MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 119 Today's leader is very clever

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The filming has been continuous for almost a month. During this period, Luo Xuange only went to An Ruoshui secretly a few times at night. At other times, the two were busy in their respective crews.

Today, the director kindly sent the whole crew a day off, but I heard from the props team that there was a problem with a batch of equipment, and the shooting had to be postponed.

Luo Xuange walked around the crew wearing a costume. After working as an actor for a long time, she really thought about something. The fighting and killing in the past were real, but in the play, others had to watch it. It's fun, and it looks like they don't hurt each other.

At first, Luo Xuange was extremely uncomfortable with this state, but now he is gradually able to accept it.

Zhang Yiyun had already changed her costumes, and when she came out, she saw Luo Xuange walking back and forth in the crew with the script, she stepped forward and taught: "It's such a hot day, don't change it quickly Take a rest and wait here for the heat stroke to take a vacation?"

, I also understand that I can't just go and just go after calculating the time myself.

This is not the rivers and lakes she can do whatever she wants in her memory, not the sword rivers and lakes that she only respects, here she is just a small actor.

"Okay, you're talking about the "Blind Heart" crew. Go and change clothes, I'll accompany you to take a look. It is said that there are many stars there, and many big bowls are there." Zhang Yiyun With a smile, he said, "You go to work first, I'll ask the director to let me know."

After listening to Luo Xuange, she left quite excited, while Zhang Yiyun walked slowly to the director who was anxious because of the damage to the equipment, and asked, "When will this batch of equipment be restored? "

"I have contacted the outside world, I am afraid that one day of vacation is not enough. Anyway, it takes three or five days to complete all these, and it is also troublesome for big guys to bring in. The spare set was smashed by the villagers. It's broken, a group of rogues who are begging for nothing, those things are broken, and I can still find them to make a theory? If there is a big trouble, who will dare to come and shoot in this treasure land in the future." The director also eats I was dumbfounded, I couldn't control my anger at the moment, and I was even more exasperated when I spoke.

Zhang Yiyun and him have been partners for many years. She is afraid of the director's anger, but she doesn't care, and jokes with a smile: "You should also think about it from a different angle. The equipment was broken. The volunteers who came a few days ago searched the mountains to find people, but they took away a lot of women and girls who were abducted. The traffickers alone took away more than ten. Think again, if you didn't Come over to film, Xiao Luo won't come here, and the group of volunteers won't come to search the mountains to find someone because of Xiao Luo's disappearance, right? Those poor people who were kidnapped are still living in the hellish cave. Think about it, how much merit you have exchanged for this batch of equipment, is it not worth the money?"

"The reason is this, but I've delayed a few days of work, the actor's salary will be fake, I need to spend more money to make up for the cost of food and clothing, and I will pay for equipment and lost work. Who is right?" Although the director said so, the anger in his tone slowly dissipated.

It is difficult to do good deeds, and it is even more difficult to do a good deed like he did that saved hundreds of people.

When I think about it, I'm not a big hero behind the scenes.

The grievance was swallowed and put into a brighter mood, the director even thought about it.

"Hey, that's it. I'll contact President An again to see if we can discuss the funding." The director was about to leave, Zhang Yiyun shouted: "Wait, I have something to talk to you about. you say."


look at him.

This old guy has nothing to do with Jiang Haixi, but Jiang Haixi once said that his modern dramas were so bad that no one watched them.

Although this is true, the old guy still persevered in shooting several modern dramas, and finally realized the reality and changed to costume dramas, but it was Jiang Haixi's blunt words that made the old guy hate it other side. Every time I mentioned Jiang Haixi, my teeth would itch with anger.

"Xiao Luo's owner is over there. I can understand if she looks over there. What are you running over to see?" the old guy asked back.

Zhang Yiyun's sudden silence, the old guy suddenly remembered, slapped his thigh and said: "I said, Xu Qian was invited by Director Jiang to be a special guest. Although the role is small, the role is very important. Very. I guess it hasn't left for a while."

"Do what to do for her, I am afraid that Xiaoluo will have an accident on the mountain road alone, so I kindly accompany her there." Zhang Yiyun said.

Speaking of which, I'm not afraid to laugh off my old teeth."

"Okay, I just want to go over and have a look. I've told you about it, I'll go first." Zhang Yiyun saw Luo Xuange changed clothes and came out, so she was full of chatting with the director Greeted and left.

The old guy shook his head and smiled, then he seemed to remember something, waved his arms at Zhang Yiyun and Luo Xuange and shouted, "Hey, you must come back tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

I don't know if Luo Xuange and Zhang Yiyun heard it, but they have already packed up and can leave.

"Is there a place to live there?" Zhang Yiyun asked, thinking about whether to carry a tent and luggage or something.

Luo Xuange hesitated for a while. Every time she went, she went straight into his wife's bed. She really didn't think about it, but there are extra tents over there. After saying that, the two of them went into battle lightly and left.

As soon as she walked out of the sight of the crew, Luo Xuange began to dislike that the road was too far.

Zhang Yiyun excitedly poked Luo Xuange's arm, and in Luo Xuange's surprised eyes, asked: "How about you fly me over. I have seen your video, very Great."

"Well." Luo Xuange also had this idea in her heart, but she was suffering from not knowing how to say it. Now that Zhang Yiyun proposed it, she was rude. She reached out and grabbed Zhang Yiyun's wrist. Cross into the past, and then quickly lead people to perform light work and leave.

"Ah—" Zhang Yiyun's scream startled Mr. Lin Fei Niao, Luo Xuange frowned slightly when she heard Zhang Yiyun's piercing scream, she really couldn't remember why Teacher Zhang had such a golden voice Instead of singing and developing, I came to be an actor instead.

When she found a place to land, Zhang Yiyun patted her chest and looked at Luo Xuange, and said with lingering fear: "How do you say you can fly? You don't have to notify in advance, a heart is scared to four. Five petals."

"Then fly now."

"No, ah-"

Zhang Yiyun was rudely carried by Luo Xuange, flew around in the air, and was quickly taken up and flew after landing several times. Zhang Yiyun swore that this was the last time she made out of curiosity. Let Luo Xuange take her to fly.

There is absolutely nothing in the video when Luo Xuange takes An Ruoshui to fly, she can only feel the pain! Full of heartache!


After landing, Zhang Yiyun hurriedly supported a tree and started vomiting.

She is not motion sickness, seasickness, or airsickness, she finally fainted once today.

When Zhang Yiyun came to Luo Xuange with a pale face and swaying feet, Luo Xuange was about to reach out to help her, but Zhang Yiyun was so frightened that she backed away, for fear that Luo Xuange would take her to fly again rise.

"No, no, I will climb the mountain by myself." Zhang Yiyun hasn't recovered yet, she feels dizzy and a rumbling in her head.

Luo Xuange looked at the busy crew members not far away, she said softly, "It's already here."

"Huh?" Zhang Yiyun looked at the time, no wonder the outside world said that Luo Xuange disappeared instantly, and the half-hour journey was completed in a few minutes. It's unbelievable.

"You go first, I'll take it slow." Zhang Yiyun stood against the tree for a while, she was so embarrassed that she didn't want to go over, and she didn't want to go down to see that person without any preparation.

"Senior, I'm sorry." Luo Xuange was a little anxious when he came, forgetting that Zhang Yiyun is a person without any internal strength in martial arts, because she can't have close skin-to-skin relationship with others, she also He didn't put Zhang Yiyun in his arms.

So after all this tossing, Zhang Yiyun can insist that she does not faint, which is really good.

Zhang Yiyun didn't know that Luo Xuange gave her such a high evaluation in her heart.

Now she is feeling sentimental about her own affairs, she waved to Luo Xuange and said, "It's alright, I'll take it easy. You go first."

Luo Xuange felt guilty, looking at An Ruoshui who was filming, she chose to stay here with Zhang Yiyun, anyway, she can't be with her wife now.

"Senior should not only come here to accompany me, is there someone you remember here?" Luo Xuange stood there, looking at Zhang Yiyun calmly.

Zhang Yiyun is quite surprised, this child usually looks very naive, and some people know very little about the world, how did he suddenly become enlightened today?

"When the senior heard that he had reached the destination, his eyes kept dodging, he kept looking around, and whether he wanted to look in the direction of the crew. The senior was looking for someone, but he was afraid It was discovered by the other party." Luo Xuange looked at her quietly, talking about his analysis and judgment.

"This one is quite clever." Zhang Yiyun gradually eased up, and the tone of voice when she spoke slowly returned to her previous appearance, with a smile inside.

Luo Xuange knew that Zhang Yiyun was going to turn over the old accounts again, saying that she had done embarrassing things in the crew this month.

He scratched his head awkwardly and said with a smile: "I just see more than others sometimes, and sometimes think less than others."

She just hasn't figured out this world, this society. Past experience doesn't work here, and her thinking doesn't work here a lot of the time.

Although I have always been attentive to study, but the worldview values ​​and even...the aesthetics are different from those of the people here.

"Okay, you don't have to change yourself deliberately. It's good to be simple. It's good to have Xu Xiu by your side and rely on An's without wind and rain." Zhang Yiyun smiled. At first, she gave up her right to inherit the family and insisted on running into the circle. She had no connections and no power, and even several elders in the family continued to put pressure on her. Finally, her relationship with that person was exposed, and there really was nothing left. .

The eldest lady who used to be called and embraced has become a trot with a box of takeaways who can't bear to finish the meal.

Later, I slowly groped in the circle. With my own way, my family can see it clearly. No matter what, it is my own flesh and blood, and I can't bear to toss any more, but I didn't give much help, just Afterwards the road was better.

The road behind her to achieve this achievement is more difficult than ordinary people.

People in the circle envied An Ruoshui, but she felt that this silly girl beside her was the real lucky one.

After all, there are many people in the circle, and they can maintain this pure heart after soaking in the dye vat.

The author has something to say: Master Luo: Hmm? Some people say that this seat is simple and very happy.

Little actor Luo Xuange: Well, that...Isn't it about me?