MTL - The Cold Regent Keeps a Fox as a Consort-Chapter 1056 Rupture of the mirror

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"Yu brother, give it a sigh of relief! It loses its spiritual power and is no different from ordinary kittens and puppies. Why bother to kill?"

"The grass does not remove the roots, the spring breeze blows again, this truth, the younger brother does not understand? Today, if I give it a sigh of relief, he will come back to the beast to bring blood and hurricanes to Tianzhu Mountain."

"You still want to block the master brother? It's a thing that doesn't know how to live and die." Fang Yuanyuan looked at the disciple with cold eyes. If the enemy is a general, she doesn't care about the same door. Who dares to stop her from taking the nine-tailed fox, is not able to go with her. .

The disciple gnashed his teeth, and in the face of strong strength, he could do nothing.

The writhing body of the nine-tailed fox constantly emits a thin light like a white mist, which is a phenomenon in which spiritual power is continuously drawn.

Xiao Yu’s soul is not solid. Recently, he relied on Shenshui to raise his soul. He saw a little effect and was calculated by the villain.

What the **** is this ghost mirror.

It’s almost going to drain her soul.

Xiao Hei and Long Long looked in their eyes, anxious in their hearts, they kept on attacking and wanted to come out to help Xiao Yu, but no matter how hard they tried, they didn’t help. They seemed to be sealed by a powerful force in Xiao Yu. Linghai.

"What to do? The master's soul is getting weaker and weaker, Dragon Dragon, you are going to find a way to help the owner."

Xiao Hei is crying.

Xiao Yu’s spiritual power was taken away, the weaker the soul, the two contracted beasts of Xiaohei and Longlong, and where can they go?

If you continue this way, they will not help Xiao Yu.

"Little black, you let it go." Long Long suddenly said.

"Dragon, do you have a solution?"


Little black surprise, I did not expect Dragon Dragon to think of a way so quickly.

Xiaohe gave up the position.

Dragon said again: "My approach is very violent, you retreat to the farthest from me."

Waiting for the little black to retreat to the farthest corner, Xiao Hei saw that the dragon dragon's horn was wrapped in golden light, and even a bit dazzling.

Xiaohe suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Dragon, what do you want to do?"

Longlong didn't answer it. The golden dragon's eye flashed through the resoluteness. It suddenly spit out Jindan. Like the blasting ball, the smashing smashed the seal and printed the spell of Xiaoling Linghai.

The golden light and the mantra on the outside of the nine-tailed fox disappeared, and there were several cracks in the mirror of Yu Hong’s hand.

The incident was sudden.

Yu Hong’s shackles, the Mirror is the treasure of Tianzhu Mountain. When he shot, he restrained the nine-tailed fox. Seeing that it will succeed, how can it happen?

Yu Hong can't figure it out.

"Master, it ran." Fang Yuanyuan saw Yu Hong standing there like a fool, she yelled.

When Fang Yuanyuan ran in the nine-tailed fox, the **** became swords, and the spirit sword stabbed it. Suddenly, a white behemoth appeared in the room, and the tail swept her sword.

Yu Hong returned to the gods, and fixed his eyes to see, this little white dragon is not the head of Xiao Yu Yang?

How is it here?

Yu Hong didn't have time to think about this problem. He kicked his foot to chase the nine-tailed fox, but the small body of Xiao Bailong blocked the way out.

"Look at the obstacles, let go."

Yu Hong’s angry eyes were red, and the sword in his hand suddenly stabbed the body of Xiao Bailong.

The black tail grew up, and Yu Hong’s sword could not be punctured, and it was swept away.

"Master, go, Xiaohe will help the master to teach this group of turtle grandsons."

The little black **** knows Xiao Xiaodao outside the door.

Xiao Yuqiang endured the head that was about to faint. Her scorpion was like a black circle, which kept zooming in, zooming out, and zooming in.

She is here for a minute more, and for Xiao Hei, it is more dangerous.

"Learn that they have an opportunity. If you help me drag it, I will leave immediately. Do you understand?" Xiao Yu knew the little underworld.