MTL - The Dragon Princess Who Traveled Through Another World-Chapter 18 Edson who was plucked again

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  Chapter 18 Edson who was plucked again

  After returning to the room, Charlie opened the bedroom window, and the two Ion Stones, which she had been keeping in fear all along, instantly turned into gorgeous parabolas and flew out of the window.

   Watching the wrapped stones fall off the rocky cliff and be swallowed by the rough sea water without even splashing a single wave, Charlie felt refreshed physically and mentally.

  She comfortably lay down on the big soft bed in the bedroom.

  At this time, people here have not invented springs, and there is no guy named Simmons who has benefited mankind, so ordinary people sleep on wooden beds.

  Only aristocrats, self-identified, they sleep so-called soft beds are covered with layers of countless cotton fabrics, like a nest of cotton.

   But such a 'soft bed' is just enough for Charlie to sleep on.

  Rolled comfortably on the not very soft big bed.

  If possible, she thought about whether she could toss out the spring mattress when the productivity of Bella City improved in the future.

  Thinking about it, Charlie chose to receive [mission reward].

  A halo like an aurora flashed across the room, and then the two Ion Stones landed on the stone floor with a 'click' and 'click'.

  Charlie jumped off the bed, walked over and stooped to pick it up.

  It is different from the two legendary Ion Stones, one black and one yellow, that she threw into the sea just now.

  The ‘new’ Ion stone is in the shape of a purple hexagonal crystal, and the other is a red icosahedron that is close to a spherical shape.

  The cuts are beautiful, with pure color and no impurities.

  The quality seems to be comparable to the two legendary Ion Stones thrown away before.

  That quality alone was enough to make Charlie's hands tremble holding them.

  Throw away two, and two new ones come in, how are you going to live this day?

  So, which of the two stones, the purple one and the red stone, is the one who suffered?


   On the floating city slowly moving west along the coast.

  In order to catch the thief who stole two legendary Ion Stones in full view, Grand Arcanist Edson listened to the advice of his followers.

  He prepared two Legendary Ion Stones again, preparing for 'Fishing Law Enforcement'.

  Under the arrangement of the sky and the earth, all the arcanists hiding in the dark are all gearing up.

  They vowed to wash away their shame, including Edson, the master of Galewind Floating Void City, the great arcanist.

This great arcanist, who did not hesitate to use the cloak of the shadow plane to hide himself in the gap between the planes, stared at the two pieces of legendary Ion, one red and one purple, almost unblinkingly with a pair of slightly bloodshot eyeballs. Stone Treasure Booth.

  He hasn't blinked for too long, his eyes are dry and astringent, and he feels like crying at any time.

   Really unable to hold on anymore, Edson blinked quickly.

   That’s just the blink of an eye.

  Two Ion Stones on the Treasure Stand...again...

   disappeared out of thin air...


   New tasks are refreshed as rewards are received.

  【Become a qualified lord series mission three: Build a great city wall to defend against the crisis from the forest. 】

  【Task Reward: An Eternal Magic Item. 】

  Charlie: "…"

  Although I don't know what an eternal magic item is, I have a bad feeling...

  Which big boss's treasure is being pegged by this habitual criminal ring again? !

   Turning his attention back to the two new loot in his hand, Charlie walked almost numbly to the window again.

  Looking at the blue sea outside the window, she couldn't help thinking, if she did her tasks more diligently, would the sea outside become a 'Zangbao Lake'?

  When Charlie was about to throw the two legendary Ion Stones out of the window again, letting them plunge into the vast and boundless sea.

  ‘Knock knock—’

  The knock on the door interrupted Charlie's movements. She closed the window with a guilty bang, hid the two Ion Stones under the mattress, and walked slowly to open the door.

   It was Arcanist Capa who ran up to her directly.

  The old man asked with a smile, "Can I go in?"

  Even though this kind arcanist had spied on countless arcane truths, he never thought that Charlie was a 'false phoenix and true phoenix'.

  Charlie only took a second to feel guilty about the Ion Stone that he had just hidden under layers of thick mattresses, and raised a bright smiling face, "Of course, Mr. Capa."

  Kappa walked into Charlie's bedroom, and took out an exquisite small gift box from his 'treasure chest'-like pocket.

  Charlie's gaze was not on the gift box, but on the small pocket of the white-robed instructor for a long time.

  I always feel that Mr. Capa's sleeves are like Doraemon's pockets, and he can take out everything.

   "Try it."

  Charlie: "?"

  She opened the gift box in person, her eyebrows twitched, and sure enough, there was a not very gorgeous Ion Stone lying quietly in the box.

  Of course, this Ion Stone is still very beautiful, but after seeing 4 legendary Ion Stones, Charlie looked at this one again, and he became much calmer.

   This is a square, dusty Ion Stone.

  Charlie stretched out his hand skillfully, and touched the Ion Stone with his fingertips.

   The Ion Stone emits a gray halo like fog.

  The halo spread out like the frost mist of early autumn, hazy.

  At the same time, Charlie was stuffed with another megabyte of 'information packet'.

  The hands under the sleeves of the white robe Kappa's wide mage couldn't help but clenched tightly.

  4 series!

  A 4-line Arcanist!

  What kind of treasure did he and Myramie hit? !

  After receiving the data packet, Charlie knew which department the new Ion Stone belonged to.

  【Enchantment Department】, an arcane school that is completely different from her understanding.

   Putting aside his desire to complain about the insanity of the enchantment department, Charlie looked at the mentor Capa who was still in shock.

"Mr. Capa, I want to drive the villagers to build a wall to protect them. I'm afraid we won't be able to clear the Warcraft Forest in a short time. Then, I think, my citizens need a towering wall to protect them." Wall."

   Now don’t say that Charlie wants a fence, she just wants stars, and Capa will do everything possible to pick them off for her.

  Kappa suppressed his indescribable excitement and nodded. His gaze on Charlie was no longer that of a dragon looking at treasure, but that of a fanatical believer looking at a god.

   "I'll call Myramie, let's go together!"

  So Charlie looked at her teacher and almost walked out of her bedroom.

  Slowly, a 'question mark' appeared above Charlie's head, her teacher, what's wrong...?


  At 9:30 in the morning, Charlie left the castle on time with the two arcane instructors who looked a bit erratic.

   At this time, it was the time for the villagers to catch up with the sea and harvest food.

  Every household is drying shell meat and picking some small pearls from it.

  The pearl oyster here is a specialty.

  In the past, the villagers didn't know how much this thing was worth, but Charlie told Old Tom how many pearls the Reef Castle had.

   She settles in gold coins.

   And the wandering caravan is coming soon. At that time, Charlie will have a "heart-to-heart" talk with those profiteers who have blackened their conscience.

  After what happened last night, the support of the people for Charlie goes without saying.

   Even if Charlie doesn't pay, these honest people will willingly hand over the 'round beads' that fell out of these shells.

  Old Tom looked at the enthusiastic villagers who were working hard, his eyes were full of sighs.

  He can see the same scene every morning, but he knows that something has changed since last night.

  There is only one right road at the gate of the village.

  The place where old Tom was basking in the sun happened to be able to see the Earl and his party approaching slowly.

  He hurriedly called the villagers to meet their lord.

  Charlie came here without wasting time talking nonsense, and went straight to the point.

   "I want to build a fence, a very tall one, to surround Bella Village. This is also a way. At least it will help you buy some time to call for help from the monsters that escaped from the forest."

  Old Tom seemed to understand every word and the words, but he just opened his mouth and didn't know how to respond for a long time.

  Tears welled up in his cloudy eyes, which blurred his vision that he could not see clearly.

  He picked up the washed white clothes and wiped his eye sockets.

   "Just tell me, there are 98 people in Bella Village, men, women and children, at your command, my lord!"

  (end of this chapter)