MTL - The Dark King-v8 Chapter 1189 : The ancestors of the gods

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The little beast swallowed Dudyan's mouth and chewed it slightly, causing the bones to be chewed. Soon, it looked up and swallowed. The short body was suddenly stretched. It shook its body, like a bird in the cold wind shaking its feathers. With the shaking, its body gradually became larger, half a meter high, and the image became like a human child. It seems that it has grown a lot in just a few moments.

At this time, the fierce battle sound from the top of the head caught its attention. Pure white eyes looked like flames, and saw the silver thread that burst out in the air, and the black mist that rushed out. The overwhelming ice of the ice wall and the laser rays that split from it.

"Wow!" The little beast blinked, some doubts, and some curiosity. The eyes soon showed a bit of eagerness, like a hungry person who saw a delicious meal and licked his tongue with greed!

However, it did not immediately rush, but suddenly lifted the huge arm after absorbing the magma, slammed into the ground, slammed, the ground shook, and the ground around it immediately collapsed, like falling. In the bottomless black hole in general.

When the ground collapses, its body is slowly growing, its body size is getting bigger and bigger, and it grows to a height of nearly three meters in a blink of an eye. The square hole that it originally stood is tens of meters, and now it has turned into a diameter. A few kilometers of the basin!

At this time, the devils in the mid-air and the three people of Haoyue and Lin Changsheng also noticed the following changes. They were all shocked. Could it be said that Du Di'an could reverse the resurrection in that situation?

When they looked at the past, they found a huge funnel-shaped basin on the ground. At the bottom of the funnel at the center of the basin, there was a creature that was cast in a magma. It was formed like a magma that would burst at any time, and it could see the flow inside. The flaming liquid, like blood, is like a boiling flame. The body structure is humanoid, not complicated, and there are no extra shells and burrs. It is very simple and smooth.


The demon emperor, who was being attacked by Haoyue, suddenly had a glimpse of his heart. He captured a familiar feeling from this strange creature, both familiar and frightened!

Over the years, let him experience the fear, except for the father who appeared in memory since childhood, the ocean monster that he wandered when he was young, and the two horror monsters that were in the wilderness outside the country. There is nothing that gives him the feeling of fear and fear. Even if he is targeted by the nuclear bomb in the hands of Lin Changsheng, he will not be half-feared.

At the same time, the display of the gods attacking the emperor's moon, when I saw this magma creature, I felt a bit inexplicable, as if it was a prey that the hunter stared at, like a frog that met a snake, she actually had She was shocked by the instinctive sense of fear. Since she finished the final experiment in Dudian and beat Boluo, she never saw anything that she was afraid of.

Even if she first went to the Kingdom of God to see the Emperor, she just felt some pressure and was not afraid, but at the moment there was a shudder, and even a feeling of turning around and fleeing.

"What is this? Is it the body of Du Di An's boy? No, he can't give me this feeling. The body structure of this thing is special, it is changing at any time, it is difficult, is it..." Seems to think of something, suddenly squinting, stunned, even stopped the attack on the emperor for a time, and was surprised and doubtful, thinking about whether he should retreat.

On the other side, Lin Changsheng did not have the strange feeling of heart of the Emperor and Haoyue. He just thought that this magma creature was a bit strange, thinking about whether it was the magical form of Du Di'an, but he didn't feel like how to look at it. He tried to make the pupil. The structure changed and penetrated into the interior of the creature. When I saw the inside of the creature, I suddenly changed my face and said, "Impossible!!"

Just then, the little beast on the ground twisted his arm and pulled it out of the ground. The magma-like arm was covered with a layer of metallic material. It looked at his arms and only had some curious emotions from the face. The expression was revealed, and in the next moment, its arms suddenly burst into a sharp spike, which was sharp and sharp, and it was the cutting edge that Du Di'an had previously used.

In the next moment, the sharp sharp edge retracted and turned into a burning flame, followed by the flames disappearing, the ice appeared, the thick cold, and then turned into metal, rock, black fog, and there was silver wire, if A careful comparison will reveal that the silk structure is the same as that of the silk that is revealed by the moon, and the silver wire is just a flash of light and changes into something else.

In just a few dozen seconds, its arm turned into hundreds of different structures, which made people dazzled and once again shocked the three in the sky.


"How can this be?!"

“The speed of construction is so fast!”

The three people were shocked.

The little beast's arm is still constructing new substances, and it seems like a novelty toy is being tried.

After the three people in the sky were shocked, they quickly returned to the world. The democrat first responded and acted decisively and solemnly: "This is a god, a real god! It is even more terrible than the ancestors of my family. We cooperated to kill it and say, otherwise, we all have to die!"

"I agree!" Haoyue said almost immediately.

Lin Changsheng looked at them and thought of their special identity and body. The heart sneered slightly, but did not deny the Emperor's proposal. The magma creatures showed far more divinity than any of them!

The so-called divinity is his name for the ultimate life, referring to the control of the cells, the ability to change genes, the speed of constructing matter, etc. In theory, God can create everything, and the battle between them, The more pliable the material is, the faster the speed, the greater the grasp of victory. This is like the difference between a normal person and a punch.

In a blink of an eye, from the three people who fought each other to join hands, it took only a few seconds to decide. The three eyes met and quickly agreed on the attack method. The emperor took the lead and rushed out from the side, releasing a lot of silver wire and laying out the trap. And the field.

On the other side, Lin Changsheng relies on his own powerful knowledge to control the three gods in the hands of the gods, such as ice and fire, and a large number of dark clouds gathered in the air, using the magnetic field between the heavens and the earth to enhance their attacks, let him regret The wild **** in his hand is only an ordinary wild god. If he trained him for hundreds of years and mastered a lot of knowledge, the speed of his body structure is far from the moon and the emperor.