MTL - The Empress’ Livestream-Chapter 1785 1785: Lime

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Chapter 1785 Chapter 1785: Lime

"Minghe 鸾" is followed by "Shuiququ."

When performing "Song of Water", the horseman must ride on a rugged road smoothly, and the scoring standard is similar to "Naruto".

The school grounds are wide and flat, and there is no area suitable for "water song". Everyone thought that it was necessary to change the venue.

She clapped three times, and the soldiers standing in the distance gave way to the tacit understanding, and the spectator who could not help but stretched his neck.

"What is that?"

There were such inquiries from the crowd.

Jiang Yanji said, "'Zhu Shui Qu' will be tested here."

When everyone saw it clearly, a celebrity couldn't help smirking and said, "Is this considered to be a show of favor, or is it a great joy?"

Jiang Yanji This is the place where people will buckle down and move here, splicing into a "examination room".

From the standpoint of these bars, this act is the same as farting without pants.

Did the school have no place to move to a place? It took so much manpower and material resources to deduct the land and bring it over.

Jiang Yanji has good ears, and I haven't listened to these suffocating speeches.

The salted fish thought that Jiang Yanji was too buns, but actually Jiang Yanji didn't pay attention to them at all.

Gang Jing is a group of jumping clowns. No matter how he beeps, Jiang Yanji won't hurt a sweat.

What makes it harder to squirt than spray back is to ignore.

They are the third-class celebrities in Fengkou. No matter what they do, the ultimate goal is to accumulate contacts and prestige, and to lay a foundation for future careers. Since ancient times, there have been many celebrities who have relied on this path. The more they scold the authorities, the more they are valued.

In the end, they didn't feel that their name was Gang Jing, they called it "Don't dare to speak to others."

Secondly, in the future, Jiang Yanji will be reused in the official career. This old history can also be turned into a story of a gentleman and a smile. Not only does he step on the person in power and give him a wave of prestige and add a layer of gold, the person in power can also Use this to show your broad mind ...

Incidentally, Jiang Yanji chose to ignore them and let them continue jumping.

It's hard to bear _ (: з) ∠) _

"I remember that the lord's ears are so good that she absolutely heard those villains."

Feng Zhen laughed badly. These celebrities performed so hard that the public turned a blind eye.

Zhang Pingdao, "The protagonist is not angry?"

The wind interjected, "The tongues of scholars can be sparse."

Wei Ci also said, "The Lord is kind and kind and will not care about them."

Packing this kind of non-destructive rod essence is not only to give the face too much face, but also disgusting himself.

Jiang Yanji really wants to go on the line to clean up the bar, but it will provoke a rebound from the sergeants, making these sunspots even more powerful.

Well, in this era, the imperial power is not concentrated, nor is it one or two, and it is not as exaggerated as the Chinese language prison of salted fish in the live broadcast room. Scholars have the right to speak. Even the king has no right to kill someone because he said something wrong. Tyrant move.

Of course, no right to kill does not mean that you cannot kill, but it will leave a bad reputation after killing.

The emperor cherished his reputation and generally did not offend these scholars.

Jiang Yanji is not an emperor but he can't be beat.

The kung fu of the speech began, "Zhuishuiqu", Wei Ci found a temporary patchwork of the examination venue and looked a bit weird.

Seeing that this is a bit fake, it is not like people guessed that the land was buckled down and moved here, but it was done manually.

Zhang Pingdao said, "Zixiao's observation is meticulous. This thing is indeed made by craftsmen."

In this age, the level of tools and technology is limited. No matter how powerful Jiang Yanji can't let people buckle the entire land.

The "Shuiququ" site currently used was prepared by Zhang Ping's people with special treatment with lime. In order to be more realistic, the bottom uses lime as a raw material to make the base, and then the real thing is placed on the surface. I built it.

The amount of this lime is very small, which makes Zhang Ping feel a bit pity.

If more, maybe it can be used for building foundation construction.

Because this kind of thing can be cemented and bonded together after hardening, the strength is hard, but it is a good auxiliary material for road construction.

Zhang Ping sighed, "If everyone has Zixiao's eyesight, it won't make a joke like that guy."

Wei Ci smiled silently.

The evaluation of "Shuiququ" is also divided into groups of 50 people, and each group is composed of ten people. The order of playing is based on the order of the first round of draws. Sun Lan's performance was good this time, winning a perfect score, Fengyi's performance also improved, scoring five points.

The girls in Jinlin College still crushed the men's class with a very high score of full marks, and they saw the celebrity's complexion.

They are no longer spraying Jiang Yanji's black box operation, and they begin to ridicule the male students of Jinlin College with yin and yang.

Sun Lan's "Shuishui Qu" has already passed the exam, and when Feng Yi has finished the exam, he can't help complaining to his partner.

"These celebrities are really interesting. I really want to feel that‘ Shuiqu ’is simple and easy to get full marks. They ’ll try it next time.”

He would only stand by and point to Jiang Shan, and Sun Lan's heart angered.

Youcanyouup, nocannoBB.

Feng Yi smiled and appeased, "If they are willing to offend, let them offend. Sooner or later there will be bitter fruit to eat. Lan Tinggong made it clear that he must reuse me, and his classmates must have a good future. In order to set up so many potential enemies That's their business. "

Sun Lan was speechless, and her little partner made a good point.

Feng Yi also said, "Passing the graduation assessment only means that the big guys have completed their studies in the academy, and it does not mean that they have graduated from the profession. In May, there will be a more important assessment of the scholarship. Not only can we participate, but also those who have a career in mind can Participate. At that time, we will let them know that it is not difficult to get the perfect score of "Shuiququ" ... Before that, you must be careful in your words and deeds, so as not to get in the way. "

Outsiders think that the students at Jinlin College are young and have a different career path than others.

As everyone knows, Jiang Yanji intentionally let these juniors and famous celebrities PK.

If these celebrities are defeated by Fengyi in all respects, then they will be stigmatized and their evil spirits will be severely exported.

Sun Lan said, "Now ..."

Feng Yi smiled, "Fight for a good test, otherwise ... how do you explain to the eunuchs?"

The **** made it difficult for this father-in-law, even if Sun Lan let the **** quietly relax, but the **** made him unsatisfied.

Sun Lan: "..."

He almost forgot his father-in-law.

He was a little irritated at the thought of the dark face of his future father-in-law.

"Rongli ... Do you say I can get the top ten?"

He didn't even ask for the top three, so it would be better to put him in tenth place.

Feng Yi looked at her little partner with a bit of pity.

Although it is the first graduation exam, but this year's strong, such as clouds, the top ten is really difficult to grab.

(End of this chapter)