MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 175

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Chen Hao stepped forward and looked up at Wang Xiaotian.

Cinderella in a beautiful dress looked at her with a sly look. After a long while, she asked: "Are you sure you want to pass the customs now? No, I have to tell you, I am very busy with Wang Xiaotian, I don't have time to listen to you slowly. Say the food chain, each of you has only one shutdown, you can only say the food chain once. If you say that you have not been able to pass the customs this time, you will not have the initiative, you can only pray for the dog, other players say the food chain Say your order and take you through customs. Have you considered it?"

Chen Hao nodded: "Yes, think about it."

Wang Xiaotian's face changed: "You can change the ball again and get a new clue... Don't look again?"


Wang Xiaotian: "..."

Cinderella jumped from the carriage, not very airy: "Well, then you tell me quietly."

Chen Hao walked to Wang Xiaotian's ear, picked up his toes and said a word softly. Wang Xiaotian said that she can tell her the order of the food chain in private, and she will not be heard by others. Tang Mojing listened carefully and did not hear Chen Yu’s words. He wanted to use a special means to isolate the sound.

After Chen Yu’s words were finished, Wang Xiao sweet’s mouth twitched and waved.

I saw the small **** in the hands of Fu Wenzhe, Fu Wensheng and Chen Yu suddenly flew up and gathered in the air, colliding with the other three small balls. Chen Hao said a word again, the ball in the hands of Tang Mo also flew up. Seven small **** hovered in the air.

Tang Mo faintly felt that something that had been tied to him had disappeared. That is the shackles that have been wrapped around the player since entering the game. Although the game is not completely over yet, Tang Mo has already cleared the game. They only need to wait patiently and wait for the last night to finish leaving the copy.

Wang Xiaotian was in a bad mood, and his mouth was greatly picked up. When he left, he made a face to Tang Mo and Fu Wen: "The next time you must eat the meat of your bad guys!"

The pumpkin carriage rumbling away from the room, seven small **** hovering in the air for a while, three of which fell to the hands of the three returnees. There are also four small **** directly parked in midair, not flying back to the hands of Tang Mo, symbolizing that they have ended their game.

The expressions of the three returnees seem to have knocked over the palette, which is wonderful. They looked at the backs of Tang Mo's four people with complicated eyes. The middle-aged man bit his teeth and clenched the ball in his hand.

The young man trembled, and he said unbelief: "How could it be, how could you get through so quickly, not yet, not yet..."

Haven't brought any of their three returnees, only four people have cleared!

Game Rule 6: Find a complete food chain of your own to win. At the same time, players in the food chain can win.

When Tang Mo said that he intended to pass the game, Du De had a stranger in his heart. As long as someone tells the food chain, other players in the food chain will pass the customs directly. If Chen Hao said that he had his name on the food chain, even if he didn't know anything, he could pass the customs together.

But no.

Only four survivors of the Earth have cleared customs, and none of them have returned.

Du De and Liao Feng's faces are very ugly, they clenched the ball, and their eyes were blind.

"Do you use me?!"

A sharp female voice rang, and everyone turned to look at Xing Siqi.

The young woman in her shirt seemed to suddenly understand something, widened her eyes, and glared at the sound of Fu Wen in the crowd. The child swallowed his mouth and subconsciously walked behind Don. Fu Xiaodi: "When, when will I use you?"

Xing Siqi’s eyes widened, as if to see the boy who seemed to have no brains and see the bones. She turned to look at Chen Hao, followed by Tang Mo and Fu Wen. The eyes stopped for three seconds in Fu Wen's body. The next second, Xing Siqi's eyes brightened. She quickly closed her eyes, her chest was ups and downs, and her mouth was screaming and screaming.

After half a minute, she slowly opened her mouth and smiled.

She looked at the ball in her hand and looked at the four **** that had not fallen in the air. She smiled and said: "The first time I thanked me for not responding fast enough, I was a problem, but I am still the first level. My ball is still the last one. Are you deliberate?"

Tang Mo squinted: "What is it intentional?"

Xing Siqi pointed to the four **** in the air and pointed to the other two returnees: "So smart, the three **** we got were the three in the last round."

Tang Mo faintly said: "It's just a coincidence."

Xing Siqi: "It is a coincidence. After all, even if the points of the answer are the same, the two **** of the same level, who knows which one falls into your hands, can't decide this. But the truth is that the three returnees are The overall ball has not changed, and the four **** that belong to you have not changed, but the person who owns the ball has changed."

Chen Hao asked: "What do you want to say?"

The young woman walked to the center of the hall and took a chair to sit down. She didn't even enter the room to see the clues, but smiled: "I want to say, thank you, although you have used me... but I should also pass the customs."

As soon as this words landed, Tang Mo’s four people did not look the same, as if they had already guessed that this would happen. The other two returnees were not happy. The young man went to Xing Siqi: "What do you mean? Do you know how to get through?"

Xing Siqi pointed to Chen Yu: "Thank you for the little girl, she told me a food chain that belongs to me."

Du De nervous and looked forward to: "What about me? Then what about me?"

Xing Siqi: "How do I know about you."


The alliance between the returnees is not strong. After knowing one of their food chains, Xing Siqi has no plans to cooperate with the other two returnees. The middle-aged man stunned the young woman to speak his own food chain and was rejected by the young woman. The two male returnees sullenly returned to the room and opened the ball to see the clues.

In the middle of the room, Tang Mo slowly walked to the chair and opened and sat down. The other three also sat in the past.

Four Earth survivors and one returner.

Five people looked at each other silently, and no one spoke.

After half an hour, a door was pushed hard. The young man ran out of red eyes, and he ran straight to Chen Hao, trying to catch the little girl's wrist. A glare of metal flashed, Fu Wen took the chair, his head did not lift, but a dagger was placed in front of the young man's neck to stop him from going one step further.

The young man licked his cheeks and rose red. He gasped heavily and finally gave up the idea of ​​catching Chen Hao and went to the seat to sit down. After a while, the middle-aged man came out of the room. His expression was very bad. He was not as impulsive as a young man. He stared at Tang Mo, and then looked at the young woman and then opened the chair. under.

The middle-aged man sighed and said: "What are the conditions? Let's talk."

The young man looked at him with surprise.

Tang Mo seems to be ready. He leaned forward and held his hands on his knees, locking the middle-aged man with a very aggressive line of sight. He evoked his lips and his voice sounded mild and calm, but no one would regard him as a good talker. Because he smiled and said: "I want your arms."

The middle-aged man jerked up: "What?!"

Tang Mo repeated: "I want your arms." Fu Wen took the time to hand his dagger to Tang Mo, Tang Mo took advantage of the situation. He gestured to the middle-aged man's shoulders and his wrists moved. The middle-aged man's body trembled, and a cool sensation came from the place where the arm and shoulder were connected.

Fu Wen replaced Tang Modao: "A pair of arms for your customs clearance is very suitable. You are the returnee, at least the second floor of the black tower. Although it may take some time to re-grow the arm, it is not long."

The middle-aged man suppressed his anger: "But in the seven days of Eve's game, my arms must not grow completely."

Fu Wen took the scorpion: "That is your business."

Middle-aged man: "..."

After a while, "Good!"

The middle-aged man’s chips are negotiated, followed by young men. Du De lowered his head and buried his expression in his hair.

A total of two rounds of Darwin test, the player changed the ball twice. At the beginning, Dude was the fourth level, he was very lucky, and the lottery scored the highest level. However, the next two times he did not perform well in the Darwin test. He has always been the second-level ball, which is the first ball that Fu Wen took.

He is not stupid, he has already reacted to what clues the middle-aged man used to change his arms.

It is worthwhile to change a pair of arms to their own food chain and change their lives.

Deep breathing and slowly spit out, Du De looked up again when he looked up: "How do I change?"

Tang Mo: "A pair of arms and a prop."

Du De said: "Why do I have one more item than him?!"

Tang Mo: "Because he has no props on his body, all his props have been searched for by us."

Young men have nothing to say.

Tang Mo did not lie, the middle-aged man finally escaped from their hands with special abilities, but before that his props were all scraped and scraped.

Changing the food chain with both arms is the decision that Chen Hao and Tang Mo have negotiated for a long time. A pair of arms is not so important to the returnees. With the strength of these two men, they can grow back within ten days. It’s just that in Eve’s game, they will lose their strength and will not pose too much threat to the survivors of the Earth.

This condition is a range they can accept.

At the same time, this is also the range in which Tang Mo may get their abilities.

Tang Mo forced Bai Ruo Yao to break his arm and get his abilities. A pair of arms should be able to get the power of these two people.

The two returnees originally wanted to get the food chain from the young woman and exchange conditions with the young woman. Xing Siqi was dark and promised. The middle-aged man saw her lie at a glance: "You don't know our food chain at all."

Xing Siqi shrugged.

She really does not know the food chain of these two men, she just launched her own food chain from the behavior of Tang Mo and others.

The middle-aged man went to Tang Mo in front of his face, and Tang Mo took the dagger of Fu Wen. The hands are falling, everything is incredible, and the sharp daggers cut off the two men's arms as if they were cutting tofu, and the blood splatters. The middle-aged man screamed in pain, his cheeks twitching. After three minutes, his blood stopped, and Tang Mo whispered a word in his ear.

Next is the young man.

Tang Mo cut off his two arms in the same way and took one of his props.

Four arms fell in the pool of blood, Tang Mo hit a ring, the flame tongue instantly caught the four **** arms.

The young woman blinked and said: "Abilities..."

Tang Mo smiled and said: "Is it still a prop?"

The young woman closed her mouth and stopped talking.

The middle-aged man looked up: "You took my arm to vent your anger?"

Just broke his arm and burned it with fire. Tang Mo didn't need his arm at all!

Tang Mo: "Guess it."

Half an hour later, Wang Xiaotian drove the pumpkin carriage back to the room. She just got off the bus and quickly slammed her mouth, a panicked look, exaggeratedly said: "Ah, what is this, how come so much blood. So terrible, I am so scared." Shouted for a long time, no one responded Wang Xiaotian looked up and found that no one in this group of people intended to comfort her.

"Understand the pity and cherish the jade." Wang Xiao sweet grinned, stepped into the blood, stepped on a blood footprint, and walked to the seven.

Wang Xiaotian leaned on the pumpkin carriage and said lazily: "This is your last chance. I am going to be Wang Hao. I have no time to accompany you to play this kind of childish game. Well, do you want to tell me?" No? Then I am gone, you can hurry."

The young woman said directly: "I know my food chain."

Wang Xiao sweet looked at her suspiciously.

The young woman calmly said: "My food chain - Xing Siqi → Fu Wensheng → Tang Mo."

Wang Xiaotian snorted: "Well, forget you. How do you know your food chain, do you listen to these bad guys?"

"This little girl just told you two food chains. One is 'She → Fu Wensheng → Tang Mo', the other is 'She → Fu Wensheng → Fu Wenzhe'." Wang Xiaotian did not deny, young woman pointed to Chen Hao Continued: "Because she said it twice. The four of them have four levels. If four people are in the same food chain, they only need to say one time to get through all the customs. This proves one thing, they are divided into four people. Two food chains. I am stupid. If I didn't reveal my clues when I answered the Darwin test, they wouldn't know the answer so easily."

Fu Wensheng narrowed his neck because the woman gave her a look.

Yes, in the second round of Darwin's test, Fu Wensheng suddenly said that even if he lost him, he would not eat Chen Hao, he would eat young women. Young women have never taken Fu Wensheng seriously, because the performance of this little boy was terrible, completely like a player brought to this level by his brother.

Fu Wenzhe, Fu Wensheng.

Everyone knows that this is two brothers.

Fu Wen is very famous and is well known in the world of returnees. Fu Wensheng is a rice worm behind him. No brother can definitely get out of here. Xing Siqi is so speculative, so she never thought that this weak chicken boy would put on her own set, so she was put out a sentence: "I told them that this little girl is also the food of this little boy."

Chen Yu → Fu Wensheng → Fu Wenzhan.

Chen Yu → Fu Wensheng → Tang Mo.

This is the two food chains that Chen Yu told Wang Xiaotian in the last round.

In the first round of the game, the young man was the fourth level, and Chen Hao easily put out his clue: his food is a woman.

At this time his goal became two: Chen Hao at the third level and a young woman at the second level.

In the second round of the game, Tang Mo got Chen Hao's ball and determined that he was the highest level. No one can eat him. Another answer was instantly ruled out. Young men should eat the ball of a young woman. Switching to the second round of the game, Fu Wen won the ball that should eat Fu Wensheng.

In addition, the young woman in the first round of the game said that Fu Wensheng must be his own food, almost to eat Fu Wensheng's behavior. A complete food chain has emerged at this time -

Xing Siqi → Fu Wensheng → Fu Wenzhan.

There are many smart people in the returnees, and Tang Mo never dared to despise any returnees. This young woman is very smart, and her speculation is completely correct.

The young woman did not understand: "But I don't understand, how do you know that Tang Mo can eat this little boy?"

In the second round of the game, Tang Mo is the third level and the highest level. But why did he eat the ball of Fu Wensheng, not a young man? How did Chen Hao determine the answer?

Chen Tong replied: "We exchanged clues for the first time. Tang Mo said that his clues are meaningless. You don't believe him. But... Do you remember what clues I said at that time?"

Tang Mo is a senior player who puts the black tower into the rules of the game and kills the rewards. Chen Hao is just a little girl who is not amazing. She said that the three returnees did not think of the clues she had said. The young woman recalled for a long while, suddenly stunned and muttered: "You said, your clues don't make any sense..."

Chen Hao looks calm: "Yes, I said that my clues are meaningless, you all believe. Tang Mo brother said this sentence, you do not believe. Because in my eyes, I am just a passerby, you really want to eliminate is Tang Mo Brother, it’s not important to knock me out and pay attention to me. So I lied at the time and you didn’t pay attention.”

The young woman suddenly understood: "Wait, you have been from that time..."

"Well, I knew from the beginning that your ball is my food. That is the next two rounds, the whispering ball is the food of Tang Mo's brother." Just did not say it.

The young woman was silent for a long time and suddenly laughed: "So the only thing you doubt is whether your ball is his food." She pointed to Chen Hao and Fu Wensheng. "You didn't get a clue from this little boy, maybe because of him. The clues I saw didn’t really make sense. Maybe he couldn’t tell you the clues. So you hit the attention on me because the ball used to be mine...”

In the intense Darwin test, each player's nerves are highly tight.

The young woman once vowed that she knew that Fu Wensheng was lying, so Chen Hao did not dare to care. It was not until the eleventh question that she let Fu Wensheng play with the act, let the young woman take it lightly, and showed the unsatisfactory attitude of Fu Wensheng’s sentence, "That I ate you."

Because she knows that Fu Wensheng's ball can eat two first ranks.

Both first grades are his food.

Everything is clear, the young woman sneers and points to the two male returnees: "Do you really know the food chain of both of them?"

Chen Hao hesitated and did not speak.

Fu Wen took the low voice and said: "I have said that we know?"

The two returners brushed their heads and looked at him incredulously.

"what did you say!"

The young man roared and rushed over. If he had a hand, he must now smash Fu Wen to the ground. What stopped him was a pink parasol with a round umbrella on his throat, just to the flashing golden three digits. Tang Mo has over the head and smiled slightly: "You said that you want to exchange conditions with us. We never said that we know your food chain."

"Tang Mo, Fu Wenzhe!!!"

Chen Yi, who is attracted by the idea, is Tang Mo and Fu Wen. After all, they are famous. Fu Wen took the eyebrows and did not say anything.

Chen Tong: "Your food chain is my speculation. Because there are too few clues, I can only speculate so much. Eighty percent, your food chain is right."

The young man angrily wants to tear this little girl with a calm face, and the middle-aged man is more mature. Although he hated it, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, but he tried his best to calm down and looked up at Wang Xiaotian, who was laughing and watching the fun. He said a word: "My food chain, Xing Siqi → Du De → Liao Feng → Fu Wen Take."

The smile on Wang Xiaotian’s face was a stiff moment. After a moment, she waved her hand: “It’s really boring, you’re all cleared, so boring. Hey, this is your reward. My mother’s pumpkin can be delicious, so I’ll reward you. For you, don't thank me." As he said, Wang Xiaotian took out seven pumpkins from his pocket and threw them to seven players.

The two male returnees had no hands and the pumpkins were on their cheeks.

Tang Mo took this pumpkin, and his heart suddenly flashed a bad guess. He wiped the pumpkin three times hard, and soon, a small line appeared.

[Proper: Cinderella's Little Pumpkin]

[Owner: Tang Mo]

[Quality: Garbage]

[Level: Level 1]

[Attack power: no, swearing may be a little painful]

[Function: delicious, the dwarf likes to eat. 】

[Restriction: No effect, it may be its biggest limitation. 】

[Remarks: I worked hard to play the game and returned to the time of liberation. I want to open it, at least it is delicious. 】

Tang Mo: "..."

Young women also feel incredible, she said: "The only reward for customs clearance games is this?!"

Wang Xiaotian is impatient: "What do you do, what do you want? This is not enough? You greedy humans!"

Fu Wen took the cold and cold road: "If you don't find your own food chain, there is no customs clearance, what will happen?"

Everyone was shocked.

Wang Xiaotian looked at Fu Wenzhao, slowly she opened her mouth and revealed a bad smile. "Ah, how about... not so good. You can't get my pumpkin without going through customs. If you can't get my pumpkin, you can't eat such a delicious thing. Wow, you are good, the clearance is really good. ""

Everyone: "..."

The men who lost their two arms clenched their teeth angrily and made a loud molar.

Pass the game and get Cinderella's little pumpkin.

If you don't pass the game, you won't be punished, just won't get her little pumpkin.

From start to finish, this game is a safe game. It prohibits violence, and the Black Tower even directly kills the perpetrators. The only way to be eliminated is to be eaten, and then the person chooses to throw you into the Black Tower and become a slave to the Black Tower.

Other than that, this game is extremely safe.

Tang Momo read: "A copy of Eve's game No. 315..." So, this is just a copy...

Wang Xiaotian smiled and said: "I am going to be my king, and I will not talk to you stupid people."

The huge pumpkin carriage screamed and left the room. Seven players stayed in place, and a low female voice rang: "The customs clearance game can only get pumpkins. But by eliminating Tang Mo and Fu Wen, you can open Eve's reward..."


A steel pin broke open the air and wiped it from the young woman's cheek, leaving a blood mark.

After the steel needle flew over the young woman's cheek, it disappeared into the air. Tang Mo retracted his hand and looked back at her. He curled his mouth and said: "Do you want to try it? Do you guess this is an ability or a prop?"

The young woman’s cheeks were burning and tingling. She looked at Tang Mo slyly, her lips opened, and she finally clenched her teeth without speaking.

She is more reluctant than the reward to open Eve.

"Hey! Players Xing Siqi, Du De, Liao Feng, Tang Mo, Fu Wenzhe, Chen Yu, Fu Wensheng smoothly cleared the ‘Ava's game No. 315 copy.'”

The glare of white light illuminates in front of everyone. When the white light is on, the four Earth players and the three returnees are still staring coldly at each other. As long as anyone dares to move, the other party will immediately respond.

When the cold wind blew toward Tang Mo, Tang Mo’s eyes glimpsed and he has returned to Earth. Tang Mo and Fu Wen did not hesitate to rush to the young woman, but they still took a slow step. The woman had to stand a distance from them. She only needed to escape. Tang Mo and Fu Wen took it to find her position and chase it.

After chasing for a moment, the two gave up.

The other two male returnees also took the opportunity to escape.

In the face of weaker Earth survivors, these returnees will kill mercilessly. In the face of the strong, they will also flee without mercy.

Tang Mo reluctantly said: "No matter how strong the returnees are, they all seem to run very fast."

Tang Mo is a joke, but Chen Hao seriously analyzes: "There are time rankings, and each returnee is an enemy. They have a lot more dangers than life, so they can run fast to survive. It is also the survival of the fittest."

Chen Yu said that it is also a bit reasonable.

Fu Wensheng: "This game is a good loss. There is no reward for customs clearance. There is no punishment for not passing the customs. I knew that I was not so scared. But fortunately, we are not the most disadvantaged. The two men are the most disadvantaged. Their abilities were copied by Tang Ge and their arms were gone. They couldn't participate in Eve's game for the next seven days."

Take the arms of the two men on the one hand to help Tang Mo copy the ability, eat dry and not give money. On the other hand, it also weakens their strength. Eve’s game was seven days in total, and these seven nights were the most intense seven days of conflict between the survivors of the Earth and the returnees. Chen Hao will not let go of the opportunity to weaken the other side's strength.

However, there is a little bit of Fu Wensheng who can't figure out: "In fact, as long as one of them knows the food chain, another person can also pass the customs. My sister guessed that the food chain has the names of the two of them. The middle-aged man can help another. People pass the customs and don't need him to cut his arm."

"Are you happy?"

Fu Wensheng glanced and looked up at his brother.

Fu Wen took the finger and moved the dagger back into the sleeve. Tang Mo looked down at the children and explained to Fu Wen: "The middle-aged man did not intend to tell another person after he knew his food chain. Because he lost his arm and the other person did not lose his arm, he was not happy. If it was me and Fu Wen took this relationship..." The voice paused, Tang said: "If it is the relationship of the four of us, I certainly won't let my teammates lose my arm, as long as I lose my arm alone. But They are different, they are always allies, and they can betray their opponents at any time."

Chen Tong: "The woman... Xing Siqi, I have to pay a little attention, she is very smart."

Tang Mo nodded gently.

The four men sorted out and set off to go to the base of the day.

The sky was slightly bright, and a ray of sunshine shot from the horizon, awakening the earth. Tang looked at the blood-red number on the black tower and whispered softly: "3, 2, 1..."

"Hey! 'Eve's game' is over, please let the player continue the game and try to attack the tower!"

The crisp children’s voice seemed to puncture the tense air that filled the night in Beijing. On the huge black tower, the **** countdown suddenly disappeared. Everything seems to return to the 4.0 version of the update, tens of thousands of black towers calm and waveless, hanging over the earth.

Breeze noodles, Tang Mo four looked at each other, rounded into the alley, and quietly marched forward.

While walking, Tang Mo remembered one thing.

He just took time to look at the abilities of the two men. The middle-aged man's ability turned out to be an escape ability. To be precise, he can speed up his ability in one aspect at a time. For example, vision, he can enhance vision, penetrate the house to see the enemy, shoot with bullets; such as speed, he can suddenly run very fast, but his vision will plummet.

Not only vision, speed, but also his ability to greatly enhance the body's hearing, smell or touch, but this time other abilities will suddenly weaken.

Focusing on one aspect is fully manifested, while other capabilities are weakened. This is his ability.

This ability looks very powerful and is actually tasteless. If you are fighting with others, weaken other abilities, only enhance one, it is a good thing to face weaker enemies. However, in the face of Fu Wen’s acquisition of such a powerful enemy, in the moment of enhancing certain aspects of power, Tang Mo will be caught by him and hit the commandment.

"The woman's ability seems to be a little better..."

Can find that Fu Wensheng is lying, this type of power Tang Mo has never been. If you have this ability, it may be easier for him to attack the tower later.

"Do you want to have that woman's abilities?"

Tang Mo a glimpse, turned to look at Fu Wen. He nodded. "Well, seeing if a person is lying, sometimes it's important." At a critical time, this is a very powerful ability. Of course, the woman's abilities are what Tang Mo doesn't know, he just guesses.

Fu Wen took the sound calm: "My ability seems to be better than her."

Tang Mo’s footsteps suddenly stopped, and he looked back at the man in amazement. The rising sun rises and is reflected in Fu Wen’s face. The eyes were deep and quiet, still unable to be completely illuminated by the sun, and the expression was calm and calm. He fixedly looked at Tang Mo, Tang Mo also quietly looked at him.

After a moment, Tang Mo smiled and said: "If I take her abilities, I promise that I will use it on you for the first time."

"?" Fu Wen did not understand the meaning of this sentence, how suddenly changed the topic?

Tang Mo pleaded and glanced at him: "I would like to see, when you say this in a blank expression, what is in your heart."

Fu Wenzhan: "..."

Fu Wen grabbed his face and did not change his mind to move his eyes away. He strode forward.

Read Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability