MTL - The Dark King-v8 Chapter 1190 : Fighting

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The emperor slammed down and smothered, and the little beast was inductive. Looking up, the white flame-like eyes fell on him, and a slashing blade on the arm of his arm extended like a viper, instantly rising to hundreds of meters. To the head of the emperor.

The demon emperor snorted, and the dark energy of the arm waved like a crescent moon, breaking the snake-like soft blade.

The little beast didn’t seem to be hurting himself. He stumbled and quickly shot again. There were several weird wings on the back, very asymmetrical, like the wings of different animals pieced together, with butterfly-shaped elliptical wings. There are wing wings, bat-like flesh wings, unevenly growing on the back, with its body flying into the sky!

Flying in the air, the little beast slammed into the emperor. At the moment of approaching, the small beasts and the whole body of the beasts all protruded a lot of sharp edges. Each blade was covered with flames, like a sky-like net, and the emperor was in the same place. The space of dozens of feet is completely shrouded.

The Emperor's eyes are very cold, and the magma creature is structurally faster than he imagined, but he is not vegetarian, and he is prepared. At this moment, his body is swollen and his wings are curved like claws. The forehead erected three sharp barbed thorns, bent like a horn, and the body became more than ten meters long. The body was wrapped around a black pattern, like a twisted worm.

He raised a black beam of several inches in diameter with his palm in his hand, full of ruin, and slammed into the front with a sharp blade.

Touching the black beam of the split blade suddenly annihilated, there is no impact sound, just like silently smashing the weathering, disappeared, and the black beam spare power is not reduced, flying toward the body of the little beast.

The arms of the little beast suddenly collapsed and turned into a meat limb with a diameter of several tens of meters. The surface is a flowing magma, while the top is like a crater. At the moment when the black beam flies, the top slams a large amount of magma, tilting. Out, the black light beam gradually engulfed.

When the Emperor saw this scene, his heart was a little relieved. This strange creature that exuded the absurdity gave him an extremely dangerous feeling, and his spirit was extremely high, but the material he constructed did not seem to be advanced, just like empty. There is a strength, but there is no reasonable play. As a result, it is not so worthy of jealousy.

He did not hesitate, raising his hand and launching several black beams again.

The little beasts of the little beasts saw this scene, and suddenly there was a glimpse of the small volcano that had been folded with the arms in the next moment. The surface no longer showed traces of **** magma, but it was dark like iron, when the emperor When the black light beam collided, a huge black light beam was ejected from the crater at the top, which was twenty or thirty meters in diameter, far larger than the dark beam released by the emperor.

With a bang, this huge dark beam instantly swept through the dark beams released by the Emperor, annihilated it, and then flew toward the Emperor.

The Emperor's pupil tightened, and the body suddenly slammed into a moment when the huge dark beam hit the body.


The beam is directed straight into the distance and disappears in the far side of the sky.

Lin Changsheng and Haoyue, who are brewing on one side, saw this scene, and they were shocked and looked at this strange creature incredulously. This evolutionary ability is too strong, right? Just once you played, you learned the magic of the Emperor? !

In another part of the air, the figure of the emperor is composed of transparent air. His face is shocked and his face is somewhat white. He just escaped from death and almost died in his own ability. He looked at this strange. Creatures, like ghosts.

The little beast did not seem to think that he was still alive, stayed a little, immediately transferred the muzzle and aimed at the emperor again.

The face of the emperor changed, and only a dark beam of the same size came in again, but this time he was prepared to dodge immediately and was not hit.

The little beast was fired several times in a row. When there was no effect, the folded arms were put away, and the feet suddenly became longer and extended toward the ground. Like the volcanic solitary peaks of two magma castings, they were inserted on the ground. Take the material in the earth and transform it into energy in your body.

There is a large supply of material to the earth, its body is getting bigger and bigger, and the arms are turned into hundreds of meters of giant claws to shoot the devil.

The emperor's face was ugly, and there was no hard shackles. Instead, the body was reduced to the size of a normal person. At the moment of the claws, the trajectory was predicted, and the claws were swept away from the gaps of the claws.

The little beast shot several times without hitting the emperor. It seemed to be a little annoyed and a low roar in his mouth.

When he once again shot the claws, the Emperor still used the previous method to avoid, but this time when he shuttled between the cracks of the claws, suddenly there were countless sharp edges between the cracks of the claws, and he shot at him every time. The roots are covered with thick, dark matter, like swaying jelly, which doesn't look like energy, but a very soft gel.

The face of the emperor changed, and his body slammed into a roll, like a small black hurricane, rushing out from the puncture of countless sharp edges.

The blade was cut off, and the flying demons also had countless scars, but they healed in an instant, and did not hurt the core, but the darkness of the sharp edge covered the energy, but his body was greatly damaged. Although it has been repaired, the energy in the body has been reduced a lot.

Bang! !

When the little beast was ready to swing the claws to the emperor, a sudden loud noise came from the sky. I saw that when the sky was over, I didn’t know when it was full of dark clouds. At this moment, the thunder and lightning in the dark clouds and the wind swept through like the end. Under the dark clouds, Lin Changsheng was as high as the gods, raising his hand and banging, and the thunder and lightning were pulled from the dark clouds to his hands. come.

The little beast couldn't be hit by lightning. He suddenly became a numb and stiffened, but soon the obvious anger in the incandescent color eyes was obviously irritated by Lin Changsheng's attack.

It whispered and rushed toward Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng looked indifferent. He didn't see how he made a move. The clouds in his head suddenly tilted down the countless ice. When these ice passed through the height of his body, it seemed to be enhanced by the invisible energy aura, from ordinary ice, becoming solid. Like a crystal, it is extremely sharp, and under the gust of wind around it, it shoots like a bullet.

The little beast lifted the giant claws, and the top of the sky rushed out of the blazing flames. When countless ice crystals flew, the flames were erratic and seemed to be extinguished. After a few seconds, the flames were extinguished.

Seeing this, Lin Changsheng had not had time to show his joy, and he saw that the giant claws covered by the flames turned into ice crystals, letting those sharp ice crystals hit the giant claws, but they were removed by the smooth giant claws, or The ice crystals smashed and the giant claws were safe.