MTL - The Enchanting Empress Dowager is Really Poisonous-v2 Chapter 30 Yuwei son? Sir

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Leng Yan originally wanted to sleep, but someone kept staring at her. She couldn't ignore it, and opened his eyes to his gentle smile, and sighed, "You haven't slept well for a few days. Isn't it sleepy? "

Lan Ze raised her hand to cover her face, and gently touched her eyebrows with her fingertips, smiling softly: "I will go to sleep when you are gone. I do n’t know when I will see you again. I ca n’t Waste to sleep again! "

Leng Yan smiled helplessly and raised his hand to catch his hand: "Fool!"

Lan Ze tightened with her other hand, brought her closer to his chest, and kissed her between her eyebrows. She sighed, "I think I'm asleep, and now I want to dream!"

Leng Yan entered his chest: "I can prove that it is not a dream!"

Lanze's lips chuckled and his chest vibrated slightly, making him extremely happy!

Although he has been struggling to stay awake, Lanze still did not resist the heavy sleep when the day was dawning. He had not slept well for half a month for Lan Yu. The safety of Lan Yan, who has dealt with the group of people in North Korea, is already exhausted. If he was too excited because he saw the cold, I'm afraid he has already fallen. One afternoon plus most of the night is already his. The limit!

It was so bright and cold that he got up, got dressed, covered him with a quilt, and bent down and fell a kiss on his brows: "Dream!"

When I went out, I saw Lan Ling. The little Zheng was sitting on the table with a stern face to eat. The two guards next to him respectfully respected him and walked coldly: "I'm gone! Little emperor!"

Lan Yan glanced up at her, and looked down dumbly without speaking!

Leng Yan walked silently: "I said okay I saved your life and sent you here, you can't give a good face, how do you feel like I owe you 18 million?"

Lan Yan's pink lips moved a few times, and then turned to smelly: "I remember your kindness, I won't treat you!"

Although the tone was not flattering, Leng Ye didn't bother: "Just remember! Let's go!"

Changqing was ready in the morning. Leng Ye went out and turned over, and the party quickly ran towards the city gate! Leng Yan walked away and Lan Yu looked up at the door, her lips pursed, she didn't know what she was thinking!

It didn't take long for the sky to start to drizzle again, but the weather couldn't stop the cold footsteps. Dougou put it on and went on!

In the afternoon, Lanze suddenly awakened from the bed, the position beside him was already empty, the temperature was long gone, and there was no her figure in the room. All of a sudden, the heart was so empty, and the sound of rain leaping outside the window was just as he was now. Mood, decadent back to bed, she has been away for a long time, without even saying a goodbye, just left!

Just as he was about to close his eyes with heartache, suddenly a scent of flowers drifted into the tip of his nose, and he opened his eyes sharply and turned his head. On the table not far away, a orchid in a pale blue vase was quietly opening, At that moment, my eyes narrowed, and my mood changed several times instantly, and finally I smiled slightly. It was not a dream yesterday, she was really there!

Lan Ze lay down for a while and got up. He had to take Lan Zhuo back early. The country must not be without a rule. Lan Jue has been away from the palace for so many days. If he doesn't go back, Chaotang is really going to be messed up!

Although he was very reluctant, he had to leave, and when he was about to leave, Lan Ze did something for everyone to drop his chin. He actually made people buy all the quilts and bed sheets and take them away! Lan Zhuang moved her mouth and did not speak!

This group of people returned to the palace with a low-key, but Leng Ye had already come to the place where the plague was wanting. Leng Ye wanted Changqing to go back, but Changqing insisted to follow her. She was helpless, and told everyone to wrap her face with a cloth towel. We drank those medicines and drank them, and then we entered the death zone filled with black mist.

Wet ground, sloppy lawns, people's clothes are dirty, their faces are starving, and their eyes are dumb. On one side are the shacks of Ansheng, and on the other are the dead bodies that have just died. This is also the case with sores!

"Let's go!" Leng Yan looked back, and Zema left.

Evergreen followed her, sighing: "I thought the war was cruel enough, but I saw that the natural disaster was far more horrible than *. It was silent, but it took thousands of people. The lives of innocent people! "

Leng Yan looked at the front: "Fate is impermanent. The so-called natural race chooses the fittest to survive. Whether it is natural disaster or *, when it comes, the first person to sacrifice is the weak. Without sufficient ability, only the natural Eliminated, these things are blamed, blamed, and blamed ... haha, probably blaming your destiny! "

Evergreen seemed to understand, she couldn't answer, and her eyes fell on the cold side of her face. Her facial lines were clear but soft, her eyes were indifferent and her brows were slightly raised. It's transparent, as if standing at a height he can't reach, looking down at all beings like God, it is awe-inspiring!

They did not dare to stay in the place where the plague was. They spent the night in uninhabited woods, and hurried during the day. It took them two days to reach the place where the court officials were stationed. Going to see Gong Yuwei in an upright manner, they are not suitable to follow her!

Seeing that Changqing has arrived here, he did not insist, and he should return to the generals to return to life!

After sending away Evergreen, Leng Yan came to an inn in this town. At the moment, there was no one in the inn, so the spider web was deserted!

"The treasurer! Give a room!"

"Pay a deposit of three or two silvers, and turn left on the last floor along the way!" The shopkeeper lying behind the counter did not move, pulled a key, threw it, and continued to lie there.

Leng Ye didn't care. He lost three or two pieces of broken silver and took the key to go upstairs! Enter the house and close the door, lock the door in hand, quickly change your clothes, tie the dart to your waist, put on a dagger, and fly straight out of the window; now the street is also very deserted, and the figures come and go. No one would notice her flying like this.

Gong Yuwei as a prime minister, naturally settled in the house of the housekeeper, Leng Ye quickly found the house here, guarded by the guards at the door, it seems that this is right! Turned around the front door, and entered from behind the slacker guard.

The plague is a terrible thing. Whether you have it or not, this thing is right by your side, which is enough to make you panic and scared. There should be no plague in this house, but an adult who is infected with the plague lives here. Everyone was anxious to hide far away. In the large garden, I couldn't even see the shadow of the family.

The house was very large. Leng Ye turned around, and finally stopped in the quiet courtyard at the end of the house. The yard had the most guards, and she just seemed to see Uncle Xiang's figure. It must be right here!

There was a big tree outside the courtyard, and it flew up coldly, and took advantage of a vertical leap into the courtyard!

"Eh!" Two sharp swords were placed around Leng's neck, forcing her to stop and glanced helplessly, but she forgot that there were some powerful martial arts guards beside Gong Yuwei. .

"it's me!"

The two were surprised when they saw the cold face, and immediately took the sword, and quickly disappeared into the dark!

Leng Yan came in through the window. It was quiet here at the moment, but she was so quiet that she didn't even have a doctor, and she frowned! There weren't many people in the room. There was only a sound of breathing, and coldly opened the curtain to enter the inner room. At a glance, you saw Gong Yuwei lying on the bed.

He walked to the bed, his eyes touched his quiet face, his eyes softened slightly, looked at his complexion, and raised his hands to try the temperature again. He couldn't help but wonder, he didn't have redness on his face, and no fever on his body. It ’s normal. It does n’t look like a plague? But since there is no plague, why is he asleep like this?

"Squeak!" The door was pushed open, and Leng Yan knew that it was Uncle Xiang who came in and did not hide it.

"Little girl!" Uncle Xiang was surprised when he saw Leng Yan: "Why are you here?"

"I came to see him!" Leng Yan nodded to Xiang Xiang as a greeting, then asked the doubts in his heart: "The outside said he was infected with the plague, but he seemed to be fine. What's wrong?"

Uncle Xiang smiled and said, "It's all rumors. The Lord Lord was just overworked and fainted. When those people saw it, he said that the Lord Lord was infected with the plague!"

"Overworked?" Leng Yan looked down at Gong Yuwei, only to find that his face was really pale and his eyes were exhausted.

Uncle Xiang nodded and sighed: "Since receiving the imperial majesty of the emperor, he has been coming non-stop. Starting from the first two states and counties, people are arranged day and night to arrange the victims, handle the corpses, drugs and food. He needs to be deployed. This time the area involved is too wide. The officials of the Ministry of Housing and Industry have been separated. Many things must be done in person. He was injured last year, and his body is not very good. This lasted for nearly ten days. Iron man will fall! "

Leng Yan heard a pain in his heart and looked slightly cold: "What about this local official?"

"Those officials have been too scared. If they did n’t hold them down, they would n’t even care about the victims. At the beginning, they dared to sacrifice Yin Yang to Yang Yin, and finally forced Xiang Yang to kill two state capitals in public. Official, this made them rule! "After glanced at Gong Yuwei who glanced over the bed:" Last day the fainted Lord lay down for a day. After waking up, he took ginseng to support his vitality and continued to stay up late to deal with these things, but yesterday He fainted in the study again, and the old slave reluctantly moved him back, fed the ginseng soup, and asked the doctor to give him a sleeping recipe, which made him sleep well! "

Leng Yan raised his hand and glanced over Gong Yuwei's eyebrows. His fingers stopped on his skinny raised cheeks and rubbed slightly. He was already very thin. Now if he looked carefully, he lost two more circles. She felt distressed. !!

A moment later, withdrawing his hand, his voice dimmed: "How is the progress today?"

Uncle Xiang took a moment to understand that she was asking about the disaster, and replied: "According to the method of the Lord, most of it can be controlled, but for other things, I need to wake up to deal with it!"

Leng Yan heard a sneer: "Except for his palace Yuwei, is there no official in this world? The court paid so much money to support them. They all eat shit?"

Suddenly he heard the words cold and angry, and Uncle Xiang was a little surprised.

Leng Yan raised his hand and gave Gong Yuwei a quilt horn, his eyes dropped: "Take me to the place where he handles business!"

Uncle Xiang heard a bit hesitant, and he couldn't be the master in such a place!

Leng Yan stood up, his gaze was no longer Xiao Yan's simpleness, but a very majestic cold head. The eyebrows were so magnificent that people dared not look straight: "I have a sense of doing things, and I will never harm him!"

Uncle Xiang only knows that Xiaoxiong seems to be a queen queen, but does the queen queen have such momentum? However, he also believed that she would not harm the grandfather, and for some reason, he always felt that she did not seem to be talking big!

Because of the special status of Leng Yan, Uncle Xiang transferred all the people at the entrance of the study, so she let her in! The study room was empty and all the furnishings were removed. There were only large cabinets and furniture that couldn't be removed, a shelf of books on the shelf next to it, and a desk case behind it, with a high pile of documents on it.

Leng Yan sat at the position of Gong Yuwei, as simple as his own, and came out with pen, ink and paper, and there was nothing extra to decorate, but even if there was, it couldn't fit.

Seeing her seriousness, Uncle Xiang stepped up to explain: "These are written by the Lord on the right hand side, mainly some methods of governance and deployment of officials, others are sent by officials from all over the place. This was yesterday, this morning. It ’s still in front of the door, but I did n’t send it in! The books on the bookshelf were brought by the grandfather. They are all about the cure of plague and alienation of rivers. There are also files from previous years in different places. The old slave is! "

Leng Yan nodded: "I know! You send all those documents in, let me see first!"

"Okay!" Uncle Xiang immediately turned and went out. Leng Yan picked up what Gong Yuwei wrote and it looked like it was indeed a method for managing the plague, from the preparation of officials in the general direction to the resettlement of small victims, the provision of food, and even after the disaster. The reconstruction has been written; the plague is mainly medicinal materials, as well as quarantine and corpse treatment. It is written very carefully, I am afraid no one can understand it!

Uncle Xiang personally sent in a lot of documents, Leng Yan took a piece of preparations to read, and suddenly said: "Give him two more bowls of soothing medicine, and sleep for two days!"

Uncle Xiang heard something a little difficult: "Although the old slave also wanted to take a rest, but this is a 100,000 urgent matter outside. At this juncture, the Lord ca n’t sleep. Besides, the Lord is thinking about governance. If he wakes up and knows that he is asleep So many days, it will definitely be furious! "

"Dafa thunder? I really want to see how Dafa thunders!" Leng Yan chuckled: "You can do this as I said, and I'll take care of it if something goes wrong!"

Uncle Xiang is a little emotional, although he also wants to heal the outside things, but he still feels more distressed in his private heart: "But ..."

"Nothing!" Leng Yan interrupted his doubts decisively: "I have no right to order you, just ask, his body is broken, this plague cannot be cured, let him sleep well!"

Although it was euphemistic, but the tone was no different from the order. Uncle Xiang looked at her, touched her unquestionable eyes, and then nodded heavily.

Uncle Xiang went out and closed the door. Then Leng Yan opened the official letter. After reading the first letter, Leng Yan raised his eyebrows and picked up the second one. After reading it, he smiled suddenly, but the smile was extremely incomparable. Ironically, it took dozens of seals in a row, swept about, and the smile on the corner of the lips was cold.

It seems that officials in the world really have Gong Yuwei. This letter asks him how to deal with it and how to arrange it. He should also ask such things as whether to build a porridge shop, and then he reaches for silver, ten Nine of them are for silver, which is ridiculous. The prime minister opened the vault? In addition, I only asked a few words about governance, but I wrote a lot about why I need money, and every sentence was 'from the lungs', every sentence was 'sighing helplessly', every sentence was extremely transparent. 'Heartache and anxiety', Leng Yan looked sneer, this drink of ink in a belly, all used to write how to ask for silver!

Sweep the contents of a table into the wastebasket on the side, coldly go to the bookshelf next to it, and it takes a while to find what you want. The map of the neighborhood is very simple. The village only used one point to indicate the path. No, only the official road was drawn. The state capital has a small map, but there are only main roads, and there are no other roads. The mountain rivers are also marked, but I only know that there are, and the specific conditions are not painted. She saw a large map in Leng Yue's account, which is more detailed than this, but it should have been drawn by Leng Yue themselves. The maps drawn by the court were few and useless!

Leng Yue! army! Cold eyes narrowed, his eyes fell on this map, and sure enough, he saw two red areas outlined by cinnabar. This plague is so large that it is naturally impossible not to involve the garrison. There are two large state capitals. There are also several small barracks, all in the area where the plague spreads!

Just then Uncle Xiang came in hastily and closed the door with an anxious expression: "The governor of Dongzhou brought up more than a dozen county officials and said that he had come to take the disaster relief money. He had already arrived at the door. They said that the uncle was seriously ill. I ca n’t handle things, I collectively recommend the governor to be responsible for this side, and even forcibly want to break into the treasury, I have people stop them with the Guards, and then hurried over, but I just gave the medicine of tranquillity If you feed him, even if you shout, you wo n’t wake up. How can this be good? "

Leng Yan heard the words sneer, and she had just read the official letter. These people came to the door, and her right index finger bent quietly on the table: "Who is this governor? What background?"

"This governor surnamed Qiu is the brother of the filial piety prince, who dares to be so arrogant with the support of prince filial piety!"

"Prince Filial Piety?" Leng Yan looked up. "Is there an aide for the Lord?"

Uncle Xiang shook his head: "Xiangye doesn't have an aide, he usually doesn't pull out gangs, and he reads a lot of books. Many things can be handled by himself, no need for an aide to make suggestions!"

"What should be the top staff of the prime minister?"

Uncle Xiang thought about it: "The grandfather is a good one. Although the first-level staff around him can't get an official position, he can count as a third-grade official!"

"What if this aide had the seal of the Lord and executed the order of the Prime Minister?"

Uncle Xiang was a little surprised: "What's the meaning of this little girl?"

Leng Yan raised his eyes, his eyes were so cold: "Go prepare a suit of men's clothes, bring the seal and token of the prime minister, and two guards who are always with him at any time. You do n’t have to worry about what I do, but if you are If you want to survive today, just do what I say! "

Uncle Xiang had no idea at this moment. As a living horse doctor, the dead horse immediately ran to find clothes. He ran back in a moment and took a white suit. The style was naturally men's, and he had a hairband. With the seal box and token, two people followed, one of them was a concierge!

"Little girl!" She was very surprised to see Leng Xiaoqian.

Uncle Xiang pointed to another relatively stable humane: "He is the grandfather's long-term caller Wei He, who drives the carriage and sends documents to the grandfather. He has also followed the grandfather in Beijing. The girl has never met, but here in the state The officials of the government have all seen it! Xiaoqian has been with his grandfather these days, and most people are familiar with them! "

Leng Yan nodded: "You guys wait!"

I took my clothes and went to the next compartment. It didn't take me a moment to turn into a handsome and handsome boy with a dull complexion. Her eyebrows were thicker and thicker with ink painting. The seductive person narrowed down slightly. Serious and cold-hearted, walking calmly and calmly, clearly a handsome but cold-hearted and aggressive man, where is there a trace of femininity?

All three looked surprised, and Xiaoqian almost dropped his chin on the ground. If he hadn't just watched him enter, he would never recognize the person in front of him: "Little ... Little girl?"

Leng Yan glanced at them with no expression, his eyes stopped on Wei He for 99999. Wei He was an honest man, with clear eyebrows and clean eyebrows. Gong Yuwei could keep him by his side, and he must be a credible person. Tong Lip said: "From now on, my name is Yuwei, and I am a distant cousin of the grandfather. I once taught the emperor with the grandfather. This time I came to help him. The grandfather was infected with the plague and could not see outsiders. Order me to give orders temporarily and perform the supervisory role. From now on, all the words I say will be conveyed by the Lord, understand? "

The little money is still a little hesitant, but Wei He first understood: "Little understand! I will call you Jade Son later!"

Uncle Xiang looked at this kind of cold, seriously, her temperament really wanted to be with the grandfather at this moment, especially she also wore white clothes, expressionless, cold expression, clearly another grandfather, saying yes My grandfather's biological brother, no one would doubt it! After seeing this kind of coldness, Uncle Xiang had more confidence: "Everything is heard by the Jade Son!"

The little money scratched his head, something unnatural: "Then I listen to little ... Yugongzi!"

Leng Yan looked up with a negative hand: "Let's go! Meet the officials of several counties in this state!"

Uncle Xiang handed a token, and the cypress was inlaid with gold rim, which said a word "forbidden": "This is the token to mobilize all the guards, and the son of Jade will also take it!"

Leng Yan smiled and took over: "Let's go!"

The treasury is located on the east side of the palace, and is guarded by heavy soldiers. Today, there are nearly 30 people in a row. About a dozen people wear official clothes and surround a middle-aged man with a proud look wearing a dark brown official clothes. The remaining ten people are Guard, at this moment is confronting more than a hundred of the guards. The swords of the guards have been sheathed and blocked in front of the treasury door. They are not allowed to enter.

A man with a thin, pointed mouth who looked like a master stood at the forefront, pointing at the Guards with his hands on his hips, with anger and pride in his face: "We supervise the Lord but the filial prince's sister-in-law. The plague, our adults have been working hard to manage the disaster. You dare to stop it, don't you want to live? Believe it or not, you will supervise the adults to write to Prince Filial Piety, and then Prince Filial Piet will let the emperor chop your heads! Huh! "

"The prince of filial piety can actually make the emperor cut the guard, must he be bigger than the emperor?" A sound of smirk came, and it was extremely cold, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

An official turned around and looked at it. A man with white temperament came out, glanced, and almost thought Gong Yuwei appeared!

A group of people watched him coming, followed by the big housekeeper and two long followers next to Gong Yuwei, suddenly strange, the master narrowed his eyes: "Who are you? See the Lord Fu Fu, do not hurry?"

Leng Yan ignored him, walked to the stone steps two steps in front of Fukumen, stood, and glanced at all the officials, his face was slightly dimmed, and he said loudly, "In Xiayuwei, cousin of Xiangye, My grandfather was plagued by a plague and it was inconvenient to see outsiders. From now on, I will supervise and manage the disaster situation on behalf of my grandfather and convey his order! "

"What the **** are you? Get out of this master!" The Governor caressed a pair of fish-eyes, with a disdainful contempt.

Immediately there was an official following the momentum: "Do you know who is in front of you? This is the younger brother of the filial piety and concubine, the imperial relative!"

"That's it! Master Qiu is the princess's favorite brother. Regardless of your cousin, get away quickly if you don't want to die!"

Leng Yan also squinted, but there was only a dangerous atmosphere inside, and suddenly she smiled lightly: "Master Qiu! Prince Xiao's sister-in-law's right?"

When that lord Qiu heard that his jaw was raised, he was proud of his face: "I know who Master Ben is, and he hasn't hurry up to kneel, a stinky boy who doesn't dry yet, I don't know the height of the sky!"

Leng Yan put his hands behind him, his eyes drooped, and his voice sighed softly, "It's Master Qiu looking for you!"

In their proud eyes, Leng Yan suddenly raised the token in his hand, his face suddenly became cold, and he shouted, "The Guards obey the order! Governor Shouzhou Qiu Shiwen gathered in the house as the prince of the filial prince." Ku, intending to rob the disaster relief bank, and immediately took him to prison! "

"Yes!" I have to say, although Long Yi's character is not good, but this guard is very obedient, and no matter what the filial prince's sister-in-law, several people rushed up and took Qiu Shiwen and that master.

"Dare you! Master Ben is the younger brother of Princess Filial Piety! Believe it or not, Master has chopped your head, don't you want to live?"

Leng Yan winked at Xiaoqian, and Xiaoqian immediately took a piece of cloth and blocked Qiu Shiwen's mouth, let alone the Guards take him away!

Leng Yan looked at the officials, and then suddenly seemed to think of something like: "I almost forgot to say it. When I let Xiangye write a memorial, I said that Lord Qiu had a high reputation and attracted local officials to recommend him as his prime minister. To manage the disaster, I hope the emperor will give a prime minister in the face of Prince Filial Piety! "

After speaking, I looked at the officials with a smile: "Let the grandfather write down when you wait. The adults must remember to sign and seal, otherwise the emperor does not know the admiration and admiration of the emperor Qiu, if the emperor knows that you are so dedicated He recommended the talents, maybe he will be "rewarded", maybe everyone! "

Several officials laughed and did not dare to answer! There are also two stubborn necks who are not afraid of death: "Who gives you the power to detain the governor? Even the prime minister has no power, you wait for the emperor to surrender!"

Leng Yanyan: "I do not know if the emperor did not surrender the crime. Only the adults know that if you continue to wait here to drink tea, the magistrate can say that you are the crime of delaying the disaster. It's just a skin! "

"You bullshit! We came for the disaster, clearly. You are here to delay the disaster. What is your identity? I want to see the Lord Prime Minister!"

Leng Xun bomber sleeves: "Uncle Xiang! Have you taken the medicine?"

Uncle Xiang glanced at her: "Xiangye just took the medicine!"

"Well! Then take this adult to see the grandfather, but the grandfather is infected with a plague, and it will be contagious. This adult must be isolated after seeing him. He is an official. Naturally, he cannot be isolated from ordinary victims. Send it to Master Qiu! "


"Boy! How dare you!" The official widened his eyes!

Leng Yan looked up: "What do you think you dare to do?" After that, he smiled casually: "If you said that if you cover the first chapter of the emperor, you would say that the officials in this area of ​​Sangzhou are full of private bags, searching for people ’s fat, and bribing North Korean and Chinese officials, will the emperor conduct a thorough investigation in anger? "

"Although I believe that your adults are innocent, the emperor does not know. Well, maybe he found out that your adults are very innocent and very clean. It is a decree to directly promote your adults to two levels, which is a great joy. ! "

A group of people turned pale, blue and white, and some had no confidence: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Leng Ye was too lazy to pull at them, and raised his hand, and the two guards in the hand of the Guard flew out at the same time, one clap, and the two knives fell from the sky at the same time and inserted in front of them. : "If you don't want an official to appear in the emperor's dragon case, a memorial to the plague death, you will honestly deal with the disasters under each autonomy! If it is successful, I will definitely let the emperor discuss merit, If you still want to be greedy for your own benefit, don't blame it ruthlessly! "

When I saw someone looking and talking, I smiled coldly: "Don't ask if you dare to do it, I dare to move the sister-in-law's sister-in-law, what else is it? Unless you are the emperor's mother-in-law, don't jump around with me , Like a jumping beam clown, look shameful! "

"You ..." A kind of official glared at each other, cold and cold eyes swept away, and the coercion showed: "Masters are not going back yet, are you waiting to send the Guards one by one in person?"

A group of people were angry with fists, and the hateful turn was about to leave, but the cold voice came from behind them like a devil: "Give advice to adults, optimistic about your books or small vaults, and then send the Guards to visit them occasionally. For a moment, if you accidentally see the next, then it will be difficult! "

The crowd turned irritably, but there was only time to see her in a dress corner, and the sword forced by the Guards!



"Little ... Jade son is really amazing!" Xiao Qian's eyes stared, 120,000 points of worship!

Wei He was a little worried: "Although the thunderous way of Yu Gongzi shocked them, Lord Qiu was the filial prince's sister-in-law after all. In case of trouble, it seems not good to the grandfather!"

Leng Yan stopped, "You can rest assured! I have a sense of everything, and no one will hurt him!"

Uncle Xiang sighed: "Thanks to you today, what should we do next?"

Leng Yan turned and glanced at them with a mysterious smile: "Let's go picking up silver tonight! Haha!"

"Pick up the silver?" The three looked puzzled. Can the silver be picked up?

The group of officials went home with a fire in their stomachs. After each of them made a fire, they suddenly remembered the last words of Leng Yong, and the anxiety in their hearts expanded. Finally, they went to find their own books and small vaults with a guilty conscience!

An official with the surname Li was closing himself in the room, walking around with a book in one hand, thinking about where he was hiding. Suddenly the door was knocked, and then a master's anxious voice came: "Master! Not good, the Prime Minister is here with the Guard! "

"What?" The man was frightened, and the account book in his hand landed on the floor. He hurriedly picked up the account book and rushed around: "Where exactly should I hide it?"

It wasn't right on the bed, the cabinet wasn't safe, and the box was even worse. At last, his eyes fell on a vase, and he immediately hurriedly stuffed the account book. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and tried to calm his breath and opened the door: Go out and see! "

The door was forcibly opened by the Guards, and the white figure was extremely clear. Who was the Jade Boy today? He stabilized his mind, and yelled angrily: "What do you mean, Jade Boy? You can sue you privately in the middle of the night!"

Leng Yan took a book and turned around, chuckling: "It is indeed guilty to break into the official house privately, but I don't know if Master Li will still be an official!"

"What do you mean?"

Leng Yan shook his notebook very leisurely: "Isn't Mr. Li familiar with you? Hiding in a vase is a good place!"

Master Li saw the book clearly and heard that it was hidden in a vase. His face suddenly changed and he pointed at her speechlessly! But then he was even more surprised. A group of the Guards came out of his house. Two people carried a box, and the size of the box was opened in front of him. Various jewellery, silver and jade were full of four boxes. It was just moved out of his treasury, and suddenly his feet were soft, sitting on the ground with a slumped face!

Leng Yan looked at the big boxes with a smile, and said, "Master Li has donated all the belongings for the control of the plague. I will admire him, and I will definitely commemorate the Lord by the time! The night is dark, and I will not disturb the adults. Goodbye! "

Dozens of guards carried silver jewellery and followed her to quickly withdraw, leaving the empty door and the pale face of Lord Li, the cold wind blowing, especially biting!

At the same time, other officials' homes were also treated in the same way. There were 14 counties in the surrounding area, and each county was visited. Then he returned with a pile of books and boxes of things. It is said that an official ran to his own treasury. Money, as a result, the Guards pry open the whole wall directly to get caught, and some officials hid the account book in Xiao's belly, and finally found it out.

Leng Yan said that picking up silver means picking up silver. He only took the money and the account books. He also said that he was very polite and did not arrest people. He smiled and walked away, but all the officials were frightened.

The Guards were dispatched almost all that night, scattered to fourteen counties one night, and then at dawn each team returned with several large boxes of things, with four or five boxes more, and one box less. An official is clean!

"Oh ~! So many gold and silver jewels, I'm afraid it won't last forever!" Leng Yan grabbed a bead chain and laughed mockingly.

Uncle Xiang looked at these things and sighed. There are so many corrupt officials in the world. A few county towns, any one of them are richer than the Prime Minister!

A pile of books and letters were piled on the table, which are the lifeblood of these officials. Uncle Xiang is relieved now. With these things, those officials do n’t say that they have turned the waves. .

At noon, a group of officials who had hurriedly returned yesterday afternoon gathered together at the gate of Fuyu. There was no more yesterday's anger and official position. They looked white and bloodshot, and looked at each other as if they were looking at each other. In words!

Inside the hall, boxes opened and filled a hall, and Gaotang sat there in a cold white suit, flipping through a book very leisurely. A bunch of officials went in to see this scene, and they didn't dare to go out. Fourteen chairs were prepared next to it and tea was served, obviously waiting for them!

Fourteen people look at me, I look at you, I dare not move!

Leng Yan raised his eyes and glanced at them, raising his hand politely: "Dear adults, don't stand, sit!"

A group of people moved step by step, only to find a place to sit down for a long time, but the brazier seemed to be lit under the buttocks, moving around, restless, with a look of anxiety but did not know how to speak, every time I looked at the pile of jewelry and the top The pile of books is a bit ugly, and the tea next to it is not in the mood to drink!

Everyone was caught last night. Everyone didn't know what they were saying. They looked at each other and wanted to find someone to ask, but no one dared to open the mouth, they were really scared!

They looked cold in the eyes and waited until they were hot like an ant on a hot pot. Then they put down their books and raised their heads quietly. They didn't talk about the silver and the books, so that little money would write things well. After sending it, he said positively: "This is the governance plan and measures written by the Lord two nights ago. From now on, adults are required to follow this and implement it quickly. There must be no difference. The silver jewelry here is for disaster relief, etc. I will distribute it to adults after the next meeting is clear. I wonder if you have any objections? "

"No ... no!" A group of people laughed, responded quickly, and their lives were almost out of reach. No wonder they could disagree!

Leng Yan smiled with satisfaction: "Since so, adults, please hurry up. The disaster situation does not wait for people to complete as soon as possible, and I will wait for the good news with your grandfather!"

"Small money! Send everyone out!"


A group of people were sent away as soon as they were sitting hot, but they felt a little relieved. Leng Yan didn't say anything about those things, which meant that they were temporarily depressed, so they didn't dare to mention it. The only thing they could do was to hand it in. What she accomplished, I pray she can open up!

"Old slaves really admire! Yu Gongzi knocked on the mountain shock, these people will not do anything wrong!" Xiang Shu's admiration was beyond words.

Leng Yan heard nothing and said nothing. She would be a triad. There are no uncorrupted officials in the world, not to mention that all of them are dressed beautifully and dare to follow Qiu Shiwen to make troubles. Naturally, they are not clean masters. It's violent. Although it's rude, it's very efficient. Take these people's weaknesses, and they're afraid they won't be obedient? She did not understand the control of the plague, but Gong Yuwei knew it well. He was knowledgeable and experienced, and naturally there was nothing wrong with it, but the means were not enough. Now she is just helping out and finding a group of people to implement it!

Leng Yan glanced at the following things: "Uncle Xiang made people divide these, and divided them according to the severity of the disaster and the size of the broad population, and sent them immediately after the division!"

"Old slaves do it now!" Uncle Xiang immediately called for someone to come in and divide.

Leng Yan retracted his gaze, wrapped the books on the table with a cloth, and took them to Gong Yuwei's room!

Uncle Xiang again gave him a bowl of medicine last night. At this moment, Gong Yuwei was still asleep, and Leng Yi threw the stack of casually into the closet, shaking the dust on his body, and then went to the bed!

Although he slept for a short period of time, he slept very restlessly, his brows frowned, and he seemed to be worried! Leng Yan sighed helplessly, his rigid nature really made her love and hate. She had seen a lot of officials, ten officials and nine greedy, not greedy that is an idiot, no matter how powerful the country, how clear Governments have corrupt officials, which is why the forces of darkness can run the world. As long as they hold the senior officials, they can walk side by side before the law. At least in the cold world, she did not see a clean official. , But did not want to see Gong Yuwei such a wonderful work.

He was independent in Chaotang, obviously cold, but he had a burning heart; when others did relief, he fainted by himself, even if he fainted, still thinking about those things, he really did n’t know that he should be kind Or is it better to say that he is a big idiot?

Raised his hand and slid across his face, pressed his fingertips against his brows, rubbed it gently, and watched him loosen a little, and then smiled slightly! "Fool! Take a break when you are uncomfortable. Don't always think about others, and occasionally think of yourself!"

Putting his head back and putting a kiss on his lips, it took a long time to separate: "I haven't seen you for a long time, do you miss me?"

Staring at him, Jun Yan looked for a long time and couldn't wait for his answer. He shook his head with a cold smile, and he slept so heavily. How could he hear him talk? Her eyelids were a bit heavy, and she thought about taking off her coat, and lay down the quilt, pulled his arm to make a pillow, closed his eyes with one hand, and tossed the day and night, and she was tired! Say everything when you're full!

—————————— Off topic ——————————

Sex girls! happy New Year! Huh! I wish you a healthy and healthy new year and a lot of money! If you have a baby, I wish my baby good health, becoming smarter and more cute! Family and harmony, happiness and well-being!

I wish the single girl had a handsome young man home early!

I wish the couples in pairs to step into the red hall earlier, loving and happy!

I wish the students to learn and progress in the new year. Of course, the red envelopes for the New Year will also be more drops! Hehe!