Although he was so angry that he almost lost his mind, Xie Wenxu still maintained a trace of clarity.

This pair of adulterers and prostitutes is not qualified to let him die together. They made him wear such a big green hat and made him a joke in the whole high society, he wanted these two to live rather than die!

Lu Yan's handsome face was slashed so hard that it would not recover even if she went to plastic surgery.

Xie Wenxu sneered, the last knife cut directly to Lu Yan**.

"Ugh!" The severe pain below made Lu Yan's eyes protrude.

Seeing this, Yan Tong was so frightened that he recovered from his sluggishness, then took a few steps back in fear, and then turned around without thinking and wanted to run.

However Xie Wenxu could let him go.

Yu Guang found that Yan Tong wanted to run, Xie Wenxu let go of Lu Yan, who was about to faint from the pain, got up and strode to catch up, and hit Yan Tong **** the lower back.

Yan Tong was unsteady on his feet, fell to the ground, his stomach just hit the corner of the table in front of him, the pain made him hoarse, and blood immediately oozes from his pants...

"I gave everything for you, lost my true love, and now I have almost nothing, why do you want to retreat alone? With you such a nonsense, shameless father It's best not to have this child born. Yan Tong, I'll let you pay the price you deserve for everything you've done."

Xie Wenxu's eyes were red, staring at Yan Tong who fell down, his eyes widened.