MTL - The Divine Doctor and Stay-at-home Dad-Chapter 20 Stick me with a needle.

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Qin Haodong smiled coldly. "When are you a former dynasty, foreigners are superior to Huaxia people? In my eyes, there is only a gambling contract, no jokes, no matter whether Chinese or m nationals, if they lose, they will bet on the bet."

Nalan said without a front: "Impossible, Mr. James is an expert in the World Medical Association. How can you kneel down to you?"

"Expert? Do you think he can stand up to the experts in front of me? Just his medical skills are worthless in my opinion!"

Nalan had no idea what to say, but he saw James plopping in front of Qin Haodong. He looked excitedly: "Teacher, you are right. In front of the magical Chinese medicine, my medical skills are nothing, I I want to learn from you, I want to learn magical Chinese medicine with you!"

After he finished his hands together, he first bowed to Qin Haodong and began to bow.

"I am going to go, what is the situation?"

Qin Haodong was also somewhat stunned by the sudden change of James. Shouldn’t this bearded foreigner deny it for face? Even if you redeem your bet, you shouldn’t be wronged? How do you get the same with your baby now?

Then, what kind of ghosts are you doing? It’s not like this. It’s not like this. What kind of hands are together? Is this good for worshipping Buddha?

James did not know where to learn from the gimmicks. According to the pilgrimage of the Buddha, he worshipped Qin Haodong three times and smashed three heads.

Although he is arrogant and arrogant on weekdays, he does have some real skills, and he has become obsessed with medical skills. Today, I saw Qin Taodong's magical medical technique, which was completely convinced, so I immediately and willingly bowed my head.

"Master, please accept me, I want to learn magical Chinese medicine with you, I want to learn medical skills with you..."

James said with a look of affection.

Qin Haodong's black line, the plot should not be like this, he bet that James is kneeling down to help the Chinese medicine practitioners who are fading, but never thought about teaching this foreign doctor.

Now James is chasing him to learn from the teacher, and for a time he still doesn't know how to be good.

Seeing that he did not agree, James said eagerly: "Teacher, I really want to learn medicine with you. You can rest assured that I will be able to suffer. Come, tie me with a needle, I will definitely live!"

What's happening here? Qin Haodong felt that there were 10,000 South American alpacas running through their hearts and still sprinkling. This foreigner’s words sounded so awkward, and even shouted the charm of pouring oil and wax. Is he the kind of person?

Everyone else was still on the spot, especially Nalan had no front, and the eyes were falling on the ground. He originally wanted to help James to find a way to rely on the gamble. I didn’t expect this foreigner to rush to squat. I am on the ground.

"You must get up first!" Qin Haodong thought about it. "I will accept you a famous disciple first, but if you want to learn Chinese medicine, you must first learn Chinese, and when you pass the Chinese language, come to me to study!"

This is the plan he wants to slow down. For the time being, he will send the foreigner out for the time being. Let's talk about it later!

"Teacher, my wife is a Chinese. We usually talk in Chinese in the weekdays, so my Chinese language is very good, I can learn now."

James stood up from the ground, but still looked eager.

"This..." Qin Haodong understands that it is no wonder that the Chinese language of the bearded foreigner said so well, it turned out to be a Chinese woman.

"Do you know what is yin and yang? What is the five elements?"

"What kind of sheep is yin and yang? Is it a special species in China?" James asked with a stern look. Obviously, he only had some daily Chinese language, and he did not understand Chinese culture.

"Go back and study with your wife. When you understand the yin and yang and the five elements, you can learn Chinese medicine." Qin Haodong said, "And don't forget your promise, and hurry back to apologize to Chinese medicine in world-class media."

"Teacher, wait for me to learn Chinese, figure out what sheep, come to you to study Chinese medicine." James's original arrogance has long since disappeared. At this time, the face is respectful. "Teacher, you can rest assured, I will return to m." The country will honor its promises, and we must let more people realize what Chinese medicine is and let them know the magic of Chinese medicine."

After he finished, he turned his head and looked at Nalan without a front: "Mr. Nalan, let me go back. I am looking for those who have slandered Chinese medicine practitioners. Such a magical medical technique is actually said to be a liar. It is too damn! ”

Nalan had no frustration for a moment. She did not expect that the world-famous experts who had come to pay a large price had not cured the grandfather's illness, but instead became an apprentice.

However, things can't be changed at this point. He found a car key with the Lamborghini logo and said to Nalanjie: "Grandpa, I sent Mr. James back to China. After a few days, it was the birthday of the innocent little girl. I bought one. The trolley is ready to give her a gift, first put it on you."

Nalan Wushuang only knows that the original Lamborghini hundred years is Nalan Wufeng’s birthday gift for the innocent son of Nalan. Naran’s innocent is the daughter of Big Bernard’s Hongfei, and it seems that he wants to please the uncle.

Nalan Wufeng said that he had placed the car key on the tea table next to him, and then left the people with James.

After these people left, Nalanjie even cleared the health care doctors and guards, and said respectfully again: "Small **** doctor, you saved the old man's life, and later is the great benefactor of our Nalan family!"

"Good to say!" Qin Haodong nodded slightly and said: "The veins of your lungs have been dredged, but the practice is still not practiced. The heart of your family is too cold. If you practice it, it will hurt this part. Meridian!"

Nalanjie’s look has changed. His inner strength has been cultivated for so many years. Now that he has a realm of Xiaocheng, he is not reconciled. No matter who is accustomed to having more power than ordinary people, sudden loss is a very painful thing.

Qin Haodong looked at Nalan again. "There is a problem with your family's mind. You should not practice it in the future. Otherwise, you should not want to be a mother in this life."

Nalan’s unparalleled change of appearance. She was obsessed with martial arts since childhood, so she practiced this practice with her grandfather. She could be a woman and she did not want to lose her mother’s rights.

Nalanjie said eagerly: "Little doctor, I know that you are an expert, can you think of some way, our Nalan family is absolutely unforgettable for your great grace!"

Although Nalan Wushuang did not speak, he also looked forward to Qin Haodong.

"This..." Qin Haodong hesitated for a moment. He felt that the two masters of Nalan’s family were really good. They said, "Well, let me show you the cultivation."

See Qin Haodong promised to help Nalanjie look a happy, immediately sit on the knees and start running the Nalan family's homework.

About half an hour later, Nalanjie worked in a big Sunday, and Qin Haodong basically looked at it. No wonder this kind of practice will cause such a big damage to the human body, and the loopholes are too much.

"Okay, don't practice!" he said to Naranger. "The practice of your family is flawed!"

Naranger said: "It is indeed flawed. It was mentioned when the ancestors were uploaded. However, it is very rare to have a set of internal methods. It has been taken care of so much.

Because of this, the descendants of Nalan’s family did not love martial arts. I did not force them. Only the unparalleled and innocent gimmicks liked the guns from childhood, and I didn’t chase after me to learn. I passed it on to her. ”

Qin Haodong said: "Like this, I just saw that there are 18 defects in your homework. I will help you to modify it, and then there will be no problem in cultivation!"

"What? You want to modify the practice of our Nalan family? Who are you? Master Wu Xue?"

Nalan’s unrecognizable face does not believe that although Qin Haodong’s medical skills are known to the whole world, the revision of the exercises is not a medical practice. It is not a generation of masters who can create a practice. Although the practice of Nalan’s family is a little worse, there are some defects. But it is not that anyone can change it if they say it.

And the inner work method is very important. If you are not careful, you will be enchanted by the fire, which is related to human life.

Qin Haodong smiled slightly. He is one of the five great emperors in the realm of comprehension. The broad knowledge of his knowledge is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Modifying such a low version of the work is as simple as eating and drinking.

However, this kind of thing relies on fate. Nalan’s family believes that he will give his finger a point. If you don’t believe it, you will have to cure it. Anyway, you have just cured Nalanjie, and you have already repaid the feelings of the 100-year-old blood.

Because of this, he did not speak, just watching Nalanjie quietly.

Nalanjie hesitated, but soon said: "That troubles the little doctor!"

Seeing this old man chose to believe himself so quickly, Qin Haodong nodded slightly in his heart, and he was a member of the Nalan family. He was knowledgeable and determined.

Nalan is unparalleled or uneasy: "Grandpa, how is this going? If you let him change it, what should I do?"

Nalanjie smiled. "There is nothing to be afraid of. My life was originally given by a small doctor. It is not to be thrown away. Besides, I believe that a small doctor can definitely create a miracle."

After that, he turned his head and said to Qin Haodong: "The little **** doctor, trouble you. If you can help the old man pass this level, Nalan's family will have a thank you!"

Qin Hao Dong Yuan did not have the solemnity of the grandson and the grandson. He said faintly: "Re-cultivation, the defective place can be changed according to what I said."

Naranger sat down again and started to run the homework.

A moment later, Qin Haodong said: "Infuriating from the Jinmen point, leaving the Yangyang bile, bypassing the seven-inch Yangjiao..."

This infuriating mode of operation is completely different from that of Nalan's family. However, since he chose to believe in Qin Haodong, Nalanjie did not hesitate to change the line of merits.

Soon, he knew that Qin Haodong was correct. After changing the route, the chilly meaning of the past did not rise from Dantian. On the contrary, it was extremely comfortable.

This change made Nalanjie more convinced of Qin Haodong, and the subsequent 17 defects were completely changed according to his guidance.

After a big Sunday, he followed the new line of work twice, not only did not produce the chilly atmosphere of the past, on the contrary, the infuriating became more and more pure and pure, and suddenly there was a crack in the body, and even broke through. Now!