MTL - The Daily Life of the Immortal King-v3 Chapter 2138 Gray fog erosion (1/86)

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In the Karma Base, Shou Chong still had doubts about the existence of this layer of gray fog and Bai Zhe's purpose.

"I don't know if there is a way to extract and analyze the material in this layer of gray fog, which may be useful for our research." Shouchong said.

He didn't know how Bai Zhe managed to implant this layer of non-virtual gray fog into the virtual game world, let alone what the true face of this layer of gray fog was.

However, with the rigorousness and exploration spirit of modern self-cultivation science, he still hopes to extract some gray fog for composition research.

He knew very well that this thing was dangerous.

But I always felt that this layer of gray fog might be useful for Black Stone and the subsequent talismans.

"This battle is the last battle, isn't it?" Shouchong asked, with complicated emotions in his heart.

The last battle he was talking about was the battle of destiny that Wang Ling had predicted, and this battle was unavoidable, and all the cultivators of the whole earth could not ignore it.

This is a battle for the fate of modern human monks, and it is for this reason that everyone must unite to deal with the invasion from the outside world.

"I don't know if it is the last battle, but whether this battle can be won completely depends on whether some leaders of the cultivation country can let go of their stubbornness and prejudice. The real consideration is for the sake of all human monks, not the Self-respect, take yourself as the center, and make everyone else an imaginary enemy."

Wang Ming said: "If this kind of persecution paranoia seems to be stubborn and cannot be changed because of the selfishness of some leaders, even if there is no battle of destiny, modern human monks will eventually be destroyed by their own hands. inside."

Wang Ming's words can be said to be very heavy.

It caused the entire causal base to fall into silence and thinking.

But it is indeed something worth thinking about.

"Hopefully it gets better." Souchong sighed.

He is not an optimist, but he feels that no matter how difficult it is, as long as everyone has the same goal, there will always be a solution.

The modern civilization of human beings has not yet reached the level of high-level civilization, and it is as small as a drop in the ocean when looking at the entire universe.

The existence of the Eternal Black Stone is incredible enough.

There are also the palace of the outer gods, the cosmic fetus, the brain of the gods, and various eternal and unknown things. After learning about these things, Shouchong himself does not know whether the modern scientific cultivation civilization has progressed or regressed compared to the past. .

Everything is indescribable and incomprehensible.

But no matter how puzzling it is, someone has to find the right path.

"Lingling will do something."

Wang Ming's attitude is very clear.

He believed in Wang Ling from the very beginning.

Furthermore, he could only trust Wang Ling.

I believe that Director Wang will not disappoint him.

And he, like Shou Chong, is somewhat interested in the nature of the gray fog. This kind of mystery, which can be generated directly from the virtual game world, is very similar to the method of the outer gods.

Wang Ming himself is not a cultivator and does not understand cultivation, but he has seen a lot, so he also has his own guesses.

"It stands to reason that it should be impossible for Bai Zhe not to notice that Ling Zhenren is also in the game world."

Shou Chong was suspicious: "This game is not certified by real name?"

"It's real-name authentication. But Lingling and Rong are underage after all, so there is a time limit, but in order to ensure that the Wallbreaker's actions are accurate. Therefore, the real-name registration of the two of them is made by me and Factor."


Hearing this, Shou Chong suddenly realized that he now understood why Bai Zhe dared to set up this layer of gray fog with such great fanfare knowing that Wang Ling was also in the game world.

Emotionally, he feels that there is no threat in this virtual world, so he is so courageous!

But in the end, it is human beings who are not as good as gods.

On the other hand, when Wang Ling realized that this layer of light gray fog erosion would make all players in the game world of Sanxian'er's Circle materialize.

He had already started his own chess game in his heart, he was just an ordinary high school student.

He was not deep in the world, but he just saved the earth a few times.

But even so, he knew that he needed to take the initiative in his own hands at all times.

The Great Dao is impermanent, the Way of Heaven is reincarnated, and the loser will eventually shoot himself in the foot.

To be honest, after several battles with Bai Zhe, Wang Ling found that Bai Zhe had indeed improved a lot and became more patient. A reckless man who is invincible and then beaten by himself in a fancy way.

He has now learned to test, and his attacking ideas are very novel. It can be said that he is a good opponent.

But between the universe, sometimes there is a relationship of restraint.

Wang Ling didn't intend to target Bai Zhe, but the truth of the enemy's road narrow is sometimes very metaphysical.

A strange gray fog that can transform the virtual world into the real world.

This made Wang Ling think of Wang Tong's "eight-character pupil technique".

It is the method of "there is also nothing, the reality and reality coexist" that I used before, which can turn reality into fantasy, and reverse fantasy into reality.

This kind of ability is too terrifying. Wang Ling has not used it a few times in total. The last time he used it was in Chapter 1520.

And the essence of this gray fog is higher than the wall of spiritual knowledge, not only because it can immerse the trapped players in the world, thinking that all this is just a game.

At the same time, transforming the virtual into reality is the terrible thing about the erosion of gray fog.

Wang Ling judged that this is most likely the means of the tomb god, which is too similar to the outer god.

And Bai Zhefang just provided a space medium that can realize the gray fog. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Now that it has been determined that this is the thing of an Outer God, Wang Ling knows it.

The current gray fog concentration is obviously not that high. This is because Bai Zhe is delaying, waiting for more players to come online and join the game world of Sanxian'er Magic Circle.

Except for the cultivator Mixiu who is responsible for coordinating access to the game world through the cloud from Tiandaoyun.

This time, the total number of players who did not delete files in the closed beta test has exceeded 10 million in total.

Compared with the entire modern cultivation world, the number of players may not be worth mentioning, but the 10 million internal beta players are all strictly screened by white sheaths, and quite a few of them are the mainstays in the modern cultivation world.

If even these people are trapped, once irreversible damage occurs, it will inevitably affect the real world.

This kind of influence Wang Ling had to consider, so he couldn't let Bai Zhe's plan succeed.

But right now, in order to avoid unnecessary surprises, he can only pretend to be unaware, addicted to the game world,


At present, stable development must be the first priority.


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