MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 1606 At a glance

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Yuan Wei.

Li Mu recognized it at a glance. This golden monkey, which is called the monkey **** Hanuman by the surrounding believers, is the reincarnation of Yuan Zhen.

But obviously, because it failed to reflect the stars, it did not open Su Hui.

There is no recovery of memory.

Even so, his strength is still very strong.

Not inferior to the sky crying star.

The reincarnation became a golden monkey, and his metamorphosis talent and physique were brought to the world.

Catch up with the resurgence of heaven and earth, and the rising tide of heaven and earth, so he still explored a path of cultivation, and his strength is strong, and he has become the leader of one party.

Listening to the tone of Yuan Yu’s speech, it is obvious that it is because I can’t understand the star-studded demon species such as the Heavenly Cry Star, and use the Ganges Temple in the Deccan Plateau to confuse the soul, deceive the believers, and devour the blood food.

Their offensive was obviously to destroy the Temple of the Ganges.

However, the strength seems to be a bit inadequate.

These more than one hundred demon and primitive people, repaired as not weak, placed in most places, are a force that can be divided into the dominion, but attack the Ganges Temple... the gap is a bit big.


Deep in the temple, bursting with the raging energy of the horror.

The exclamation sounded.

The body of the monkey was directly shaken out.


Three beams of light rise from the bottom of the Ganges River.

Turned into three figures carrying the power of destruction, suspended around the broken temple, releasing the pressure of no less than the monkey, trapping it in the middle.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Full of violent laughter, from one of the mouths: "Smelly monkey, did not think of it, the Ganges emperor is not two people, but four people, the tyrannical expedition has not returned, you think you are organic Is it right? It’s against us everywhere, you’re just a singer who doesn’t wake up, can you turn the sky?”

The monkey is armed with black iron bars, suspended in the void, and his face is dignified.

It is indeed a miscalculation.

And those demon and primitive people are also looted and guarded by his side.

"You spent countless efforts to teach these disciples and grandchildren, it is a delicious snack." The violent voice smiled and said: "However, in my eyes, only you, is the real delicious, swallowing you, our If you cultivate it, you can recover to more than two-thirds of the past. If you have invested in the net, don't leave."

"Hey, stinky monkey, you are smart, and it is not in our palms." The crying star cried and said.

That tyrannical voice is a sinister star.

The other is the Pitto Star.

Since the appearance of the Prison Star, there has been no saying and silence.

Her shadow is like a huge silkworm cocoon. The shadow of a female figure inside is looming, graceful and full of temptation. If you look carefully, there is always a light that is invisible to the naked eye, and it is constantly drawn from the giant silkworm cocoon. Come out, like ice silk into the water, into the void, disappeared.

However, if there is a mysterious eye, you can see that the entire temple is covered with invisible silk traps, as if it were a cobweb, surrounded by prey without knowing it.

Li Mu can see.

But the monkeys at the moment are only dangerously close in perception, but they can't see the trap.

He knew that it was troublesome today.

I thought that the Emperor of the Ganges would go out, and the temple would be empty. It could be destroyed.

But I did not expect that in this temple, there are two other strongmen who are equivalent to the realm of Heaven and Cry Star.

"I dragged them, you retire."

The monkey whispered.

"I am waiting for the birth and death of the king."

The demon and the primitive people are almost unanimous.

"Ha ha ha, then you all die together..." The tyrannical voice of the vicissitudes of the stars swept the world: "I still haven't shot?"

The latter sentence is for the Tianqixing.

However, after the completion, the Pride Star did not launch a light trap to hunt.


Tianshouxing added another sentence.

There are still no signs of hands-on.

"What happened, you..."

He turned and looked.

But seeing the distance, the beggars around the sky, do not know when, has been cut open.

It is like a big winter melon that is opened by a sharp knife.

The star of the sky is sweating, standing in the wreck with horror, and dare not move.

Her appearance is like a dog that is stared at by a dragon.

And about a kilometer away from the star of the sky, I don't know when, a white male yak, four hooves in the void, point out the avenue, like a lotus flower, slowly coming.

On the back of the yak, riding a young man in a white robe.

The eyebrows of the sword are like the crown jade.

The young man’s eyes were deep and distant, staring at the star.

In the next moment, the Stars will suddenly understand why the Stars will be so frightened.

Because of the gaze of the young man in white robe, he looked at him.

He was suddenly overwhelmed by this gaze.

The indescribable fear broke out from the depths of his heart, swallowing him, and he trembled unconsciously. He was sweating and pale, and his body was repaired into a rapid decline.

God, for it.

Just a look.

The two great stars and stars lost their fighting power instantly.

The rest of the day, crying stars, when the situation is not right, take the initiative, turn directly and flee.

He cried and fled.

But after the three interest, he retired.

Because between the heavens and the earth, the knife and the light flow, a touch of brilliant knife, against his eyebrows, instantly smashed the body, the indescribable pain filled the whole body, had to retreat as the knife approached, and returned to the place where he stood before. .

"Seven treasures exquisite tower, gave me a crackdown."

Li Muyi raised his hand.

The golden pagoda emerged, rising in the wind, turning into a pagoda with a height of several kilometers, under the hood.

The three great Scorpio-class stars, the gods crying stars are photographed by the knife, the other two are even more unbearable, directly by Li Mu 'eye killing', in the horror, when they want to resist, it is too late, and they are instantly taken by Jinta. Into it.

Once you enter the tower and want to get out of the tower, there is no possibility of a trace.

In a twinkling of an eye, the overall situation has been set.

Then, Li Mu looked at the monkey.

The monkey and the demon, also with a vigilant look, looked at Li Mu curiously.

"Infinite God, this little donor, you have a relationship with me."

Li Mu smiled and made a joke against the monkey.

I didn't expect the monkey to be very serious. "I also feel like I have seen you there. Who are you? Make me feel very kind."

The intuition brought by past lives?

Li Mu secretly admired.

Yuan Zhen’s talent is extremely high, and the repairs before the reincarnation are also immediately surpassing the first line.

Because even because it can't reflect the stars, I can't wake up to Su Hui, but in the state of strength surge, the intuition is still very sharp, bringing the respect and closeness of Li Ma's past life to this world.

"You and I have a chance in past lives."

Li Mudao: "It's better to go with me. I teach you the method of cultivation, and open your Su Hui, how?"

Yuan Zhen is his brother.

He must help.

You can't let Yuan Wei stay in the mortal world. If you continue this way, the growth of strength will be limited.

Li Mu wants to take him to the middle of three days, even for the last three days, to help him wake up Su Hui.

The monkey looked at the other monsters around him.

"Da Wang, don't leave us."

Both the demon and the primitive people were shocked and pleaded.

The monkey looked at Li Mu and frowned slightly.

Without waiting for him to speak, Li Mu said directly: "You can take them with me and follow me. I can teach you how to practice the Fa, far more than you rely on instinct, and practice. It is much faster. He is flying up to heaven, and he is not talking." ”

The monkey still looks at Li Mu.

Li Mu added: "If you can't bear the believers here and the city, I can help you build faith here and transform the Temple of the Ganges. However, I don't think you should give up the chance of soaring.

The monkey looked at the Ganges River around, and looked at the cities in the distance, as well as countless people who were gathered around.

What he wants to say.

Li Mu interrupted again and said: "Don't worry, refuse to think about it. If you have any conditions, you can raise it. I am sincere..."

He is afraid that Yuan Zhen will not wake up to memory, so he will deny his invitation.

It’s like a flower.

There is no memory of past lives, and what is in the heart is always the beginning of the Tao, as if it was changed.

The monkey shrivelled his head and said: "I agree."

"I said, don't rush to refuse..." Li Mudao: "Well? What? You promised?"

He saw that the monkey had a wrong expression. He thought it would be a refusal. He continued to persuade subconsciously and said a few words before he reacted. The monkey was promised cleanly.

God monkey said: "Of course, I said, you make me feel kind, I will promise in the beginning, but you interrupted incessantly, and I will not stop talking."

Li Mu: "..."

I really have been overreacting.

I am afraid of the flowers that have been changed by memory.