MTL - The Era of Hard Work-Chapter 709 According to

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   Chapter 709 Follow the rules

  Related news was quickly gathered to Lu Dong and Du Xiaobing. After Lu Dong was informed, he immediately called a meeting of important personnel of the company to prepare for this seemingly simple food hygiene and safety sampling test that might actually be involved.

   The food hygiene supervision department can be mobilized to launch such a temporary test. Even if KFC and McDonald's are being tested according to the news below, Lu Dong will not naively think that this is a simple temporary inspection.

   After inquiring carefully, I got some news.

  Lu Dong quickly took relevant countermeasures: "Since someone initiated a relationship, we also initiated a relationship. The goal is to ensure that the test results are relatively fair, and let the food supervision department publish all the samples, especially KFC and McDonald's!"

   Song Na, who had just arrived and learned about the situation, didn't quite understand what Lu Dong meant: "Will there be a problem with KFC and McDonald's?"

Lu Dong said directly: "In their eyes, foreign monks may be more able to recite sutras, but foreign monks must be honest! I have heard some rumors about KFC and McDonald's before, and the rumors may not be true, but let's make a plan. , be prepared."

  Du Xiaobing said: "I will contact you here."

   He immediately went to call.

  How can someone in the catering industry be unfamiliar with food supervision?

   "Sudan Red and temporary sampling inspection, disappeared suppliers..." Lu Dong judged: "There must be a connection between them."

  Other people have no illusions, Song Na said: "Be prepared in advance."

  Lu Dong thought of another aspect and said, "Media! If a ticket is issued for inspection alone, even if a problem is detected, it will not hurt large enterprises."

"Yes, this makes sense." The old horse, who didn't speak much, said about his field of expertise: "Many punishment measures are lagging behind, and fines are imposed after problems. For companies with strong revenue capabilities, It doesn't count at all, resulting in lower cost of breaking the law."

   Lu Dong said: "The other party cannot expect penalties such as fines, it can only be the media and public opinion."

  Old Ma breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, we have a strict internal inspection system. Even if they mix in the problematic materials, they will not flow to the store in the end."

  Song Na replied: "Don't take it lightly. Many things in the past two years have proved that once the wave of public opinion rises, the fake can also become the real."

   After all, Fang Yan has worked in several large-scale paper media in the province, and she still holds the key position of deputy editor-in-chief. Song Na has a lot of contacts with Fang Yan, and she has a deep understanding of media public opinion.

   Speaking of the media, Lv Dong looked at Xu Qin: "You need to start working on the media public relations work immediately. At least you need to be able to get the news in advance."

Xu Qin thought about it for a while and said, "As far as the Quannan area is concerned, among the media with greater influence, we all have close ties with Taidong Evening News, Quannan TV Station, and Provincial TV Station. I can guarantee that, As long as our company has no problems with sampling this time, the public opinion of these media will not turn to the other side."

   But she also reminded: "We can't influence all the media. If someone really interferes and mobilizes the media, there will definitely be media coverage of this incident."

  Du Xiaobing said: "In the past two years, there have been more and more reports in the media that ignore the facts."

  There are some things that must be prepared for the worst, Lu Dong said at this time: "Xu Qin, you make a record according to the worst situation of public opinion."

  Xu Qin understood that this was a precaution, and immediately responded.

  Xu Qin will also communicate with the influential media in Taidong.

She was relatively familiar with media work. After listening and thinking for a while, she said, "This time, the random inspection is not only for the company's Burger King, but also for other company products. President Lu, President Du, I asked Words that may be redundant..."

   Lu Dong said: "Speak."

  Xu Qin talked about the matter: "Is there no quality problem at Burger King?"

When    asked this question, the old horse was a little unhappy: "Our quality inspection standards are far stricter than the prevailing ones!"

   Xu Qin said: "I never doubted the company's quality inspection."

  Du Xiaobing understood what she meant: "Don't worry, I just contacted, at least I can guarantee a real result."

Xu Qin believed in the company's contacts in this area, and said: "My suggestion, if there is a negative public opinion report in the media, we can urge the food quality inspection department to publish the results of this sampling inspection, not randomly. A press conference, it would be even better if there was a special report.”

Lao Ma thought about it: "I asked someone to specifically understand that the naphthalene we detected this time... is the Sudan red. In the past two years, in terms of food addition, because it can make pepper products brighter and brighter in color, there are The trend of abuse can make a press conference to announce things like Sudan Red, and it can also show the company's sense of social responsibility."

   Lu Dong said to Xu Qin: "Let's work hard in this area, you do the media preparations." Then, he looked at Xue Tian and Du Xiaobing: "You are responsible for the work of the relevant departments."

   This is not because Lu Dong really wants to take on a sense of social responsibility, there may be some, but not a lot.

   In addition, Lu Dong and Du Xiaobing are going to launch the market in various regions. When the results of Taidong's side come out, all regions will follow up immediately.

   Lu Dong has enough control and confidence in his own company.

   Therefore, he believes that on Sudan Red, the problem will definitely not be Lu's Catering Company.

   Lu Dong let many people, including Lao Ma, collect a lot of information about Sudan Red.

   Until he recalled Sudan Red and KFC, Lv Dong didn't think that if KFC broke out the Sudan Red incident in the future, it would not only be hurt by KFC, but also Burger King, which is also a Western-style fast food.

   A very obvious cascading effect.

   But put Burger King and KFC together in this incident, only KFC will be hurt, and even KFC will be hurt even more.

   This is a crisis and an opportunity to expand Burger King’s market share.

Thinking of this, Lu Dong thought a little, had more plans, and said: "Xu Qin, listen to my sister-in-law, a set of people just arrived in the county to prepare for the live broadcast of the opening concert of the Luozhuang Han Tomb Museum. , According to some people in the food inspection industry, Sudan red is about to become a relatively common phenomenon in the whole society. If the news is accurate, we can collect more detailed data. I wonder if it can attract the attention of a set of people? Among the people who came here this time, it is said that there was a "Focus Interview" filming team, who came to report on the Luozhuang Han Tomb."

  Xu Qin already understood what Lu Dong meant: "I have dealt a lot with a set of people. We are their advertisers. If we can get a relationship, I will try to contact them."

   After discussing these, before the meeting, Lu Dong explained to Xu Man: "Old Xu, you continue to contact the minority shareholders of Gasgoo Logistics."

   As far as the recent situation is concerned, this incident is most likely related to Gasgoo Logistics.

  After the meeting, everyone started to get busy, and even the iron rooster who was in the audience called people in the village to look for the supplier named Su.

  Iron Rooster has already called the police and wants to report to the Food Inspection. It will take at least some time to get a result.


   It gets dark early in winter, and the dark clouds are over the top today. Before the closing hours in Quannan, the sky is getting dark.

   A young man came out of the laboratory with a stack of fancy report sheets in his hand, and hurriedly entered the office building on the other side, trotted all the way up to the third floor, came to the room at the end of the corridor, and knocked on the door.

   Hearing that there was a response inside, the young man hurried in.

   This office is brightly lit. Behind the dark red desk, sits a middle-aged man with almost the word "bitter" written on his expression.

   "How is it?" the middle-aged man asked, "The test results are out."

  The young man put the test sheet on the desk.

   The middle-aged man is not a sham, but a technical background. If he can understand this, he picks it up and reads it immediately.

   After reading it, the bitter words on his face became clearer: "Did you make a mistake?"

  The young man said: "At the beginning, I thought it was a mistake. We took too many samples. I asked the laboratory to conduct a second test, and the results were exactly the same as the first test."

  The middle-aged man put down the laboratory report, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

  The young man waited for the leader's orders.

"What's this called!" The middle-aged man patted the test report: "I sampled so many stores, and Burger King's test all passed the test. Instead, KFC, McDonald's and Dicos, which were used as foils, all had problems, or serious problems... …”

   Young people also have a sense of absurdity when they see the test report.

The goal of    is not only nothing, but also high standards.

  The high benchmarks of large foreign companies that were going to set their goals down, ended up pulling them all over, or seriously.

   The middle-aged man patted the test report lightly: "What should I do about this? It's hard to do on both sides."

   The young man looked at the leader and knew that the leader actually had an idea. He said at the right time: "We perform our normal duties, take samples and test normally, and publish the results normally, and no one can say anything."

   The bitter words on the middle-aged man's face gradually blurred: "It makes sense! In this way, find a suitable time and announce the results, just as before."

   The young man said, "Okay."

   The middle-aged man waved his hand and asked people to go out. Before he got off work, he looked at the dark weather outside the window and pondered.

   Standing in line has always been a technical job. He did as instructed above, giving him enough authority and face, but Ren Lu's Catering did not leave any room for them. What could they do?

   Could it be that they framed Lu's Catering out of thin air?

   It’s not a problem for ordinary corporate companies, like Lu’s Catering, can they be good in the end?

   Besides, he is an executive deputy, and the Food Quality Supervision Bureau is not his word. If you really want to violate the basic rules, there will be endless troubles.

  According to the rules is the best option.

   After thinking clearly, the middle-aged man called the young man again, and was about to get off work. At this time, a call came in, but it was another deputy in the bureau.

  The two made an appointment to meet tomorrow for a chat.

   (end of this chapter)