MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 1804 Stealing the day!

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Chapter 1804 steals the day!

The heart was taken out of the chest, and Aitantine VI, who was in front of him, did not die at the moment.

The king showed far more vitality than ordinary people.

He raised his hand and grabbed it to his heart.

It is a pity that the evil spirit did not give him a chance. At the moment when the voice fell, the palm of his hand was forced to slam.


With an alternative crisp sound, the heart is smashed into meat.

The palm of the hand raised by Aitantine VI was stiff, and then it hanged abruptly, and the breath quickly failed.

At the same time, the seemingly old Aitantine VI began to age at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The skin that is supposed to have luster and elasticity, like the old bark, has been daunting and bloodshot eyes, but it has become dry.

Only in an instant, the eyeball disappeared, and the rest were two dark hollows.

At this time, Aitendin VI's hair began to fall, and the skin was completely relaxed, just like a piece of skin stuck on the skull.

The teeth fell to the ground, and the tongue in the empty mouth was already weathered, leaving only the dark-laced throat.

More evils emerge from this eyelid and mouth.

Then, shaking hands, the corpse-like Aitantin VI fell to the ground.

The evil spirits watched it all quietly.

"Sure enough, as Boss thought."

“The ‘black disaster’ has not only been ‘the catastrophic lady’, but also Aitantin VI who can control ‘evil’.”

"It's amazing!"

The evil spirits that sighed at the bottom of my heart thought of the guess of my own Boss.

In the age of the gods, the establishment of the kingdom is enough to make people look.

If there is no suspicion inside, no one will believe it.

Initially, Qin Ran considered it a ‘quiet night essay.’

In fact, all the clues are pointing there.

From the beginning of Aitante I, until now, the ‘Queen Night Secrets’ and the Aitante’s royal family are unclear.

Moreover, the confrontation between ‘God of War’ and ‘Mr.’ is more like proof of this.

If... there is no 'black disaster'!

According to this initial speculation, the premise of the ‘black disaster’ must be the layout of the “Queen of the Night” by the Aitantin royal family.

What can be the final result?


The forces of 'God of War' have to be reduced - at least on the surface, this is the case, but the fact is that the belief in 'God of War' is still popular in the North, not too much reduction, compared with before the 'black disaster', almost Similar.

From this perspective, the 'God of War' loss is not very good.

But don't forget the ‘hunter!’

This organization, which has always protected civilians from ‘evil’, has almost vanished.

In this special battle, ‘Mr. Evangel’ has no doubt a big winner.

‘God of War’ is not losing or winning.

But the ‘hunting man’ is a big loser, basically losing the point of nothing.

Is this the first time the Aitante royal family wanted to see it?


You must know that Qin Ran has not only confirmed from a population, the original demon hunter is pursuing the ‘quiet night secrets.’

Even, to a certain extent, the demon hunter was introduced into the bureau by the ‘quiet night essay.’

The unclear relationship between the Aitantin royal family and the ‘quiet night secret society’ can be seen as an ally.

With such preconditions, Qin Ran came up with a bold conclusion: the Aitantin royal family wanted to get rid of the ‘hunter man!’

With this conclusion, a very interesting question has emerged!

Why did the Aitantin royal family remove the demon hunters?

It is harmless to remove the temperament of the temper by the actions of the demon hunters. Instead, it helps the Aiddin royal family rule over the Hokuriku.

There is no love for no reason in the world.

There is no hate for no reason.

What are the hunters doing?

Apart from training and drinking, almost all of them are used for ‘hunting.’

Training does not make people hate.

Drinking will not.

Naturally, there is only ‘hunting devil’!

Hunting the evil demon hunters not only hindered the Aitante royal family, but also made the Aitantin royal family hate the depths of the soul, so that they had to get rid of all the hunters.

The Aidandin royal family is on the side of the ‘evil’!

From the inference, Qin Ran came up with such an answer.

Then, he thought of the evils that spread throughout the whole of the North, and the whisper of the ear, especially the latter, which is really a very targeted whisper.

A clue to the article, added to the new answer.

In the end, Qin Ran came up with a more daring inference: Does the Aitantin royal family have the way to control ‘evil’?

Although some are unbelievable, after all the impossible is removed, the rest is impossible.

Think again about the original founding of Aitantine I.

It seems that everything has become taken for granted.

Therefore, at the time of the feast, he let the upper evil spirits sneak in advance.

He knows that since the other party invited him to come, naturally he has absolute certainty. If he does not prepare more, he will definitely fall into a passive position.

After all, this is very likely to be the bureau of the hacker.

A layout that spanned Aitantine I to Aitante VI.

Or, to put it more simply, 'hacker' just sowed a seed in Aitante I, and then, when the seed is harvested day after day, year after year, re-sown, grows again, and finally in Aitante When the six seeds became a field in the sixth world, he 'returned' and harvested.

It is reasonable to follow the ‘big city’ as a guess of the copy world by ‘intercepting time’.

Therefore, ‘hacker’ is eyeing Bohr.

It is not difficult to do this with the power of ‘hacker’ once in a huge city.

The other party wants to create an army made up of ‘fraternal’!

Just like the robot army that the other party once mastered.

Of course, this sinister army is stronger and more strange!

But now?

The evil spirits looked at ‘arrogance’.

Yes, it is not Qin Ran who entered here.

It is a ‘arrogance’ that is very similar to Qin Ran.

Why not choose a safer way when you have conditions that avoid danger?

For Boss who proposed this way, the upper evil spirit can neither refute nor envy.

It also wants such a safe way.


Feel the contractual power between yourself and Boss.

It wisely chose to ask for an hour of vacation.

‘Pride’ doesn’t know what the evil spirits think.

However, even if he knows, he will not care about anything. Apart from his brother and brothers, he will not care about the other. Although that guy is a very important tool for his brother, ‘arrogance’ does not change anything.

And cheerful color?


‘Pride’ swept the tool and looked up at the evil that filled the room.

Obviously, this room has a special function.

The evil here can't leave.

More can not act freely.

Even these evils remain in the position of worship, and they have not changed because of the death of Aitante VI.

"Does the ‘constraints’ left by the elder brother?”

The situation that the tail can't be lost obviously does not appear on the enemy of the enemy. The other party, like his brother, is a very cautious person.

What happens when the other party expects a 'bumper'.

Nature will also anticipate that he has failed and has not waited for the situation of 'bumper harvest'.

The other party will certainly not be willing to make a wedding dress for others.

Therefore, these seemingly submissive and easy-to-control sinisters will inevitably leave an insurance.

Not in the ‘evil’ themselves.

But in...


‘Pride’ looked at the body of Aitantine VI.

That special defense disappeared as the other party died, and it was still strong.

Therefore, ‘arrogance’ looks to the upper evil spirits.

"it's me again?"

The upper evil spirit raised his right hand and pointed to his nose, his face reluctantly.

‘Pride’ has no openings, so I watched the evil spirits silently.

After a second -

"OK OK."


"Who told me to be inside."

The upper evil spirit raised his hands and made a posture of surrender.

Then it began to examine the body of Aitandin VI.

Soon, the upper evil spirits were discovered.

Not in the body, but in the body.

It’s not that the evil spirits are smart, it’s too conspicuous!

The red radiance shines through the chest of the body of Aitantine VI. It is not necessary to cut open the body, and the upper evil spirit can see a red jewel of the size of a dove.

It should have been attached to the heart.

At this moment, as the heart weathered without blood, it naturally appeared.

The brilliance of a gem shines like a breath.

Moreover, under the watchful eye of the evil spirits, this jewel emerged from the body and floated in front of the evil spirits.

Unspeakable surprise.

Even the upper evil spirits have the feeling of scalp tingling.

Not a strange situation!

It is power!

It clearly perceives that this gem contains a strange power.

The evil spirit looked at the red jewel and looked at ‘arrogance’.

In the end, under the gaze of arrogance, I had to raise my hand to reach such a gem.

When the fingertip touches the gem of the gem -

Death is coming!

Huge power emerged from the red gems, and in the blink of an eye, the evil spirits were crushed into powder.


Not once!

It is ten times!

When the upper evil spirit that died ten times in less than two breaths reappeared, his face was not only pale.

It is not dead.

But not absolute.

This kind of attack with a special power is enough to consume a lot of physical strength and suffer considerable pain.

"Restore, continue."

Said ‘arrogant’.

The first half of the sentence is like a **** to the upper evil spirits.

The second half?

The evil spirits bitterly face and look at ‘arrogance’.


"I have been dead ten times."

It asked.

The ‘arrogance’ has no openings, and the answer is naturally obvious.

He does not believe that his brother's opponents only set up an ‘insurance’.

The same is true.

After the upper evil spirit rested ten times, that is, after a hundred deaths, the red gem gave the ‘arrogant’ feeling of disappointment disappeared, and even the defense disappeared.

But ‘arrogant’ did not touch the suspended red gems.

He turned his head and looked at his side.

The ‘gluttony’ drooling appeared.

The ‘gluttony’ that just appeared can't wait to rush to the evils that are still moving.

"Slow to eat."

‘Pride’ looked at his youngest brother and whispered softly.

The evil spirits looked at the eyes.

It is a pity that when ‘arrogant’ turned his head, he regained that arrogant look.

"It still has problems!"

“It should be a trap that doesn’t work for us, only works for ‘players’.”

Looking at the appearance of ‘gluttony’, the ‘arrogance’ mood is good, and it begins to explain to the evil spirits.

"I know."

The upper evil spirit is not a fool. Naturally, it is impossible to hide several kinds of means on this ruby ​​by the means of the hacker.

Unfortunately, this ruby ​​is precious, and its own Boss will not touch.

After all, for his own Boss, a sinister army is far less important than ‘cheat’ food, especially when these foods can bring strength.

After a few seconds of silence in the bottom of my heart for the hacker, the upper evil spirit asked.

"What should we do next?"

"According to the plan."

Said ‘arrogant’.


Outside the small chamber.

Monte stood there, sweating slightly on his forehead.

He has already given birth to escape the idea, naturally will not stay here for a long time.


Looking at the guards of Wang Shi, they stared at his gaze, and Monty couldn’t help but lament.

Not wanting to run.

But it can't run at all.

Monte can be sure that if he dares to run, these guards will definitely pull the sword to kill him.

Damn it!

Can't you see the situation in front of you?

In the heart of Monte, he mourned, and looked at Boer and Ash.

The followers and guards of the two demon hunters, since the demon hunter entered the small chamber, kept the appearance of standing and vigilant. From the evening to the complete darkness, the two people did not even change their posture.

However, the eyes of the two men told Monte, the two had already made the worst plans.

Once you have confirmed what you have, you will definitely get angry.

Very unfortunate.

He should be the primary goal.

Who makes him the weakest?

It is undoubtedly the best choice to hold him and threaten the members of the Wangshi Guard.

Monterey knows that this is definitely the most wrong.

Once he was held hostage.

Then death is coming.

The royal **** will not hesitate to even kill him.

I don't want to die like this!

There must be a way!

There must be!

Monte lowered his head and began to turn his brain.

And just then -


The door of the small chamber opened.

Everyone’s line of sight has been drawn to the past.

The members of the royal escorts clenched their weapons one by one, faintly enveloping Boer and Ash.

They waited for a next order and smashed the two.

However, these **** members immediately stopped.

Because, it is Qin Ran who came out, the demon hunter.

Moreover, more importantly, their majesty is next to the demon hunter, clinging to the arm of the demon hunter, the old but majestic face is full of sputum, which is covered with red blood. Even the eyes are red.



The hunter is a tired face.

It seems that I have not slept for a long time.

It also seems to be because of the huge news shock, can not accept for a while, but too hearty.

The people who swept the expressions of the two people and quickly got the information were stunned.

what happened?

Everyone looked at each other and began to guess.

And when everyone was overwhelmed by speculation, they heard the words of their majesty.

"Children are suffering... I know... what you have to bear... I am doing this for your safety, and I have to ask your teacher... He? Nothing, he is just a blind man... You are want to treat this place as your home... I know that you are hard to accept in a short time, but... rest assured, everything has me, you can rely on me."

The voice of Aitandin VI is very low and very weak.

The people around are listening to the intermittent.

But the kindness on the face is unprecedented.

That was the case when I had never been to Sifney.


Everyone has turned up the stormy waves.

They were shocked and looked at the frowning snake-hunter.

Especially Monte.

This near-minister who has nowhere to go, this time is simply overjoyed.

Not only did he not have to die, but he also seemed to see a more ‘thigh-legged’ in the future.

There is no hesitation.

Monte rushed to the snake to hunt the demon man on one knee.

"I have seen His Royal Highness."

PS This chapter is a bit late, sorry to say that Fei Long recommended a newcomer's book "I want to be new"! If you have time, just go check it out!

(End of this chapter)