MTL - The Empress’ Livestream-Chapter 1787 1787: Assassination

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Chapter 1787 Chapter 1787: Assassination

"No one can hurt me, let alone these immature ghosts."

Jiang Yanji rolled her eyes in secret.

If it was the original world, she would not be able to fight by force alone, but in this world?

Ha ha, a group of war five dregs still want to touch her corner?

It turns out that flags cannot be inserted randomly, because no one knows when the face will come.

Among the six arts, "shooting" is similar to "royal". "Royal" has five royals, and "shooting" also has five shooting techniques, which are "Bai Ya", "Shenlian", "Yanzhu", and "Xiangru" "," Well instrument ". When the examination items were originally formulated, the college academies wanted to divide the "shooting" into five sub-items according to the Five Royals, each of which had six points. However, Jiang Yanji took a closer look at these five shooting techniques, and she felt that simply testing the "five shots" seemed too simple and not challenging, and she could not accurately distinguish the students' shooting skills.

In this regard, the reaction of the big brothers is this: "?????"

What is this Lanting man saying?

She didn't know how difficult it was to control Wushe?

How difficult is it to get a perfect score if Wushu is used as an exam item?

I really want to get the full score and stay in the barracks at least to the position of Dublin. If the combat is excellent, there is still a lot of room for promotion.

How could it be as easy to drank in the mouth of Lanting Gong?

Jiang Yanji demonstrated five shots on the spot. You must know that Jiang Yanji has no learning experience except that Liu Zun, who had learned systematic archery for two months before he was twelve years old. In other words, she is from the wild road, but she can easily complete five shots.

Jiang Yanji used his strength to prove that Mr. Yuan Jing and others were different.

"Mastering the five shots is the foundation for the students of Jinlin College. If the foundation is not good enough, what will they learn?"

Mr. Yuan Jing also knew that Jiang Yanji was strict with the students. After thinking about it, everyone canceled the five-shot evaluation mode and changed to three-shot.

Don't look at three shots that are two less than five shots, but the difficulty is more than doubled.

When the examiner announced the three-shot project, many students were aggressive.

"What's the use of you only mastering five shots? The enemies on the battlefield are alive, not fixed targets. You are also soldiers with long legs and horses. They are not standing on solid wood." Jiang Yanji said. Scolded candidates and interrupted their thinking.

Yes, Jiang Yanji shamelessly changed his examination program.

According to the original arrangement, students were divided into different distances to shoot distant targets, and students were scored according to the number of rings.

Of course, when archery is used, five archery techniques are required to achieve the full score.

According to this assessment condition, at least 150 people from Jinlin College who took the examination could get a perfect score.

What's the difference between everyone getting a perfect score and everyone getting a zero?

Naturally, it is necessary to increase the difficulty of assessment and open up the score gap between students with different archery skills.

Therefore, Jiang Yanji added a little difficulty on the basis of five shots _ (: з) ∠) _

Everyone: "?????"

Is Lanting's truth really a bit of difficulty?

Is it that Lantinggong misinterpreted the word "Yidiu Diu" or did they understand it wrong?

After listening to the contents of the three-shot project, Sun Lan's face was white and white, and the girls near the line also showed a dignified look.

"I always feel that ... no one can maintain a perfect score after this assessment ..."

Did Lanting test this?

Isn't it to play them?

Feng Yi said, "There are people outside, and there is a sky outside, so you can't talk too much, and there are many students with superb archery skills."

In case someone gets a perfect score under the difficulty of changing, and / or state.

Sun Lan thought of those classmates in the female class and said with an open mind, "Rong Li is justified."

The first item is fixed-point shooting, as long as the arrow does not miss the target, you can score. If you want to get full marks, candidates must use more than three shooting techniques.

The second item is a moving target. The target is a dozen scarecrows. The scarecrow is installed on a movable pulley. The key points around the body are marked with red circles. Students also need to use more than three shooting skills to get the target. Full marks.

The third item is even more ill. The students have to move on horseback, and the target of the arrow has changed from a single scarecrow to several scarecrows of different varieties. It moves irregularly. The key to a special scarecrow is a perfect score.

Jiang Yanji saw that the students understood the rules, so he announced the assessment.

"It's just a group of dolls who haven't seen blood on the battlefield or even hunted. Where can I get full marks?"

The spectators muttered in their hearts and agreed that these students could not get full marks.

Such a rigorous test item, even if the archer of the barracks came, did not dare to pack a ticket to say it was worth it.


Emmmm ...

When the first perfect score was born, these beeps were muted immediately.

"It's really a good seed. Write down the name of the person. If she can't make it, she will go to the Lord to discuss it."

Jiang Nongqin was also present today, but she is leading soldiers to maintain law and order and protect the protagonist. She also wants to find good seedlings from candidates.

The development of the women's battalion over the years is indeed strong, but only 50% of the troops are fighting on the front line, and the remaining 50% are mainly military medical doctors. To be honest, this is not conducive to women's struggle for real power in the army. There are no women who are from the orthodox school, and she can only hit her students on Jinlin College. The girls who had left Jinlin Academy in advance were also under her account, and their quality and strength were obvious to all.

Jinlin College students teach everything, and tactics are also compulsory subjects. The quality of these girls is inseparable from the orthodox generals.

The best of them, cultivated well, may not be able to carry the banner of the women's camp.

The lieutenant beside him whispered and carefully wrote down the name.

Compared with the previous five imperial guards, the number of full marks in this subject is much smaller.

At the end of the day, 180 people had completed the test, but there were only 9 of them, including 7 girls.

Jiang Yanji murmured in his mouth, "There are still twenty or more unfinished exams left. Maybe one or two can get full marks, make up a double digit."

This result also hit a lot of confident students, and the remaining students who did not take the exam were Alexander.

"I'm worse than XXX's shooting skills. He missed 25 points by mistake, and I'll be worse in a while ..."

"I heard that the women's class is so brilliant that they missed points today ..."

Twenty students remained whispered while queuing. At this time, some students found that the look of their classmates was not right.

"Are you okay? I just saw that you were unscrupulous. Now you look whiter. If you are not feeling well, tell the examiner as soon as possible."

My classmates have very good results on weekdays. They are better than themselves. They even scored 25 points in their five royal exams, but their classmates took the bottom.

Not the bottom of a class, but the bottom of two hundred people, only 19 points!

Seeing that his soul is unsteady and pale, it should be that physical reasons have affected performance.

"No, it's okay ..." The classmate's eyes moved and his speech was a little weak. He said, "Maybe it's because the breakfast breaks the stomach. Don't tell the examiner that if you take the exam, you will get a score even if you don't do well. I do n’t want to repeat yet ... ”

"Then I lean on your shoulders and wait for your turn. You take your time."

The students of Jinlin College have been eating, living, and living together for so many years. Occasionally, there are some frictions, but the whole is still united and friendly.

"Thank you!"

After a while, it was his turn to play.

"I wish you success."

Tongshuang face was pale, his head was slightly lowered, and the corners of his lips were weak.

Jiang Yanji glanced frantically at the student's grade.

As the bottom student, the three shots were abnormal, and the first two scored only 11 points.

When he made the third, three of the first five arrows were missed.

The salted fish also saw the doorway.

See what they found?

There is a rare scum in the Jinlin Academy of Xueba! !! !!

Two of the two scores were perfect, and they actually scored eleven points. The third one failed at the beginning. This is a rhythm that fails.

Jiang Yanji frowned, his fingers lightly tapped on his lap.

"What happened to this student?"

Jiang Yanji asked casually, and the examiner on the stage came forward and said, "I asked before, it seems that I had a bad stomach due to breakfast."

The salty fishes booed, this is just like the diarrhea and colds in the college entrance examination room, which is bad luck.

Kungfu of speaking, the student shot two more arrows, one of them missed, but the target of one arrow did not hit the scarecrow.

The students seemed to be anxious, the sweat beads falling on their foreheads wet the sword eyebrows, and their breathing was quickened. It seemed that they were lost by ordinary defeats. It is rare to see a scum in Jinlin College. A group of celebrities sneered and looked at the excitement, putting great pressure on the students.

"Well? He wants to shoot three arrows together and use the‘ Sen Lian ’shooting technique to get back the score?”

A celebrity noticed the movement of the student and saw him take out the remaining three arrows from the quiver.

The companion around him said, "Hey--I didn't even reach the target before, but now I want to use" Shenlian "for three shots, and take his own shame!"

Kungfu of speaking, the student suddenly tightened the horse's belly, and his horse was hurting.

Electro-optic flint, I saw the student clenched his bow and arrow, pulled the bow full of strings, and pressed his upper body slightly ...

Everyone thought that he was going to fight water, and the clinker suddenly shifted his target and aimed at Jiang Yanji's face, throat, and heart on the main stage!

This change happened too quickly.

Jiang Nongqin was about to defend, and the student's warhorse had rushed close to Jiang Yanji's husband, and his full arrow was out of the string.

The arrows broke, and Jiang Yanji's lips just sneered.

She knew that the student was in disguise. Even if he could fool everyone and make him believe that he was in a bad state, Jiang Yanji would not be deceived.

"Help !!!!"

The moment the arrow left the string, I was afraid to crawl over Wei Ci's heart, and the "rescue" in his mouth was a hiss.

Jiang Yanji avoided it at a very fast speed. Two arrows shot empty and stuck on her sleeve. The third arrow headed straight to the heart was pierced! The crowd saw Jiang Yanji sideways avoiding, holding the arrow in his right hand, bending down along the inertia and planting to the ground, blood stained with wet clothing.

(| 3 [▓▓] good night

PS: At half past ten, my mother suddenly said that her toothache was terrible and she was taken to the hospital. She should change it today and make up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)