MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 202

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The blond foreigner stared coldly at the rabbit behind the monster group. The next moment, he screamed and slammed his feet, slamming into the other side like a rocket. Limited by the ability, Chen Hao's physical fitness has not improved at all. She realized for a moment how she was exposed. She didn't have time to regret it. The little girl turned and ran to the fox who hadn't gone far.

Pete's right hand is a claw, and he is about to catch the player. At this time, a loud voice sounded "catch the human"

Pete quickly looked at the vocalization, a group of underground officials gathered together, and could not find anyone to talk to.


He knows that it must be one of the two **** of the customs team, but he does not know who it is.

The monsters roared and rushed to Pete and David, and the underground officials also swarmed. They know that they can't beat humans. As long as they clear the players on the second floor of the Black Tower, they are definitely not opponents. But the Black Tower bosses are mostly simple-minded, and feel that there are many people on their side, and they are not afraid of two human players.

"Catch them and eat them"

"Hey, grab them and eat them."

David and Pete are very good at their hands. These monsters and underground people can't touch their clothes. However, in this small wooden house, once the two sides fought, the whole house trembled. The gnome chief was anxious. "Damn, don't ruin my house. If the house is destroyed, they all fall into the river of fantasy. I see what you do."

As soon as this words landed, the monsters and the underground people immediately became much more secure.

But it’s very dangerous for players to hear a hint of taste falling into the river of fantasy.

When Pitt’s eyes turned, he suddenly took a hand and pointed at the rabbit behind the crowd. “She is also a **** player.”

Everyone brushed their heads and looked at Chen Hao.

Chen Hao’s hand holding the lollipop tightened, but on the surface he was scared with red eyes, afraid to say, “You, what are you talking about, I am not a player”

David was so angry that he swears "You bastard, don't think you can hide, you are the player"

The monsters and the underground people will be suspiciously staring at Chen Hao, the little girl biting her teeth. "I am definitely not a player. I am a rabbit living on the Elf Prairie. But you just admitted, you are the players. Let's hurry. They, eat them."

After listening to this, everyone has come back to God. This rabbit is not a player. They don’t know, but the two wolves have just admitted that they are players. After eating these two humans, they will certainly improve a lot of strength.

Chen Yu was forced to a desperate situation, and she was so smart that she was only a little girl whose individual strength did not improve. She has done her best, but none of the players who can attack the fifth floor of the Black Tower are fuel-efficient lights. The situation that most worried her was still happening.

Pete snorted, and the bright red tongue licked his teeth. "Oh, a bunch of idiots. This rabbit is obviously weak, even if she is really not a player, you catch her just like catching a chicken, and grabbed it first. It’s good to be on the side. As for the two of us, you can catch us.

A big hen monster angered "You are just like catching a chicken."

Although the monsters are stupid, they are not really without IQ. This wolf is right. It is no trouble for them to catch this rabbit. If it is not a player, it is better to catch the wrong person. For a time, two monsters and three underground people quickly rushed to Chen Hao, and one of the underground chiefs sneered and buckled her hands.

The little girl’s heart was cold and sweaty, but her face did not change color.

She believes that Tang Mo and Fu Wen won.

Pete saw Chen Hao also caught, laughing wildly. He is not afraid of these weak monsters and underground people. What he really needs to be careful about is the players of the two customs teams. While Pete is staring at the customs officials, when he wants to find out the players, a faint voice sounds "I, I don't know why you **** humans, why are you framing me? Is it because I just overcharged you?"

Pete and David glanced at Chen Hao in a wrong way.

The red-eyed rabbit clenched his teeth and grievously said, "Don't you just sneak a bottle of banana wine? Banana wine is worth ten silver coins, but just for not being discovered, you gave us more than 30 silver coins. Can you say this? Banana wine is actually a very important thing."

David still didn't understand, Pete had already snarled, "Stop."

However, it is too late.

When the monsters were reminded, they immediately understood that the bottle of banana wine was especially important to these two humans. It is difficult to catch these two humans, but if they want to grab banana wine, two humans will certainly protect it, so it is not good to attack.

I don't know who shouted "Banana wine is hidden in his sleeve"

Everyone rushed to attack David and Pete, but to grab their bananas.

Chen Yu sighed, and an underground official grabbed her hands and escorted her to the glass hut. The body was still shaking slightly, and Chen Yu tried to suppress her fear. At this time, she heard a laughter sounding from her own ear. "Good job, hehe."

Chen Hao’s eyes widened and turned to look at the underground people who seized himself. After a few seconds, the little girl smiled "Tang Mo Ge."

In the process of Tang Mo's escaping Chen Yu into the glass lodge, David and Pete were still unable to defend against so many monsters and underground people. Finally, a monster grabbed the banana wine and the bottle was thrown into the air.

In the entire Black Tower world, there is no such thing as not drinking banana wine. Even if this is not an important prop, monsters and underground people will be mad when they see it. The monsters madly grabbed the bottle of banana wine, and David and Pete were angry and could not. Pete flipped his hand and took out a red pistol. He had a wrist and pressed the gusset.


A shot was fired and five bullets were fired from the muzzle.

The five bullets accurately penetrated the heads of four monsters and an underground officer, and their heads exploded like watermelon. Everyone was shocked and looked at the two wolves in horror.

The ankle of the leather boots smashed the head of a monster, and the brain was splashed on his shoes. Pete bloodthirsty licked his gun "waste, who dared to grab my things"

Banana wine is not known by the monsters, and no one can find it. But at this time, all the monsters and underground people dare not go to the **** banana wine.

They fled in panic.

The gnome chief screamed at a green feather. "Where is Mr. Peter Pan, where are you? This player is even more terrible than we think. You come to help, ah, ah, ah." The voice stopped abruptly, and Pete burst into a gun. Broken the skull of the gnome chief.

A terrible massacre began to surge.

Tang Mo raised his hand and held Chen's eyes, not letting her look back. He continued to move forward without looking back, as if he had not heard the movement behind him.

While Pete and David were so excitedly massacred, an unseen underground official picked up a banana bottle from the corner. He pulled the cap down with one hand and blocked his face. Then he followed the big army, a look of fear, and went to the outside of the wooden house.

But just as he just picked up the banana wine and stood up, a haze sounded from the distance to the "customs team players."

Fu Wen took action and slowly turned to look at each other.

It was a fierce and brutal wolf. There were sticky saliva on the sharp teeth. Pete and David didn't fall into the madness of the slaughter at this moment. Instead, they stared calmly at Fu Wen, and seemed to have been waiting for a hand to pick up the bottle of banana wine.

The two sides looked at each other for a moment, and Fu Wen grabbed the lips. "Sorry, I have underestimated your strength."

David made a fist with one hand, "I killed you."

Tang Mo did not expect that these two players looked impulsive and in fact, very calm. They showed anger and slaughter, and they have been waiting for Fu Wen to catch up. These two people are definitely the best among the Chinese players, and their strength may rank among the top ten in the country.

Tang Mo pushed Chen Hao to the wooden suspension bridge. "Hey, run to the opposite side. When you get to the bridge, I will come over with Fu Wen, let's go together."

Chen Hao nodded hard and never thought about staying to help.

Her strength is too weak, leaving only a hindrance.

At this time, David's fist had already caught up with Fu Wen's face. Fu Wen took the banana wine into the air, and the first one let, avoiding the blow. Then he slammed over, and David found that his movements were too late, and a fierce fist slammed into his abdomen.

David stepped back a few steps, his face ugly, but nothing hurt.

Fu Wen grabbed his hand and grabbed the banana wine and put it in his pocket. "You are strong, but you don't know how to kill."

David sneered, "I have killed more people than you have ever eaten."

Fu Wen took a moment of silence, "That's not necessarily."

The next second, the two rushed together. Pete was preparing to help in the past, a rubber rope suddenly wrapped around his wrist. Pete turned his head and saw an underground officer sticking a rubber rope from the palm of his hand and binding his wrist. Pete laughed, gnashing his teeth and saying "another player."

Tang Mo raised his eyebrows "Your opponent is me."

By this time, it is impossible to hide his identity.

These two opponents are indeed very strong. Since they have already been exposed, Tang Mo and Fu Wen have simply started to do so. They don't know the strength of Peter Pan, the gnome chief's request for help. Suppose he is a monster of the level of the circus head. The five of them may not be opponents.

Must be quick and quick.

Tang Mo did not hide his abilities at all. He put his hands on his hips and yelled "Return my grandfather." The fierce flame filled the entire wooden house, and Pete turned his hand and turned a metal shield to block the flame. Tang Mo lifted his hands and dozens of slender steel needles danced in midair. His fingers moved and the steel needles shot at Pete.

On the other hand, Fu Wen’s battle with David is much simpler. Fu Wenzhe is completely pressing David. He is smart and agile, and his movements are strong and powerful. Watching Fu Wen’s shot is like watching an action movie, and every movement is beautiful. In contrast, David, he shot awkward, but his skin, such as reinforced iron, can not penetrate.

Fu Wen took a look at the eyes, and the black weapon formed by his right arm stabbed David's chest. David noticed that he was wrong and turned to avoid. The sharp weapon rubbed his chest and cut the clothes, leaving only a white trace on the skin.

Fu Wen took no more hides, and his wrists moved, and a dark dagger appeared in his hands.

As soon as this dagger appeared, David smelled the breath of death. He said badly, then turned his head and said, "Pitt, give me your shield."

Pete "Get out of the way, that's the props of Lao Tzu"

David "fuck, you **** never give me, I am going to die"

Pete threw the shield to David, and David quickly caught it. At this time, Fu Wen suddenly became close to the ghost, and the sharp dagger stabbed David. David was reflectively blocked with a shield. The dagger collided with the shield and made a sharp metal collision. The two men stepped back half a step, and Fu Wen took a look at the white rupture on the shield, and his eyes gradually cooled down.

David shouted, "The dagger can actually cut your shield."

Pitt was surprised by "what"

Not to mention him, Tang Mo and Fu Wen took a surprise. Fu Wen's dagger is one of the rare props he has. The only function is the law of causality, which can break everything in the world. But it didn't pierce the shield, it just made a hole.

This is definitely a rare prop, or a rare prop that also has a causal effect.

Fu Wen did not want to entangle with the other side, he looked up and saw Chen Hao has come to the end of the suspension bridge. The suspension bridge is currently blocked, and no one can get out. If you want to leave, you must make a living with him and Tang Mo.

Fu Wen took the opportunity to "walk" to Tang Mo

"it is good"

The two did not love each other, turned and ran.

Where can David and Pitt let them go and catch up quickly? The two ran in front and the two chased behind. Going to the front of the suspension bridge, Fu Wen grabbed Chen Hao and put the little girl in his waist. Tang Mo did not hesitate to squat to the two underground officials who held the suspension bridge and stunned the two.


Walking to the shore, Tang Mo turned and looked at the suspension bridge, taking a giant match from his wrist. He wielded the match head and lit the suspension bridge, which turned out to be the back of Peter and David.

This towering game is obviously a confrontation game. If they succeed in customs clearance, the other party will fail. On the contrary, it is the same.

The flames burned up and the suspension bridge fell quickly. Pete snarled angrily, with two long chains of iron in his hand.

"Do you think I can't find you?"

The iron chain brushed to the other side, and two chains were hooked on the legs of Tang Mo, one hooked the legs of Fu Wen. The two wanted to break away, only to find that the chain was struggling and the closer it was.

Tang Mo’s eyes were cold, and he took out a night pearl from his pocket. The bead had just been taken out, and the two chains seemed to have met the deadliest temptation and flew to the night pearl, which was deeply attracted to it.

David and Pete each grabbed the other end of the chain, and they were caught up in the chain by the chain. The chains had a tendency to open them and rush to the night pearl.

David pressed **** the third quarter of the chain. "I don't want to live if I die."

Pete's eyes are big, "You are crazy."

But it was too late, David had already held down the section, and the chain that had just been attracted by the night pearl suddenly ignited. A strange force pulled down Tang Mo and Fu Wen, and both of them fell to the river of fantasy. When Fu Wen took the last moment to pull down, Chen Hao pushed out, and the little girl landed firmly on the shore. Looking back, "Tang Ge, Master Fu"

Four words, all four fell into the river of fantasy.