MTL - The Black Technology Era of Xueba-Chapter 926 ? 1 Amazing (1)

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In Xia Guo's ranking of real estate companies' strength, the list has remained basically unchanged from a decade ago.

The first is definitely Hengda, the second is generally Biyuan Real Estate, and the third and fourth may be Fangke and Factoring.

These are Xia Guo's most powerful real estate company, and Xia Guo's most powerful company. Before Pangu Technology did not appear, these companies dominated Xia Guo's list of the most profitable companies for a long time, which is enough to illustrate their terror.

But behind their dominating list, there are too many abnormal factors.

They have kidnapped the development of the local economy, **** local debts, and kidnapped the youth and dreams of young people.

Below their success is a corpse.

This is not the same as Pangu Science and Technology. The success of Pangu Science and Technology still left a piece of bones, but the bones here are the bones of western technology companies.

The success of Pangu Technology also fulfilled the dreams of countless young people, rather than burying them.

Real estate companies are undoubtedly the happiest in recent years, because Pangu Technology has not participated in the competition in the real estate industry.

Even if it did, Pangu Science and Technology originally built welfare houses instead of commercial houses, and rarely invested in the commercial market.

The past decade has been the spring for real estate companies.

Because they are on the fast track of urban development, they are riding the downwind of increasing people's income, and they squeeze the value of working people to the greatest extent.

The value here is not surplus value, but surplus value after labor and expected future value, which is very scary.

In big cities such as Yanjing and Shanghai, if you are an ordinary white-collar worker who bears a mortgage on a house, you will be embarrassed. You will basically work for a bank and work for real estate companies in disguise.

Because in addition to your usual food, clothing and accommodation, the remaining money is contributed to the bank.

Some people say that the real estate industry is a pillar industry in major cities in Xia Kingdom, because real estate involves land finance, construction raw material industry, etc., the most important thing is that it involves thousands of migrant workers.

Because of the real estate industry, these migrant workers will have jobs, earn money, and support their families.

But is this really the case?

How much do the wages of migrant workers occupy the profits of real estate?

Compared with the housing price of 10,000 flats and the housing price of 10,000 flats, does the wage of migrant workers really differ by ten times?

Obviously not.

Therefore, the Water Drop Company does not make the real estate industry disappear. Xia State has more than one billion people. It is impossible to live in the air, and most of them still live on the ground.

Therefore, the real estate industry will not disappear. Instead, it will return to its place of ordinary residential goods. Migrant workers will still have jobs and their wages will not be reduced.

Such changes will prompt the real estate industry to return to rationality, and also allow local finances that rely heavily on the real estate economy to find a new way out.

In front of the major construction enterprises, more than 100 sets of water-drop suspension houses and a set of suspension malls, gyms and other ancillary facilities have been completed in batches. The time has come to early winter.

This is the advantage of prefabricated lightweight buildings. If it is a reinforced concrete building, it will be impossible to complete hundreds of buildings in two or three months.

The construction company's assembly of the water droplet suspension building is only the first step. From now until March of the next year, the water droplet company will install an anti-gravity system, an ecological cycle system, a power communication system in the suspension building, and carry out fine decoration. .

Because it is a conceptual press conference, the decoration of the floating house will be agreed in accordance with several more fashionable types set by Pangu Technology.

Pangu Technology's unified interior is also very in line with the public's aesthetics, at least it is more environmentally friendly, safe and tasteful than if you find some decoration company outside.

Besides, the decoration of polymer light materials is not something that ordinary decoration companies can grasp.

In this small half year, although Xiao Ming was the chairman of the Water Drop Company, he continued to exert his Buddhist traits, wandering around the company every day, looking for employees to chat, or going to Zheng Xuanyu for a date.

He Yuchu was in charge of all the company's big and small affairs. The little girl took good care of the company, and all the supporting facilities of the drop-shaped building have been installed.

Spring is bright in March.

Xiao Ming and He Yuchu stood in the building overlooking the wetland.

The small wild flowers in the wetlands rush to open, this is another wonderful season.

If there were no accidents, in a week, hundreds of floating houses would float over the wetlands, rising and falling, and the first batch of floating residents in the world would be welcomed here.

One week later, He Yuchu will also stand on the stage with the title of CEO of Water Drop Space, bringing this surprise to people around the world.

Suspended communities are changing not just the way people live, but the way they live and even the future.

The wetland below the suspended house will be preserved. In the future, there will be wild woods, wild fish and shrimp in the wetland, and even pheasants and other animals.

In the future, children living here can go to the river to catch fish and shrimp, observe nature, and so on with their adults or friends.

These things can be felt by the children of the previous generation in the city, after 80s and early 90s, while a small part of 95s, most of 00s, and 10s and 20s are not felt. Especially for children born in cities after 00, they need to drive far away from their home to be able to appreciate what nature is.

Their generation may be happy, because the material life has been greatly satisfied, their generation must also be relatively sad, and nature exists only in books.

The advent of floating houses will move the most beautiful natural scenery into the city.

"Whew!" He Yuchu grew out of breath when he saw such a beautiful scene, and said, "Spring is the most beautiful time, and I hope to retain it."

"This is just a small wetland in Jiangcheng. If our floating house is built by the sea, blue coastline, golden beach, the scenery will be more beautiful!"

He Yuchu laughed and said, "Is the sound of popping waves at that time sure to make people sleepless?

"It all went out, this time it will be a grand event for the people of Jiangcheng."

The invitation letter was jointly sent by Water Drop Space and Pangu Technology.

Most of the recipients of the invitation letter will be Jiangcheng's outstanding young people, especially young people without houses.

A few are experts and scholars and bosses of various industries in Jiangcheng, among them the bosses of real estate companies.

The rest will be handed over to the community, and others are welcome to come to the conference site to witness the miracle.

In addition to ordinary invitations, Pangu Technology also issued 200-point invitations for journalists. Sometimes media workers also have their own advantages.

He Yuchu will give you a miracle!

List of chapters in the era of black technology with high-speed text