MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 32

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At the junction of the Three Realms, there is nothingness, and there is not much boundary between heaven and earth. Looking up, the gray can't see the end. A huge hail is suspended vertically in the air, and a beautiful white monk and a dress are sleeping in it. If the white clothes are snowy, the face is ruddy. If Mu Chen sees this person, he will be amazed because this person actually It is similar to his seven points.

The old man floated in the air, stroking the hail and standing upright. The face of perseverance finally showed a bit of pain. "At the beginning, I fell in love with the human woman. This was the punishment that was lowered, and it was suppressed here. This half-dead end, you say you, why bother?"

At the same time, Chen Jiatang Hall.

Chen Mo looked dissatisfied and looked at his father. He asked: "When I first expelled Mu Chen from the house, I couldn’t step into Chen’s step. You didn’t even give him the opportunity to sweep the tomb. Why do you use the aunt’s relics now? Lead him back?"

"It is Chen's family to raise him, he should do his duty." The man holding his sister's spirit card looks rigorous, a pair of ruthless Danfeng eyes, two deep law lines on his face, looks mean and ruthless. "If he is willing to take it, he will surely help your grandfather break through this barrier. He still remembers that he is a Chen family. When he sees his mother's relics, he should roll back early."

"Oh!" Chen Mo sneered, his eyes were deep and tired. It was they who threatened to kill Mu Chen this dirty wild seed several times. Now, let Mu Chen come back for the family to be filial or they are these years. He has been desperate for this family. He closed his eyes and concealed the emotions in his eyes. He slowly said: "No, his surname is Mu, not surnamed Chen. The aunt gave his son a surname, and he did not regret it. It is your trust."

"Let's relax!" The middle-aged man screamed coldly, put down his hand and screamed Chen Mo: "How dare you talk to me like this!"

Chen Mo stunned and bowed three times to the ancestors. He also slammed his head against his father. "The child is not filial, he needs to go out for a hundred years. If he can still come back, he will be filial for the family." !"

After this was said, Chen Mo stood up and his eyes were already relaxed. He was tired all these years.

"You are a rude! You are the next generation of homeowners for a cockroach..."

"Father!" Chen Mo couldn't help but yell back: "Chen is your sister's flesh! Are you a bit of a pair of aunts who are worthy of death?" He pointed to the spirit in front of him, his eyes flushed. "Aunt is watching you, look." Her most respected brother marries her most precious son."

The face of Chen Jiajia’s face changed. Perhaps it was the attitude of the sudden outburst of the son who had always been obedient. I didn’t know how to open it. Maybe it was a guilty conscience. In the end, he replied without words.

Chen Mo looked at the other side deeply, and decided to turn around and never looked back.


Mu Chen is still wondering, where did the jade slip go? How did it disappear?

I glanced at the room and didn't find the jade slip that disappeared. Mu Chen looked at the little apprentice who was kneeling in the corner. He didn't beat it out. "Are you finished?"

Gu Yunqi’s face was so clever, “The teacher’s demeanor dissipated, and the disciple would get up.” Mu Chen knew that his so-called deflation was that he could not build the wall. Helpless pinching his head, Mu Chen said annoyedly: "With you!"

As a result, the next morning, Gu Yunxi was squatting at the edge of his bed, his head lowered, his body tempered and melancholy, and his life was incomparable.

Mu Chen suddenly felt a headache, how is this child so embarrassed! Already unable to continue to grind with Gu Yunwei, Mu Chen sighed. "Okay, don't be angry for the teacher, get up soon."

Gu Yunying’s eyes were full of joy, and he stood up and rushed to Mu Chen. Xu was a long time, his legs were numb, and he was kneeling at the foot. He was kneeling on Mu Chen’s body and threw Mu Chen standing by the bed. In the bed, the strength of the big let Mu Chen stunned.

Gu Yun was dark, and stared deeply at the people under him. He didn’t talk, and he didn’t get up.

Mu Chen felt the weight on his body and lamented: "I have eaten so many baby on weekdays, but I still haven’t eaten it. It is getting more and more heavy."

"Shi Zun has been unable to hold me," Gu Yunxiao smiled. "For me, I will hold the Master."

Mu Chen raised his hand and then knocked on the brain of his disciple. He dismissed: "I have a hand and a foot for the teacher, but also hold it with you? Get up!"

Gu Yunqi stood up and grabbed Mu Chen's hand tightly. "We said yes, when you were a child, you raised me, grew up, I should raise you."

Mu Chen looked at the little apprentice, and he was so careless that he was too lazy to take care of each other.


The four gates are held as usual. The disciples of the Chongyunmen disciples are more complicated. The swords, the repairs, the refiners, and the swords are all known. Yan Yangmen and Chongyunmen are similar in nature, and there is also a Bodhidharma gate based on Buddhism. This is the four gates headed by the fairy kingdom.

As the youngest of the four, the highest score of the four generations, Gu Yunyi has attracted the attention of everyone, and the inquiring, hostile, and sturdy... can see through the world.

Ms. Chen came late, and many people have already sat in the main seat. Because of the high scores, no one has said anything. Sitting on his own seat, looking up, far away seeing a young man in white, if snow, quietly standing in front of people, if the knife cut, eyebrows like ink painting, like a jade tree before the wind. The exquisite white robe moves with the wind, and the body spontaneously carries a calm and elegant temperament, as if you can see the calmness of the years as long as you see him.

Mu Chen suddenly had a kind of gratification that my family had grown up.

Gu Yunyi also saw Mu Chen in a flash, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, giving Mu Chen a warmest smile. Originally, he was very good at picking up his mouth. He didn't expect the other party to pull his face in the next moment. Gu Yunqi looked down to the side and instantly tightened his body. Some women in the red-sleeved palace around me don’t know when they are surrounded by him, just to be seen by the young master...

Gu Yunxi walked a few steps to the side and kept a safe distance with them, so he saw that Mu Chen’s face was better.

Gu Yunxiao laughed, and the jealous little master respected the more cute.

Mu Chen snorted, this disciple apprentice, if the lascivious problem still does not change, he will beat him every day!

This thought just fell, a tall figure around him blocked the sun, Mu Chen looked up, and saw Yu Tianxiao sitting down and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Apprentice." Mu Chen faintly said, the attitude is not cold or hot, Yu Tianyi does not care, sitting next to Mu Chen, looking at the stage, in the people who want to try, I have already recognized Gu Yunxiao who has grown up When he came out, he praised: "Good seedlings."

Mu Chen's face gradually eased, a touch of faint, but still heard the satisfaction in the voice.

Yu Tianqi seems to have found something interesting. If he is interested in chatting with Mu Chen, the topic is around the little apprentice of Gu Yunwei. Mu Chen’s attitude is not as cold as before, and gradually he has more words. His disciples are naturally the best, and others praise him.

After chatting for a while, Mu Chen was in a good mood and asked: "Is your medicine ready?"

"There is still a Yanyang Yuxin." Yu Tianyi looked at him, the smile on his face was more obvious, and he didn't care about his body. He looked very happy at this time.

Mu Chen nodded. "It's as hard to find as the ice bead." I wondered if this person was frozen and had a bad brain. It was so laughable. Is it silly?

"If you can, still want to explore the secret with you, look for the elixir, when do you have time, I am always with you." Yu Tianyi's tone is very heavy, saying that everything is like a promise, which makes Mu Chen could not help but bow Looking at the past, smiling a little, "You can be so free and easy as a doorkeeper?" Obviously, Mu Chen did not believe.

Yu Tianyi saw that his smile was stunned, and then smiled: "It depends on what it is, who it is."

Mu Chen was silent, and some did not know how to answer.

Gu Yunqi, who took the number plate, walked to the two people who talked happily. The smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious. The suffocation in the depths of his eyes gradually gathered, and the murderous and violent scorpion seemed to be dyed with a red phantom. It makes people shudder.

At a glance, there is a wild man who hooks up his little master, and sure enough, he has a fancy to the younger master, and the unscrupulous people want to grab him!

When Mu Chen saw the apprentice, he finally had a happy color. "Who is the opponent today?"

"Bodhi Gate, don't know." Gu Yunxiao sat next to Mu Chen, and he didn't care too much. "I will win anyway, and control who his opponent is." This is the kind of spirit that young people should have. Let Mu Chen smile.

Gu Yunqi stretched out his hand and hugged Mu Chen's waist, and hung the whole body on Mu Chen. The relatives were jealous, "Master Zun?" He gathered in Mu Chen's ear, his eyebrows smiled: "Need the teacher. Encourage it."

Mu Chen doubts, how to encourage?

Gu Yunqi walked over and kissed Mu Chen on his chin. He did not start to bury Mu Chen in his arms. He smiled and said: "Like a child, you must be a master and hug."

Mu Chen smacked his chin and rubbed two on his head on his lap. This confidant apprentice knows that he does not like to kiss, but he likes to raise his high, but he is too courageous. I haven’t mentioned it since I was a child. Now I’m growing up, and I’m not going to lift it. It’s really a pity.

Since Gu Yunqi’s return, Mu Chen’s attention has been taken away. The surface of Yu Tian’s face is not moving, but Gu Yun’s eyes are somewhat dissatisfied.

Gu Yunqi seems to be inductive. He smiles and raises his head. The black scorpion looks at the past. The two of them look at each other, and the deep meaning in the eyes makes Yu Tianzi suddenly gloomy. This person sees three points of hostility in his eyes, five points of contempt, and two points of ambiguity. This is definitely not the look of a teenager!

Gu Yunxiao’s smiling eyes, like a lazy worm without bones, continued to linger in Mu Chen’s arms, his head resting on Muchen’s thigh, grabbing a handful of nuts, pinching them one by one, leaving the nuts .

Mu Chen, while grasping the hair of the disciples, commented on the famous monks in the four factions in the scornful tone. What are the hypocrites and the real villains? The hypocrites are more terrible than the real villains, reminding him of the future. Be careful, either see it around, or have the ability to make a meal.

The tone of his speech is a relaxed and casual tone that no one has ever seen. It is a gentle gesture that this cold person rarely has. However, the names that were named were not low, and they couldn’t stand on their faces for a while. Sitting in the cold sweat of Yue Mingze who was not far away, he did not open his mouth. He saw Mu Chen raise his head and swept his face coldly. All the people who had been seen by Mu Chen looked their eyes elsewhere. Obviously, it is the most unwise thing to offend a powerful Dan Xiu, because he may save your life or give you a chance to fly.

Mu Chen once again added to the disciples: "As long as you are stronger than others, they will not dare to offend you, no matter where they are, they are strong!"

Yu Tianyi listened at the side, and did not mean to interject. Then, seeing Gu Yun’s eyes, he also had a little more deep meaning, and secretly calculated. If Mu Chen knew that this person’s appearance was different, he did not know what would be the reaction. .

Mu Chen said what he said, the name of Gu Yunxi has been called on the stage, and Gu Yun’s hand put the nuts in his hand into the hands of Mu Chen. He smiled and said: “When you go, you will go back.”

Mu Chen nodded coldly and was nervous.

Gu Yunqi pinched his palm and said that it was clear.

Gu Yunqi came to power, and the stage was suddenly silent. A 16-year-old boy was repaired to the middle of Jindan. Even if he was drunk by drugs, he could not ignore his enchanting talent.

"Is this the apprentice of Elder Mu?" asked a black-faced monk who was very embarrassed to ask Mu Chen, wearing a golden sash, sitting on an oversized chair with his big belly, squatting with bare feet and talking. When I smashed my feet and put the beads on my neck behind my back, I couldn’t see the sorghum look.

Mu Chen sighed, just want to eat a filial piety to ease the worry, see the door owner suddenly no appetite. The heart is secretly surprised. The owner of the Bodhi Gate is really informal. The pro-disciples who follow him are also monks, but they are dressed in red, with long hair, and with a look of affection, sweeping around the peach eyes. If his own disciple dares to do this, he will beat him eight times a day.

Only the effort of this sentence, Mu Chen looked at the stage again, Gu Yunqiu did not pull the sword, the figure appeared in the back of the opponent, obviously shorter than the other half, but a calm look. Holding the sword in the left hand, the right hand raised, a hand knife cut in the neck of the other side, even the sword did not pull out, the other side smashed the other side!

His speed is too fast, even the host did not respond, because the two people did not even use the spell, the opponent is even more wrong, when the fall, the eyes are still confused, obviously how to fall down Do not know at all.

Gu Yunxiao faint smile, a gentleman style, reminded the host, "announce the results."

The host responded, and Yang said: "Chongyunmen, Gu Yunyu wins!"

The next stage of the Taiwanese is awkward. Those who say that Gu Yunxiao’s cultivation is being irrigated are somewhat unsightly. If he is not tempered in the battle between life and death, how can he start to do so? Is spiritual control so skilled?

Mu Chen blinked and looked at the teenager who was returning to his side. Surprised, his disciple, when did he have such good aura control? It is obvious that Liandian medicine can not be separated, but it can control the dizziness of people but does not hurt its fundamental strength. Is it because of the two colds of Liu Han, is it effective?

Mu Chen turned to look at Liu Hanzhi. What did you do to my apprentice?

The neck of Liu Han’s mouth was pumped, and only the mental retardation took Gu Yun as a kitten!

Obviously, it was quite uncomfortable for Mu Chen to take a mental retardation.

Duanmufeng, who has always been sleeping in a lively place, did not fall asleep. He dragged his chin and lazily poured a cup of tea to Liu Hanzhi. He said gently: "Little brother, you must respect the teacher."

The face of Liu Han is a meal.

Mu Chen proudly snorted, watching Liu Hanzhi's eyes still like looking at mental retardation, this person, never yelled at his own uncle, really do not understand the respect of the teacher! When I was a child, I was a stuffy gourd. When I grew up, I still had a stuffy gourd. It’s so boring in my 100s. It’s really sympathetic to the woodwind, and it’s so bad to see how talented people look.

Duanmu Feng did not seem to understand the meaning of Mu Chen, smiled at him, gentle and elegant, such as the March spring, Mu Chen feels a pity.

At this time, Gu Yunqi has returned to Mu Chen, laughing: "Master, I won."

Seeing a pair of waiters waiting for praise, Mu Chen nodded and gave the children a drug, and the big bottle was filled with Gu Yun's palm. The eyes of others watching Gu Yunxi changed instantly. There is a teacher who loves him so much. He has robbed the resources that he can’t grab. The boy is eating like a meal. Who is so good-natured, whoever looks at it? I want to ruin.

A young man, standing in the distance, hated and looked at Gu Yunxiao, his body was flashing, his eyes were full of murder.