MTL - The Cold Regent Keeps a Fox as a Consort-Chapter 985 Sin

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Wu Laosan looked at Bai Mu, and this little beauty did not have another great color, but it was not bad, especially the eyes, like the frightened deer, cuddly.

"Okay, one person, let our brothers be happy and happy tonight."

Wu Laosan was smirking, and he had never touched a woman since he came to the foot of Tianzhu Mountain.

In two more days, Xianzun will send a large disciple to open the gate of Tianzhu Mountain. Only ten people can enter Tianzhu Mountain.

This is why all alchemists will gather here to gamble.

Wu Laosan’s mind is the same as Shi Zhenxiang.

They all wanted to get rid of **** before going up the mountain.

Bai Mu’s face was a little white, and Xiao Yu used her body to keep her behind.

Xiao Yu’s exquisite little face is very calm. She sneered: “Did you say what you said, you didn’t hear it clearly? Or do you think that you are very good at yourself, don’t you put your best in your eyes?”

Xiao Yu felt a dark and powerful air flow in the air, which was the deliberate release of "Zhu Zhenxiang" and Wu Laosan.

The cultivation of these two **** is not low, they want to use the pressure to shock them, and then force them to submit.

That's right.

"Zhu Zhenxiang" and Wu Laosan used this trick repeatedly. They were alchemists, first shocked women who were lower than them, and gave them a bite.

Even a savage woman will become a slut.

They regard Xiao Yu and Bai Mu as women who are easy to get.

But this time, they are destined to suffer losses.

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It is.

They forgot, Xiao Yu is also an alchemy teacher.

"屎真香" took a sip, how can I have a pocket in front of Shangguan?

He dismissively said: "You don't use the Shangguan to suppress me. In this world, there are countless people who want to take the first level of the official. His head, today in the neck, may be bitten by which wild dog tomorrow.

Little beauty, don't blame the Lord for not reminding you, in front of others, you better not mention the three words of Shangguan, otherwise you don't know how to die.

Others are not like the Lord, so pity and jealous jade, do not care with you. ”

After the "Yu Zhenxiang" was finished, he could not wait to rush to Xiao Yu.

Bai Mu’s face was white, and she clung to Xiao’s arm and wanted to pull Xiao Xiao.

But no matter how hard she pulled, Xiao Yu stood still and did not move. She faintly looked at the eagerly screaming "sweet incense", and her lips condensed a sneer cold arc.

"屎真香" feels a little strange, other small beauty see him like this, will scare and scream again and again, how can this little beauty not be afraid? Still laughing at him?

Not right.

This smile seems a bit odd.

When the fingers of "Zhu Zhenxiang" are about to touch Xiao Yu’s body, Xiao Yu’s ear flashes a subtle glow.


At the same time, a screaming voice rang.

"Ah my hand, my hand"

Amazingly, the **** wrist trembled in front of Xiao Yu’s eyes, and the broken palm had fallen to the ground.

Even "屎真

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Xiang Xiang did not find out how his hand was cut off?

It’s all too sudden and too strange.

at this time.

Wu Laosan’s trembling voice said: “On the last official?” After the last word, Wu Laosan’s face looked desperate.

He did not expect that the Shangguan would never come.

"屎真香" is dying, and when he hears the name of Shangguan, he still **** a cold breath.

He turned his head and looked at the darkness in horror. It was like a madman who killed God. He shook his legs and softly squatted on the ground: "The lord is forgiving, the lord is forgiving, I am wrong, I should not say Eight, I am guilty of sin."

"If you sin, you should die, you should die."

Shangguan said with a light fluttering voice, his voice just fell, the knife light flashed, and the neck and head of "Zhu Zhenxiang" have been separated.

The blood splattered, and he rolled to the head on the ground, still holding a pair of horrified eyes, as if he had experienced something terrible when he died.

Bai Mu was scared by this **** scene. After all, it was a rabbit. In the face of this horrible killing, she would feel scared.

Xiao Yu was full of scarlet, and her stomach was a little discomfort. She vomited and she sipped.


A fast figure plucked, and his fingers snapped toward Xiao Yu’s back neck.

Bai Mu saw this scene, she pushed Xiao Yu and fought with it, but where is she Wu’s opponent? In a few cases, he lost in the hands of Wu Laosan.

Wu Laosan grabbed Bai Mu’s neck.

End of this chapter