MTL - The Empress’s Gigolo-Chapter 1192 arrival

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Su asked whether this strange monk died or not, and Ren Baqian didn't know.

If there is a bone, Ren Baqian really wants to dig it out.

However, it was said that Su Wen had explained the funeral in the hall at that time, and the whole person suddenly disappeared, like the clay sculpture person, it suddenly collapsed, there was no trace, no dust remained, only left A few beads are said to be relics.

But it looks similar to a glass ball.

Some people say that Suwen became a Buddha, but it doesn't look like it. The news from Jingxin Temple is also dead.

Yen Renqian didn't bother to think what the monk was like.

The envoys of the Nine Arms are about to reach Earth.

Xi Renbaqian returned to Dayao first and brought some people back.

The female concubine was a master who stepped into the upper level of Changshengtian with half a foot, but she was the only one who seemed to be missing some pomp.

After all, a master, and a group of masters, have completely different meanings.

What's more, after the Eight-armed clan comes, what will happen, no one knows, you can't let the female emperor show up in everything.

As for the candidate, it is easy to say that Ren Baqian brought some of the long-lived masters of the ancient clan.

For these people, in addition to muscles, they are chopping people, and they are a hundred times more barbaric than those in the DPRK. They are almost in the wild.

Even if they were exposed to Earth people, for a while, they didn't understand that they were on another planet.

What's more, even if they knew they were on another planet, it didn't matter.

Xi Renbaqian selected on the list, and selected Xin Chou, Ding Ding, Su Fang, and Ju Pu Hua. Four of them were not far from Changsheng Tianzhong.

And the four of them are full of brain muscles and killings, either you die or my living reckless goods, including the woman of Ju Pu Hua.

The air fluctuated slightly, and five figures appeared in the room.

"咦?" A few people knew that a flower was in front of them, and they went from the palace to another place, which made them wonder.

I want to know that the strength of several people can be called the top of the human race, how could I never imagine that the prince could take them to another place in a flash.

"Your Majesty!" Looking back from the completely unfamiliar decoration around, I saw the female emperor watching television programs in front of her.

The Empress Dowager's clothes at this time are also more peculiar, completely different from Dayao's clothing, and her hair is randomly scattered behind her head.

He seems to have less majesty on his body.

A few people felt weird in their hearts, but they didn't take it seriously.

"When you get here, you must listen to Prince Zhao's arrangements and you must not have trouble at will." The emperor looked up and glanced at a few people.

"Where is this?" Ju Puhua curiously asked.

"Ran Xinghai." Ren Baqian said casually, they didn't know where it was anyway.

"The rules here are different from those of Da Yao. You must not hurt people at will. If you get into trouble, you can live here forever." Ren Baqiandao.

The faces of several people have changed a little. Compared with the outside walls of the two circles, the vitality here is almost non-existent, and the weird smell that is secretly heard, it is probably worse than being in jail.

Any Ren eight thousand pressed the button on the wall and gave a few commands, and soon the flying ride took the four people down.

The next four people were directly addicted to Erguotou.

It is a pity that even if the meat was improved by Ren Baqian, the meat quality is far less than that of the beasts in the 60,000 mountains, let alone outside the two walls.

Not to mention that the energy in these meats is scarcely scarce.

Fortunately, with a variety of methods, after adding various seasonings, let a few people eat fresh, eat nearly 10,000 pounds of meat throughout the day, a ton of Erguotou, and few people have no chance to cause any trouble.

算 Counting the time the next day, Ren Baqian and the Emperor took everyone on three medium-sized speeding cars.

After a long while, the crowd landed on an island chain located on the Pacific Ocean.

Eight small and medium-sized islands, like the stars and moons, guard a medium-sized island.

This joint base, which nominally belongs to the world, is actually guarded by several major United Nations and several powerful countries.

"Mr. Ren, Miss Qi." From the air, Ren Baqian saw an old man and several generals with generals.

"Lao Li, I didn't expect it was you who came, and there is labor." Ren Baqian looked kindly and shook hands with the other party.

老 This old man is also an old man who frequently appears in the News Federation.

But Ren Baqian had dealt with each other decades ago.

"Xiao Li has become old Li, can't help but feel old, but seeing Mr. Ren and Miss Qi is enviable." The old man smiled, his eyes were mild, and his eyes were really envious.

When they saw Ren Qian for the first time, they were about the same age.

如今 Nowadays, he has the envy of countless people, but his age is like a knife.

Suddenly, time seemed to stagnate on the other side.

How disgusting this is.

时 The most fearful thing for those in power is time.

The emperors from ancient times to the present, who do not want to live forever?

The two sides talked to the base for a while, and Ren Baqian went back to rest.

"The female emperor has 63,000 energies in her body, and these four people. The energy response of this man is 19,000, and the other three are between 15,000 and 17,000.

先生 Mr Ren, the energy response is two thousand eight. "

In another room, Mr. Li listened to his subordinates, and was a little lost: "Sixty-three?"

"The last time Citi broke out with those things, her energy response was only 20,000 ... And the four people were much stronger than the last time. Those last time, the energy value was 4,000. about."

"It can be said that human-shaped nuclear bombs are much greater than the threat of nuclear bombs. Nuclear bombs are dead, but humans are alive. Such people can be said to be gods, and human beings are completely unable to resist them. Our most powerful place Level master, the energy value does not exceed one thousand and five. "Another old man in military uniform said.

"It should be a so-called hierarchical relationship. Renbaqian obviously exceeds the level of the prefecture level and is already the level of heaven. As for the empress and several others, it should be a higher level, or even two."

不要 "Don't consider their threats. As long as no one provokes them ~ ~ they will not do anything. For so many years, we should rest assured." Li Lao said softly.

If you can, no one wants such a person in the world who can take his own life, like a tiger in a rabbit's den.

Coke's lesson in sight is still in sight.

I really can't mess with it.

"In addition to those aliens, they are the protectors of our human beings. The stronger they are, the better." Li Lao leaned on the back of his chair, his face was peaceful.

"How would we dare to meet those aliens without them? The Lebanese on the Clover Star have already stated that the Tiger will only intersect with the Tiger."

He said that everyone nodded, no matter what they thought, they were at the bottom of their hearts.

At noon the next day, Ren Baqian ran out of lunch before he received the news. The Emperor and the emperor brought together some old and ugly Li and other generals, and took a speeding car to a building on another island. This is where the spacecraft landed.

I also saw high-level leaders from various countries, such as the sun going down and Citigroup. Everyone saw Ren Qianqian and the empress, and came up to say hello with goodwill, all with fear in their eyes.

After waiting for half an hour, everyone saw a black spot above the sky getting bigger and bigger.

Sixteen blue flames sprayed from a kilometer-long medium-sized spacecraft, slowing down and descending.

With the slight vibration of the ground, everyone was excited.

This is the first time that the planet has welcomed alien guests.