MTL - The Defeated Dragon-Chapter 11 Recovered peanuts and bred buds

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“Mr. Galthai, looking for a suitable place to place the work of the Elf, how is the progress? They have been sleeping for a month, and I hope to get them back as soon as possible, instead of consuming potential.”

Elf is a magical creature.

It can recognize the Lord, as long as you bite a finger and a little blood as a guide, you can conclude a magic contract - they are the elves of nature, the essence of grass, and the messenger of magic.

Planting their Cordyceps can affect the growth of surrounding plants.

Cordyceps is the plant body that breeds the elf worm. It can be seen as a magic weapon belonging to the genus worm. Can grow and sleep.

The growth of Cordyceps is the growth of the worm.

Once Cordyceps dies, the Elven worm will die.

Now Cordyceps is in the belly of the four elf worms, there is no nutrient supply, and the elf worm can only sleep. This not only wastes productivity, but also delays the possibility of elf worm evolution - no elf worms can evolve into elves by sleeping alone. They must constantly absorb nutrients and continue to influence crop growth before they can evolve.

Although the hope is low.

Liszt still wants to try, his own elf bug, can not evolve into a fairy.

Gao Ertai replied: "The locusts are suitable for planting on dairy farms. There is a large number of pastures. It is necessary to change the grass species. It should be possible to change the stalks; it is difficult to find suitable places for the corn worms. Corn; tulip insects are of course planted in flower farms, even though the place is almost deserted... As for the thorns, Liszt, you know that this insect has little value."

"I don't care if it has value, what I need is that they all have a field and grow up!"

"I can go planting tulip and tulips first, lazy serfs should move, but Liszt, I need people. The instruments are all lazy guys, they can't do anything!"

"People in the town, you can call at will, and the castle pays their salary."

"God, the castle pays the salary, you are really generous lord. However, there are almost no literate people in the flower town, you have to organize a census, they can not even write their own names, I can guarantee that they I can’t do anything, I can’t count on civilians.”

This is a problem.

There is no school in the town of flowers. There is no education here. People who are illiterate are officials. It is really unreliable.

"So, teacher Gao Ertai, do you know the literate people who are willing to come to settle in the town of flowers? As long as they are willing to serve as officials, I can pay them, at least twice the salary of other town officials... my castle There should be a lot of gold coins."

No matter how unloved, Liszt is also the son of the Earl. After the seal of the adult ceremony, he obtained a large number of gold coins.

Gao Ertai’s silence for a moment seems to be pondering: “Liszt, I can see that you have ambitious ambitions for the town of flowers. I also confirm some unskilled people of insight. But as your family teacher, I must Remind you that it is very difficult to support a lord with flowers and raise a lot of people. It will be unbearable."

"I understand this, don't worry, I will solve it, you can invite them all." Liszt said easily, giving him talent, he can create wealth.

In his view, the town of flowers is simply an unexploited virgin land.

Although there are no elves, it is difficult to rely on farming to make a home, and the means to create wealth is not just farming.

At the same time, there is a voice in his heart: "I have a smoke mission, it belongs to my golden finger, maybe it can bring me more wealth!"

We are discussing affairs.

The old butler Carter knocked in the door: "Master, the old George of the peanuts, have something to see you."

"Oh, what?"

"He said that peanuts and peanuts have been restored to green in the night. You have specifically told the central field that you are looking after, and there is a flower that grows a big flower."

"Yes, let him in." Liszt was very surprised.

Only after applying fertilizer, I didn’t expect the peanut field to return to normal. He almost couldn’t wait to find a place to make a stay and see if the smoke mission has been updated.

When Old George nervously walked into the castle, Liszt had calmed down: "Old George, let's talk about the peanuts in detail."

"Yes... Lord Lord... Your great glory... shines on every corner of the peanuts..."

As Carter reported, the peanuts returned to green after a night, and a peanut mutated, growing a large flower bud. The serfs couldn't help themselves, and Old George couldn't take care of his lame, like the wind, and gasped for the Lord. The desperate look of the past has been replaced by hope.

Gao Ertai has reacted, Zhang Dazui: "Oh, my God, Liszt, won't be a peanut field, give birth to a...a peanut bug?"

Liszt smiled: "very likely."

"Oh, my God, Liszt, you are really a nobleman who cares for God! The remote country town of Flower Town has even produced an genie, incredible!"

"Is it incredible, I will know if I look at it, Mr. Carter, prepare horses for me, I am going to peanuts."

"As you wish, Master."

Castle gate.

Liszt and Galthai each rided a mount, and Carter asked: "Master, your aunt has not arrived from the Cavaliers, are you waiting for a moment?"

Aside Thomas stepped forward and wanted to say something, but did not dare to speak.

Liszt noticed that he looked at Thomas and Old George a little, and he said: "Thomas followed me on horseback, um, the old George was also loaded."

As if I heard Xianle, Thomas’s excited body would tremble: “Thomas is at your service, Master!”

This is the first time the Lord’s adult has gone out to serve him. The closeness of the close-fitting servant is a meaning with the long stalk. After the saddle horse, it belongs to the confidant of the nobility. Many of the big aristocrats' close-knit servants are all knights who fight side by side on the battlefield.

Four people, three horses.

The fire dragon horse took the lead and rushed to the peanuts.

Looking at it, the peanut field that was still green and yellow yesterday was already green and all the peanuts were stretching their branches and leaves.

It is spring now, not yet in the flowering season.

But the largest peanut surface in the middle of the field, on the stems of the roots, a large flower bud with a fist, waiting to be released. The delicate green color is especially gratifying.

"This is really the flower of the genie worm, God cares, Liszt, the town of flowers is the land of heaven!" Galtello shouted with exaggeration.

Liszt is actually very excited. The face is still a noble and gentle smile of the nobility: "The elf worm has a vital role in the agriculture of the flower town. Therefore, this piece of peanut field must be protected. Old George, you And farmers, send people to guard it every day."

"The Lord Lord, the old George does not eat or drink, but also guard it!"

"You don't have to eat or drink, you don't have to, don't take turns to be on duty." Liszt said to Thomas behind him. "Returning to tell me from the knight, I need them to have a person every day, stationed in peanuts, guarding the elves."

"Okay, lord!"