MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 94

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Ghost cultivation means returning to the three realms from the ghost realm caught between the three realms and beyond the six realms, so after being sensed by the realm of heaven, there will definitely be divine punishment, which is the so-called transcendence.

Only after this calamity can be destroyed by Heaven, can we survive in the world. The Queen has been hidden in the ring before, and now she finally shows up. After Heaven senses it, the thunder tribulation begins to brew.

The thunderclouds gathered overhead, covering the sun in a short time. The purple electric light in the cloud was like a thunder dragon snorting and thundering, making it dangerous at first glance. Helping others to block the robbery will double the thunder robbery, and the person with the highest skill should prevail. Demon Venerable is already in the period of transcending the calamity. Because he knows that his body cannot survive the calamity, he has been looking for a new body. Now that the vision of heaven and earth has completely aroused, he is also completely panicked. Under the thunder calamity, anyone can It can't be hidden, and if you are not careful, you will lose your soul. But now, he is almost a mortal, so he must die.

"You poisonous woman!" Demon Venerable stopped, the thundercloud above his head was almost buckled, and he had nowhere to escape.

Hearing this sentence, the Queen of Demons glanced at the Demon Lord sarcastically, not bothering to refute a word.

A robbery thunder struck down, the Demon Venerable wanted to sacrifice a magic weapon to resist, but the demonic consciousness was entangled by the demon queen, seeing the tribulation thunder smashed to the top of his head, there was no way to avoid it!

Gu Yunjin, who was hiding in the distance, closed his eyes and clenched his fists tightly. They have countless ways to take revenge, but the mother chose this most tragic way. Together with the father, the spirit and soul are destroyed and cannot be reincarnated!

When the mountain in front of him turned into scorched earth and could no longer feel the breath of the two of them, Gu Yunjin took out a communication stone and said solemnly, "Blood the magic palace!"

The people from Ronggu Peak naturally saw this robbery cloud. Mu Chen and Gu Yunjue had already changed their clothes. The two red figures stood in the air and looked at the place where the calamity was crossed.

Mu Chen asked suspiciously, "Are there any monks in the tribulation period nearby?"

Gu Yunjue smiled lightly, "Probably there are. People can talk about the past when they hide in the mountains and corners without asking about the world."

"Then why did you look like that just now?" Mu Chen didn't believe the other party's words very much. He tugged at the clothes on his body. The threat was very obvious.

"This." Gu Yunjue approached helplessly and whispered, "It's just that I understand a truth, the law is the law, and even if there is wisdom, it's just the law."

Mu Chen thought about it for a while, and he still didn't quite understand what it meant.

Gu Yunjue couldn't allow him to think too much. He leaned over and hugged Mu Chen's waist, hugged him into his arms, covered Mu Chen's face with his sleeves, and said domineeringly, "You can't show it to others!"

Mu Chen frowned speechlessly, this childish bastard!

In the eyes of other forces, Rong Gufeng has always been a mysterious existence. He sits firmly in the south of the demon world and has strong financial resources. The forces that had been wanting to befriend but had no chance before finally had a chance. As soon as they learned about Gu Yunjue's wedding, all parties involved. Come to congratulate, you have already arrived at Ronggu Peak.

Mu Chen said that everything should be kept simple, and Gu Yunjue did not let those people disturb Mu Chen. Now that the ceremony is about to start, Bai Yi has been ordered in advance, only relatives and friends are left, and everyone else just needs to wait outside.

The purpose of the guests was not to see what Gu Yunjue looked like, or who was the Taoist companion with Gu Yunjue, so naturally they had no objection.

The people present here are all from the top and bottom of Ronggu Peak. Many of them are people who Mu Chen has met. They have formed a contract before, but they have not worshiped the heavens and the earth to receive the blessings of the heavens and the earth. This time it is just a supplementary process. big feeling. Honestly, I don't feel it.

Just after walking a few steps, his sleeve was pulled, Mu Chen turned his head, and saw the person beside him look like a little daughter-in-law. Holding Gu Yunjue's hand back, he blinked and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with you?"

Gu Yunjue shook his hand, squinted his eyes and said with a smile, "A little nervous."

Mu Chen turned his head and glanced at the apprentice who was taller than himself, raised his chin and said domineeringly: "You have a teacher, why are you afraid?" Suddenly, a sense of pride rose, yes, after today, everyone Everyone knew that the little apprentice belonged to him. After he was raised, it was his after all, and no one could take it away.

Gu Yunjue's eyes were full of smiles, and he submissively coaxed: "Master is the best."

"That's it!" Mu Chen snorted, dragged Gu Yunjue across the red carpet, and came to the main hall. He glanced around the surroundings with sharp eyes, full of momentum. This stupid apprentice, there are times when he is afraid, and at this time he still has to rely on him as a master. Isn't it just to make a contract and worship the world, what's there to be afraid of?

Standing not far away, Chen Mo helped his forehead, and he had the urge to rush up and kick Mu Chen's feet. Why is this little fool just like marrying a daughter-in-law? This is the devil world, so you are the one who was married back. , why are you so cooperative? For fear that others will know that you are willing to marry?

The people around were also a little surprised. Could it be that Mrs. is married? Not married?

With this thought together, the eyes of everyone looking at the two are a little subtle. At this moment, a sharp gaze swept around in an instant, implying murderous intent, and everyone felt as if they had been scraped by a knife, which was much more dangerous than Mu Chen's gaze.

Looking at the sharpness in Gu Yunjue's eyes again, the person who had that thought immediately lowered his head, daring not to have any other distracting thoughts.

Everyone thought, maybe this is the so-called fun. It turns out that people in the fairy world like this tune, and they are not as direct as those in the demon world. That's right, it is said that people in the Immortal Realm want to save face.

Soon, Licheng.

Mu Chen held Gu Yunjue's hand and was a little dazed. It turned out that forming a bond with himself was a completely different feeling from being a Taoist companion in front of everyone.

Mu Chen is not a person who likes to be lively. Now, looking at the smiling faces of everyone's blessings and the voices of congratulations, he suddenly feels a sense of solidity in his heart. What is Tao? There is nothing but people who are real.

They don't need the testimony of heaven, only the blessings of the living people in front of them can make him feel at ease.

From now on, the people around him belong to him, belong to him alone, live together and die together. No immortal, no demon, no Tao can separate them, and everyone present witnessed this moment.

An affectionate call from "Qing Xing" in his ear made Mu Chen regain his senses. Only then did he realize that his palms were already full of sweat. Mu Chen didn't want to think about the reason at all, raised his eyebrows and glanced at Gu Yunjue, and corrected: "Call me Master!"

Don't think that you want to climb on his head if you have the identity of a Taoist companion, the master will always be the master, and the apprentice will always be the apprentice. As an apprentice, listening to Master's words must be engraved in the bones, and it cannot be changed for thousands of years in the future.

"Qingxing." Gu Yunjue called again, looking at the corner of Mu Chen's warm eyes, holding Mu Chen's face, kissing his eyes, his slow tone gradually became more affectionate, as if every sentence, he wanted to Engraved in Mu Chen's heart, "From now on, I will be like now, respect you, love you, always listen to your words, never do bad things behind your back, and what you say will always be right."

Mu Chen's eyes widened, and his face instantly turned red. This scoundrel, who said such things in front of so many people, didn't even know how to blush. He never taught him such shameless words before!

"You" Mu Chen paused, looked at Gu Yunjue's serious eyes, swallowed the stern words when they reached his lips, his brain had no idea how to respond, and finally, in Gu Yunjue's expectant eyes, he returned A sentence: "Call Master!"

These three words directly broke the ambiguous atmosphere. Gu Yunjue was immediately amused. He knew that he shouldn't have any hope that Mu Chen would be moved by him. His little master has always been an expert in the cold field.

After Mu Chen finished speaking, he also felt that he was a little disappointed, and felt that it was necessary for him to make amends and comfort his little apprentice's injured heart. Raising his hand and patting Gu Yunjue's head, Mu Chen added lightly, "I'll see your performance in the future."

Gu Yunjue's eyes lit up, and he instantly hugged Mu Chen's waist, hugged him tightly and kissed him, and before Mu Chen could react, he had already left the place.

Jing Ting, who was originally standing on the periphery and wanted to say a few words, just raised his foot and found that the person had left. He frowned, then stopped again, and finally turned and left the hall without saying anything.

When Chen Mo saw it, he shook his head. Fate is sometimes unreliable. It still depends on how hard one works. If you like someone, you need to let the other person know, stand silently behind your back without saying a word, and only watch the other person part ways with yourself. If you want a relationship, you need to manage it seriously. Sometimes if you miss it, it will be forever.

Bai Yi saw Chen Mo standing there, shaking his head and sighing. He was about to walk over and ask the other party when he would pay the bill. If he couldn't pay it, he could wait a few days and pay the interest first. At this time, Lan Moli, who was in charge of intelligence, fell silent. When he came to him, he smiled tenderly and said, "There is new information from the bottom of the mountain, do you want to hear it, sir?"

The other party was wearing a light yellow women's dress, and she looked graceful. She rushed over and brought a fragrant wind, and the white clothes felt a chill. She took a step back in an instant and warned: "Stand up and talk!"

Lan Moli squeezed the handkerchief and said shyly: "Gu Yunjin sent people to wash the devil's palace, those who followed the devil before have been cleaned, and the devil will be divided into two parts soon, we live here alone, there are always It will be eaten away by the other party in one day. Do you want to inform the pavilion owner and ask if we need to add a kick?"

A very serious topic, said in Lan Moli's mouth, has a serious sense of violation.

Bai Yi waved his hand and said with disgust: "If you want to ask, ask yourself, I will send someone to collect the body for you."

Lan Moli froze for a while, no longer deliberately disgusting white clothes, and walked away with her skirt twisted and twisted. Nonsense, everyone knows that the pavilion master is in the mood. At this time, he has no eyesight and bumps into it. If he doesn't die, he will peel off his skin. He is a "weak woman", so don't go to death.

When he was going out, he happened to pass by Chen Mo's side. Lan Moli paused in his footsteps. After stopping, he quickly raised Chen Mo's chin, winked with a charming wink, and asked ambiguously, "This little brother, do you want to go out with little sister? have a drink?"

Chen Mo's mouth twitched, and he refused directly: "No!"

"Yeah so cold"

"Go away!" Bai Yi slapped Lan Moli out and said to Chen Mo, "Next time he makes a fool of yourself, just beat him up. You're welcome."

Chen Mo ticked the corner of his mouth and said with a good temper: "He is also joking with me, you don't have to be so serious."

Bai Yi nodded, "Yes, but when will you repay the debt you owe me? If you don't pay it, you will have to sign a deed of prostitution."

Chen Mo: ""

As a young patriarch who only wanted to be idle and wild, Chen Mo himself did not know when he owed so much debt to the last second master of the demon world who was proficient in calculation and good at making money. I don't know how much I have paid back, but I can't see the end. How can this be good?


Mu Chen was carried back to Yanyang Palace by Gu Yunjue, and there was no chance to refute at all. After being pressed against the table, he was stuffed with a jade cup. The fragrant smell of wine made Mu Chen stunned, and he looked at Gu subconsciously. Yun Jue glanced.

"Give me a glass of wine." Gu Yunjue smiled, and tapped the tip of Mu Chen's nose with his wine-stained finger. Seeing that he was dumbfounded, he couldn't help poking.

Mu Chen's ears turned red, his eyes skipped Gu Yunjue's already aggressive eyes, and he looked around subconsciously.

The top and bottom of the Yanyang Palace had been rearranged. When I looked up, it was all red. Behind the bead curtains, the red bed curtains looked unusually ambiguous under the bright white Xuanyue lamp. Mu Chen felt that his eyes were scorched by the fiery red heat, he quickly retracted his gaze, and met Gu Yunjue's earnest eyes again.

The fingers holding the wine glass trembled, and he always felt that the scoundrel had been working hard for several days to use it up after he drank the wine.

"Tsk," Gu Yunjue saw that he had been hesitating, took Mu Chen's hand in dissatisfaction, and drank the wine in one gulp, Mu Chen's eyes widened, and before his doubts arose, Gu Yunjue grabbed his chin from behind in an instant. . The body subconsciously leaned back, and the neck also pulled up a graceful arc. Before Mu Chen could react, his lips with the smell of wine pressed up, and the wine flowed into the mouth and down the throat, making him feel the whole body. Everyone was on fire.

"Master is too slow, so be quicker." Gu Yunjue raised his head and watched a drop of wine flowing down Mu Chen's chin, passing through the white neck to Mu Chen's collarbone, covered by the red clothes, the fair His body was already showing a faint pink color, he squinted his eyes, he could no longer restrain his desire, he held Mu Chen's head with one hand, and kissed him.

In such a posture, Mu Chen could only hold Gu Yunjue's shoulders, and with the kiss of the other party, his strength gradually deepened, and his knuckles turned white. The body became uncontrollably hot, and the indifferent eyebrows and eyes were stained with **, which was even more captivating to be set off by this red wedding dress.

Gu Yunjue's hand had already touched Mu Chen's belt. He put it on with his own hands. Naturally, he knew how to untie it easily. With a gentle tug, the robe instantly spread out, revealing the white lining inside, and A beautiful body that is already emotional. Gu Yunjue smiled, rubbed the tip of Mu Chen's nose lightly, picked him up by the waist, and placed him on the bed in the next second.

The red bed curtain obscured it, making the space instantly smaller, and making Mu Chen's eyes have to focus on the person in front of him. In Gu Yunjue's eyes, the naked possessiveness not only did not make him feel bored, but even a little joyful.

This person, when he looks at others, always smiles on the outside, but there is no trace of turbulence in the depths of his eyes, only when he looks at himself. This realization made him pursed the corners of his mouth, held Gu Yunjue's handsome face, and touched the other's mouth lightly like a little bit of water.

A simple action, like encouragement, made Gu Yunjue's breath warm, bowed his head and kissed it again, kissing his hard-won treasure in this life, and the tenderness made him feel incredible.

Gu Yunjue hooked the tip of Mu Chen's tongue, bit it gently, looked at Mu Chen's current appearance with fascination, and let out a low chuckle from his nose.

Mu Chen was shocked by this laughter, his ears numb, and he quickly pulled his tongue back to avoid the opponent's touch, but he didn't expect the opponent to catch up. open. Every inch of his mouth was scoured, with the familiar temperature of the other party, teasing his nerves erotically.

"Hmm." A subconscious groan, which seemed to be emotionally unbearable, made Gu Yunjue move a little faster.

After all this tossing, the underwear on Mu Chen's body was loosely draped over him, revealing a large snow-white chest. Under the delicate collarbone, a beautiful red bean was exposed in the air, quietly standing upright, hooked Gu Gu. Yun Jue stretched out his hand to touch it, and used his fingertips to back and forth and squeeze lightly, causing Mu Chen to tremble slightly.

"Don't be fooling around." Mu Chen shyly grabbed the hand that was making trouble on his body, glared at Gu Yunjue with red eyes, his eyes were dyed with **, without any lethality, but like a temptation, it evoked All of Gu Yunjue's desires.

No longer restraining the burning desire, Gu Yunjue directly tore off Mu Chen's underwear, and then threw it aside, the sudden coolness made Mu Chen tremble, and then he felt a flash of spiritual power , Gu Yunjue's clothes disappeared in an instant, his strong chest was pressed up, his skin kissed, and he eagerly absorbed each other's warmth, full of happiness, which made him sigh from the bottom of his heart.

Gu Yunjue rubbed the tip of Mu Chen's nose with a smile, and asked with a smile, "What do you mean by the nonsense that Master said?"

Mu Chen opened his mouth, but before he could speak, the hand wrapped around his waist slid down, pinched the plump part of his waist, and asked maliciously, "Is it here?"

Mu Chen pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, then returned his hand and squeezed Gu Yunjue's waist.

The scoundrel raised by him is not fat, but the lines are unexpectedly beautiful. The tight muscles are not hard to the touch, but they are extraordinarily tactile. If he is touched, he will touch it back, so that he will not lose his identity as a master, so as not to be looked down upon by this scoundrel.

The muscles on Gu Yunjue's waist tightened, and the temperature in his eyes became a little hotter. He rushed over and kissed Mu Chen's mouth, a red medicinal pill appeared in his hand, and quickly touched the place that made him **.

The good medicinal herbs melted into the body, and the place instantly became wet, sticky and moist. Mu Chen exclaimed, clasping Gu Yunjue's shoulders with both hands, and before he could react, the other party had already rushed halfway.

"Ah" All the words were interrupted by the sudden pain, Mu Chen cried out in pain, and then bit Gu Yunjue's lips in embarrassment, frowning deeply. All the senses are concentrated on the place where the two are connected, the pain is numb, the burning heat seems to melt his whole person, and he can even feel the pulse of the other person beating gently in his body.

"Does it hurt?" Gu Yunjue held back her movements, her breathing was already out of rhythm, she still held back her **, licked the blood on the corner of her mouth, leaned over and kissed Mu Chen's pale lips, comforting: " Every time, relax and look at me."

Mu Chen opened his eyes, his eyes were full of anger. Before the two were in close contact, the other party was very careful to do enough foreplay, which is so urgent!

Looking at the blood on the corner of Gu Yunjue's mouth again, Mu Chen's eyes flashed, and he felt that his body was slowly getting used to it. He raised his chin slightly, and took another bite at the bitten place until he tasted the blood again. Just let go.

"You" Gu Yunjue sucked in a breath of cold air, and couldn't help but push them all in, grabbing Mu Chen's palm with both hands, interlocking his fingers, as if nothing could separate them. His waist gradually quickened his movements, looking at the person under him lying on the bright red bed sheet, his beautiful eyes were filled with mist, because his movements were sensitively trembling, and occasionally he appeared absent-minded, which made him even more emotional.

The ambiguous breaths were gradually intertwined, and the two perfect bodies exchanged the most primitive **** on this big bed full of gorgeous colors.