MTL - The Era of Hard Work-Chapter 739 uncomfortable

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   Chapter 739 Uncomfortable

  Individuals are simply unable to fight against the general trend of society, even if companies and groups are counted.

   In the face of the rolling torrent of history, if someone stands out and blocks the road beyond their own capabilities, they will only be crushed to pieces.

   As far as Lu Dong is concerned, he can only follow the trend and do what he can do on the basis of conforming to the general trend and without harming his own legitimate interests.

   Put it on Intertek Real Estate Company, no matter the existing house or the off-plan house, there must be sufficient quality assurance.

   It can’t be like those real estate giants in the past, whose reputation is so high, even if the quality of the house is not mentioned, the buyer will be burdened with debts for a lifetime, and they will also cry uncomfortably.

   Intertek Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. has already prepared to acquire new land in the southeast of Quannan, mainly following Lv Dong's suggestion to acquire land cheaply in the suburbs.

   The suburbs on the southeast side will get up in two or three years at most.

  The development of Quannan, the provincial capital, is extremely unbalanced. It has been very obvious since the early 1990s. The east and south are developing the fastest, and the west and north are not far behind.

   This trend was still quite evident even when Lv Dong participated in the Likima disaster relief.

The strength of the real estate market can be seen from the opening of Intertek-Taifeng Garden. When Lv Dong left in the afternoon, not counting the large orders from him and Wei Yong and others, only ordinary sales were sold for 60%. Five houses.

   Lu Kun drove east along Jingqi Road and asked, "Brother Dong, the resettlement house in the south of our village is expanding. I heard that Songjia Village, Gaojia Village and Luokou Village may also be resettled here."

  Lu Dong is well-informed: "The county is discussing, but it has not been decided yet. It may also be resettled in the county seat. You didn't realize that the county seat is also expanding outwards."

   "Yes, I heard Brother Qiao say that Qiaojia Village has been included in the scope of demolition and has been officially frozen."

   There will be less traffic on the road, so Lu Kun said a few more words: "My family has bought houses in both the university town and the county town, and I feel comfortable living in the village. The buildings that look like pigeon cages look awkward."

Lu Dong talked to him very relaxed: "You are talking nonsense, what kind of house is our village, and it is located in Quannan, it is called a single-family villa, you are used to living in villas, and move to a building with so many floors and a small area. , can you get used to it?"

   Lu Kun smiled embarrassedly: "Brother Dong, everything is good here, but there is no middle school. My grandmother's child is going to middle school, so he has to go to the county seat."

   "There is no good way to do this for the time being."

Just at the intersection of the provincial experimental center, Lv Dong looked at the school gate through the car window: "There are too few people in our village, including Liu Wan and Zhang Wan who moved in from the resettlement area in the south, there are also not many people. Getting another middle school will not be approved unless a private school is introduced."

   Lu Kun asked, "Can't you fight for it?"

  Lu Dong thought for a while: "I will ask the Education Bureau another day, if it is possible, we can still teach in small classes, which will be more beneficial to the next generation in our village."

  Looking at the whole Qingzhao, unless there is a primary school in a mountain or a small village that still insists on running schools, which class does not have forty or fifty students?

   From junior high school, more than 50 students in a class is the norm, and more than 60 students are called ordinary.

  Perhaps, we can try out the small class system in Lujia Village?

   Lu Dong is not in a hurry. If what Uncle Ma said last time can be done, in fact, these problems are not a problem.

  It is estimated that the report will be approved by the county.

When I came to the East Outer Ring Road, I walked from the Dongjiao Station. The top of a building on the right was being renovated. Lu Dong subconsciously turned his head and glanced out. He saw a familiar person in front of the right, waiting on the bus platform. car.


  Lu Kun immediately stopped near the platform, Lu Dong pushed open the rear door and waved at the platform: "Liu Linlin! Liu Linlin!"

  Liu Linlin was wearing flat leather shoes and was standing on the side of the road. Because the sun went down, she felt a little cold. She was zipping up her down jacket when she heard a very familiar voice calling her.

   Lu Dong?

   She recognized it immediately, and saw the Audi car parked in front of her, and waved her hand quickly.

   "Where to go? Go home?" Lu Dong asked.

  Liu Linlin had one or two small red bumps on her fair face. She stood on the platform and said softly, "Wait for the bus to go back."

  Lu Dong sat on the left: "Get in the car, I'll take you."

   "Don't bother." Liu Linlin softly declined: "I'll just take the car."

   Lu Dong said: "No trouble, it's a matter of the way."

  Liu Linlin grabbed the bag tightly with one hand, lowered her head and got into the car, then closed the door.

  Lv Kun looked through the rearview mirror, the girl knew, Brother Dong and sister-in-law's high school classmates, seems to be studying at Qinghua or Peking University?

   "Go home?" Lu Dong asked.

  Liu Linlin lifted her long hair and said, "Just leave me at the central intersection. I'll take the car to the county seat."

   Lu Dong was surprised: "You still go to the county town at this point?"

  Liu Linlin said softly, "I'm preparing for the Qingzhao Cultural Tourism Festival. The unit has a lot of work, so I just allocated a dormitory. I'm temporarily moving to the dormitory."

   Lu Dong had some guesses. Taking into account the face of his old classmates, he didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he said, "Are you going to work in Quannan?"

  Liu Linlin said simply: "The organization department has a training, and all the students who are selected must participate..."

   "Yes!" Lu Dong remembered: "I heard Lao Liu mention it last time."

   He smiled: "On such a cold day, don't go to the station to wait for the train."

   Liu Linlin smiled embarrassedly: "It's 1 yuan cheaper to take the bus outside the station, and the reimbursement of the ticket is very troublesome."

   Lu Dong was also embarrassed to laugh. Today, it is difficult for him to think about this kind of thing.

   Thinking about it, he used to do a lot of similar things, just to save a few dollars.

The car goes east along Century Avenue. There are hardly any fields on this road. On both sides of the road are not high-rise buildings, but also automobile 4S shops and factories. In terms of architecture, the westernmost university town in Qingzhao is already close to the easternmost part of Quannan. joined together.

  Liu Linlin speaks very little, unless Lu Dong asks, she rarely speaks.

When    was approaching the intersection of the center, Liu Linlin took the initiative to ask: "The Bureau of Culture and Tourism will have a preparatory meeting next week. You are a consultant, will you participate?"

   Lu Dong smiled: "I said hello to the county leaders and your director, but I can't make it through. I'm going to the capital next week."

  Liu Linlin looked up at Lu Dong, as if asking why she suddenly went to the capital?

The answer    reminded her that when the two of them communicated in college, she wrote to Lu Dong more than once, saying that if he came to the capital to play, she would be his guide.

   I wrote a lot of letters and invited many times, but no one ever came...

   Thinking of the not-so-distant past, Liu Linlin felt a little uncomfortable for some reason, and she didn't know why, but she felt uncomfortable.

   But she couldn't say what she asked and reprimanded, and she didn't dare to speak, because she had no position, and there was no reason to question Lu Dong.

   At that time, Lu Dong was doing business, trying to start a business, struggling in the quagmire of life, and falling in love with Song Na, where would he have time to go to the capital and let her be a tour guide?

   Over the past few years, no matter how uncomfortable she was, Liu Linlin was silently and quietly enduring it alone, and never showed it.

   The same is true now, Liu Linlin's complexion is still fair, and there are one or two small red acne dotted on it.

Speaking of the capital, Lu Dong's mind immediately turned to the capital. At this moment, it was all a businessman's thinking. He simply said to Liu Linlin, "Lujiacun and Zhao Laogen's company have collaborated on a TV series, and they want to broadcast it on one set. Zhao Laogen's side, and my side, sent a lot of people to do public relations work, and the progress was not particularly smooth, I'm going to go and see, and it seems to respect a set of people."

  Liu Linlin nodded lightly: "Yes."

   Lu Dong felt that he and Liu Linlin were old classmates for many years. To put it a little more broadly, they could barely be called young, so he was not polite and asked, "Do you have any classmates or alumni you know who work in the set?"

  Liu Linlin shook her head slightly: "No, my college is biased towards science, and few people enter the TV station, maybe some work in a set, I...I'll ask other students."

   Lu Dong waved his hand: "Farewell, don't be so troublesome."

   Audi was approaching the intersection of the university town center, and Lu Dong said directly: "Lu Kun, go to the county seat."

   "Don't be so troublesome." Liu Linlin said.

   Lu Dong smiled: "It's not too far to go back and forth, just in time for me to visit a few stores in the county."

   Liu Linlin did not fight anymore, and let Lu Dong send her back to the county seat.

  The staff dormitory of the Cultural Tourism Bureau is just east of Moquan Park. It is very close to the Cultural Tourism Bureau. It is only about a ten-minute walk. It is really convenient to live and commute here.

  Liu Linlin got off the car at Moquan Park, saw that it was getting dark, turned around and said, "Lu Dong, thank you for sending me back, I'll treat you to dinner."

  Lu Dong pointed in the direction of the university town: "I have to go back early. I'm going to Song Na's house for dinner tonight."

   Liu Linlin smiled: "Then I'll invite you another day."

   "We've been classmates and friends for many years, so don't be polite." Lu Dong asked Lu Kun to drive and waved to Liu Linlin, "I'm leaving."

  Liu Linlin waved her hand and watched the black Audi sedan go away until it disappeared in the night.

   When Lu Dong was walking back, he called Song Na and Song Na asked, "When will you arrive? The dishes are ready."

   "Ten minutes more." Lu Dong said actively: "On the way back, I met Liu Linlin at Dongjiao Station, so I took her back and took her to the county seat by the way."

  Song Na smiled and said, "Old classmate, it should be."

   Came to Song Na's house for dinner, Lu Dong accompanied his father-in-law for a drink, and then followed Song Na to her house to talk.

  Song Na decided on the decoration plan of the Quashi Villa Villa today, took a look at the furniture, and talked to Lu Dong in general.

   These matters, Lu Dong did not express any opinion, and handed over all the responsibility to Song Na.

  Thinking of going to the capital next week, Lu Dong suggested, "I'm going to the capital, why don't you go with me? Let's stop by the big store in the capital and buy wedding jewelry and clothes."

Song Na pondered a little: "I won't go if I don't have time next week. Now the logistics is smooth, and the jewelry and clothes that can be bought in the capital can basically be bought here in Quannan. You make some for me yourself."

   Lu Dong spread his hands: "You don't have to be rough."

   (end of this chapter)