MTL - The Era of Hard Work-Chapter 792 Classic case (seeking monthly pass)

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  Chapter 792 Classic case (seeking monthly pass)

The hot weather could not stop the enthusiasm of job seekers. Just after 7:30 on Monday morning, a large number of people gathered in front of the main entrance of Lu's Restaurant Building. time.

  In 1999, university enrollment was expanded, and those who graduated from junior colleges were expected to enter the society in 2001 and 2002.

   The first batch of undergraduates who expanded their enrollment generally went to society this year.

  The expansion of university enrollment in those years created opportunities for countless people to enter the university campus, and I don’t know how many Xin Xin students were delighted.

  A four-year undergraduate, experience the beauty of life in the ivory tower on campus.

   But in the last semester, most students suddenly find that the future is not so good.

  The job does not include assignments. If you want to enter the public sector, you must not only go through a single-plank bridge that is more difficult than the college entrance examination, but also have some relationships behind it.

  If you want to go to a company, good companies and good jobs are limited, but competitors are everywhere.

  There are too many college graduates who graduated in the same period. In the first half of the year, when they go to any job fair, they are all overwhelmed by the heads of fresh college students.

  Most graduates have to face a reality: low-paying jobs, tiring work, and a lot of overtime.

   Well-known companies are naturally favored.

   But times have changed, and it is not easy to enter even a well-known private enterprise.

  Two or three years ago, college graduates looked up and selected those private enterprises and positions.

   Today, it has become a company to select students.

  The fierce competition has brought great pressure to many graduates, and many people have begun to read some books on success and job application.

  An Jiaming is such a person.

   Started his internship half a year ago, but the internship unit was really average. As a top student who graduated with a major in business management, he thought that he should go directly to a management position so that he could show his strengths. In the end, he entered the workshop and worked in the front line for several months.

   After getting the diploma, An Jiaming immediately fired the internship unit.

   I have been preparing for a new job for a while, and then I found this opportunity today. Lu's Catering is hiring for multiple positions!

  An Jiaming quickly set his sights on one of the management positions, with an annual salary of up to 60,000 yuan!

   This kind of job is what he wants.

  An Jiaming looked at his watch, he still had some time, took out a book from his briefcase, seized the last time, and read it.


   This is an inspirational book with many examples of successful interviews.

   Some of them are very useful for reference.

  An Jiaming believes that sometimes details determine the success or failure of an interview.

   Guessing that Lu's restaurant is almost open, An Jiaming put away the book, entered the building, and took the elevator to the floor where Lu's restaurant was located.

   As soon as I got out of the elevator, I saw a middle-aged man in his thirties picking up documents on the ground.

  An Jiaming originally wanted to leave, but suddenly thought of the successful case written in the book, and quickly squatted down to help pick up the documents together and hand them over to the middle-aged man.

   Wearing a shirt and trousers, the middle-aged man who looked extraordinarily upright, smiled and nodded to An Jiaming: "Thank you."

  An Jiaming waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, I should do a little favor."

   The middle-aged man smiled at him again, and got up first and entered the personnel department of Lu's Catering.

  An Jiaming was thoughtful when he saw where people went in.

   Then, he stood up, walked to the reception staff of the personnel department, and explained his purpose.

Because the applicant was for a high-paying management position, and he came in relatively early, the person in charge of this area of ​​Lu's catering has not yet arrived. A female staff member in charge of reception took him to the meeting after asking for his resume. In a reception room near the room.

   "The person in charge here hasn't arrived yet, please wait a moment." The female staff member left with her resume.

   There was no one else in this reception room for the time being, so An Jiaming was alone. As soon as the staff of Lu's Catering left, he couldn't help but look around. He couldn't help but be curious about this chain of catering companies that has several in China.

   A person who graduated from high school and didn't even get into college, but started from scratch and built such a big business, I really don't know whether to be jealous or envious.

   Sitting here, waiting for someone to be summoned for an interview, An Jiaming was somewhat restrained.

   His eyes looked around and suddenly stopped on the floor to the left of the door.

   On the light cyan tiles, a ball of waste paper crumpled into the size of a baby's fist stands out, especially when the entire reception room is so tidy, the ball of waste paper looks a bit awkward.

  An Jiaming retracted his gaze and looked at the door. Through the frosted glass door, he could vaguely see someone walking around outside.

  It's hard to tell if there is a pair of eyes staring at this reception room.

  An Jiaming's excited hands trembled a little, that's right! That's right! It has been mentioned in the application case that I have seen!

   That's how it should be! Can't go wrong!

  The opportunity is here, right in front of you!

  An Jiaming took a deep breath, stood up, walked to the waste paper ball in a few steps, squatted down and picked up the paper ball.

   At this moment, the door of the reception room opened wide, and a middle-aged man wearing a shirt and trousers who looked extraordinarily upright walked in.

   This is the person An Jiaming just met in the elevator!

   The middle-aged man smiled and nodded to An Jiaming, his face full of kindness.

  An Jiaming stood up, clenched the waste paper ball tightly, and looked at the middle-aged man, clearly seeing the appreciation in his eyes

   The middle-aged man sat on a chair and waved to An Jiaming: "Come, sit here!"

   Hearing this, An Jiaming became uncontrollably excited.

coming! coming! he came!

   Sure enough, the opportunity really came!

  An Jiaming held the waste paper ball and walked over there step by step. He didn't dare to sit, so he stood.

  The middle-aged man pointed to the chair: "Sit down."

  An Jiaming pulled out the chair and sat down, trembling with excitement.

   A job with an annual salary of 60,000 is about to start!

   Maybe, maybe there is a better job...

   The middle-aged man said, "My name is Zhou Jian, who are you?"

  An Jiaming said in his heart that he really came, and replied with a little excitement: "My name is An Jiaming!"

   "Thank you for helping me." The middle-aged man asked with a particularly friendly smile, "Which position are you applying for?"

   Hearing this, An Jiaming was determined, and he was very sure of applying for the job this time!

  Although I don't know what exactly this guy named Zhou Jian is doing at Lu's Catering, it's not easy to think about, at least he is a middle and senior management.

   "Scheduling management!" An Jiaming replied.

   The person called Zhou Jian smiled slightly: "What a coincidence, I didn't expect that we are still competitors, and I am also applying for scheduling management!"

  An Jiaming stared at Zhou Jian blankly, not knowing what to say for a while.


   In the morning, Lu Dong came to the personnel department on time to participate in the recruitment of some management positions.

   Compared with fresh college students, these positions are given priority to those with relevant work experience.

   In fact, many jobs are suitable for many people, but experienced people can quickly enter the role and reduce the investment in training.

   Lu Dong made a symbolic appearance in the interview area for ordinary employees, and then joined Xu Man and Xue Tian to participate in the interview for the dispatch management post.

   There are more than 20 applicants, but there is only one job position, and the company has a wide range of choices.

  In the interview, you can meet all kinds of people, even some very strange.

  For example, Xu Man asked a young man a few words, he was very dissatisfied with him, and politely sent him away.

   The man was very unconvinced and said, "Yes, I'm not capable enough, but I have something to do with it. My buddy is the son of the deputy head of XX District!"

   There is also a fresh graduate who wants to apply for this position. He has no attitude to say, but he asks three questions.

   However, when the interview was over, it was astounding that the chairs who were looking at the conference room were a bit messy, but they were neatly arranged before leaving.

   When the person went out, Xue Tian said, "This person has a good attitude."

   Xu Man said directly: "No matter how good your attitude is, it's useless, your ability is not enough."

   Lu Dong agrees: "Not suitable."

   After interviewing more than 20 people, Lv Dong and Xu Man unanimously approved one of them, a middle-aged man named Zhou Jian.

   I have done similar jobs for many years before, and the interview is straightforward and meaningful, and I also specially brought analysis based on the job requirements.

   Obviously, this person has the ability and experience, and he has done a lot of preparation for this interview.

   This is the kind of employee a company wants.

   After confirming the results of the interview, the personnel department will call to inform Zhou Jian that day, not only to notify Zhou Jian to get the job, but also to inform the results of those who failed the interview one by one, so as to avoid people wasting time waiting.

   In the afternoon, An Jiaming had just had lunch from Burger King and was really sitting near the air conditioner to take a rest, when he suddenly received a call from Lu's Food and Beverage Personnel Department, and he was unsuccessful in the morning interview.

   Failed the interview.

  An Jiaming sat in the chair and couldn't figure out what the problem was for a while. For this interview, he prepared for a long time, especially bought relevant professional books and learned from the above successful cases.

  The waste paper was picked up and the chair was set up, why wasn't I the winner?

   This Lu's restaurant doesn't play cards according to the routine!

   It is clearly written like this in the book. In these situations, isn’t it a great chance to win if you deal with it like this?

  Have a problem with Lu's restaurant? An Jiaming thought so at first.

   But after a while, I felt that it was not quite right. Lu's Catering can achieve such a large scale, and even its Burger King has surpassed KFC and Burger King in the domestic market, which shows that it has a good management.

   Recruitment is part of that.

  If Lu's food is ok, then I have a problem?

  An Jiaming saw his briefcase and suddenly realized that the problem was not me, but the book he had read!

   Between Lu's restaurant and the book, An Jiaming chose the book, because Lu's restaurant is located in the university town, and many college students in the university town are familiar with it.

   Is the case in the book false? It's all made up? However, it makes sense anyway!

An Jiaming drank the remaining Coke in the cup, took out the book from his bag, and flipped through it for a while, because he had just experienced a failed interview, and he still failed under the guidance of the classic case in the book. , the more I look at it, the more it feels wrong.

   "It is better to have no books than to believe in books!"

  An Jiaming muttered, put on his briefcase and went out. If there was a trash can, he threw the book into it.

   (end of this chapter)