MTL - The Black Technology Era of Xueba-Chapter 899 ?showdown

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The so-called International Conference on Food Security is not a formal conference led by the state, but a conference organized by civil organizations such as international food, freight companies, food safety, health and safety.

These private institutions did not have much influence at first, but after being involved in strong capital, they can determine the global market.

Moreover, Pangu will not be invited to the Food Security Conference.

The security conference was held in New York, U.S.A., and the participants involved more than a hundred institutions and companies around the world.

The meeting lasted for three full days, and the meeting agreed on the related content of Pangu Technology Food Factory and the transportation and use of raw materials in the food factory.

In a post-conference press conference, multiple international organizations and freight forwarders jointly issued a statement.

First, cast a vote of no confidence in the Pangu Science and Technology Food Factory. According to the inspection and analysis of Pangu Science and Technology's food factory by participating scientific research institutions and health institutions, it was concluded that Pangu Science and Technology Food Factory cannot guarantee food safety under long-term operation Conclusion.

Second, make a negative conclusion about the culture medium required by the food factory. The reason is that the culture medium used by food factories to cultivate food is an industrialized product, and Pangu Technology has so far been reluctant to disclose the ingredients and production processes of the culture medium to international institutions, so its safety cannot be determined.

And according to the serious health problems of the people around the peso country, it is believed that although the culture medium can accelerate the growth rate of food, it violates the growth rules of nature and has absolute harm to human health. Call on countries and organizations around the world to list raw materials for culture media as embargoed products.

Third, the global market has been called upon to reduce the Pangu Technology Food Factory and return to modern traditional agriculture.

What is modern traditional agriculture is the model of rice farms. Farming or large-scale farming based on mechanization.

According to the experts of the conference, the modernized large farm model of Riceland is a safe and efficient export mode of agricultural products, which is much safer than the food produced by Pangu Technology Food Factory.

At the end of the conference, the participants proposed the suspension of Pangu Technology's food factory to ensure human food security and physical health.

After the meeting, various organizations and companies took measures to distrust the raw materials of Pangu Technology Food Factory.

First, the Panama Canal, which is controlled by Rice Capital and someone from Xiangjiang City, announced that it will strictly review the raw materials of Pangu Technology Food Factory from the Panama Canal into the Lamy area.

In addition, many multinational shipping companies controlled by Rice Capital have opted to ban the transportation of raw materials in food factories.

The ownership of the food factory in the Lamy area was handed over by Pangu Technology to the local management department three years ago. The ownership is not Pangu Technology.

If the raw materials can't reach Lamy, Pangu Technology will lose the sales cost of the culture medium, but the Lami area will lose millions or even tens of millions of tons of various foods-flour, beef, milk, eggs, etc.

This kind of trick to kill the enemy one thousand and self-damaging eight hundred, only the brainwashed people will agree.

However, it is clear that after the food safety problem in the peso country was fermented, many people in Lamy also considered that the food produced by the food factory aided by Pangu Technology was not safe.

Even under the brainwashing of the Hell League media such as "Voice of Rice", the Lami people thought that Pangu Technology was using the food factory to exploit Lami's economy, so they encouraged the public to cooperate with the embargo on the food factory raw materials and chose to stop buying. Eat food factory products.

According to the report of "Voice of the Rice", Super Xiaochu started full tracking, but did not take technical measures at the request of Xiao Ming.

Unfortunately, the facts are exactly the opposite of everyone's imagination. The ownership of the food factory is various countries, not Pangu Technology. Pangu Technology only uses food factory technology and the culture medium provided in exchange for some markets and natural resources in these countries. This is a win-win business. There is no problem of exploitation and squeezing.

Qiu Qiyang did not expect that the situation is far beyond his expectations.

The peso country's affairs are only an introduction, and the other party wants to kill Pangu Technology's global food strategy.

The pressure on the northern border is very high, and the current refugees are not only Ende but also Sauer.

Due to lack of food, the Sauer's poor have also begun to flee to the northern border.

With the propaganda of the chiefs and wizards in the clan, everyone was afraid of getting sick, and they were determined not to eat food from food factories. The pressure on the border was very high.

To deal with the relationship between these refugees, it is not useful for the Pangu technology staff to come forward. They will not believe that the Pangu technology staff wearing white lab coats are sincerely good for them.

Qiu Qiyang has already communicated with the tribes on the northern border of South Africa and Africa, so that high-profile figures from the tribe in Germany can come forward to ease the border conflicts and allow refugees to accept food.

Qiu Qiyang has reported the situation in South Africa to the headquarters in accordance with the requirements of a daily report.

Jiangcheng, Pangu Technology Headquarters, was still brightly lit at night.

Super Junior is assessing the substantive impact on Pangu Technology after the International Food Security Conference.

"The Panama Canal has extended the clearance time for our cargo ships to transfer raw materials." Qian Yi said very anxiously: "There may be more transportation hubs to follow."

"At present, the Lami region produces less than one-third of the usual food." Super Junior has obtained the data and expressed doubts about human IQ: "The local people have been eating food factories for three to five years in a row. The food produced is all normal. Why do they doubt food because of some health problems of the people of the peso country? Do they not know that most people would be hungry if there were no food factories with Pangu technology resources? "

There are certain things in the human world that I really can't understand as a supercomputer.

Xiao Ming said: "Human nature is forgetful ~ ~ When you are too comfortable, you don't know your last name."

Qian Yi also has a stack of data saying: "At present, there are hundreds of tons of supplies waiting on the Panama River for customs clearance. What should I do? Now some Lamy countries support our food factories, but because the raw materials cannot be imported, they are very Anxious. "

Xiao Ming sneered and said, "Let the subsidiary of these supplies inform the transportation company and pour the supplies into the open sea."

Xiao Ming looked at the world map on the big screen and surrounded the Straits of Malacca with a laser pointer. "I'm not worried about whether the Lamy people eat or not. I worry about the freight companies and terminals that dominate the Straits of Malacca. Group Capital will take this opportunity to kill our life chain. "

At present, 50% of Xia Guo's food factories rely on Xia Guo's own production, and the remaining 50% of its raw materials are transported to Xia Guo by the Malacca Strait. If the capital of this strait is controlled, it will not cause serious harm to the food factory in Xia Guo. Production conditions, but will weaken the food hegemony that Pangu Technology has spent years establishing, and even make Pangu Technology's global food advantage disappear.

List of chapters in the era of black technology with high-speed text