MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 131 The priest speaks the truth again

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"Where did you go shopping in such a short time?"

Li Tian asked curiously when she saw them coming back side by side.

"I..." Li Tian chuckled, she was very tired of dealing with so much, but who asked her to take Mr. An's money, she had to worry about An Ruoshui.

But now my wife is bringing the barbecue to her mouth, and she will not care about others.

What's more, if Luo Xuange went out with An Ruoshui, he probably wouldn't encounter any trouble.

An Ruoshui did not speak, and went straight to the bodyguard to bring the barbecue she had prepared in advance.

Luo Xuange approached Li Tian, ​​smelling the aroma of barbecue, she was really greedy.

Li Tian puffed out her cheeks and was full, and asked Luo Xuange with a smile: "These days, the barbecue grilled by Ruoshui is something everyone wants to try. It's because of her status that she doesn't dare to come and ask for it, so Director Jiang can come over for a few meals. You are considered lucky today."

"Huh?" Master Luo looked at Li Tian in surprise, but he also looked forward to An Ruoshui's barbecue.

Several bodyguards brought in the materials, and An Ruoshui called Luo Xuange over to help.

Soon everything was ready, An Ruoshui told Luo Xuange not to mix it up, she personally cooked a delicious dinner for Luo Xuange.

Master Luo sat beside An Ruoshui with a happy smile on his face, waiting quietly.

Ask your partner if you want to meet up tomorrow.

After all, although Luo Xuange is very popular at the moment, he is also a newcomer in the circle. They are not Wang Gaoyi's young disciples of ancient martial arts, so in front of Luo Xuange, they can still show the seniors of the entertainment industry. gesture.

"Come on, it's done. Try it."

An Ruoshui handed the roasted meat to Luo Xuange, Luo Xuange could smell the aroma of the roasted meat, which was believed to be the fact that Li Tian said that someone in the crew had saliva and wanted to ask for it.

After the barbecue was eaten, An Ruoshui brought some fruit to Luo Xuange.

Luo Xuange shook his head, saying why he really couldn't eat it.

She cut the fruit into pieces, and after An Ruoshui finished eating her barbecue, she sent the cut fruit.

"It's all cut, do you want to eat?" Luo Xuange asked.

An Ruoshui opened her mouth to signal to her, Luo Xuange took a few pieces and handed them to An Ruoshui's mouth.

This scene has become accustomed to Li Tian and Xu Xiu, but the rest of the crew stared at it.

What about the coldness and inhumanity?

A little bit of cleanliness?

What about the cold flower that can only be seen from a distance?

Where does this first love sweet little girlfriend have a sense of sight?

An Ruoshui knew that there were many onlookers, but this did not prevent her from enjoying the thoughtful warmth sent by Xiao Luo.

This can be regarded as her paving the way for future marriage announcements. In the play, there is the female lead and the silly white sweet and rich second generation playing ambiguous, and outside the play, An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange show their sisterhood '.

After this drama airs, these lace news are also released, fans accept it very well, and the marriage will be exposed more smoothly in the future.

These Luo Xuange are not very clear, as the leader of the demon sect, she is used to giving orders for the followers to accept directly.

However, you still have to follow the local customs and follow the arrangements of An Ruoshui.

At night, everyone returned to their tents.

Luo Xuange and An Ruoshui also cuddled and fell asleep.

An Junfeng in the old house also finished washing up, ready to go to the bedroom to rest.

Pushing open the door to find Feng Qianling looking at him mysteriously, An Junfeng standing at the door nervously.

whispered: "What's wrong?"

"There are two things I want to tell you." Feng Qianling told him with a smile, but didn't say what it was, instead it seemed more mysterious.

An Junfeng saw Feng Qianling smiling, so he relaxed a little, walked slowly to the bed and said softly, "Then I want to hear the good news."

"Hee hee, it's all good news." Feng Qianling smiled playfully, then took out a report and handed it to An Junfeng: "You can see for yourself."

An Junfeng took it with a suspicious look on his face, his eyes swept over casually, and suddenly his hands trembled to check it again.

He opened his mouth, but was speechless for a while, just smirked.

He took the paper in his hand and looked at it carefully, and then hugged Feng Qianling excitedly: "I'm going to be a father, right?!"


Feng Qianling laughed when she saw An Junfeng so happy.

An Junfeng was excited all night, tossing and turning in bed, but he didn't dare to make too much movement, for fear of waking Feng Qianling.

I was so excited that I went to the study, took out my mobile phone, and didn't bother to check the time, so I called An Ruoshui directly.

So Luo Xuange and An Ruoshui, who were in a daze, were awakened by the ringing of the mobile phone.

An Ruoshui narrowed her eyes and answered the phone, and asked in a confused voice, "Brother? What's the matter?"

"I'm going to be a dad! I'm going to be a dad! Ahahahaha, I'm going to be a dad."

An Ruoshui's drowsiness suddenly disappeared, she sat up and patted Luo Xuange lying beside her, An Ruoshui also said excitedly: "Xiao Luo, my brother wants to be a father already."

"Dad?...Oh, congratulations!" Master Luo's mind turned around before he found out the meaning of the word 'Dad'.

Master Luo doesn't like children very much, and she can't understand the excitement of these people. She just feels sleepy now, and she really wants to hug his wife and continue to sleep.

"Xiao Luo, you..." An Ruoshui glanced at Luo Xuange, then realized that the phone hadn't been hung up, she said to An Junfeng on the other end of the phone, "Brother, Xiao Luo is very tired today, I won't talk to you for now."

After hanging up the phone, An Ruoshui put the phone aside, she leaned over and put it on Luo Xuange, and asked softly, "What's the matter? You don't seem to be very happy?"

"Do you want a child too?" Luo Xuange asked after thinking about it.

An Ruoshui shook her head: "I think the child is just the crystallization of our love. Because I love you very much, I want to conceive a life with you. But..."

"But what?" Master Luo asked, his tense tone was not very good.

Luo Xuange suddenly woke up and looked at An Ruoshui incredulously.

A few days ago, she showed her various pictures of babies every day, and also let her watch various interesting videos of children, and even bought and bought toys for children. Very sorry to send it to Xiaoxi.

In those days, Luo Xuange was extremely depressed.

Now An Ruoshui has proposed to give up, which makes Luo Xuange too incredible.

Seeing her unbelievable appearance, An Ruoshui couldn't help laughing. She rushed forward and took a light bite on Luo Xuange's neck. When she made the sound, she was sticking out the tooth marks that her pink tongue was slowly biting out.

"Does it hurt?" An Ruoshui asked her with a smile on her face, Luo Xuange nodded, and An Ruoshui continued: "Can you believe this is true?"

"Hmm..." Luo Xuange was convinced, but he didn't understand why An Ruoshui suddenly changed his mind.

An Ruoshui was very helpless, but she still replied with a smile: "You are so resistant, how can I force you to have a child?"

In this world, the most precious people to her are probably her brother and Xiao Luo.

"Rest early, we will be filming tomorrow." An Ruoshui was already lying down. Seeing that Luo Xuange was still in disbelief, she couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Go to sleep quickly. , I promise you will wake up tomorrow, I will never change my mind."

Luo Xuange lay down slowly, closed her eyes for a few minutes, but still failed to brew sleepiness.

She turned over and looked at An Ruoshui's profile, and couldn't help asking: "Do you really want a child?"

“…Well, I like children very much. It’s cute when they are small.”

An Ruoshui was drowsy at this time, and she answered casually when someone asked.

Luo Xuange scratched her head incomprehensibly after hearing An Ruoshui's answer, and asked again, "Do you really like it?"

Luo Xuange slowly fell asleep with a mind full of thoughts, always thinking of An Ruoshui's words just now.

Because of her resistance, An Ruoshui gave up the child she liked, so shouldn't she be self-willed?

Luo Xuange was a little confused and didn't know what to do.

Thinking of An Ruoshui receiving a call from An Junfeng when An Ruoshui was extremely sleepy, and hearing An Junfeng say that he was going to be a father, An Ruoshui's excited expression at that time.

Luo Xuange thought about it, if An Ruoshui had a child of her own, would she be so happy? Will you be happier than before?

She thought about it for a long time and couldn't figure it out, so she decided to take out her mobile phone and ask others.

At this time, Jiang Yihan, who was far away in another country, was finishing her work and taking a break at halftime. When she received the message from Luo Xuange, she was still stunned, and then seriously edited and sent a reply. give her.

Jiang Yihan: I think that children are a mysterious gift from God, and some people think it is a gift, so they are full of expectations and surprises. Some people think it's a cursed demon, so they can't wait to avoid it. I think everything is good with fate, and the quality of the gift comes from the heart of the person who opened the gift.

It's been more than ten minutes since it was sent, and Jiang Yihan didn't get a reply from Luo Xuange. She was about to put away her phone and call the driver to send her back, but she frowned and sent a message again.

Jiang Yihan: You don't even have a partner, and now you're thinking about whether you want a child... is it too early? !

Luo Xuange was thinking about whether the child was a precious gift to her. When she saw the second message sent by Jiang Yihan, she went back to the past.

Luo Xuange: It's getting late. Ruoshui urged me to have a baby a few months ago.

The author has something to say: Jiang Yihan: Move a bed, I need to lie down slowly.