MTL - The Dragon Princess Who Traveled Through Another World-Chapter 17 Those who recite the dragon will eventually meet the dragon

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  Chapter 17 Those who chant the dragon will finally meet the dragon

  The bonfire party was very late, and the wolf meat did not allow the citizens to open their bellies and eat it all.

  Sudden overeating of people who have been starving for a long time can cause problems, and in the worst case, death.

   Charlie asked Old Tom to distribute the remaining wolf meat.

   Wolf Bone Charlie took back to the castle for research.

   This thing is not even cooked by fire, but it is still as strong as ever after being grilled. It seems worth studying.

  The next day, around 8:00, Charlie got up, got dressed, washed up, and rushed downstairs.

  The fried jerky for breakfast has changed to fried devil wolf meat. For the previous jerky, Charlie ate five sticks, a small piece of stone cake, and a glass of sweet honey water before he was full.

   And this kind of magic wolf meat, eating a thin slice, Charlie felt full.

  She felt strange, so she observed other people at the banquet table, and found that everyone ate less than usual.

  Of course, there are also special ones, such as the oldest red-robed Myramie, who has asked Anne to add meat to him twice.

  The energy contained in this devil wolf meat must be far more than the dried meat they ate before.

  Seeing Myrami, Charlie suddenly realized that he didn't seem to see Mentor Capa.

   "Mr. Melami, have you seen Mr. Kappa?"

  Milami was rolling a thin piece of wolf meat with a fork and stuffing it into his mouth, and replied vaguely: "Don't worry about him, you are here, he must not be willing to run away."

   Swallowing the wolf meat with some firewood, Milami poured down the hot milk tea at hand again with 'gudong' and 'gudong'.

  Thanks to old Tom for bringing the castle milk this morning, he sent two pails, but Charlie only kept one.

   She asked old Tom to take the remaining bucket of milk and sell it to the villagers, although Charlie didn't think that the poor villager who jingled could take out a copper coin to buy milk.

  However, even bartering is better than getting something for nothing and giving it to the people for nothing.

   It's not that she is stingy, but that everyone understands the truth of Shengmi's kindness and Michou's.

   Always giving favors will only raise a bunch of lazy people who get something for nothing.

   "What are you going to do in a while? My dear student." Myramie asked after eating.

  After breakfast, Charlie will probably go back to the room to receive yesterday's mission reward, although she is very resistant to the new Ion Stone for receiving the reward.

   But if she does not receive the task reward, she finds that no new task will be generated.

   That is tantamount to abolishing this 'cheating device' of oneself.

   Even if it’s just a ‘thief cheat’, it’s still a cheat that can bring benefits. Apart from the headache of dealing with ‘stolen goods’ when going out, the previous reward function of this thing is still very effective in arcane learning.

   Now she wants to build a territory and develop the small sea village of Beira into a grand coastal city!

  She has already thought of a name for the "Planning Book" for the construction of the territory, ha, from now on it will be called "The Parchment of Bella City".

  Charlie was thinking about it, but was interrupted at this moment, and Capa came back.

  Kappa was still dressed in the pure white mage robe. After he walked in, he went straight to the table and sat next to Miramie.

   "Oh? Meat with magic power. What kind of monster is it?" Capa had a small water polo magic at hand. After washing his hands, he first took a sip of the milk tea that Annie had newly filled for him on the table.

   "Ah! Capa, this is my proud disciple, the silver-backed demon wolf that my dear Charlie personally slaughtered!"

  Kappa hurriedly raised his eyelids and glanced sideways at his old friend, Myramie, and said, "He's our disciple, my old friend."

   After correcting his friend’s ‘slip of the tongue’, this white-robed Arcanist, who always looked pleasant, maintained his proper poise and asked:

   "Then, who will tell me how our proud student defeated the silver-backed demon wolf?"

  Kappa in the red robe was about to blurt out, because there was also a nasty little girl named Kana present.

  Damn magician.

   And their apprentice Charlie didn't agree with them persecuting a life for an unwarranted crime, so there was the current scene of the arcanist and the magician sitting at the same table, 'happy'.

   Before Kapa could answer Kapa's question, the red-haired Karna snatched her with a very fast mouth.

  Kana said quickly in a low voice, "I probably lied again and said that the dragon is coming."

   This is of course impossible, because the magic wolf cannot understand human language.

  Charlie's whimsical and unprepared tricks only work on intelligent races with no barriers to language communication.

  Milami and Kapada both have sharp eyes and ears, so they naturally heard what Karna said.

  Milami asked back in astonishment: "What is 'again'?"

   Capa: "Charlie, is she telling the truth? Have you ever told a taboo lie?"

   Charlie, who has been completely convinced by Kana's small mouth, wants to explain.

   But before she could speak, Karna quickly recounted what happened that day from beginning to end.

  Kana is not exaggerating, because this incident itself is shocking enough.

  Kappa probably took a sip of hot milk tea while listening, and the milk tea that he couldn't swallow after listening flowed down the corner of his slightly opened mouth.

  Milami was not much better either, the old man who was always squinting at people was startled and hiccupped uncontrollably.

  Charlie can ignore the yelling of the mercenaries, but he has to care about the opinions of the two knowledgeable arcane instructors.

   "The situation was critical." Charlie had to reiterate.

  The corner of Miramie's mouth twitched, "...nothing can be worse than a dragon, hiccup... haven't you heard that sentence?"

   "Those who recite the name of the dragon will eventually encounter a dragon." Capa watched Charlie say that sentence word by word.

  Charlie: "…"

is that a lie?

   Capa took out a handkerchief from his sleeve, wiped the corners of his mouth and the skirt of his clothes.

   "It's true, Charlie." Putting down the handkerchief, Capa said seriously.

   "Do you still remember the tavern we met? That stupid idiot who recited the dragon's real name, his life has entered a countdown. Since he recited the real name of Prince Colorful Wings."

   "Yes, Charlie, that idiot is sure to run into the dragon prince he's always dreaming of before long. Then he'll turn into a heap of furnace ashes, or a pile of dragon dung."

   "...Yes, but I didn't recite the name of the dragon at that time!"

   "Then have you heard another story?"

   Feeling that would not be a good story either, Charlie shook his head silently.

   "A foolish lord, fond of mischief.

   Once, he saw a dragon flying through the airspace that made his subjects hide and shiver.

  He thought it was fun for those timid citizens to look like that.

  So, from that day on, he began to run wildly in the city every day, lying and shouting 'the dragon is coming' while running. "

  “But this story wasn’t funny at all. Because, one day, an ancient male red dragon ‘visited’ his territory.

  The ancient red dragon said to the lord who was so scared that he peed his pants, "As you wish, I'm here to patronize your territory."

   Then there is no after. Not to mention that idiot's territory, even their small country was wiped out by the ancient red dragon. "

  Charlie: "…"

   "So, your problem is very serious, but if there is only one time, there is still salvation." Capa warned his disciples so severely for the first time.

  Charlie nodded quickly, vowing that he would never commit suicide easily in the future.

  Milami felt that Capa had scared their students so much that they would not dare to say the word 'dragon' for the rest of their lives, and felt sorry for Charlie, whose little face was pale from fright, so he changed the subject and said:

   "Capa, what did you do yesterday?"

  Kappa slowly cut the thin slices of meat on the plate with a knife and fork, and replied: "It's nothing, I asked other old friends to exchange something, and, I found out a piece of news."


   "Your Excellency Edson's Galewind Floating City has returned to the west."

   "Ah?! But the monsoon season is coming soon, Stormwind City..."

   "Your Excellency Edson certainly knows. It is said that the change in Gale City this time is due to the 'Ion Stone Thief' who was not caught back then."

   "?!" Mylamy looked dull, obviously feeling that the answer was unexpected.

  Although they were surprised when Kappa was swept down from Gale City by the angry Edson, they all thought that the thief would be caught soon.

   "It is said that His Excellency Edson asked His Excellency Old Kaman of [Future City] to prophesy, but he failed. Now both His Excellencies are looking for the thief of the legendary Ion Stone."

  Charlie: "…"

  Wait... go and sink those two Ion Stones!

  (end of this chapter)