MTL - The Era of Hard Work-Chapter 653 restless

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   Chapter 653 Restlessness

  The cartons were unloaded from the freight truck one by one, entered the Lv's Restaurant Building through the back door, and transported to the 20th floor or above by the freight elevator. The porters, under the command of the staff accompanying the company, followed the signs on the boxes and sent them to various departments of the company.

   Outside the building, many people are watching curiously, especially those companies and enterprises that have moved in before the opening of the innovation port.

   On the eighth floor of Building No. 2, the camera agency used to live next door to Lu's Catering. Many employees listened to the slightly chaotic voices next door and talked a lot.

  The two companies started to be neighbors in the second half of 1999, and they got to know each other a lot. Now that they have moved to a building owned by their own, their own company is still standing still, which is not a good feeling.

   They all know that the salary level of employees of Lu's Catering Company is definitely among the top in Innovation Harbor.

   Standing in front of the office window, because of the angle, Zhu Jianrong could see the busyness in front of the Lu's Restaurant Building.

I remember that when the new millennium was approaching, he told Lu Dong to reserve supplies to prevent the end of the world. At that time, the scale of the two companies was not much different. It was almost four years later. A leading company in the catering industry.

  Zhu Jianrong looked at the Lu's Restaurant Building, and couldn't help being envious. He couldn't help but wonder when he would have such a building.

   But after thinking about it for a while, he gradually became sober. It's good to think about this kind of thing. What Lu Dong can do, he may not be able to do it himself.

Zhu Jianrong still understands the simple truth of    how big the pot is and how big the rice is.

   As for those thoughts that shouldn't be there, Zhu Jianrong wouldn't even think about it.

The Lu's Restaurant Building used to be called Sanlian Real Estate Building. In the past few months, some gossip about Sanlian has been circulating, such as the collapse of the Sanlian Group including Sanlian Real Estate. The failure was a complete mess. It is said that the planners behind the scenes were Lu Dong and Guangmei Electric of Lu's Catering Company.

  No one can prove it to be true, but Zhu Jianrong is convinced that this building, originally called Sanlian Real Estate, can't explain the problem?

   Lu Dong has a good personal relationship with him. The two companies are neighbors and they communicate frequently.

   But Zhu Jianrong knew very well that Lu Dong was far from harmless to humans and animals on the surface.

   The sound of the next door gradually became quieter, and it seemed that things were almost finished.

Zhu Jianrong didn't mean to go out to see it, because he knew very well that with Lu's restaurant moving away from next door, and as Lu's restaurant developing faster and bigger, he and Lu Dong would eventually become two completely different people. Circles and classes of people.


  The top floor of Lu's Restaurant Building, the south side belongs to Lu Dong's office area.

  Lu Kun was in the assistant's office, directing two assistants under his jurisdiction to pack up the things that had just been moved.

The two are a man and a woman, all of them are college students who just graduated in June. The woman is short and fat, called Zheng Youmei, graduated from the University of Finance and Economics, and came from the rural areas in remote areas. Work.

  The man is tall and thin, and his name is Wang Zhongtai. He graduated from provincial university and majored in business administration.

   When it comes to professionalism, Lu Kun can't keep up with these two.

   But China's business, or the business of most countries and regions, relies not only on professionalism, but also social experience and so on.

   As far as Lu Dong is concerned, it is easy to find someone who can replace these two assistants, but there are not many people who can replace Lu Kun.

   This involves trust issues.

Everyone is biased, and Lu Dong is no exception. Although he doesn't really put a bunch of nominal family members in various positions in the company, in some key positions, Lu Dong most believes in a bunch of old people. man.

   In Lu Dong's office next door, Song Na grabbed Lu Dong's shoulder and pressed him on the sofa.

"Master, you'd better sit down and watch, don't make trouble for me." Song Na went back to the cardboard box, took out Brother Zhuzi's limited edition model, placed it on the solid wood desk, and then pulled out a group photo of the two of them. The photo frame is placed in a more conspicuous place than Brother Zhuzi. She raised her hips and looked at the opposite: "Lu Dong, there is something missing on the wall here, put a decorative painting?"

Lu Dong didn't sit still, found two porcelain cups, made a cup of green tea and black tea respectively, and said, "Xue Tian bought a lot, and you will choose one later. The group photo, put it here."

  Song Na said: "Don't, let's take a group photo and hang it at home, not in the office."

   Putting it on the desk is the same as hanging it on the strong wall of the office?

   She said to Lu Dong: "Don't think that you will come out all the time."

  Lu Dong sat on the sofa: "Okay, you can help me make up my mind."

  The office is very large. One side is planned as a reception room, and the other side is an office. The decoration is more elegant, and the layout is not complicated. The most conspicuous are the leather sofa and solid wood desk.

   In addition, there is a safe behind the bookshelf in the office, only Lu Dong and Song Na know the password.

   Further inside is an equally spacious rest room. Song Na called Xue Tian. After a few meetings, Xue Tian's two men came up with handbags and large cardboard boxes.

   Inside are all the clothes Song Na just bought for Lu Dong, ranging from sportswear to formal clothes. They are placed in the wardrobe in the rest room, and you can change them whenever you want.

   Seeing Song Na finishing packing and sitting on the sofa, Lu Dong hurriedly brought the tea over: "It's hard work, drink some water and take a break."

  Song Na took the cup, took a sip of black tea with just the right temperature, put it down and moved her shoulders a little, and said, "My arms and shoulders have been a little heavier recently."

   Lu Dong stood behind the sofa, pinched her shoulders with both hands, and kneaded gently: "You are working too hard, you have to pay attention to rest."

   In the past month or so, he has been on business trips all over the country, and Song Na has not been idle. He has also run in many places. He reminded: "Are you exercising a little? Fitness and yoga must be appropriate."

  Song Na put down the teacup: "We will get married next year, and this will happen once in a lifetime. I have to get married beautifully. If I want to wear the most beautiful wedding dress, I have to have the best figure..."

   Lu Dong returned to the original tone: "Black Egg, in my eyes, your health is more important than anything else."

  Song Na smiled: "I will pay attention. First Sports has hired several kinesiology experts as consultants, and I will ask them to help formulate a reasonable fitness plan."

   She took the initiative to change the subject: "I saw Xiao Fu two days ago, and I heard that Wei Guo went to Pingcheng to organize an activity to meet his friends through martial arts, which caused quite a stir."

   Lu Dong said: "Wei Guo has been focusing on Sanda training and teaching for the past two years. He is considered a professional, but a professional and an amateur, there is no suspense."

  The so-called masters in the folk are basically the results of Qiao Weiguo and those masters in the sports competition.

   When Lv Dong was not on business, he would go to training twice a week. Sometimes when Qiao Weiguo came here, the two of them would make gestures. The biggest feeling was that Weiguo became stronger and stronger and stronger.

  Song Na remembered something at this time: "Didn't Wei Guo and Xiao Fu go away? They are not engaged yet?"

  Lu Dong knows a little bit about the situation: "It may be next year, and Wei Guo has some ideas, and the specifics will have to wait."

  Song Na glanced at her watch and got up from the sofa: "Let's go, let's have lunch." When going out, she asked, "Will the foundation stone of Tianxiang Taifeng Garden be laid tomorrow?"

   "Yes, tomorrow." Lu Dong asked, "Are you going?"

  Song Na said, "Go, Sister Ding called me, and I'll go take a look."

   When I went out to eat, I heard some discussions. Some people from the villages around Lujia Village in the university town came to work. Recently, they have been talking about the future of their hometown.

  Lüjiacun saw the construction of several large-scale projects in the surrounding area, which fell into the eyes of people in the surrounding villages, and they had different complex feelings in their hearts.

In the    county, there are also some ideas, wanting to build another economic belt outside the county town with Lujia Village as the core.

  The university town will be divided sooner or later. Besides the county seat, Qingzhao also needs new growth points.

   When Lu Dong and Song Na went to the Peace Hotel for dinner, they met Director Liu of the Qingzhao Cultural Tourism Planning Committee and simply invited him into the private room for dinner.

   The two sides are quite familiar with each other. After chatting for a while, Song Na asked, "Director Liu, aren't you Liu Linlin's teacher? Didn't you bring her out this time?"

   Director Liu said: "The county has an investigation on Liuwan Village, and let her take the lead in doing it."

  Lu Dong put down his chopsticks and couldn't help but ask, "Will Liuwan Village be relocated in the future?"

"That's it." When asked by someone else, Director Liu must be ambiguous, but in the face of Lu Dong, he has nothing to say: "The county wants to put the herb garden and flower port around Lujia Village, so as to Integrate superior resources, but your land in Lujia Village needs to be used by enterprises in Lujia Village, and it is impossible to use these land for projects by large households, so you can only move around Lujia Village.”

   The county has long wanted to use the development of Lujia Village to build related industries related to the cultural tourism plan. Lu Dong also knew this and said, "Is there any specific statement above?"

   Director Liu smiled: "Mr. Lu, are you better informed than I am? Asking me is just asking Yu Bing."

   Lu Dong did not take this set: "There must be some rumors in private, right?"

Director Liu subconsciously saw the door of the private room, and when he saw the door was tightly closed, he lowered his voice and said, "Some civil servants from Zhangwan Village, Liuwan Village and other villages all want to merge their own villages into Lujia Village, gossip There are a lot of rumors, and some of them even have noses and eyes."

  People from several nearby villages often play in the new village square of Lujia Village and the elderly entertainment center. This topic is often discussed.

   Not to mention, Lv Dong had heard Liu Linlin's father, Liu Mingquan, the village director of Liu Wan, say this. It is said that there have been disputes with the people of Lvjia Village more than once.

   In the eyes of many people, merging into Lujia Village can save twenty years of struggle...

   Director Liu asked curiously, "Mr. Lu, you deal with the leaders a lot, and you are one of the leaders of Lujia Village. I didn't hear what the leaders said."

   Lu Dong shook his head: "Not yet."

   Director Liu said: "In the county seat, there is a lot of turmoil about these things."

   "Don't worry about it." Lu Dong picked up his chopsticks and continued to eat: "What should I do for work, and what should I do."

   Director Liu echoed: "Yes, yes..."

   (end of this chapter)