MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 17

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Tang Mo’s brain is running fast, and he understands it almost for a moment. This dialogue with himself is not a fire egg, not a turkey. He may be a certain creature in the Black Tower, more likely...

"You are human?"

The male voice is silent for a moment: "Well, I am human. Are you human?"

Tang Mo: "Yes."

Neither of them spoke.

The car parked on the side of the road, and the glare of the setting sun shone into the car, illuminating the white eggs. The above text emerged from time to time. Tang Mo can only see a few words and a group of garbled characters. He is now more concerned with this person who speaks oppositely.

He pondered for a while and decided to show his sincerity before asking questions to the other party. He began to describe his situation: "Now I have a white egg in my hand, and your voice is coming from inside. Are you trapped inside the egg, or what else?"

The man’s voice is calm and calm: “I am not trapped in the egg, I have an egg in my hand, and your voice is also transmitted from inside.” Suddenly, he added: “This is a fire. egg."

Tang Mo thought: "You should be a Chinese, then you just came out from the black tower? I got this egg from the hands of a black tower monster, a fire egg."

"Me too, a white fire egg from the black tower creature."

The two completely understood this, the fire eggs in their hands are similar to mobile phones, allowing them to talk to a stranger who has never met.

In this case, Tang Mo now wants to know how far this fire egg can be contacted.

"Where are you?"

"Which city are you in?"

The words of the same voice made both sides stunned.

The other party reacted first: "I am in Beijing."


Beijing is a thousand kilometers away from Shanghai. So far, fire eggs can also be directly contacted, is it really the role of mobile phones?

Tang Modao: "I am in Shanghai."

Tang Mo looked down at the fire egg in his hand and vaguely had an idea. The egg in his hand does not know why it seems to be damaged. Tang Mo didn't think that the knocking of his own was able to knock the fire egg down. It wasn't the fire egg that was actually cracked, but his steering wheel. The things in the Black Tower are not so fragile.

The probability of a fire egg being knocked out by him is less than 20%, and the probability of damage is 80% or more.

Because of the damage of the fire egg, Tang Mo did not know what effect this egg had. The words on the fire egg are only three lines of words without garbled characters, one of them -

[Quality: Rare]

This is a rare item.

If Black Tower is really just playing a game, it is also reasonable to give the player a prop. Rare props are very precious in any game. Tang Mo does not know if this damaged fire egg can work anymore, but he may know the real use of the fire egg from the mouth of this Beijing player.

A rare prop can't just play the role of a call. Before the earth is on the line, human technology can already make a global video call. It is unreasonable that the mysterious, such as the Black Tower, can only do this. Since both of them are fire eggs, they look similar, and they can talk, and there are eight and nine, and they have the same effect.

Tang Mo sorted out the language: "When I was playing the towering game on the first floor of the Black Tower, a large mole in the black tower gave this egg as a reward and gave it to me. This egg is very hard, I I tried to pick up the steering wheel, the stone, and some other hard things. My steering wheel was cracked by it, but it didn't break."

First, say your own information as much as possible, and let the other party feel that the two sides are now sharing information.

Tang Mo continued: "...the big mole that gave me the fire egg said that we humans can't hatch fire eggs. I thought I could only use this egg alone, I can use it directly, I didn't expect you to Own. But I didn't say that I need another person to use this egg. I can also talk to both parties. Are there any tips on your side?"

The low male voice answered very decisively: "No."

Tang Mo: "..."

Have you been chatting like this!

How did this person not be completely dismissed? !

When a normal person is in a friendly atmosphere with others, shouldn't he also take the initiative to say what information he has?

Tang Mo was silent for a long while, and began to continue to talk: "How did you contact me? Currently I hear your voice first, then I will answer."

This is no longer an intelligence. If this is not to say, Tang Mo will no longer have any hope for the set of words.

"There was a few lines on the egg. I tried to study the egg. When I tapped the finger on the egg to the third, suddenly it flashed a dazzling golden light." The man is finally willing to reveal some information. "When I am talking, this egg has been emitting a very golden glow."

When Tang Mo suddenly remembered that he had just knocked on the third, the egg seemed to flash too, and the result was not lit up. The man’s voice passed and the light disappeared.

Tang Mo: "Do you know how to close the call?"

"Let me try."

Both of them tried for a long time, and suddenly, the sound was interrupted. In ten more seconds, the male voice rang: "I just held the egg with both hands and the call was terminated."

You can start the call by tapping three times, and the call is terminated with both hands holding the egg.

Tang Mo: "Then you will stop first, let me try."

"it is good."

Tested by Tang Mo, he can also open the call at any time and terminate at any time. After two trials by two people, no matter which side, just knock on your own egg, you can open the call; if you hold the egg by either party, you can end the call.

When conducting the experiment, the two sides had no tacit understanding. No one spoke nonsense and shared information as much as possible.

When the egg was studied by them, Tang Mo felt a strange feeling in his heart. The owner of another fire egg is very well matched with him. Their cooperation seems to be the same as training many times. This made Tang Mo could not help but have a good feeling for each other. Unfortunately, if this person is a little better, he will have a better impression of the other party.

This person did not say a key intelligence from the beginning to the end, it is obviously hidden in what. Tang Mo knows what the other party is hiding, and he knows that the other party has found himself in the set.

Now that the two people can say everything, if no one wants to reveal their true intelligence, then it doesn't make sense to say it. For example, Tang Mo could not say that his own fire egg was damaged, so that he was in a disadvantage; the other party would not say useful information, and always guarded Tang Mo, a stranger who did not know the details.

The man’s voice has been steady and a bit nice: “Do you have anything to say?”

Tang Mo: "...there is one last question."


"Why are you talking about the first sentence, not hello, not feeding, but... Momo?"

The air was quiet, and Tang Mo was vaguely thinking that something was wrong, but he couldn’t figure out exactly what went wrong. Until a low laugh came from the fire egg, the man’s voice was mixed for the first time with a smile: “You didn’t even know what the egg was called?”

Tang Mo: "..."

Some words are in your heart, don't say anything to your face!

Tang Mo knew that the man was deliberately guarding himself. He also knew that the other party knew clearly that he had missing information. But now it’s said in a bright and straightforward way... It’s a bit of a feeling in my heart, it feels like a downfall, and I feel that the two are always indifferent and guarded against each other. Because this time, it seems to be a little closer.

At least not an enemy.

"This egg is called ‘mimo,’ so I saw that it glowed and subconsciously shouted a ‘moire’.”

Tang Mo faintly said: "My name is Mo, how do you call it?"

"..." The man was silent for a moment, and he realized how many times he had called such a relative. For a long time, he said: "My surname is Fu."

Tang Modao said: "Is that all right?"



At the end of the call, Tang Mo put the fire egg back in his pocket and tapped his finger on the steering wheel.

First, this egg is called Mo Mo.

It should have nothing to do with his name, just call it this.

Second, Mr. Fu from Beijing is very smart and very prepared. The possibility of trying to get information out of the other party is very small, and even very likely, this is their first and last call. Their call didn't have any benefit, and both sides noticed that the other end of the fire egg was a bad starter. In this case, there is no need to contact.

This rare prop fire egg is in the hands of Tang Mo, like a hot potato. He wanted to use it, but he didn't know the role of the fire egg at all. He didn't know if the egg was damaged to the extent that it could not be used.

As for the words from the man’s mouth...

Tang Mo has no hope. Unless there is an accident, the other party has to share information with him, otherwise this person is absolutely impossible to loosen.

In the empathy, Tang Mo will not share the information of rare props with a stranger. With such props, I have no choice but to hide and squat, not to be discovered by anyone, in order to achieve an unexpected victory. Then take the initiative to inform the information, Tang Mo is not so stupid and sweet.

Tang sighed and continued to drive to find Shibei Middle School.

When the car drove to the Shanghai area, the number of vehicles on the street increased sharply and crashed into a mess. It is unwise to choose to drive at this time. Tang Mo directly abandoned the car and walked. He walked along the edge of the road while he was walking. Once there was a roadblock, he used a roadblock to hide his figure.

The bustling Shanghai on the fourth day of the Earth's line became a deserted city.

The sky is getting darker, and many businesses on both sides of the street are still lit. Tang Mo passed a KFC, and the unopened fries and ketchup were on the table, but the fries were already smashed, and there was no one in the empty fast food restaurant.

The closer to the city center, the more cautious Tang is.

Here, more and more people. He walked around a corner and saw a young woman in a sportswear in a family convenience store holding a variety of snacks and instant noodles to fill her stomach. She was not surprised to see Tang Mo, just watched her eyes more vigilantly, and turned her head to search for food and water in the convenience store.

Tang Mo’s heavy-duty bag, which contained a flashlight, food and water.

Along the way, he saw many people searching for food and water, and also saw several small groups in groups, staring at each passerby with vigilance. Many people have mottled blood on their bodies, and some people have been injured. They are lying on the side of the road with their arms and broken legs mourning.

Excessive population has left the city with many living people after the Black Tower incident.

Tang Mo roughly estimated that there are about four people per square kilometer in the center of Shanghai. It is dinner time now, most of these people are eating. After Tang Mo’s physical fitness improved, the demand for food was greatly reduced. He has not eaten anything day and night, but he is not hungry at all.

City North Middle School is a famous school in Shanghai, but Tang Mo does not know. He did not ask the two people who were eating on the side of the road. Instead, he went straight into a deserted newsstand and searched for a long time to find a detailed map of Shanghai.

"Jing'an District... City"

Tang Mo carrying his bag and going forward again.

Suddenly, there was no sign, and a crisp and cheerful voice sounded.

"Hey! Richard Wells, the official player in the US 3rd District, successfully opened the Black Tower. After three minutes, all American players started to attack the tower!"

Tang Mo stopped the action, and the two people who were eating also looked up at the black tower in the distance. Tang Mo turned his head and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall of the newsstand.

『19:18 points』

"The game time is from 6:00 to 18:00 every day. The game time of China has ended. The US...the time difference is 13 hours, the game time is calculated according to the local time? Will it be notified globally..."

Tang Mo continued to move forward.

This game announcement is not like the smuggling of the guest, and it has been broadcasted three times, and it has only been broadcast once.

Because this time it was not the Chinese player who started the attacking tower game, it was the American player. Tang Mo walked on the road. He also heard that a middle-aged man with blood and dying was breathing heavily and screaming wildly, gloating. : "Death, go to hell... die... die..."

At eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, Tang Mo finally went to Jing'an District. The vehicles on the street smashed into a group, and he continually climbed over the cars, causing the speed of walking to drop. In the middle of the road, I accidentally went in the wrong direction. When he walked to Jing’an District, a loud child’s voice rang in the silent night.

"Hey! The official player of the US 2nd District, Mary van der Sar, successfully cleared the Black Tower!"

Tang Mo raised an eyebrow in surprise. Not by the player who started the attacking tower game?

“Hey! On the 19th of the month, there are two players in the world who have cleared the Black Tower. The remaining 416.23 million players, please try to attack the tower!”

Tang Mo’s foot brush stopped, and he looked up and looked incredulously at the shadow that was suspended in the air and black.

He clearly remembers that yesterday morning, a total of more than 490 million players entered the game. Now... less than 80 million? ! Is it because of the two towering games between China and the United States, or is there any other way to cause the player to die?

Eight hundred million people died so soon? !

Tang Mo's face was blue and green, and he continued to move forward. The street lights on the street kept flashing, and Tang Mo took out a flashlight from his backpack and illuminated the map. He did not say a word, went around three intersections and walked four streets. However, how long does it take for Tang Mo to see a traffic sign on the roadside that “pays attention to avoiding the school ahead” and has already arrived near the school.


Tang Mo stepped on the glass shards. He looked down and saw many tiny pieces of glass falling on the ground. He looked up again, the street lamp on his head was somehow broken, and the glass fell to the ground.

This is just the first smashed street light.

Tang Mo looked at the road leading to the school gate.

On this road, only two street lights shone with a dim light. The ground was covered with glass **** of street lamps, and the night winds of the late autumn blew through, blowing the trees on both sides of the road. The black lacquered shade is like a silent ghost, and Tang Mo’s face walks silently through the black ghosts on both sides, stepping on the glass slag.

The cold evening wind blew his windbreaker hem, and his eyes were calm, as if nothing was noticed.

Suddenly, Tang Mo lifted his foot and quickly flashed two steps to the left. In the position he had just walked through, a big nail with a thick finger had somehow suddenly appeared. If he just stepped on it, the soles of the feet will definitely be pierced.

Tang Mo looked up and stared at him with vigilance.

He has already reached the school level, only 100 meters away, and he has arrived at the school gate.

It was a little early in the morning, and the cold evening wind was blowing, and there was no one around. Tang Mo continued to move forward. This magical nail appeared twice again. Once even brazenly suspended in front of Tang Mo, as long as he did not pay attention to take a step, this sudden nail could poke him. Eyes, fortunately, he reacted very quickly, and one escaped.

These strange situations happened only when he was close to the school. Now he is only a dozen meters away from the school gate. If he wants to walk again, he will have more than 80 meters.

Tang Mo hesitated for a moment, still decided to go into school to find out.

A rush of voices sounded: "You don't come over!"

The voice was tender and loud, with a hint of dryness that didn't completely change.

Tang Mo immediately reacted: "You are a student of this school?"

"Don't come over, you... who are you!"

"I am not malicious, I am looking for a student. She is the daughter of my friend."

The big nail floating in front of Tang Mo fell to the ground and seemed to stop blocking his pace. Tang Mo went further and there was no obstacle. He went to the door of the school. Looking through the iron gate, I didn't see a figure, and the little boys who just spoke were not seen.

Tang Mo frowned and asked loudly: "Where are you?"

The boy said timidly: "You... are you really bad?"

"I am not. What difficulties have you encountered, need help? I have some water and food here."

"I... I am in the guard room next to the door. You put water and food at the door, don't come in..."

Tang Mo took a bottle of water and a bag of compressed biscuits from his backpack and walked to the gate of the guardhouse. He walked slowly and slowly, halfway through and stopping.

The little boy said, "You... why don't you come!"

Tang Mo smiled and continued to move forward. Silently around, the little boys no longer talk, Tang Mo does not speak, just walk quietly. When he walked to the steps in front of the gatekeeper's door, suddenly, he jerked his pace, bypassed the door of the guard's room sideways, flew directly from the side and smashed through the window and crashed into the small guard room.

The debris of the window splashed onto the steps that Tang Mo was about to step on. The steps collapsed in an instant, and a large hole of seven or eight meters deep was blasted. The bottom of the hole was a lot of sharp sharp knives with a sharp edge.

"Teacher, he found out! Teacher, save me!!!"

Ordinary glass shards can't hurt Tang Mo's skin at all, and even his speed of response and running speed exceeds that of most humans. The little obese boy saw Tang Mo and shouted in horror. He turned and ran. Tang Mo was faster than him. He grabbed the little fat man’s arm and took him to his front. He directly buckled him. Arms.

"You don't move! Who are you, what do you want to do!" An anxious male voice rang.

Tang Mo looked up and saw a young man in a white shirt. He seemed to have just woken up, his hair was messy, and his eyes were flushed and he ran into the guard room.

Tang Mo asked: "Why did you just lie to me... want to kill me?"

The young man hurriedly said: "You should put him down first, don't hurt him. What do you want, we will give you, meet you!"

Tang Mo was aware that it was wrong. He was preparing to ask the situation clearly. He only listened to one voice: "Tang Mo?! You are finally here! Hey, don't, let go. Li, he is not a bad person, he is Tang Mo. I used to talk to you about friends. He wanted to come to the city to find someone. He and I were separated from the middle of the road before I came to the school to see if I could meet him."

Tang Mo looked at the people.


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