MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 472 there's always one to die

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   Chapter 472 There is always one who must die first

  The queen was so angry that her face turned green at Xie Yan's words. She wanted to say something, but was stopped by the emperor: "Go back, don't be ashamed here, I still suspect that you did this!"

  The queen was so frightened that she thumped and knelt down: "Your Majesty Mingcha, the concubine has never done such a thing. Someone must have framed it. I ask the emperor to give the concubine the master..."

   "Pull it down, don't let me see her again!" The emperor was impatient, "Don't take half a step out of the palace gate, get out!"

   "Your Majesty..."

   In the heart-piercing cry of the queen, she dragged it down.

  The emperor was furious, called Jin Yiwei, and handed the matter over to Jin Yiwei to investigate.

  Si Kou Zhendong only felt his body soften, and all his strength was exhausted.

   He didn't deal with Jin Yiwei's commander, can he still retreat now?

   He didn't see it, the corner of Xie Heng raised his mouth slightly.

   Xie Heng took the plan in order to let Jin Yiwei take over this matter.

   As a result, Si Kou Zhendong no longer has a way to live.

In the previous life, these two fought to the death, but Xie Yan was less involved in court affairs because of his health at the time, before he knew Xie Jun's identity. The commander failed.

   But in this life, Si Kou Zhendong didn't have this chance.

   fell into the hands of Jin Yiwei, the commander would not let Si Kou Zhendong go out alive no matter what, no one could compare to Jin Yiwei in terms of Luo Zhi's crime.

   Of course, this is not to say that Jinyiwei always framed Zhongliang like this, they were listening to the emperor's orders.

  Whoever the emperor wants to kill, Jinyiwei will let whoever die for granted.

   Commander and Si Kou Zhendong, one of them must die first!

  Si Kou Zhendong couldn't even say the words to beg for mercy.

The    emperor was completely furious.

   When being dragged down, Si Kou Zhendong looked at Xie Heng.

   He was in order to destroy Xie Heng, and finally compensated himself.

   The one who did it was Xie Heng?

  Si Kou Zhendong stared at Xie Heng, trying to see something from Xie Heng's face.

  Xie Heng's expression was calm, and there was no clue.

   Seeing Si Kou Zhendong looking at him, Xie Heng smiled at him, which made Si Kou Zhendong angry.

   "It's you, right?" Si Kou Zhendong couldn't help but ask, "Did you frame me?"

  Xie Heng looked blank, "I don't understand, did Uncle Guo misunderstand?"

   "What nonsense are you asking him to talk about? Drag it on!" The emperor didn't want to hear the word Guojiu at all, let alone Si Kou Zhendong's voice.

   As the honorable man of Ninety-five, he was blatantly cuckolded, or at the Qionglin Banquet, could the emperor endure it?

   He can't wait to behead Si Kou's family.

  Dangtang, an emperor was slept with a woman by a courtier... Heh, even an ordinary man, even a **** man can't stand it.

   "Your Majesty, Xie Heng framed Wei Chen, Your Majesty..."

   "Gag his mouth."


  Si Kou Zhendong was dragged down with a "woo woo woo".

   The coldness in Xie Heng's eyes disappeared in a flash.

  The emperor then looked at Xie Heng and Xie Yan, "What the **** is going on?"

Xie Yan said innocently: "My father and my son don't know either. My son just came out with Zi Zhao to get some air, and then I heard someone say something happened here, so I came here with others. If I had known it was like this It's okay, my son..."

   "Forget it, go down." Not even mentioning his favorite son, "If you're not in good health, don't run around, and don't spread the word about palace affairs."

   "Yes, Erchen understands." Xie Yan bowed in response, then went out with Xie Heng, and politely mentioned the new scholars, so as not to let this matter spread.

   (end of this chapter)