MTL - The Distinguished Cute Master-Chapter 12 Getting started

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Just listening to a slight shatter, his original knowledge of the sea broke! But because of the endless spiritual nourishment, he did not feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, in an almost gentle package, he could re-recognize the sea calmly. When he opened his eyes, he was pleasantly surprised to find out. His gods have the strength to build a foundation!

In ten days, he broke from Dantian, and now he has the knowledge of building a foundation. It only took ten days! However, he did not appear to be unstable, because what he had served in the past few days was a treasure that no one else could see in his life, and all of this was due to the girl in front of him, his master.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he quietly watched him laugh. Night Shen Yuan discovered that she had just used so many spiritual powers, but she still looked ordinary, and that looks like a smile, not even like a six-year-old child.

"All right."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he clap his hands and let the night Shen Yuan wake up as a dream.

"The big ratio has started! You should take a shower here, then, go and hit them with a drop of water! Let me take a step first~"

After that, she leaped and ran to the room, and shouted in the distance. "Xiaoqiu, are you coming back? I smell the scent of the meringue!"

Night Shen Yuan looked at her away, and it was shocked to find that she had an impurity in his body. He frowned. When he thought of him, he was even looked depressed by the master. At this time, his mind Another sound that has been sleeping for a long time.

"Little doll, just the female doll, is your master?"

Although he is sleeping, he can still perceive one-and-a-half-point things about the outside world.

Night Shen Yuan said with surprise, "You are a senior, are you awake?"

Li Laotou snorted, "The spirit of Wannian is not the ordinary thing! With it, the damage of the gods can be repaired, but unfortunately, you are too weak now, accepting half of the soul is already the limit, just that The female doll is a good skill, so I can see the maximum you can bear at a glance, so I only digested half of it for you.

Moreover, I think her bone age is only six years old! After experiencing the ban on squatting, not only did not destroy Daogen for life, but also the foundation is solid... so qualified, it is a wizard! You really found a good master for yourself! ”

In fact, he thought secretly, if he first met the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, maybe let Tianzhu be her main, and six years old is Yuan Ying, this is absolutely rare in the world!

Li Lao is so praising the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the night Shen Yuan also feels that he has the honor, the overflowing gentleness in his eyes, after using the cleaning technique, he enters the Lingquan, meditates and cultivates, and removes the tiredness of re-shaping the sea, using the fastest Speed ​​recovery status.

Is the introduction more than that? He will definitely glory to the master!


At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Xiao Qiu sent the night Shen Yuan to the outside door to prepare. He went to the Dabi scene alone. Because she was young, she sat down at the head of the head.

Soon, just after the forty-nine bells, with the right elders screaming, the tens of thousands of disciples underneath the spirit!

"Opening the mountain door -"

After his words are finished, countless cranes rise to the sky! In the semi-recessed mountainous venue, one layer of the platform is suspended, and the first level is extended downwards, just like the pyramid of the volley. There is only one higher-level test bench, and in front of the elders and the palm of the hand, whoever can reach the highest platform is the top three in the ratio.

The disciples of the disciples, each of the Tsing Yi, armed with Wan Jianzong unified casting the famous sword - Zang Fengjian, looked solemn, watching the mountains slowly moving to the sides, and outside the mountains, 100,000 foreigners who want to get started The disciples are ready to go.

Seeing the mountain guards slowly withdrawing, the night Shen Yuan looked at the mountain like a blade and was removed by the formation. There was a kind of admiration for the past sages, and more firm.

100,000 foreign mountain disciples, he must be the first!

In this regard, Li Lao has a different view. He said to the night Shen Yuan in the sea of ​​knowledge. "It is very important to keep the dragons in the sacred world. It is very important to have a card, and the top 100 will stand out. Why do you have to be the first place? ?"

Li Laodun paused, and said, "Remember these people, those with superior qualifications have long been concealed by the rest of the peaks. If you meet them, they will also hurt them. The people behind them will still be Will you find the trouble of your little master, why bother?"

Night Shen Yuan bowed his head and wiped a black and black dagger, whispering, "Wan Jianzong has a door rule, the first place can choose his own teacher."

Li Lao didn’t talk for a moment, so this kid is afraid that someone will grab him in front of him and worship at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. No way? Who would want to be a disciple of a six-year-old?

However, seeing the night Shen Yuan is firm, he has no objection again. The consequences of going forward are tantamount to placing the treasure in the bright spot. Although dangerous, is it not a cultivation?

Finally, the deacon of the outer door called the name of the night Shen Yuan, but because of the large number of people, it was necessary to pass the thousand people to the next stage to enter the next one. There were a total of 100 thousand people bureaus, and each party took 50 people. At the end of Haibi, it is necessary to brush off 95,000 people.

At this time, at the beginning of the Yuan dynasty, sitting on the high platform and opening a small gap, this level of comparison is absolutely trivial to the night Shen Yuan, as long as there is no accident, the night Shen Yuan is definitely the top 100, for which she has no pressure at all. .

"Xiao Mu, you talk about it, the little apprentice you value, where is he now?"

Sitting high above, Wan Hao listened to the wind in a white smoky robes, wearing a jade crown, at this time, coveted, with a little smile in seriousness.

At this time, the hair at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty has been bundled, and it is also wearing a cyan "dress". It seems that the clothes that look so innocent are not serious, but they are even more solemn and lovely, wrapped in her like spring. The white noodles in the bowl, even if the face is flat, will only make people laugh.

"Back to the door, he is..." At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, with the help of powerful gods, he found the night Shen Yuan in the bottom one hundred.

"He is on the 57th, the one who wears white clothes and holds a black dagger."

Wan Hao listened to the wind and swept the past, but was shocked to find that he only rebuilt Fu Yuan Dan yesterday, and that kid, has been restored today? How is this going? He thought that even if the kid was lucky, he could only recover to a certain degree of refining. I didn’t expect it to be a perfection of the eight-layer refining. It seems that this foundation is very stable and very prosperous...

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I was bored and nodded. My eyes swept away, but suddenly I was condensed!

Micro-polarity? In the book, I remember the big BOSS that the man and the woman failed to finally blacken. He is also...