MTL - The Era of Hard Work-Chapter 731 team leader

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   Chapter 731 Captain

Taking advantage of the enthusiasm brought by the concert, Qingzhao County advertised through a set of He Taidong TV station, announcing that the Qingzhao Cultural Tourism Festival will be held in April this year. Qingzhao tourism route, start cooperation and negotiation.

   On the side of Lujia Village, Li Yanyan, who is in charge of the tourism and culture company, also led the team to participate.

   This kind of thing, when planned as a whole, is often more attractive.

At present, other facilities around Lvjia Village are not perfect. If you want to impress tourists and attract people, there are three main cards. One is the ancient village and folk culture tour. The third is to further promote the famous food street.

   The third and most important step is "Country Love".

   The TV series can be popular, and Lujiacun, as the filming location, naturally needless to say, and it can also make a sequel and continue to build momentum.

   But there were some difficulties in the release of "Country Love".

   A set is not so good.

  The Chinese New Year is coming soon. Zhao Laogen participated in the latest Spring Festival Gala rehearsal and flew to Quannan from the capital to find Lu Dong.

   is not only about TV dramas, but also about the big stage that Lu Dong proposed.

Zhao Laogen sat in the reception room, looking down through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, as if he could overlook the entire university town, and said, "Mr. Lu, you will still enjoy it, this place is really good, stand tall and see far! Wait until my When the company develops, it has to follow President Lu and get such a building as an office space."

   "Probably Mr. Zhao will soon be able to achieve what he wants." Lu Dong replied casually, and then asked: "How are the preparations for the Spring Festival Gala?"

Zhao Laogen took a sip of tea and said, "Don't mention it, in the first ten days of January, a carefully prepared program was killed. At that time, I couldn't sleep for the whole night, revising the script, looking for feelings, worrying about losing my hair, in the middle I went back to the Liaodong countryside again to find inspiration, and I have tossed it until the 20th of the twelfth lunar month, and then there is a result. Fortunately, it was officially accepted by the director team yesterday."

   The Spring Festival Gala was broadcast live, and it was directed to audiences all over the country. The pressure was so great that Lu Dong nodded: "It's not easy to be on the Spring Festival Gala stage."

   "Who said no." Zhao Laogen had an indescribable feeling of tiredness: "After a few more years of tossing, I won't go, and I will be the boss of my company."

He took advantage of the situation to turn the topic to the direction he wanted to talk about: "Once this person becomes the boss of the company, he has more things to think about, and it is difficult to concentrate on the performance. I was killed on this year's show, and I have a lot to do with this. It doesn't matter much, and the company's affairs distract a lot of attention."

   Lu Dong knew that he had not finished speaking and did not interrupt, so he waited for him to continue.

Zhao Laogen put down the teacup and said, "Mr. Lu, you told me at the time that you would set up a theater specifically to promote the green two-person show. The more I thought about it, the more reasonable it became. The successful performance of the Lu family's folk stage has made me realize that the first-line audience is very interested in I love folk culture. In addition to rehearsals during this time, I also have people do an inspection, and plan to open theaters in Fengtian and Beijing, and create a performance theater that directly faces the front-line audience like the Lujia Village Customs Stage!”

   Lu Dong is very clear that this is a matter of time and time. At the beginning, he just took out what Zhao Laogen had done and told Zhao Laogen to listen to it, as the capital to attract him to cooperate with Lujia Village.

   "This is a good thing, Teacher Zhao." Lv Dong said with a smile: "You are the leader of the literary and art world, and you should be responsible for the promotion of our folk culture."

Zhao Laogen smiled cheerfully: "It's not easy to promote folk culture. Just like Mr. Lu's hometown, Lujia Village, he spent a lot of money for the promotion of folk culture, right? On my side, Fengtian can say that the land and the theater are the same. It’s easy to do, but the capital is in trouble, the emperor’s feet are full of gold, and tens of millions are thrown into it, and you can’t hear a sound.”

   He glanced at Lu Dong and asked directly, "I want to open the big stage in the capital next to the Forbidden City. The scale is as large as possible, and the investment is a bit high. I wonder if President Lu is interested?"

  From a purely business perspective, Lu Dong is definitely interested. After ten years from now, I dare not say that in other places, Zhao Laogen is definitely a golden signboard and has a great ability to attract money.

   But the social environment is determined. When doing business, you must consider not only economic benefits, but also more things.

   It’s good to say that the TV series with Zhao Laogen in the early stage will be pulled down in one shot or two, but at the level of the capital, if it is too involved with Zhao Laogen, it seems that the risk is a bit big.

  The water in the capital was too deep, and Lu Dong didn't even think about the water in the capital.

   If you don’t get it right, you will drown.

   Lu Dong smiled bitterly: "Mr. Zhao, if you say it a few months in advance, or two years later, I will definitely invest, and we have to deepen the cooperation in everything we say."

   Zhao Laogen does not doubt what Lu Dong said, because it can be seen from the cooperation of "Country Love" that Lu Dong and Lu Jiacun are really sincere in cooperation.

   The two sides can be said to be mutually beneficial.

  Laogen Media took advantage of the various conveniences brought by the economic strength of Lv Dong and Lvjiacun and the advantages of local policies, and Lujiacun borrowed his fame here.

   Lu Dong and Lujiacun are quite authentic in their work, not to mention other things, just in terms of remuneration, as long as they should be given, there is absolutely no discount.

   This is very rare.

   "Mr. Lu's funds are a little tight?" Zhao Laogen asked tentatively.

   "For Lu's Catering and Lujia Village, the capital chain will be tight in the next two years." In a short period of time, Lu Dong will continue to cooperate with Zhao Laogen on "Country Love".

He briefly explained: "Some time ago, Mr. Zhao worked in the post-production of "Country Love" in Quannan. You should have heard more or less about it. Lv's Catering and Lvjiacun have jointly won the leader of the logistics industry in Taidong Province. Logistics, the transaction volume is as high as nearly 300 million, and subsequent investment and integration will be required, and now the liquidity is quite tight.”

   The little money spent on other things, Lu Dong did not say any more.

   Hundreds of millions of funds are still astronomical for Zhao Laogen today.

Zhao Laogen nodded: "Understand, understand, the company has grown in size, there are many places to spend money, and the landlord's family has no surplus." He was somewhat regretful: "It's not easy to find a good partner like President Lu. !"

   Lu Dong changed the subject and asked, "Mr. Zhao, is the post-production of "Country Love" coming to an end? How are you talking with the set?"

Mentioning this, Zhao Laogen lost his smile on his face: "It is estimated that all the later stages can be completed in February. If it hadn't been for the Spring Festival Gala, it would have been almost completed this month. I brought the samples to the capital and gave them to a TV drama department. The people who read it, what do they say? People think it's pretty good, but it's hard to think of the eight o'clock in the evening, so I suggest you try the eight sets, which are still under discussion."

  Lu Dong nodded: "It's really difficult if it wasn't produced by their TV drama production center or participated in the investment."

   "Yes, that's what happened." Zhao Laogen didn't mean to give up easily: "Be patient and wait, in short, there is something to talk about!"

  Lu Dong understands that this is not something that can be done in a hurry, so he has to keep his composure: "In this way, I have cooperated with a lot of advertisements here. After a few years, I will also go to Shiguangong, which may be somewhat helpful."

Zhao Laogen thought for a while: "It's okay, if you work hard, you will have more strength." He reminded again: "Mr. Lu, whether you enter one set or eight sets, the related costs will not be high, or even not, you You have to be mentally prepared!"

   Lu Dong smiled: "I understand, after all, it is not an ordinary media unit."

   As the Chinese New Year approached, Zhao Laogen stayed in Qingzhao for a day and then took his apprentices north.

Before    left, Li Wenyue had already negotiated with Laogen Media that all those who performed at the Lujia Village Customs Stage before the tenth day of the lunar new year would come back.

   From the tenth of the first month to the sixteenth of the first lunar month, Lujia Village will hold another big event, including the official road festival, folk performances, fireworks show and so on.

   The highlight is the lantern viewing and pretend play on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

   Qingzhao folk "playing games" has a long history, various forms, great momentum, and quite a local flavor, especially during the Spring Festival and Lantern Festivals, the pretend play activities are unprecedentedly active.

   Like carrying cores, dry boats, dragon lanterns, lion dances and leopards, stilts, yangko teams, gongs and drums, etc., all of them have their own characteristics.

   In addition, the participation of the villagers is high, from children in seven or eight years old to the elderly in their seventies and eighties.

  In the early years, pretend play in Qingzhao was relatively prosperous, and almost every village would do it. Even in the early 1990s, there were two or three villages in a town.

But in recent years, the pace of life has been accelerating, more and more people go out to work, and earning money has become the theme of the whole society. It is almost impossible to see people who are dressed up and play. Even Qingzhao County only arranges some lanterns on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Inside Moquan Park.

  If you want to play dress up, you must first have money. The purchase of various clothing and equipment is a considerable expense.

   Now that Lujia Village is engaged in folk tourism, it is natural to pick up the folk culture that is about to be completely forgotten by the younger generation.

   This kind of thing, young people will not do it, like Lu Dong's generation, they are all blind.

   Lv Jianguo's generation is actually very proficient.

   Grandpa Lu Donger has researched on these, but when he is old, he can still write and draw, and he will teach others to be reluctant.

   Therefore, this important task falls on Lv Jianren.

   Lv Jianren was originally the captain of the gong and drum team in the village.

  As the Chinese New Year approaches, every household has a lot of things to do, and it is not easy to recruit people for training. The village branch has a subsidy of 30 yuan per person per day. The number of people involved is not limited to Lujia Village. People from nearby villages who are willing to come and earn pocket money are also welcome.

   After the beginning of the new year, Lv Jianren was busy, registering for statisticians, assigning corners, taking people out to purchase clothing and equipment, and also having to recruit personnel for training.

   is very busy.

   Some college students in the village who went home during the holidays were handed over to him for requisitioning for statistical work.

   Lu Dong and Song Na ran a circle of contacts. After visiting the key people in person, there was basically nothing to do, and they also came to the village to help.

   This kind of thing, sometimes the focus is on participation, so be happy.

   (end of this chapter)