MTL - The Era of Hard Work-Chapter 725 Closing business for rectification

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  Chapter 725 Closing business for rectification

Early in the morning, Lu Dong had just come upstairs, but before entering the office, the office door on the other side opened, Du Xiaobing came out, and walked towards this side quickly, with a sunny smile on the face of the King of Sports Academy, When you're in a good mood, just whistle.

   "Look at you happy, what's the good thing?" Lu Dong couldn't help asking.

  Du Xiaobing put one hand on the wall: "I just got the exact news, this sampling test, KFC and McDonald's have problems again!"

  Lu Dong nodded and asked, "Where's the Burger King?"

Du Xiaobing apparently made a special inquiry: "All the sampling items of the samples are all qualified." He roughly said: "This time, there is basically no problem with Burger King and Dicos, but the drinks of KFC, McDonald's and Pizza Hut are added with ice cubes, and all the colonies are Seriously exceeding the standard! The person who was ventilating with me said that the ice cubes in KFC are dirtier than toilet water!"

   Lu Dong said: "Fortunately, when we went to KFC for inspection, we didn't ask for iced drinks."

  Du Xiaobing seemed to regret: "In the future, I will definitely not drink drinks with ice." He added: "Except our own."

   Lu Dong said to Lu Kun who was following him, "Tell Xu Qin to come here."

  Du Xiaobing followed Lu Dong into the office, and when Xu Qin came over, they held a meeting together, and decided to take advantage of this opportunity to do another article.

  Xu Qin contacted the provincial TV station and the city TV station as soon as possible, and strived to make the results of this sampling test available in the news at noon.

   Once the two authoritative media are exposed, the possibility of further changes in the future is relatively small.

At 12:00 noon, just when Yum! had just received the relevant news, and before it had time to respond, Quannan TV and Taidong TV were all on the noon news, focusing on the new problems exposed by KFC and McDonald's in this sampling test. .

   "KFC ice cube bacteria exceed the national standard 40 times!"

  Taidongtai's news hits the nail on the head.

  Quannan TV's position is obviously inclined to local enterprises, and its news headlines are more shocking on the basis of facts.

   "Exposure: The number of bacteria in ice cubes used in KFC and McDonald's drinks exceeds that of toilet water!"

   On the afternoon of the day the news appeared, the Quannan Food Quality Supervision Bureau officially announced the results of this Western-style fast food chain sampling test.

  KFC, McDonald's and Pizza Hut, three foreign fast food chain brands, all detected ice cube bacteria that exceeded the standard.

  The other two inspected companies, namely Burger King and Dicos, met the criteria.

   On the day when the results of the sampling test were announced, there was an uproar in public opinion. The Sudan Red incident at KFC and McDonald's was just around the corner, and it was far from subsided. As a result, there was another big problem with the ice cubes.

  Can KFC still be believed?

   Almost all mainstream media are on the opposite side of KFC and McDonald's.

In the report published on the second day of the "Taidong Evening News", it interviewed experts in the field of food science and engineering in the province. Standard 20 times, may lead to serious consequences!

"The total number of bacterial colonies exceeds the standard, which means that the chance of pathogenic bacteria increases, and it may even cause food to rot and deteriorate. After the human body eats food with excessive bacterial colonies, it will also destroy the beneficial flora in the human body, causing dysentery and diarrhea. , diarrhea and other common digestive tract diseases, so it is not suitable for consumption.”

   KFC has not yet come off the cusp of the storm, but it went straight to the sky.

It may be the last sampling test in China, which attracted the attention of relevant foreign institutions. Just when the news of KFC's edible ice cubes exceeding the standard broke out here, the British side suddenly disclosed the news. , the composition of **** bacteria was detected from ice cubes!

The news of    was spread to the country through a set of news, and there was an uproar in the country, and the reputation of KFC completely exploded!

   If it is said that a problem occurs suddenly, it is accidental, and the successive problems cannot be explained by accident or operation error.

   Changed to a domestic catering company, and such serious food safety accidents broke out in a short period of time, the company can almost be said to die.

   Even if he doesn't die, the heavy punishment of the relevant departments will make him want to die, and even enter into an indefinite suspension of business for rectification.

   In this era, although foreign companies and large multinational companies cannot be called death-free gold medals, the policies and treatment they enjoy are far from comparable to ordinary domestic companies.

   Serious food quality and safety incidents broke out continuously, and KFC stores are still operating normally.

   It’s just that fewer and fewer customers are willing to come.

  Consumers may follow blindly and may be affected by various marketing promotions, but consumers are not fools.

   Moreover, even now, Yum is still quibbling and shirking responsibility.

   Fang Weibing said in an interview: "KFC checked the restaurant for the first time, and found nothing unusual. There is no way to find out the specific reason. It can only be said that this was an accidental pollution incident."

  The arrogance of large multinational corporations is fully revealed.

Although Yum has done a lot of work in private, such as newspapers from the southern department came out to speak for KFC, but the mainstream public opinion has been difficult to reverse, most mainstream media began to report spontaneously, and the popularity it caused soon surpassed the previous Sudan Red event.

  Two serious food safety incidents are linked together, making it hard to believe KFC.

  The voice of mainstream public opinion has seriously affected the choice of consumers.

Taidong TV's trump card program "Morality and Rule of Law" reported KFC incidents at the fastest speed, and randomly interviewed pedestrians on the road in Taidong Province, and asked ordinary people to report on KFC's two major food safety incidents. view.

   "It's crazy, who would dare to eat KFC in the future! I'm not going anyway."

   "If I go to these foreign fast food in the future, I really have to think about it. There are carcinogens in the food, and the bacteria in the beverages exceed the standard. This is the rhythm of life."

   "These foreign fast food are so unconscionable! First of all, there is a problem with Sudan Red, and then there is a problem with the drink ice cubes. I just want to ask, are other things in his family qualified?"

"If you want me to say, the relevant administrative supervision departments should increase their efforts and strengthen supervision, and don't be lenient just because they are foreign brands! Yesterday, I also saw that the KFC store with problems was operating normally, why not let them suspend business for rectification? One hundred years have passed, and some people are still kneeling on the ground and can't get up, and they dare not touch the property of Lord Yang."

   In the face of surging public opinion, it is no longer enough to simply apologize, quibble and shirk responsibility.

   On the Sudan Red Incident, KFC has yet to give a clear statement.

   As a result, another serious food safety problem came to light.

   Fang guards were extremely angry about this, and felt like they had shot themselves in the foot.

   Originally, I came to Taidong Quannan this time to solve the problem. As a result, if the problem is not solved, KFC will face a bigger crisis.

   Even dragged Pizza Hut into the water.

   There is no place to complain. It is Yum who pushed for this sampling test, not the Lu's restaurant outside.

  How to quell public opinion? How can we appease consumers?

   Fang Weibing racked his brains for the past two days, and sought the opinions of many subordinates. Gradually, he came to an idea. The problem has already occurred, and it has occurred twice. It is not appropriate to continue to shirk responsibility. Someone must be responsible for it.

   There is also a certain amount of people!

   This is also a common method used by many companies in crisis public relations. Since there is no way to shirk the responsibility, then the responsibility is placed on a certain heavyweight in the company, and collective mistakes become individual mistakes, thereby diverting the attention of public opinion and the anger of consumers.

   Just thinking of this, the assistant knocked on the door and hurried in: "Mr. Fang, look at this report."

   "What report?" Recently, the newspapers are full of reports that are not good for KFC and Yum! Fang Weibing is not surprised.

The assistant put the newspaper on the desk in front of Fang Weibing.

  The important paragraphs in the newspaper have been circled by the assistant with a red pen in advance for the convenience of the leader to read.

   Fang Weibing was shocked when he saw the front of the "People's Daily" in the newspaper. Has the most important official newspaper made a sound?

   This undoubtedly sets the tone for the nature of the event and the direction of public opinion!

   He quickly looked at the relevant content.

"KFC food safety incidents happen again and again, we not only have to ask: what links went wrong? Can we really prevent such incidents from happening? As a global chain of fast food brands, there is no doubt that KFC has a huge scale and influence. , but recently, the problems of food hygiene and safety have been continuously exposed, shouldn’t we seriously reflect on it?”

   "And after the incident, KFC only issued a statement to apologize and shirk responsibility. Shouldn't it be a clear statement to consumers across the country?!"

"It has always been said that the customer is God. Does KFC treat the God in their hearts like this? As an ordinary consumer, although we cannot influence the processing and production of drinking water and food, what we can do is to choose a more reputable manufacturer. and commodities, such as the Burger King that has passed the sampling inspections in the past.”

"If there is a problem with your food and beverages, we can choose another one. Therefore, the old saying in our country is good: water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it! I hope that all restaurants in the world can truly put consumers in the forefront. The first one!"

   Fang Weibing did not look down after seeing this. This is the mainstream official media among the mainstream official media, which undoubtedly shows the current official attitude and tone.

  The office door was knocked again at this time, Fang Weibing frowned: "What's wrong?"

   Recently, the bad news has been one after the other, and there is little good news.

   Sure enough, the new secretary carefully placed a notice with a red seal in front of Fang Weibing.

   This is a notice issued by the State Administration of Inspection and Quarantine and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, requiring KFC to immediately check the source of the problem, explain the relevant chain process, and from the receipt of the notice, all its stores will be closed immediately for rectification!

   Then comes the penalty notice, which involves fines, KFC doesn't care at all, that money is nothing.

  Because the fines for companies here are very low compared to the profits.

   The real shocking thing is that the business is closed for rectification!

   (end of this chapter)