MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 133 There is no hurdle to overcome

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"Are you all right?"

Xu Ru walked to Gu Xunxue's side, she just saw the sulfuric acid that Zhang Manman burst splashed everywhere, she wondered if Gu Xunxue had been splashed.

Gu Xunxue coughed softly, then smiled: "It's okay."

Meng Xiaomeng also reacted, and began to hold Gu Xunxue's hand to ask her to answer honestly if there was anything wrong.

Gu Xunxue chuckled lightly: "I'm also Elder Gu Wu, how could I be hurt so easily by an ordinary person. Don't think about it, I'll take you back first."

Meng Xiaomeng was still worried about Gu Xunxue, so Gu Xunxue had to approach her and whispered, "You can leave, it's so late, do you know how scared your sister is?"

Meng Xiaomeng certainly knew how terrible it would be for her sister after dark, so she stopped worrying about Gu Xunxue and went to ask Xu Ru to get in the car and go home.

Gu Xunxue sprinkled the medicinal powder Luo Xuange had given her on the wound, and finally stopped the pain, and the wound no longer had any other sensations, so Gu Xunxue was relieved.

After all, according to Luo Xuange's habit, this powder is sprinkled on the wound, and as long as it is treated, it will definitely not leave scars.

When Meng Xiaomeng reacts again, she will find another excuse to hide it.

Small wounds like this don't take long to heal.

"You take care of her well, I'll take Miss Xu back." Gu Xunxue said to the bodyguards, three of them were Gu Wu's outer disciples, and they said to Gu Xunxue. Nature obeys.

But the others are directly employed by Xu Ru, so I don't know if I should obey Gu Xunxue and stay here to deal with Zhang Manman's affairs.

Seeing that these people were embarrassed, Xu Ru nodded lightly: "I believe Miss Gu, everyone go back to rest early today."

Gu Xunxue drove, and Meng Xiaomeng sat in the co-pilot.

Xu Ru sat in the back and took out her mobile phone, and chatted with someone upset.

"Sister, now Zhang Manman has been arrested. Can you rest assured?" Meng Xiaomeng turned her head and asked Xu Ru.

Xu Ru nodded slowly: "Well... I'm making an appointment with Dr. Wang. I plan to go to her for another treatment later."

Meng Xiaomeng breathed a sigh of relief, it is always better for her sister to have the idea of ​​wanting treatment than to hide from women before. I hope my sister can completely get out of the nightmare five years ago this time.

"Why did you come here today?" Meng Xiaomeng asked Gu Xunxue in disbelief.

Gu Xunxue replied while driving: "Of course because...because I miss you so much. I originally planned to give you a surprise, but I didn't expect you to give me a shock just after I arrived. ."

Actually, Gu Xunxue happened to be in a nearby martial arts hall to investigate the random acceptance of disciples from the outer sect. Unexpectedly, she happened to encounter someone hiring a bodyguard. She listened for a while and heard Xu Ru When the name came, he couldn't wait to rush over.

She was lucky enough to stop Zhang Manman, otherwise the sulfuric acid splashed on Xu Ru and Meng Xiaomeng.

"Humph, liar. Don't think I don't know you're ignoring me. You must have just happened to pass by." Meng Xiaomeng was a little angry at her perfunctory answer.

Gu Xunxue didn't have time to say anything, Xu Ru in the back seat said with a smile, "Anyway, it's true that Miss Gu saved us. You didn't thank her, but you started to question her. Isn't it a bit overwhelming?"

Listening to her sister's words, Meng Xiaomeng stuck her tongue out: "No."

"Hahaha." Meng Xiaomeng's actions made Gu Xunxue laugh, and she let out a sigh of relief to relax her heart.

I thought to myself that I would follow Meng Xiaomeng and protect this little guy.

In the mountainous area, Luo Xuange just woke up and heard someone making a noise outside.

She frowned and went out to have a look, and saw Li Tian and Xu Xiu standing in the woods arguing in the distance.

Luo Xuange asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"What's the matter? You ask her what's wrong?! Her father is ill, and dozens of messages have been sent to her from home. When she wanted to see her for the last time, she acted like she was nothing. If I hadn't accidentally seen the news this morning, she would have been hiding it from me! How could she be so cruel?"

"I can't talk to you! I told you, my father died long ago, and that man is a beast. I just have no conscience and no humanity. Divorce!"

Li Tian was also angry, when she shouted these words, she saw Xu Xiu's tears, and she felt bad in her own heart.

"..." Luo Xuange was frightened by the quarrel between the two, how much resentment could she think of to divorce her., it's called Heli.

But no matter what it is, it is enough to prove that Li Tian is angry to the extreme.

"Okay, okay! Just leave!" Xu Xiu's tears flowed uncontrollably. After waiting for a while, she didn't wait for Li Tian to come to apologize like before. I think Li Tian is really dead and wants to separate from her. So he turned around and left in a fit of anger.

After Xu Xiu left, Luo Xuange leaned against the tree and looked at Li Tian, ​​she asked, "Why don't you go back? If you really don't want to, then say it clearly, Don't think that the whole world is your heart, everyone knows what you think. Even...heart sometimes deceives itself. If you don't say it, Xu Xiu doesn't understand. If you say it, maybe she can understand why you are so hard-hearted My heart refuses to go back."

"When I was a kid..."

"Sorry, I'm not interested in listening to this. I just don't want my agent to be in the wrong working hours and affect her normal work. If you really want to explain, you should go and make it clear to Sister Xu Xiu. And Don't talk to me here." Luo Xuange performed light work and left here after she finished speaking, she remembered that there was a small stream when she came here, and the fish there were fat, so she went to catch two and bring them back to An Ruoshui to replenish her body. .

She wants to improve the meal for Mrs.

An Ruoshui woke up and couldn't see Luo Xuange. She walked out of the tent and happened to meet Xu Xiu with tears on her face.

"What's wrong?" An Ruoshui asked with concern, Xu Xiu shook his head: "It's okay."

"Why are you alright? You've been crying like this, how much grievance did you have to endure? Don't leave, just sit here for a meeting." An Ruoshui was afraid that Xu Xiu, who was in a bad state, would meet. Just like Zhang Yiyun last time, she ran into the mountains indiscriminately.

Xu Xiu listened to An Ruoshui's words and sat down, then sniffed and choked: "She always told me that she had only one mother who was seriously ill, but I later learned that her parents Divorced, she actually has a rich father. But these years, she is not in good health, and she has been trying to contact her to go back. But she didn't tell me at all, this matter bothered her very much, I think she In fact, she wanted to go back, but she was stubborn and refused to face the matter. This morning, she saw a message from her father's family, saying that the old man's critical illness notice had been issued, and she wanted her to go back to see the old man for the last time. . But she's still going to pretend she didn't see it."

"You want her back, she refuses, and then you quarrel?"

An Ruoshui is a little hard to understand, she can't figure out why Xu Xiu would persecute Li Tian in this kind of thing, and she also can't understand what Li Tian has in mind, why can't she tell Xu Xiu directly, how did the two of them do it? There are these contradictions.

Xu Xiu wiped away her tears, and said with grievance in her voice: "Of course not, I just want her not to run away. There are some things that I didn't face at the time. A thorn in my heart. I can't pull it out, I can't melt it. I don't want her to regret the pain in the future, so I advised her to think about it. After all, the old man is dying. We will never see each other.”

An Ruoshui nodded slightly, and understood what Xu Xiu said.

But before An Ruoshui could express her opinion, Xu Xiu cried out again: "But, she just... just murdered me. She also said she wanted a divorce!"

An Ruoshui was stunned, then reacted and immediately comforted Xu Xiu: "She must have said this because she was out of breath. You have been through so much together, so what are the obstacles you can't overcome? What about the past. She loves you and cherishes you very much. This is just an angry word. If you are serious, you will really lose. You can't help but fight her, but it doesn't go with her heart. "

"What do you mean?" Xu Xiu knew in her heart that Li Tian was angry, but she was also angry, and Li Tian said that and she agreed.

After talking with An Ruoshui, she actually regrets it, but it's too late to regret it, the words have been said, can she go back?

"Look, this is not a fool to come here. If there is something to calm down and have a good chat, just like me and Xiao Luo, what is on her mind, most of the time normal people I don't know. I never make random guesses when I can't figure it out, just ask."

An Ruoshui also likes Luo Xuange's temper, but when she asks, she will hesitate and think for a while, but in the end she can only tell the truth and explain everything clearly clear.

It saves her from worrying about her thoughts.

At this time, Luo Xuange also rushed back with the two caught fish, and said with a very happy smile from An Ruoshui: "The fish, I just caught, but it's fresh. I Raise it here first, and cook it for you at noon."

"Okay." An Ruoshui walked to Luo Xuange with a smile, looking at the two big fish, she raised her hand to help Luo Xuange wipe the sweat from her forehead, looking forward to it Asked: "In addition to the five-grain fish, do you have any other methods?"

Luo Xuange nodded: "Of course, fish is delicious and nutritious, and there are many ways to do it. Different fish have different cooking methods. If you want to eat it, I will make it for you every day."

An Ruoshui fell in love with fish again.

The author has something to say: This event line is coming to an end.