MTL - The Era of Hard Work-Chapter 654 The money picked up for nothing (asking for a monthly pass)

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   Chapter 654 The money picked up for nothing (asking for a monthly pass)

  In September, when the sun is hot, it seems to be no different from summer, but when there is no direct sunlight in the morning and night, people can feel the cool wind rushing towards the body.

   Especially in the morning.

   Next to the Chengguan Police Station in Ningxiu Town, in front of the foreign office specializing in household registration business, before the sun came up, there was a queue that was not too long, and there were a lot of people gathered.

   This is rarely seen.

   For ordinary people, no one wants to deal with a department like the police station unless it is necessary.

  People came one after another and joined the queue. Most of them knew each other. While they were standing here waiting for the door to open, they all talked a lot.

   "Old Zhang, are you here too?"

   "Didn't you come too, Lao Liu?"

   "Hey, two brothers, is this news reliable?"

   "Who knows, I don't care if it's reliable or not, and the account is transferred back. If it's true, it will be a big deal."

   "Brother Zhang said yes."

"When I bought the hukou back then, it was useless. It was said to be eating commercial grains. It sounded good, so what was the benefit? There used to be a hukou here, and it allowed the children to go to good schools in the county. Now schooling is tied to real estate. If you can go to a good school from a house in the county seat, it is better to transfer your hukou back.”

Lao Liu, who was the first to speak, agreed: "That's right, the hukou has been changed to non-agricultural, so what's the use now? If the hukou is still in the village, at least one person per mu of land, it would be a lot of money to pay it out for a year. Why did I get lost, I had to spend so much money, so much effort, to buy out the account..."

  Old Zhang answered: "This time, when I come back, I won't move out any more."

   "Yes, yes, not moved out."

   A chorus of sounds echoed around.

   The people in the queue basically know each other. Even if they don’t know each other, after a little chat, they will know that their hometown is not from the same village, but also from a neighboring village.

  The people who came here frequently mentioned Majia Village, Liuwan Village, Zhangwan Village and Songjia Village.

   These villages have one thing in common, they are all located near Lujia Village.

  The sun gradually rose, and at 8:30, the household registration office finally opened, and people rushed in, filling the small office.

   There was only one temporary worker working at this meeting. Too many people came, she was startled, and she quickly shouted: "All line up! All line up! Those who don't line up will not be handled!"

   The blue uniform she was wearing had a natural deterrent effect, and a policeman came in behind, and a large number of people lined up in a crooked line under his shouts.

   Despite the chaos, there is a basic order, otherwise everyone will be stuck at the counter, and no one will be able to do business.

   A young man from a village squeezed behind Old Zhang, and he couldn't help asking at this time, "Brother Zhang, now the gossip says that our village may merge into Lujia Village. You are well-informed, is it true or false?"

"A few of the units in our village have spread such news." Lao Zhang said roughly: "I don't know if it's true or not. I'll go back and talk about it first. If it is really merged into Lujia Village, it won't be a big deal. , the dividends per family are tens of thousands a year, isn't it more than what you earn by working so hard to make noodles?"

  The young man said: "That's right, my family is five people, old and young. If you join in, you can get 100,000 yuan a year, and what noodles are you selling? How good is it to save it in the bank and earn interest!"

   Several people around heard it and said, "If this is true, the county has done something good! What else do we do in the future, just wait for the dividends!"

The days when    lay counting money seemed to be waving at them.

   But the first one encountered a problem. The female staff member said, "Transfer the account back, who will accept you?"

   The front is a middle-aged woman: "My village is receiving! This is not a certificate of acceptance by a brigade!"

   "Proofs alone won't do." The female staff member explained: "You have to have a refugee, either parents or husband and wife!"

   The middle-aged woman said, "My parents' hukou is no longer in the village, and my partner's hukou and I have also left the village."

  The female staff member explained again: "This will not work, you have no refugee, you can't prove that you belong to this village, this can't be done for you!"

   The middle-aged woman was so anxious that her eyes were red, but fortunately she knew that this was the police station, not a place to be thrown around.

  It is the turn of the people behind to handle it. Many people have asked the brigade to issue a certificate in advance, and there are people who rely on them. If they meet the regulations, they can naturally transfer their hukou back.

   However, when the hukou is transferred back to the village, it is also a non-agricultural hukou.

   In the past two years, the above regulations have begun to be adjusted, and it has gradually become easier for farmers to convert to non-agriculture, but it is more and more difficult to convert non-agricultural workers.

   After a few more years, it will be difficult to become a farmer.

  Many of those who did not meet the regulations began to rush to find someone to trust them, and hurriedly transferred their accounts back.

   If the village is really annexed by Lujia Village, the benefits are not so great.

  After going to work today, Lu Institute routinely walked around each office and came to the household registration office. The crowd surprised him.

   Except for newborns, marriage, schooling and death, there is very little movement on the household registration side.

   "What's the situation?" Lu Suo asked a joint defense who was maintaining order.

  United Defense hurriedly said: "Most of them are waiting to transfer their hukou." He added: "Near Lujia Village."

   The county is preparing to introduce the herb garden and flower port project. As the director of the county's largest Chengguan police station, Lu Suo has already received relevant news and heard similar rumors.

   If these rumors can come out, there must be some people who deliberately spread them to the society. It is hard to say whether they are true or not.

  Lu Shou listened to the discussion in the household registration room for a while, and laughed dumbly. This group of people thought too simply, and they thought too much about the consciousness and moral quality of the people in Lujia Village.

  When he was still in the university town, he often dealt with the people of Lujia Village. This village has a tradition, which can be seen from Lu Chun, from Lu Dong, and from Lu Zhenlin.

   Even from the guy Lu Jianren who looks like a big bastard, it can be seen.

   may be related to the clan education passed down from generation to generation by the older generation in Lujia Village. These people often have two attitudes towards the villagers and those outside the village.

   Now this group of people from other villages wants to take advantage of Lujia Village, but the leaders may not be willing.

  In today's social situation, people in leadership positions can more or less understand the general trend of economic development.

Lu Suo has a general understanding that Lvjia Village can drive the development of surrounding villages and allow the surrounding people to build related supporting industries relying on Lvjia Village's industries. Now a group of foreign households want to join and become a member of Lvjia Village, and they lie down and share. The development of Lujia Village has been successful. With the people of Lujia Village, can they agree?

   Lu Suo was very familiar with the people from Lujia Village. After watching it for a while, he returned to the office, called Lu Dong, and had a brief chat.

   This kind of thing, if you don’t get it right, it will be a storm.

   For him, it was just a phone call, but he could ask the people in Lujia Village to remember it well.

   At 11:30 noon, the household registration room was closed and no one was allowed to enter. Many people did not leave. After going to work at 2:00 pm, they simply waited here.

   There are a lot of people who come here, and the queue is at the front. It can be done immediately in the afternoon. I can’t run again tomorrow. It’s too late.

Gradually, more and more people came here, not only from Majia Village, Liuwan Village, Zhangwan Village and Songjia Village, which are closest to Lujia Village, but also from some villages separated by four or five miles away, with their household registrations outside. , and also eagerly came to line up, for fear that if you arrive late, you will miss out on the great benefits.

These people think differently from those in those villages. They moved their hukou back, and they may have hoped to merge into Lvjia Village, but their home village is too far away from Lvjia Village, even if Lvjia Village is merged , it is impossible to merge into their village for a while.

   There is new news in the county seat. It is said that the county is promoting not only the two projects of the herb garden and the flower port, but also other projects will be launched in the future. At that time, demolition and land acquisition will be necessary, and these villages near Lujia Village will be affected.

  In the event of relocation, the village must give subsidies according to the household registration, and the subsidy is indispensable. If the household registration is moved back in advance, the compensation will be paid.

   Who doesn't want to pick up money for nothing?

   As someone said before, now the non-agricultural hukou in this county is useless. Going to school is directly tied to real estate. If you have a house, you can solve everything. There is no need to stick to this non-agricultural hukou.

   I used to think that eating commercial grains was very good, but besides saying it well, what else is there to use?

  In the past two years, one factory after another was not working. In the countryside, there is a private land and a responsible field, and the land is good enough to eat. What use can this non-agricultural hukou be? Eat or drink?

The household registration office of the Chengguan Police Station in Ningxiu Town has been busy in the past two days, and many people have come to handle the household registration transfer. Eyes spread.

  Because of the precedent of land acquisition in the university town, many people in these villages near the university town fully attracted the experience and lessons of the relocation compensation of the university town, and started the preparation work early.

   It is not only the people who were transferred from the household registration who tried their best to transfer back to the village. Some daughters who got married not only transferred their household registration to their parents, but also got all the household registrations of their husbands and children back.

  In the villages around Lujia Village, a lot of sons-in-law were added to the household registration book immediately.

  This is not the same as transferring the account of someone who has nothing to do with it.

  The rural area involves collective property, and it is not very useful for outsiders to transfer in, but it is completely different for parents who have taken refuge.

   There was a lot of uproar about the news of the demolition around Lujia Village, and many people were looking forward to the demolition.

  Especially close to Lvjia Village, not only looking forward to the demolition, but also looking forward to being merged into Lvjia Village and getting the household registration of Lvjia Village.

   In contrast, the development of Intertek Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., which was jointly invested by Lu Dong, Wang Gang, Mu Kun and Wei Yong, on the Taifengyuan plot was much easier.

   No need to relocate any households.

   (end of this chapter)