MTL - The Era of Hard Work-Chapter 710 Hotspots (seeking monthly pass)

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   Chapter 710 Hotspots (seeking monthly pass)

   Ladies Mountain Resort, two reporters from a suite finished enjoying the mineral spring water treatment and walked along the long interior corridor towards the front hotel building.

   These days, Qingzhao has been cooling down, but the interior is as warm as spring.

  Looking from this side, you can see lights flickering in the Lujia Village folk area to the west, and you can even hear the boiling voices.

   I just went there in the afternoon, and it is very popular there.

   One of the male reporters said: "Sister Li, the fried worms and grilled worms are delicious here. Scorpions, centipedes, grasshoppers, and golden cicadas are excellent. Have you tried them?"

  A female reporter in her thirties with lean, short hair, glanced west, and said, "I can't enjoy this, Xiao Feng, you should eat less and be careful of protein allergies."

   "I'm fine." The male reporter said about the village to the west as he walked: "I heard that this Lvjia Village is very powerful, and this year's output value may be ten or two billion."

Sister Li nodded: "It can be seen, can we attract Zhao Laogen to cooperate with someone to shoot here? Who is Zhao Laogen, you should have heard of him, so he can be tossed, when we saw him these two days , he's not all honest here."

  Xiao Feng echoed: "Yes, he also manages his apprentices very strictly. I never saw him so cautious during the Spring Festival Gala."

   Sister Li turned her head and looked west. Because there were buildings blocking her, she couldn't see it clearly, but she had a clear premonition that this Lujia Village might become famous across the country.

  Xiao Feng glanced at his watch and asked, "Sister Li, it's almost time, let's go directly?"

   Sister Li said: "In the past, Taili has always cooperated with people. The company in Lvjiacun and Lv's Catering Company are big customers in Taili, so I still have to give this face."

   That's not all, the people who came here today can have a relationship with her.

   Came to the spring water tea on the second floor of the hotel, and Sister Li saw Xu Qin.

   Xu Qin greeted him warmly, and the three of them quickly entered a private room, drinking tea and talking.

   After chatting about the anecdotes of the media industry, Xu Qin quickly entered the topic: "Sister Li, you are here this time mainly to report on the Luozhuang Han Tomb. I wonder if you are interested in other news?"

  None of them are vegetarians. Sister Li played with the small teacup at her fingertips and did not answer. Instead, she asked, "Qingzhao or Quannan, is there any big news recently?"

  Xu Qin watched her put down the teacup and poured the tea again: "Is it a big news, I need you to judge, Sister Li, you are an expert and authority in this field."

   Even if she knew that someone put a high hat on her, Sister Li thought it sounded nice, plus she knew it before, and said, "Xiao Xu, just say something if you have something to say."

Xu Qin said: "Recently, Quannan conducted an unannounced sampling inspection on all western-style fast food chain enterprises, and found serious problems in a variety of foods. Many products use an illegal additive called Sudan red! This is A chemical raw material with strong carcinogenicity!"

   Hearing that it was a carcinogen, Sister Li became somewhat interested, thought of one thing, and asked, "I remember the Lu's restaurant you are in, which also has a Western-style fast food chain brand called Burger King?"

  Xu Qin smiled: "Yes, but our company has extremely strict self-quality inspection standards. We have detected raw materials containing Sudan Red many times, and they will be sealed and destroyed, and related products will never be allowed to enter the market."

She opened the bag, took out a piece of information, and handed it to Sister Li: "Because Sudan red has been tested many times, the company has realized that this may be a problem in the industry that seriously endangers the safety of public food. The investigation was conducted, and the results were shocking. The related chili products industry has become a hardest hit area, and these chili products are either used as a flavoring agent or as a non-staple food, and flow into the dining table of countless people."

   Sister Li quickly looked at the information, which included a detailed introduction to Sudan Red, a high carcinogen description issued by a professor at the provincial university, and a survey of many pepper products on the market. The high proportion of problematic products is shocking!

  As a senior reporter of "Focus Interview", Sister Li came here for the chime and chime concert at Luozhuang Han Tomb and Luozhuang Han Tomb, but this did not prevent her from being interested in other news and smelling the seriousness of the problem of Sudan Red.

Xu Qin continued: "Quannan Food Quality Supervision Bureau will announce the sampling test results soon. The news I got is that Taidong Evening News and Taidong TV are already paying attention. Sudan Hong involves not only It is only a certain company, but an industry issue, and once it is reported, it may be one of the most sensational social news this year.”

   Working in this column group, Ms. Li undoubtedly has a keen sense of smell. If there is no error in this material, once it is published in large media, the result may be sensational.

   "Taidong Evening News" is the newspaper with the largest circulation in all Taidong, and Taidong TV is a satellite TV, and its influence is large enough.

   Xiao Feng leaned over and looked at him, dumbfounded: "I... How many carcinogens have I eaten in the past few years?"

   He loves spicy food, and he likes it when he eats and cooks.

   Sister Li can't help shaking her head slightly. The spicy taste of Sichuan cuisine is popular all over the country. She usually eats all kinds of chili products, but now she is a little scared when she sees the information collected by Lu's Catering.

   How many carcinogens have you eaten in these years? It is still a high carcinogen such as Sudan Red!

   But the job she does requires not only a keen sense of news and a sense of justice and responsibility, but also a big-picture view of politics.

   Sister Li drank another small cup of tea and said, "Xiao Xu, I have accepted this document and will report it to the leaders above. Please wait for my news for details."

  Xu Qin said with a smile, "I'm sorry Sister Li." She reminded: "Quannan's side is expected to announce the test results soon."

   Sister Li nodded: "Soon."

   Leaving the spring water tea and returning to the room where she stayed, Sister Li immediately called the leader and then faxed the relevant information.


   "Old Zou, why are you frowning?"

In the office, two people of about the same age sat next to each other, and the one with the flat head said to the one with the word "bitter" written on the sad face: "We are about the same age. I have a big round!"

   Lao Zou rubbed his eyebrows: "If only everyone could be as open-minded as Lao Wu!"

  Old Wu came here today with a purpose, so he simply asked, "Did the sampling test cause trouble?"

   Lao Zou glanced at Lao Wu with vigilance, but did not speak for the time being.

   "Why are you looking at me like this? I'm not a class enemy!" Old Wu was cheerful: "I came here just to tell you some news, so that you don't make irreparable mistakes."

   "What news?" Lao Zou asked.

   For Lao Wu, his impression is not too good, but not bad. Lao Wu is very good at being a man, and he is usually not so biased.

Old Wu was very happy: "I am in charge of outreach and media reporting, and I just received an application. One set has a program group that is working on a green photo, "Focus Interview". They have paid attention to this matter, and they may Attend regular briefings at the bureau."

   Lao Zou was quite surprised: "One set? "Focus Interview"?" These are all programs that can make people go to the end: "Old Wu, don't fool me."

  Old Wu laughed: "It's going to be a routine briefing soon, can I make up such a lie that can be broken with a poke?"

   Lao Zou couldn't help worrying, the bitter words seemed to be engraved on his face: "Why are they coming?"

  Old Wu thought of the information he saw in the surnamed Du, and said, "Why, isn't it Sudan Red? Lao Zou, this thing has high carcinogenicity, and it has a tendency to spread in society."

   Others may not understand it, but those who do food quality supervision actually know it.

  Sudan Red is not new, nor has it been detected in the past.

  Old Wu continued: "More than one set of people, Taidong Evening News, Quannan TV and Taidong TV, also issued applications."

  Old Zou stopped talking again, so many media reporters came over, what do they want to do? Sad people!

   "My personal opinion is a little bit shallow, you just listen to it." Lao Wu said calmly: "Once the media discloses Sudan Red, the whole society will be in an uproar. We can't stop it.

He reminded: "What if we report it with great fanfare? Have you ever thought about it, our bureau is the first to stand up, a big credit! It's a set of reporters who came here, or "Focus Interview", let me They are aware of the proliferation and serious harm of Sudan Red, let's cooperate with the bureau, and I will say it later?"

   Lao Zou's original plan was to act according to the rules and impartiality.

   But Old Wu's words made him realize that there is another possibility, a way to deal with it that is more beneficial to himself and the game!

  If you put on a set with a positive image, it is still a program like "Focus Interview". In the future...

   Don't talk about it, even if you are on Taidong TV and Taidong Evening News, you are a resume that you can show off.

   Of course, there must be risks. If you want benefits, how can you not have risks?

  As a shrewd person who has worked hard for many years in the system, Lao Zou was moved after weighing it back and forth.

   The two discussed in detail in the office.

   They negotiated very well here, but some people did not follow the procedure, and no one knew what was going on. The next morning, many newspapers published articles reporting that there was a major food safety problem at Burger King under Lu's Catering!

   This incident was obviously premeditated. Although most of the reporters were newspapers with a small circulation, they reported from the same position on the same day. It is not difficult for people who know the media industry to see that there is a problem.

   Today, most newspapers are self-supporting, and fake news is never a problem.

  Even, there are countless fake news in the past.

   Newspaper reports can always affect some people.

  Especially after Taidong Weekly, which has a huge circulation, published a report called "Burger King and Sudan Red", Sudan Red, a chemical raw material that has existed for a long time, quickly became the focus of public attention.

   (end of this chapter)