MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 1646 Winning and losing points

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Li Mu's eyes glanced over a trace of cold mang.

The ultimate trick?

Double-blade long chanting.

Cut the original sky sword, cut the original!

The forbidden tricks of the giant spirit's Xeon Dadao are also surging.


The radiance of knife light and knife light.

Collision of knife path and knife path.

In Ling Yanjun's eyes, a sudden and uncontrollable flicker of shock light.


The swiftness of the sword smashed into his face and instantly crushed the power of his new annihilation knife, and the power of annihilation wrapped him up, ending all the defensive forces around him.

"how come?"

He was shocked and quickly retreated, trying to get out of the battlefield.

However, the next moment, drowned by Li Mu's sword.


Li Mu closed his sword and stood.

In the void, strands of black gurgling flow.

Under the stone bridge, a roar sounded.

A huge black unicorn rushed frantically from the depths of Moyuan.

Where its feet are stomping, blossoming black magic flame flowers bloom in the void.

The unicorn turned into Ling Yanjun's figure.

"How come you have this power?"

Ling Yanjun landed on the stone bridge, staring at Li Mu.

This young man, apparently has only the first-level cultivation of Emperor Realm, why does he have such an amazing knife path?

His new annihilation knife was even cracked by his master?

What's more, the mystery of cutting the original sky knife is being cast.

Is it possible that the new annihilation knife that you have learned for countless years is not as good as the giant sword that cuts the original sky knife?

Do not.

This should not be the case.

"In this world, it's not just you who are in control of the two most powerful knives."

Li Mudao.

Failing to slay Ling Yanjun in one shot, Li Mu did not feel sorry.

This king of unicorns, before a long time ago, had already trusted in the demon ancestors and obtained an immortal body, far surpassing the blood of the ordinary immortal emperor. As long as the Kuroshio is endless, it can be immortal.

Before that, he had pushed the Kuroshio within a hundred miles of the surrounding area completely with the intention of a sword.

Unexpectedly, but ignored the magic of Qiyuan under the stone bridge.

"Yes, I understand."

Ling Yanjun reacted violently.

At that time, Li Mu was performing another kind of knife path.

A knife path he had never seen before.

Raise your hand and defeat yourself.

Although this young man's realm is only the first stage of the imperial realm, his understanding of knife path has surpassed himself before countless years.

His realm hasn't grown, so in this long time, he has been enlightening on Dadao?

That's why there is such a terrible sword fight.

For a while, Ling Yanjun made up his mind and felt that he had thoroughly thought about it.

"If that's the case, let you see, the real new · Empty Knife."

Ling Yanjun's expression became fierce and sly.

His entire body exuded a black strand of black magic.

Quite different from the previous Kirin power.

It's the breath of magic.

This black power, dazzling and flickering, seems to be a huge black inflammation, wrapping Ling Yanjun's body, so that his entire body's skin is gradually blackened, and black unicorn scales grow from under the skin. Even the face is no exception.

The creatures that have taken refuge in the demon ancestors have naturally been thoroughly demonized.

Li Mu sneered.

"In those days, you were only in contact with the power of the devil, only a few hundred Qin airspace. Today, when everything you practice and understand is turned into a pale cloud of smoke, what you can think of and take out is still someone else. Power, huh, how can you talk about a heart like you? "

Li Mu sneered.

Ling Yanjun laughed: "In the eyes of a fool, strength is always strong and weak. There is no distinction between himself and others. As long as he can defeat his opponent, any power can be used for himself."

The knife in his hand flashed a dark, dark light.

That's the scales of the devil.

The scales of the unicorn and the scales of the demon finally merged completely.

Compared with the endless years ago, Ling Yanjun's strongest power is to fully utilize the magic scales, which is obviously more refined.

"Now, how do you defeat me?"

Ling Yanjun was like a demon who came out of the magical depths, and was overwhelming.

Li Mu did not answer.

He took out the broken Nantianmen plaque, pieced it together piece by piece, and stood on the stone bridge.

"Today, behead your dog before this old man."

Li Mu held the gold knife in both hands.

Releasing one's swordsman realm again.

Brilliant like silver, burning like gold.

Shuying horizontally and shallow water, subtle fragrance floating moon dusk.

As if it were the big day and the silver moon, at the same time, they rose above the heavens.

Although there is no such overbearing and violent violent world as Ling Yanjun, but there is a kind of ethereal and unparalleled.

Ling Yanjun's eyes narrowed, and his domineering warfare urged him to the top.


The most extreme pole tricks poured out.

In Li Mu's eyes, the gold and silver light flowed.

Eyebrows opened with eyes, insight, peep, and foresee everything.


Swordsmanship also poured out.


This is the last collision between the two knives of the era.

For a moment, above the stone bridge, there seemed to be a rising round of Haotian Sun.

The dazzling light shines on the entire magic courtyard.

Layers of apertures radiate, flowing in all directions.

The whole process seemed as if countless meetings had passed.

But this process was as if it were a moment when Bai Ku passed the gap.

When the bright light fades away.

The stone bridge was already covered with cracks.

The figures of Li Mu and Ling Yanjun both stood on the bridge.

The air flow formed by the turbulence of energy fluttered Li Mu's long hair and fluttered.

In his hands, the double knives were gone.

On the opposite side, Ling Yanjun, the dark king of the Kirin tribe, had no scars on his body. The magic sword in his hand was intact. In his eyes, he looked at Li Mu with dazzling glory and slowly said: Good knife. "


The black scale armor was broken.

The demon scales in his hand cracked and turned into black smoke.

Uh ~!

He opened a mouthful of black blood.

The blood mist sprayed into the void and instantly turned into a black magic air.


The whole body of Ling Yanjun sprayed black blood mist.

As if the blood in the body, oppressed by a terrible force, can't wait to spray out from every pore.


He is floppy.

Li Mu walked over.

He grabbed Ling Yanjun's hair, dragged it, and came to the broken [South Tianmen] card.

Ling Yanjun was extremely weak and could not struggle.

When he saw the monument, he knew that he had lost nothing wrong.

That crazy last hit, the stone bridge blessed by the demon ancestor at the foot has been shattered. The magic army who battled the appearance of Baili did not know how much it had destroyed, but this temporarily assembled piece of stone is intact. Lossless.

This shows what?

It shows that Li Mu did not do his best.

When crushing his strongest tactics, he was able to spare more effort to protect the monument and not be damaged in the least ... The contrast between the two people made a strong judgment.