MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 67 shake

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Fang Li's eyelashes trembled slightly, and Xie Huai's gentle murmur was like a feather passing by his ears, or like a cool wind passing by lava. Everything he had managed to restrain was about to burst, and Fang Li suddenly felt Wronged.

I think that when Xie Huai had an attack, I deliberately stayed away from him, just not wanting to embarrass him... As a result, when it was my turn, Xie Huai not only refused to leave, but even added fuel to the fire, making the already difficult process even worse. more difficult.

For example, people who have been hungry for a long time cannot eat delicious food, and people in the desert cannot drink water when they see clear springs.

He was clearly tempting him!

He just wanted to see his uncontrollable ugliness, heh, he had already seen through Xie Huai's plot, and it was revenge for him, but he was a manly man, he did what he said, he said he would resist for seven days, how could he Want someone to help?

Besides, love Gu is much more powerful than this double-edged grass. The seven days that Xie Huai went through could make life worse than death. Fang Li had never experienced that he had no right to speak, but he knew that it must be a thousand times more difficult than he is now. They are all men. Why can Xie Huai suffer so much and suffer so much, but he can't do it himself?

How can a man say he can't do it?

The man's self-esteem immediately rose, and you can't lose if you lose!

Fang Li bit his lip, and the smell of blood filled his mouth. He still didn't open his eyes, and said two words slowly and hoarsely: "No, use."

Xie Huai's expression turned cold suddenly, and hostility emerged from the bottom of his eyes.

So, you hate being touched by me so much.

Even if you have reached the limit of your patience, you don't want me to help you.

At the beginning you gave me a love gu, seeing that my life would be worse than death, when I was confused and swayed by you... what were you thinking?

Probably, just watching a joke.

Xie Huai lowered his head, gently kissed away the blood on the corner of Fang Li's lips, and said slowly in a hoarse voice, "Open your eyes and look at me."

Fang Li refused to open his eyes.

He was afraid that if he only took one look at Xie Huai, he would be unable to bear it, so he asked him to help him...

Xie Huai's laughter was deep and cool, and he jokingly said, "Forget it, I'm not as ruthless as Your Majesty."

Fang Li:?

Then he knew what Xie Huai meant, and he still kindly 'helped' him.


The next day, Fang Li lay on the bed with blank eyes.

Although Xie Huai just helped him with his hands, he was still in a daze and didn't dare to think about everything last night. Fang Li tried hard to shake himself out of his mind last night, it must not be him!

He will never look like that!

It didn't take long for Xie Huai to push the door in. He came over and picked Fang Li up, and walked to the soft bed in the courtyard.

Xie Huai was the same as usual, he helped Fang Li to sit up, and patiently fed Fang Li.

Fang Li lowered his eyes, and his eyes fell on Xie Huai's hands. These hands were as slender as jade and flawless, just like this person, perfect to the extreme.

He has never shy away from admiring Xie Huai's beauty, if it was before, he might not be able to bear to look at it more, but today...

Fang Li suddenly averted his eyes, his ears were slightly hot, such beautiful and clean hands, but doing such a thing.

Like a holy **** falling into the world of mortals and dirt.

Fang Li could no longer look directly at Xie Huai's hand!

It is clear that the effect of the medicine has passed, but all the feelings seem to have not faded away, not only is it not disgusting, but even wants to recollect it, Fang Li suddenly had a ridiculous idea in his heart.

For the first time, he realized so clearly—he might really be bent.

This cognition was like a bolt from the blue, knocking Fang Li into a daze.

Was he bent in the first place and he didn't realize it, or was it because Xie Huai bent him?

Wait, is he really bent?

Fang Li's eyes were confused.

He can no longer say that he doesn't like men.

Thinking of this, his whole body exudes an aura of despair, as if the whole world has been subverted, and the three views have been crushed and reorganized again and again. As soon as he closes his eyes, it is the scene where Xie Huai helped him, and he showed that …

Xie Huai held the dish and handed it to Fang Li's mouth, but the young man just stared at him blankly, then hurriedly looked away, his eyes were covered with a layer of mist, and he was devastated like self-loathing, covering his whole body with a layer of mist. The breath of ashes.


Xie Huai's heart tugged suddenly, as if his heart had been tugged. He was already so cautious, and he didn't really follow through to the end, but Fang Li couldn't accept it even if it was just like this.

He didn't even want to look at himself again.

The devil who was so powerful in the past showed such a lonely posture. If the person in front of you was your senior brother, you would definitely not be like this...

Jealousy is like a poisonous snake entangled in the bottom of my heart, Xie Huai knows it's wrong, but he can't suppress the hostility in his heart, isn't he doing enough?

Your senior brother is no longer there, there is just a ruthless and cold soul in that body, he ruined everything about you, and watched you fall into the evil way, forever... He will only hurt you, but I will not, even if it is just a substitute, It's better than him, isn't it?

At least I won't do this to you.

Xie Huai suddenly pulled Fang Li over, stared at the young man's face with dark eyes, bowed his head and kissed him.

Fang Li was still immersed in the grief that he might be bent, and was caught off guard by Xie Huai's kiss. He subconsciously wanted to struggle, but his whole body was still weak, so he could only snuggle into Xie Huai's arms.

His eyes were red from being kissed, and he had trouble breathing. Just when he suspected that Xie Huai was planning to suffocate him like this, Xie Huai suddenly turned around with his arms around him, and Xue Qingjian suddenly appeared in his hand, and a sword split a black shadow go out-

Fang Li:?

Xie Huai finally let go of him, he gasped for breath, and then looked aside, it turned out to be Wu Yimei.

The black-clothed man with a gloomy expression looked at Xie Huai firmly, and his eyes fell on the person in Xie Huai's arms.

Your Majesty looked haggard and pale, there were tears in his eyes, his neck was covered with bruises, his Majesty seemed to have been poisoned, and he leaned softly in Xie Huai's arms, this was something Wu Yimei had never seen before... The other side of His Majesty.

Such a tortured appearance made Wu Yimei's blood surge instantly, and he was about to fight Xie Huai immediately!

At this moment, Xie Huai's fingers lightly landed on Fang Li's neck, and he said in a cool voice: "If you take another step, I will kill him."

Fang Li:?

Who is this nonsense lying to?

However, Fang Li turned his head and saw that Wu Yimei stopped in his tracks, the veins on his forehead were bulging, and the hand holding the whip trembled, but he didn't move forward after all.

Fang Li: ...Oh, Wu Yimei believes this nonsense.

He was helpless.

How many times have I told Wu Yimei that Xie Huai will never hurt him, a clever and transparent person like Wu Yimei has never made any mistakes in his daily work, and is his most capable subordinate, but this fairy world In the eyes of everyone, the insidious, cunning, and scheming demon cultivator... However, he just couldn't see clearly about Xie Huai's matter.

I always feel that Xie Huai wants to harm him.

Is the original book so powerful?

Wu Yimei stared at Xie Huai, his red eyes were like blood, when he was in Xingyang Mountain, he watched Xie Huai take His Majesty away, he had to retreat with his men, and then came to Fuqiu Mountain alone, trying to rescue Your Majesty leave here.

But Fuqiu Mountain is as solid as gold, he couldn't break through the barrier set by Xie Huai, and he has not been able to enter. Who would have thought that the barrier was suddenly opened today, and he saw such a scene as soon as he entered.

It seems that my lord is being treated wantonly and frivolously by Xie Huai.

Xie Huai clearly did it on purpose, he was demonstrating to himself, Wu Yimei's blood surged, Gu had to be Xie Huai's opponent, he couldn't see His Majesty suffer such humiliation!

Who would have thought that Xie Huai would be so despicable, that he would threaten the life of his lord, and Wu Yimei would not dare to be reckless after all.

Although Your Majesty said that Xie Huai would not hurt him before, but His Majesty was obviously wrong, since Xie Huai could torture His Majesty like this, what if he really killed His Majesty? Wu Yimei dare not gamble.

He stood there, gritted his teeth, and said word by word: "What exactly do you want to let your lord go."

Xie Huai glanced at Wu Yimei, turned his head and looked at Fang Li's face, his eyes were soft, and he said meaningfully: "It depends on whether your lord can satisfy me."

Fang Li's face turned red again as if he meant something.

Wu Yimei was so angry that he wanted to step forward again.

Fang Li thought to himself that he could not let Wu Yimei do anything anymore, of course Xie Huai would not kill him, but it was very possible to kill Wu Yimei.

What a crime, when will these two people let themselves be at peace? Hit without meeting?

For Wu Yimei's safety, Fang Li finally had the consciousness of being a hostage. Leaning in Xie Huai's arms, he raised his eyes to look at Wu Yimei, and said hoarsely, "Don't come here."

Xie Huai seemed to be very satisfied with Fang Li's obedience, even if this person was only for Wuyishui, even if everything was just an illusion, he would be happy with it, after all, he couldn't ask for more than that.

Xie Huai caressed Fang Li's cheek with his fingers, turned his head to look at Wu Yimei lightly, and said, "I'm not leaving yet, are you planning to stay and watch?"

Fang Li:?

What to watch?

Anyway, save me some face in front of my subordinates!

Fang Li immediately winked at Wu Yimei, motioning for him to leave quickly, now Xie Huai can't say anything well.

Wu Yimei saw the anxious gaze of the lord, and suddenly felt a twinge in his heart, his heart ached so much, how could a person who is so strong and proud like the lord want to be seen like this, I'm afraid he would rather die than be like this Humiliation, if I continue to stay here, won't I embarrass my lord?

Wu Yimei glanced at Xie Huai bitterly, and finally retreated quickly.

Fang Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he took a complicated look at Xie Huai, and speaking of it, he was in this yard at the beginning, showing his 'favor' to Xie Huai in front of all the demon servants, making the world misunderstand Xie Huai by himself... Now Xie Huai also let Wu Yimei see Look, how he 'pampered' himself, he really gave it back.

I really can't see that Xie Huai still has such a calculating side...

Fang Li was a little helpless.

Xie Huai saw that Fang Li was distracted at a glance, his eyes turned cold, and he said coolly: "Your Majesty, give up, no one can save you."

Fang Li: ...

I don't know why there is no sense of threat.

Seeing Fang Li's indifferent appearance, Xie Huai became even angrier, and wished he could deal with him severely, so that he could no longer ignore him like this...

But Xie Huai took a deep breath and finally let go of his hand.

The letter in the bosom moved.

Xie Huai got up and left from the courtyard.

He came to the study and took out the letter, which was a reply letter from Master Mingyin.

Xie Huai scanned the information in the letter with his spiritual sense, and frowned.

Although he kept Fang Li by his side these days, thinking about Fu Junling's matter, Xie Huai was still uneasy, so he wrote a letter to his master, telling his master about Fu Junling, but he did not explain that Fu Junling was the reincarnation of the sage. He only said that Fu Junling might be the mastermind behind the Chaoxianhui, so let Master be more careful.

The reason why he didn't tell the whole story is because his information came from Fang Li's illusion. If Fu Junling's identity is to be exposed, Fang Li will be involved. Fang Li's identity cannot be concealed by then, and he has no evidence. It can be proved what Fu Junling did, so it can only be said as a guess.

But it seems that Master doesn't believe it.

I only replied that this is a big matter, and it is best to have evidence before proceeding.

Xie Huai's eyes darkened.

He has known Fu Junling for a long time, but he has not discovered his disguise for so many years. It can be seen that he has hidden it very deeply. As long as the black jade talisman is not in his hands, Fu Junling will not let it go.

But no matter what, he would not let Fu Junling hurt Fang Li again.


Fang Li thought that Xie Huai would do something else, but who knew that Xie Huai would let him go and leave, he was greatly relieved.

He needs time to slow down.

Clear your mind.

Because Xie Huai didn't burn the incense again, he woke up the next day with some strength in his body, but Fang Li didn't intend to escape, so he simply stayed here.

Another two days passed.

Xie Huai finally came over again, he said lightly: "Come with me."

Fang Li followed Xie Huai to a side hall, before entering the door, he heard laughter from inside, his expression froze for a moment, and looked at Xie Huai in disbelief.

Fang Mingyuan's family lived in the side hall.

Fang Li pushed the door open and entered.

Fang Mingyuan and Xin Ruiyan were sitting in the courtyard drinking tea, Fang Qiongyi looked around curiously, they were the most ordinary mortals, where had they seen such a gorgeous palace! It is said that this was the palace of the Demon Lord...Thinking of this place, I am in awe.

But now the person living here is Mr. Yuyi, so naturally there will be no more monsters.

If I go back later, I will have the capital to show off!

Fang Qiongyi saw Fang Li at a glance, her eyes lit up immediately, she hugged her brother's arm happily, and said: "Brother, you don't talk to us when you have something to do, we are all worried to death, it is Mr. Yuyi who told us that you just Go to meet your friends, let us not worry, and take us to the mountain to accompany you."

Fang Mingyuan looked at his son lovingly, couldn't bear to blame, and said in a deep voice: "It's only a few days before the wedding, so don't run around anymore."

Xin Ruiyan looked kindly: "The clothes for the big wedding are all prepared for you."

Seeing the concern of his relatives, Fang Li's eyes warmed up slightly, he didn't say any more disappointing words, just nodded.

Then Fang Li was pulled over, Fang Mingyuan and his wife asked for warmth, Fang Qiongyi was like a hundred thousand whys, she had so many questions to ask, she was very curious about everything in the world of cultivating immortals...

Xie Huai stood on one side indifferently.

Watch Fang Li reunite with his family.

In fact, these are not his relatives at all, they are just a few mortals. They don't know that in front of them is the existence that once made the spirit world **** and bloody. But Fang Li... seems to really regard them as family members, Since the reunion with Fang Li, his concern and love for his family is not fake.

This is the gentle side of his heart, which can treat everyone around him with kindness.

Your sect disappeared nineteen years ago. Since you can start over and accept these mortals as your family, why can't you accept me?

I can also love you like your senior brother...

Xie Huai twitched the corners of his lips mockingly. He felt how ridiculous he was. He promised to take revenge on this person and let him try his own pain. In the end, he only wanted to be able to look at this person, even as a substitute. no matter what...

Xie Huai looked sad, turned and left.

Fang Li exchanged greetings with his parents and sister, answered their questions, and was relieved in his heart. He was indeed worried about his family. Fu Junling was the reincarnation of the Holy Lord. He used the body of Senior Brother Ah Yan to change his appearance and become Xuan Xing, one of the five great immortal sects. The deputy landlord of the building.

With deep thoughts and extraordinary methods.

Now that he knows his current identity, with his ruthless and ruthless means, it is possible to attack the other party's family, who knows that he didn't say anything at all, Xie Huai even took this into consideration, and brought his relatives to the mountain in advance, so that he would not be afraid Fu Junling threatened him with this.

Thinking of this, Fang Li's eyes softened, and he sighed softly.

Xin Ruiyan looked at her son and sighed, and immediately asked concerned: "What's wrong with Li'er, is there something bothering you?"

Fang Li shook his head.

Xin Ruiyan mistakenly thought it was a matter with Xie Huai, and said uneasy: "But Mr. Yuyi..."

Fang Li didn't want his mother to misunderstand, and said: "Mr. Yuyi is very kind to me, so mother doesn't need to worry."

Xin Ruiyan breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "That's good. If... you want to go home in the future, you can come back anytime."

Fang Li raised the corners of his lips and smiled, said hello, then got up and left.

He walks in the empty palace.

What's on my mind is-

Do you really want to become a Taoist couple with Xie Huai?

Does he like Xie Huai?

Fang Li didn't know.

But he doesn't hate Xie Huai's approach, he doesn't hate Xie Huai's touch, he doesn't hate Xie Huai's affection for him...

He doesn't hate everything about Xie Huai.

She even gradually got used to Xie Huai's existence, enjoying it as much as she wanted.

Does this count as liking?

Falling in love with a man is a life that Fang Li never imagined, let alone falling in love with a character in a book, it is a bit ridiculous...

But everything in front of me is so real, and so is the person in front of me.

Why can't you try it yourself?

Why must it be so resistant?

Fang Li unconsciously returned to the bedroom, Xie Huai was waiting for him in the room.

The man had a calm expression on his cold face, slightly pursed his thin lips, looked at him with black eyes, and said, "The wedding is only ten days away. During this time, the Fang family will live here."

He was worried that Fu Junling's family would take action, so he took it early, just in case, but he didn't want to say these words to Fang Li. He was so humble, let alone his last insistence, he would never beg. The devil's alms and mercy...

Xie Huai said coldly: "If you dare to escape again, consider the consequences."

Fang Li stared blankly at the person in front of him.

Laughed lowly.

It is clear that I am protecting my family, but I want to say threatening words, no matter how fierce I say, but the so-called repayment is actually nothing more than that...

Xie Huai looked at Fang Li and smiled, he hadn't seen Fang Li smile like this for a long time, he always looked lost and melancholy, every minute and every second with him seemed to be confused, but now he actually smiled.

Xie Huai's breathing paused for a moment, then his eyes turned cold, he pinched Fang Li's chin, and said slowly: "Why, do you think I won't do anything to them?"

Fang Li believed that he would not attack mortals, so he was so confident and did not take his threat seriously.

Sure enough, Fang Li smiled slightly and asked back: "So, what are you going to do with them?"

Xie Huai hesitated.

He looked at the person in front of him with resentment, he was clearly a fish and meat on the case, but he was not afraid at all, looking at his own eyes that were clear and indifferent...

Xie Huai's black eyes were deep, and a low laugh suddenly escaped from his throat. He pressed Fang Li on the bed, his voice low and slow, with a half-joking smile: "You're right, I won't How about it for them, but for you, my lord... maybe..."

Fang Li stared blankly at the person in front of him.

Xie Huaiqing's cold face is like a fairy who does not disturb the world. When I saw him for the first time, I decided that he was the most beautiful person I had ever seen in my life.

Xie Huai is so pretty.

Even if something really happened, he wouldn't be at a disadvantage.

Isn't it just with a man?

If you don't try it, how will you know if it will work?

Xie Huai's kiss fell on the neck.

Fang Li's eyes were empty.

His body tensed slightly, but he restrained himself without resistance, allowing Xie Huai to kiss him.

And I have done so many excessive things before, I am really sorry for Xie Huai, now let Xie Huai do it back, it can be regarded as compensation for Xie Huai, so Xie Huai will not be angry anymore?

If this can make Xie Huai not angry...

Fang Li felt that he was willing to try.

Xie Huai grabbed Fang Li's wrist with one hand, and kissed the young man's eyes, lips, and neck...

The young man's body trembled slightly, but he didn't resist. It was different from every time before, and he seemed extraordinarily obedient, as if he was opening his heart, waiting to be accepted...

This kind of Fang Li made Xie Huai's heart skip a beat for a moment, and he had an absurd illusion, as if the person in front of him also liked him...

Xie Huai's movements became extremely gentle, lest he move a little harder, this person would want to escape from him again, he was so cautious, he was unwilling to break the scene in front of him.

He gently hugged this person, the affection in his chest made him want to completely indulge himself.

He kissed passionately on the young man's neck.

At this moment, he heard the young man softly say, "Don't be angry, okay?"