MTL - The Divine Doctor and Stay-at-home Dad-Chapter 19 You are a quack

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Although he did not know who this young man was, James replied: "If the surgery is done by me, at least two to three years of life can be maintained."

Qin Haodong glanced at him and sneered: "It’s a joke, it brings so much harm to the patient. The half of the lungs can only be exchanged for two to three years. You are also said that you are the best chest lung in the world. Doctor, who gave you the courage?

In my opinion, you are a quack! ”

James suddenly ignited, and his face swelled red. For the first time in many years, someone dared to call him a quack.

He angered Qin Haodong: "Who are you? In the end, I don't know how to practice medicine. With the patient's current condition, I have already proposed the best treatment plan. Others can't treat it at all. I am the best breast in the world. A pulmonary surgeon is a recognized expert worldwide!"

Nalan had no face and cold face and asked: "Who are you? How do you get in? Is there a place for you to talk? The guards, hurry him out!"

"You shut me up!" Nalanjie yelled. "This is Dr. Qin I invited!"

"Dr. Qin?" Nalan looked at Qin Haodong without a front, and looked even more disdain. Isn't Chinese medicine a big brow? How can there be such a young doctor?

"Grandpa, have you been cheated? How could he be a doctor?"

"Either shut me up, or just get out of it, don't talk nonsense here!"

Naranger angered Nalan without a front. He went back to Qin Haodong yesterday for a 12-hour medicated bath. The body feels much better than before, and even sleeps at night for a complete good feeling.

Compared with the big beard that cuts his lungs in front of him, he naturally believes in Qin Haodong.

Seeing that the old man was really angry, Nalan had no neck and turned back to the side, and never dared to speak.

However, James is not afraid of Nalanjie. He said to Qin Haodong: "Impossible! You can't be a doctor. You should have not graduated according to age. How could it be a doctor?"

Qin Haodong said: "I am a Chinese medicine practitioner. Our Chinese medicine practitioners are talking about medical skills, not age and seniority!"

"Chinese medicine? Ha... Ha... Ha... Chinese medicine!"

After listening to James, he laughed and laughed. His smile was full of his beard. He smiled and said to his assistants. "Have you heard it? This is really the best joke in the world. Also came out to cure!"

Qin Haodong frowned and said coldly: "How, is it funny?"

"It's funny! Of course it's funny!" James said. "You go to the World Medical Association to ask, who doesn't know that Chinese medicine is a lie, it is simply feudal superstition, that is, witchcraft, no one believes that Chinese medicine can cure diseases!"

"I don't believe in Chinese medicine, that's your ignorance!" Qin Haodong said, pointing back to Nalanjie. "With Mr. Nalan's illness, if you use our Chinese medicine to treat it, you don't have to remove the lungs, but you can fully recover, at least Continue the life of ten years!"

"I just heard a joke that is the best laugh in the world. Now I hear the biggest cowhide in the world. Is it called bragging in your Chinese language? I heard that you Chinese people like to brag, today is finally a knowledge. Arrived!"

James said that while he was shaking his head, the words that were bragging about him were said to be very harsh in his blunt Chinese language, and his assistants laughed again.

Qin Haodong pulled Nalan, who was about to run away, and said coldly to James: "Since you don't believe in Chinese medicine, how about we bet?"

"Bet, ok, how do you say gambling?"

James’s arrogance in the World Medical Association is notorious. At this time, Qin Haodong is not in the eye.

"Just gambling Mr. Nalan's illness, I said that I can heal him within half an hour."

"No, this is absolutely impossible. Don't say that for half an hour, it is impossible for half a year. It is impossible for Chinese medicine to cure the disease. How can you not change the Chinese people's problems?"

James shook his head and didn't believe it.

Qin Haodong said coldly: "Is you afraid to gamble?"

"Of course, dare, what are you afraid of, let's talk, what are you going to gamble?"

"This ginseng is worth 10 million. If you win, ginseng you take it away. If you lose, publicly swear to me, and apologize to Chinese medicine in world-renowned media!"

James glanced at the Korean ginseng in the red box. Although it was a Western doctor, he also saw that this ginseng was absolutely authentic and valuable.

"Are you sure you want to make a bet with me?"

James said something incredible. In his view, he is sure to win this gamble, and he does not understand why the Chinese people will make such a big bet.

"Of course, let these ignorant people see what Chinese medicine is today!"

"Well, I agree with the conditions you said, but you can't deny if you lose!"

James immediately agreed, although the conditions proposed by Qin Haodong will make him lose face, although some harsh, but he never thought he would lose.

He had just seen the results of Naranger’s inspection, that is, their God could not be completely cured.

Qin Haodong did not take care of this foreigner. He turned his head and said to Nalan: "I am now treating the father with a doctor. You use your mobile phone to make a record, saving the foreigner from losing."

Nalan nodded and nodded, took out the phone and began recording, and Qin Haodong let Nalanjie get out of bed and sit on a stool.

He first gave Nalanjie a pulse, determined that the cold in the body had been emptied through the medicated bath, and then took out a washed marrow to the old man.

After all, Nalanjie's meridians have been blocked for too long, coupled with the cold nature of the technique, and the meridians have been eroded for a long time. It is already very fragile. If forcible guidance is easy to cause the rupture of the meridians, this washing marrow can increase the veins. Toughness and strength.

After doing all this, Qin Haodong took out the needle bag and quickly stabbed forty or fifty silver needles in Nalanjie's chest. With the help of the drug from the marrow, he began to guide the meridians of the lungs.

Naranger has been injured for a long time, and with the serious congestion of the meridians, Qin Haodong is not afraid to use too much force, so the treatment is time-consuming and laborious.

About 20 minutes later, a fine layer of sweat began to ooze on his forehead.

Suddenly, Qin Haodong raised his hand and shot it on Nalanjie’s back. Nalanjie had a mouth, and wow spit out a black blood.

Immediately after the black blood falls, it emits a smell of odor, and if you look closely, there are black lumps of stars.

Nalan Wufeng had been watching nervously. Seeing Qin Haodong’s palm, Nalanjie vomited blood and immediately shouted: “What happened? How did you cure the disease? How did my grandfather vomit blood?”

"If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense, don't spit out the blood, can you cure the disease?" Qin Haodong raised his hand and took back the silver needle of Nalanjie's chest, then turned to James and said, "I have finished the treatment, and you will cash it." It’s time to bet."

"What? Impossible, I suspect that your indiscriminate treatment has aggravated the patient's condition. This is simply a fucking. How can I cure this disease? If in our M country, you are using acupuncture to hurt people, you have to catch Get up in jail."

James looked excited and shouted with a big beard. He lived in his forties, and he never saw a cure, a wrist, a needle, and finally vomiting blood. In his opinion, this is not a cure, but a mess.

"The old man is already fine. Do you have any doubts?"

During the talk, Nalan Jie stood up and stood up, full of red light, and a hundred times more spirit. Qin Haodong not only dredged the meridians of his lungs, but also repaired his body. At this time, the physiology of the old man was at least 20 years younger, and he never felt so good.

Nalanjie turned and said to Qin Haodong: "Little God doctor, thank you, thank you so much."

Nalan Wushuang and Nalan were shocked and stunned. Zhang Dazui couldn't speak. In just 20 minutes, Grandpa was like a personal change. Is this medicine too bad?

James shouted: "No... No... you are a group. In acting, you Chinese people not only love to brag, but also love acting, yes, you are called a double spring, they are all prepared in advance, I am Will not be fooled."

Qin Haodong looked at him with a slight smile. He had already expected that this foreigner would not believe his treatment results and said: "You can use the instrument to test, what do you bring will not lie to you?"

"Yes, I want to expose your lies and let the world see how Chinese medicine is deceiving!"

James said that he began to direct his assistant and gave Naranger a second physical examination.

Naranger also wanted to know how much he recovered, so it was very close to the inspection, and soon a stack of test results was sent to James.

"My God, what happened to this?"

James looked at the results of his examination and his hands began to tremble. Naranger’s two lungs, which have just been necrotic, are now reviving, and there is no sign of a little sickness, and the body’s test data is much better than the previous one. The average guy has no such Physical fitness.

If these devices are not brought by him from M, if it is not the test he personally gave to Nalanjie, if it is not in the hands of the test results half an hour ago, he will never believe that this is true.

Qin Haodong smiled and said: "Mr. James, how can you not say that your machine is also playing with me?"

"God, this... this is a miracle, it is amazing."

James holds the test results in his hand, still can't believe this is true.

"To say that magic is also the magic of our Chinese medicine, there is no dime relationship with your God." Qin Haodong said that the look is cold, "Do not talk nonsense, hurry to cash the bet!"

As soon as he spoke, everyone's eyes were gathered on James's bearded face. If he followed the previous gamble, he would like to bow to Tang Long and apologize to Chinese medicine in world-renowned media.

But James is a famous medical expert of the World Medical Association. He has just been eager to go to heaven. Can he now lower his proud head to this young man?

Nalan did not step forward and said: "Qin Haodong, you should not be too much, Mr. James is a foreign friend of the country, just just made a joke with you!"

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