MTL - The Cp with the Female Partner Exploded In the Entertainment Circle-Chapter 83

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Except for Luo Xi's fans, CP fans account for the majority.

So seeing Cheng Qing getting up to get chestnuts to appease Luo Xi, fans couldn't help shouting all kinds of shy words.

Among them, the call to manually feed Luo Xi chestnuts is the most complained, so that the dessert that Luo Xi pulled out was red because of this message.

But the shyness of being shy of texting still made her a little sad. Who does Teacher Cheng like? What does it look like? Better character than me?

Luoxi's shy thoughts quickly disappeared.

Cheng Qing glanced at her with a sad face.

The fans suggested again in the message: [I want to see Teacher Cheng feed Luo Xi. 】

Cheng Qingyan smiled and said, "Okay."

This sound quickly pulled Luo Xi's mind back, is she stunned? What good?

A large number of netizens in the message area were also stunned: [What is it? 】

As for Teacher Cheng's prudence, everyone didn't understand for a while what she was asking her about. After all, there are always messages coming up in the message area. There are not tens of thousands of people who ask questions, but there are 180 people.

The question is one after another, and everyone is dazzled.

Cheng Qing stared at the screen seriously and said solemnly: "Don't everyone want to see me peeling chestnuts for her? Yes."

[! ! 】

[! ! 】

[! ! 】

【What we want is more than peeling! I want you to feed her mouth! ! 】

【Mr. Cheng only read half a sentence of the message? 】

【Don't come back and read our message! ! 】

[I was so anxious that I wanted to call the teacher, but I remembered that I am not worthy _(:з"∠)_]

Cheng Qing certainly didn't see these messages before she left the screen and went to the kitchen to get chestnuts. Half of the chestnuts fried last night were left, and Cheng Qing was packed and served on the side of the table.

Luoxi has been sitting upright since she heard that Cheng Qing was going to peel chestnuts for himself. A pair of big eyes gurgled and turned watery, revealing a strange feeling of ghosts and spirits.

Cheng Qing is funny.

[Hurry up! ! 】

[Stop laughing! ! 】

[Feed her. 】

Cheng Qing picked up a chestnut and peeled it and handed it to Luo Xi.

Lossi: "…"

Lossi has not yet received the bullet screen and brushed the blockbuster.

[To feed. 】

【The one in your mouth! ! 】

【Feed! ! 】

[Don't be lazy! ! 】

【Can't sing, dance, tell jokes, can't you even feed? 】

to see! to see! 】

Looking at the messages on the top, many people were even stuck out because of too many messages.

Such enthusiasm made Cheng Qing stretch out his hand for a while, then turned around and handed the peeled chestnut to Luo Xi's lips.

Luoxi was stunned for a moment, then blinked, her face innocent and cute.

She looked at Cheng Qing and didn't know how to react. She originally expected Cheng Qing to feed her one, but when Cheng Qing saw the chestnut handed to her, Luo Xi was a little disappointed.

But when Cheng Qing really fed her lips, she was ashamed to speak.

Cheng Qing smiled slightly: "Show face!"

Lossi: "…"

! 】

[I have become a real fan. 】

[Princess, give Teacher Cheng some face! ! 】

! 】

How could Luo Xi's mind be on the message, she only stared at Cheng Qing, and when she saw Cheng Qing smiling at herself, she opened her mouth slightly.

The cherry lips and jade teeth are slightly open, and the bright red and moist tongue is vaguely visible, like a silent invitation.

Cheng Qing only glanced at it, and then stuffed the chestnut into it.

Luoxibe bit her chestnut, but her lips touched Cheng Qing's fingertips lightly. But just this time, the place that touched it seemed to be energized and spread.

Cheng Qing quickly withdrew his hand, and Luo Xi also leaned back slightly.

The two of them looked at each other and didn't move. For a moment, the air seemed to be hot, and the cheeks of the two of them were flushed.

[! ! 】

I love it so much! ! 】

[The princess was too cute when she was in front of Teacher Cheng. 】

【I feel like I’m in love by myself (#^.^#)】

【Who can resist Mr. Cheng's eyes! 】

Luoxi didn't hold back either, she finally looked away and whispered, "Delicious."

Cheng Qing smiled: "It's an honor."

Then the two of them put their eyes on the message area again, as if the inexplicable ambiguity just now did not exist.

Interactive live broadcast was originally designed to promote interaction between guests and fans.

In the final analysis, it is cutting traffic.

Of course, the two of them had to continue to work. After reading the message area, they could only continue to gag with netizens.

Interactive live broadcast is actually not difficult, netizens have countless questions to ask, and those who scream and play hooligans are automatically blocked. Just answer some simple questions one by one, and you can easily get through an hour.

【How old is Mr. Cheng? 】

Cheng Qing: "I'm 26 years old." The age calculated from the ID card can't be wrong.

【Then she is three years older than the princess! Does Teacher Cheng like princesses like this? 】

Cheng Qing smiled slightly: "Everyone likes her, doesn't it?" The ball kicked back to the fans, which was not a positive response.

After all, Cheng Qing didn't want to give this kind of unwarranted pressure before Luo Xi accepted him.

【Does the princess like Teacher Cheng like this? 】

Lossi also kicked the ball: "Aren't you always shouting that you like it?"


[…You guys are good or bad! 】

Cheng Qing and Luo Xi smiled at each other and did not deny it.

【What did Mr. Cheng study before? 】

Cheng Qing: "It's probably art!"

【Art student? That's expensive. 】

Cheng Qing thought about it for a while, and really didn't know if it would cost money, but thinking that the fencing he learned was actually not cheap.

Thinking of the hard work of her parents over the years, Cheng Qing felt sour in her heart, and reluctantly responded with a smile: "Probably yes."

[No! Shouldn't Teacher Cheng be an athlete? Judging by what the curator meant, Mr. Cheng's fencing should not be at the amateur level. 】

As a former professional athlete, Cheng Qing had to deceive: "Fencing is only one of my hobbies, and now it has become my livelihood."

The fans immediately cheered: [Ah ah ah ah, Mr. Cheng’s fencing is so handsome. 】

【I still like Mr. Cheng’s fencing, it’s hard to imagine that Mr. Cheng is an art student. 】

【It's hard to imagine what Teacher Cheng looks like in the office! o(╥﹏╥)o】

【Fencing is awesome! ! Teacher Cheng, let's go to the national competition! 】

Cheng Qing shook his head and let Luo Xi interact with the fans. After all, there cannot be only one person answering questions.

The two of them tried their best to choose easy-to-answer questions. Have you ever kissed? Have you ever slept? issues are all ignored.

Loxi's fans asked relatively simple questions, mostly what do you like to eat? When is the concert? Are you tired lately? Such.

After Losey answered one by one, the time soon came. Fans watching go to school, go to work, go to work, even if there are fans who are idle, they are tired after watching this.

Luoxi said goodbye neatly and closed the live broadcast room.

Cheng Qing put away her phone and said with a smile, "You take a rest first! The task for the afternoon will be released soon."

Recording variety shows is actually not easy, I have been busy from morning to noon and can't rest, so busy until I have free time at night, it is actually very tired.

Don't take a good rest before releasing the task, and then you will be busy again when the task is released.

Luoxi nodded obediently and sat on the sofa, motionless.

Cheng Qing took the phone to the toilet, avoiding all the cameras.

Luoxi, who was sitting on the side, rolled her eyes, and then followed up quietly under the camera. Then, lying on the door without any image, began to eavesdrop.


[Did the princess forget, even if the interactive live room is closed, the live broadcast will continue? 】

[I'm sure she forgot. 】

【My princess! ! Decent too! ! 】

Of course, Losey couldn't hear this, she lay on the toilet door and listened carefully. Fortunately, this small building was originally an ordinary residential residence, and the door of the toilet was not set.

Cheng Qing opened the message and glanced at it, and saw that it was sent by a netizen named Unforgettable.

—"You chased Ming Yue for two years, but you still don't like someone?"

Seeing this inexplicable text message, Cheng Qing frowned slightly. She glanced at the letter and thought about the whole process of the live broadcast.

Obviously, the unforgettable person knew that he was broadcasting live on his mobile phone at the time.

Because when it comes to the fact that I don't have anyone I like, today's live broadcast has not yet started. Since Unforgettable sent this message, it means that she watched the live broadcast in the morning.

When she watched the usual live broadcast, she should have known that her mobile phone was turned on for the interactive live broadcast.

If you text yourself at that time, you can't avoid being seen by Losey.

Thinking about this, Cheng Qing frowned even tighter.

She exited this interface and looked at the girl who sent her a message.

The person's WeChat name is Yue Shangxi, Yue!

Cheng Qing sighed and sent a text message back to the unforgettable person: "You did it on purpose?"

Unforgettable: scoff, what? You're scared?

Cheng Qing: (^︶^)

The opposite side seemed to be provoked by this expression, and sent a voice directly.

Cheng Qing took it, and sure enough, there was a girl opposite. As soon as she connected, she couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean?"

Cheng Qing: "What do you think?"

The girl opposite was stunned for a moment. Although it was the same person, it was obviously from the same school before, and when I watched TV, I knew that Cheng Qing had changed.

However, when the real call was made, she felt the difference.

It was just a simple question, but there was no more cowardice.

Unforgettable: "Cheng Qing, have you forgotten how you chased Ming Yue like a dog in high school?"

Cheng Qing chuckled: "If I really liked someone so much, it's not a shameful thing. But what is there to be so proud of?"

Unforgettable hahaha laugh: "Because the way you lick the dog is so funny."

Loxi outside the door was full of anger, rolled up her sleeves and wanted to rush in. It was the cameraman on the side who pulled her desperately, but she didn't let her succeed.

For privacy, the cameraman did not turn on the sound, everyone in the live broadcast room only saw Luo Xi getting angry, but did not know why.

Luoxi was held back, only to realize that Gu Lai was eavesdropping, and then broke in, isn't it embarrassing? So I don't dare to make big moves, just listen quietly.

I thought that if I was so angry, Teacher Cheng would definitely be uncomfortable.

But Cheng Qing was not angry, and even asked with a smile: "Since it is a shame for me, why are you so angry?"

Yes, Cheng Qing is a person who has participated in the world competition after all. She is naturally very determined mentally, such a simple provocation is useless to her at all.

After coming to this world, the only person who can easily beat her emotions is Luo Xi.

So, it is obvious that the unforgettable words are high, but it is even more embarrassing. Just this made Cheng Qing feel very funny.

Unforgettable hearing Cheng Qing's words, she became even more anxious: "Why should I be so angry? You are shameless, knowing that Ming Yue has just entered the entertainment industry, you will follow. There is no end to it. ?"

Cheng Qing was taken aback: "She debuted?"

Luoxi frowned, thinking carefully, is there anyone named Ming Yue in the entertainment industry? No impression!

Memorable: "…"

Cheng Qing asked again suspiciously: "Although I don't know much about the entertainment industry, but if she is in the circle, it is impossible for Luo Xi to not know. With her jealousy, it must be live broadcast. I scolded it..."

As soon as the words fell, I heard Luo Xi kicked the door fiercely and shouted: "I'm not jealous, that one is called Ming... I don't know at all. It must be a little boy. Hey? Is it a trick?"

Memorable: "…"

Cheng Qing burst out laughing with joy in his eyes. He looked at the kicked wooden door and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, I'll help you ask."

It was really quiet outside the door, Cheng Qing turned her head and continued: "Did you hear? I don't want to worry about the past, and I don't want to bother. I don't care if she is in the entertainment industry or not. , and you will be well in the future."

Unforgettable: "You..."

Cheng Qing didn't know what happened back then, and didn't want to hear it unforgettable. He hung up the phone and sighed.

She occupies the body, so she must bear the trouble that this body cannot avoid. It must also inherit the blood and emotions that this body carries.

Now comes the first trouble. Another person I used to like very, very much, I don't know why, I found him again.

Even from the information revealed in the memorable words, that person may be very close to him.

But these things don't need to be bothered now.

Cheng Qing took a deep breath and opened the door, and Luo Xi outside the door was really angry, as if there was a raging fire in his eyes.

She stared at Cheng Qing, but when she opened her mouth to question, Cheng Qing hugged her.

Lossi: "???"

[? ? ? 】

【Mr. Cheng slipped and kneeled again? 】

[Although there was no sound just now, the princess was really angry. 】

[So Teacher Cheng slipped on his knees. 】

【I love Mr. Cheng's kneeling speed, the speed of light. 】

Luoxi's anger dissipated, and she whispered, "Do you think this will be all right?"

Cheng Qing said pitifully: "I was bullied."

Luoxi was angry: "Who made you like that bad guy so much." People who don't cherish Teacher Cheng's love at all have no merit in Luoxi's view.

Cheng Qing hugged tighter: "I don't remember either, Luo Xi, I said I forgot, do you believe it?"

Luoxi didn't speak, she reached out and patted Cheng Qing's back soothingly and said, "Forget it, let those bad people envy you! Now you are beyond their reach."

Cheng Qing smiled: "Thank you, but maybe only you think so."

The cameraman said, "I think so too."

Cheng Qing: " don't have to join in the fun." Can't you see that you are selling badly?

Cameraman: "…"


Unforgettable is Cheng Qing's classmate in high school, surnamed Lin is Lan. He used to be one of the most influential figures in the class, and he didn't have much friendship with Cheng Qing.

But Cheng Qing was always like a transparent person at that time, but now she is popular on TV, which makes Lin Lan uncomfortable.

Hang up the phone and turned to watch the live broadcast on the computer.

Seeing Cheng Qing hug Luo Xi directly in addition to the toilet, the actress was coaxed for a while, and she comforted Cheng Qing foolishly.

Lin Lan sneered, is Cheng Qing such a person? Obviously not. Since it has changed, there will be a reason!

What else could be the reason for Luo Xi's status in the entertainment industry?

Lin Lan bit her lip: "Cheng Qing... Obviously for this woman's fame."

Otherwise, how could someone with a gloomy personality like Cheng Qing please people? Such a big change is definitely not small.

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