MTL - The Empress’ Livestream-Chapter 1784 1784: Spicy chicken, not even the ancients

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1784 Chapter 1784: Spicy Chicken

Feng Zhen used to be more sloppy in his private life and behaved like a prodigal son, which made some salted fish dislike him very much.

→ _ → The salty fishes like gentlemen like Wen Ci who are good at themselves, even if this setting is generally a male second.

Is Fengzhen like this--

When it comes to romance novels, when the male lead is sprayed, my parents won't recognize it. However, attractive people will eventually attract the attention of others. Fengzheng is not a romantic drama lead. Fans are more sane, knowing that judging the value of a person cannot only be based on the other person's private life.

Besides, Feng Zhen's original birth student Feng Yi died of dystocia at that time. After that, he married Wan Xiuer for many years. During this period, he was a bachelor. A bachelor, not stealing, stealing, or committing crimes, but just like visiting the son-in-law and drinking flowers and wines to see the sister's physical needs, without harming the interests of others. This is not a big problem.

The most important thing is that after the marriage of Feng Langzi, he took care of his family. Compared with those men who accepted three or five, walked to the son-in-law, and drunk and dreamed of death, and modern illegitimate children who made small three and four, split their legs to the crotch, Feng Langzi is simply a "good man".

This attracted many fans to Fengzhen.

As a love bean with tens of millions of live powder, Feng Zhen has a strong business ability, and accidentally sucked another wave of powder.

For example, this time, Fengzhen, as an ancient man, had similar modern open thinking and child-raising experience.

Such love beans are not powdered.

When Jiang Yanji found that the contents of the barrage were all related to Feng Zhen, the popularity of this goods soared as if he was sitting on a rocket.

[Feng Langzi's Ma Ma Fan]: After so many years of chasing live broadcasts, I found that Feng Langzi is really the father who has the closest parenting concept in Dad's sky group. Don't look at him who doesn't usually tune, but outsiders can see that he gets along with his sons on an equal footing, instead of controlling his children as a feudal parent. Based on this alone, I think many parents cannot do it today.

Jiang Yanji nodded secretly to this statement.

I don't know why, there is almost no old-fashioned politician around her, and she hasn't heard rumors that there are patriarchs in the family.

After thinking about it, things are grouped by people and groups, and it is this character who is the protagonist. Of course, the courtiers attracted by her also have something in common.

[Heart has no belonging]: The hot review upstairs really talks about my heart. If I compare Feng Langzi with my parents, I doubt whether it is the ancients or the moderns. The way my parents educated me was by beating and abusing. When I was a kid, it was my brother who stole fifty cents for sugar. My parents did n’t care about hitting me with a clothes rack, I had to let me admit that I stole it. The drying racks were broken, and there were traces of blue and black on the whole body. It was later discovered that it was a younger brother, and when they did not happen again, they also said that I carefully remembered and hated until now. Feng Langzi returns to the waves, but after having a family, he is a loyal and responsible man, my dad ... hehe.

The salted fish remembered very well that Fengzhen's goods were not all right, and there were also times when he made mistakes and was held by his son.

A feudal leader who lived in feudal antiquity could pull down his face to admit his son's mistake, but their parents were dying and refused to admit it.

Parents can't be wrong, they are really wrong. Children can't let their parents apologize, and they can't challenge parental authority, otherwise they will be filial.

[Penglai Umbrella Father]: This is true, Feng Langzi is doing a good job. I used to be at the top of my grades. Later, I became inferior because of adolescent acne weight gain and classmates crowded out. My grades plummeted. My dad was called to his parents by the teacher for the first time. He did n’t ask anything and fanned me seven or eight directly. Slap in the face, and kicked my stomach. Out of six points, Fengyi only scored four points. Fenglangzi analyzed reasonably, understood his son, and returned to his wife with a broken mouth ... Hey, I can't compare.

# 负 心 的 世界 owed a father like Fengzhen #

For a while, Fengzhen-related topics rushed into the hot search, causing many netizens to talk about their parents.

The most attractive highlight of this topic is that Fengzhen is an ancient person but has a more enlightened parenting principle than modern parents.

Some people say that the parents' generation has no culture and old-fashioned thoughts.

Parents and children, broken bones and tendons, when children are taught by their parents must be because their children are wrong, how can they not be filial?

These remarks are naturally reminiscent of the salty fishes of the past.

MMP, the standard of Fengzhen. Ancient people did not hang their filial piety all the time. Instead, they said "father is filial piety" and "father is filial piety." A group of modern people rushed to wash the filial piety. Say "when you become a parent, you understand the hard work of your parents."

These feudal evils should really travel back to be ancients, maybe they can mix more than they have now.

What to understand painstakingly? Is it not because of being a parent that you have changed from the identity you are controlling to the identity of others, in order to maintain the authority of "parents"? If you really understand, shouldn't you reflect on yourself, wrong is wrong, right is right?

The salty fishes don't think that the parents who stubbornly refuse to admit their mistakes can serve as role models for their children.

[Mountains, woods, woods and branches]: Well, this kind of poisoned chicken soup is the most disgusting spicy chicken for irresponsible parents.

For a time, there was an upsurge of learning about the real world, learning how a feudal man became a father and a husband.

If you do n’t know it, you will fall in love with it.

Even if Feng really is a middle-aged, middle-aged man with a wife and son, it doesn't prevent a large number of girlfriends from coming.

The magnificent situation of Jiang Yanji's micro-barrage, Wang Xiangfeng's eyes with a bit of fun.

啧啧 ——

How fresh, the prodigal that everyone hates can even become a model of a good father and husband.

"This appointment is the generation gap."

Three years of generation gap, so calculated, the economic and technological level of this era and salty fish level is far behind. I do not know how many generation gaps.

At the same time, Feng Zhen didn't know that he had become an internet celebrity in two other planes.

He was disgusted with his son, but was very honest, and sent someone to sneak in to his son.

Peanut crisp.

This snack is very cheap for salted fish. It can be bought online for more than 20 pounds, but it is rare in this era.

Not everyone can afford it.

Feng Yi gave a generous portion to her friends.

Graduation assessment is a big deal for them. For fear of the respectful impact on performance during the assessment, students are afraid to eat more.

Feng Yi was a little hungry after taking a test of "Ming He Yan".

"You're not hungry. Eat more."

They stayed in the crowd, with wide-sleeved cover, and secretly eating something would not attract attention.

Feng Yi said, "My father gave us a plate. It's enough."

I don't know what happened, Sun Lan showed envious eyes to Feng Yi.

As a pitiful little child who lost his father since childhood, Sun Lan is envious of his little friend who is so reasonable and reasonable.

(End of this chapter)