MTL - The Era of Rebirth: Supermarket Space is Easy To Get Rich-Chapter 15 Visit the supply and marketing cooperatives

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  Chapter 15 Visiting Supply and Marketing Cooperatives

Bai Xue was woken up by the cold at dawn, unable to sleep due to the cold, although the hospital has quilts, but they are too thin, not keeping warm at all, so she couldn't sleep, so she simply sat up, and looked at her father and uncle, sleeping sweet.

  They have long adapted to the cold, so the temperature in the ward is warmer than that at home. Can they sleep well?

  Bai Xue couldn't sleep anymore, so she went out to have a look.

  She wandered to the canteen, and sure enough, the canteen was already open. Although there were few patients, the medical staff all ate in the canteen of the health center. So it is normal for the cafeteria to open early.

  Bai Xue walked in, the same young **** man from yesterday, who said he would eat steamed bread in the morning, but if there were no food stamps, he would still have to exchange them for food.

  Bai Xue exchanged coarse grains for five steamed corn buns, three bowls of hot... so-called porridge with a clear bottom, and a small plate of pickles.

  Bai Daliang and his brothers were already up when she brought the breakfast back.

   "Xiaoxue, you got up so early to buy breakfast? Why did you buy so much? You can be discharged from the hospital today, and we can eat at home. You can just buy one person's portion and eat it yourself!" Bai Daliang said.

"Dad, you are a patient. You need to eat more to get better quickly. If you don't eat, it will cost you money if the wound is bad. The second uncle walked all the way to give us money. You don't give others breakfast. ?Okay, let’s eat while it’s hot! After dinner, I still want to visit the supply and marketing cooperative before the ox cart comes to pick us up! This is my first time in Pingyang Town, so how can I not visit the supply and marketing cooperative?” Bai Xue said while holding chopsticks for her father and second uncle.

  Bai Daliang really listened to the elder daughter very much. Bai Xue knew that the original owner had a personality similar to her own, and that's how her father listened to her.

  In my memory, Bai Daliang was one of the few who lost his temper, and it was her father who coaxed her, and other people's words didn't work. Even mother Wang Cuihua couldn't coax her well.

   "Why do you go to the supply and marketing cooperative? I don't have any money in hand, so I can't buy anything!" Bai Daliang said, taking a bite of the steamed bread in his hand, it was delicious. The family can't bear to eat dry food.

"It's good to go and see without buying anything! It's a good experience! Dad, I still have some money left, let me see what I can buy for Mom! She is suffering from confinement! We were still dizzy when we came out I haven’t woken up yet! Do you still remember that the third aunt and grandma took two catties of pork from us and went back to make up for my body? But my mother can’t even eat a full meal during the confinement!” Bai Xue mentioned Wang Cuihua’s grievances.

   is also a daughter-in-law, this mother-in-law is too partial.

   "What did you say? Your mother fainted?" Bai Daliang asked anxiously when he heard that Wang Cuihua had fainted.

   "Dad, don't worry. Mom is too weak after giving birth. I asked Xiaoshan Xiaoyun and the others to cook for mom. There are still two eggs. Mom should be fine!"

"Okay! How much money is left in my hand? I will buy something for your mother to make up for it. When I go back, my father will exchange the money with the captain for centimeters and pay it back to your second uncle! Don't lose your mother's body! Wait for Dad Now, go up the mountain to try your luck, and catch a pheasant or a hare to make up for your mother!" Bai Daliang said guiltily. He understands his mother's temper, but it's too difficult for him to be caught in the middle, so be tough on his mother, and he is being talked about and filial piety is suppressing him.

   "Father Xing, I understand." Bai Xue nodded, her heart brightened, can hunting in the back mountain? Then can she use this as a cover to feed her family some meat?

   And she had already thought about it, the second uncle's money should be returned to him for food! Centimeters are not enough to eat, and if you give him back the money, he can't buy food without food stamps. Why don't she find an excuse to take food from the supermarket and return it to him.

Bai Xue saw that her father only ate one cornbread, and the other refused to eat it. She had no choice but to keep it. Seeing that the second uncle did the same, she simply put the two cornbouts in their pockets and cleaned them up. After sending the bowls and chopsticks back to the cafeteria, they rushed to the supply and marketing cooperative.

  The supply and marketing cooperative is not far from the health center, and it is in two directions from the state-run restaurant.

  Bai Xue arrived at the supply and marketing cooperative full of curiosity, but in front of her was a red brick house with only more than 200 square meters. When she walked in, there was a lot of space inside, surrounded by glass counters, and a salesperson stood behind the counter.

  There are salespersons in charge of all kinds of items, and there are a few people shopping inside.

  She walked around, looking here and there, but the salesperson didn't take the initiative to answer her.

  She looked around and didn't see any bicycle sellers. She was a little curious and asked the cloth salesperson:

   "Sister, where are bicycles sold?"

  The cloth seller looked her up and down a few times, and said angrily, "We are just a small town here, how can we sell bicycles? You want to buy a bicycle?"

   "No, I'm just asking!" Bai Xue didn't expect that the supply and marketing cooperative in the town didn't sell bicycles, so she replied a little embarrassed.

   "Cut, why do you ask if you can't afford it?" the salesperson's eldest sister muttered something in her mouth, and actually lowered her head and started knitting a sweater.

   "Sister, is there any cloth that doesn't require a ticket?" Bai Xue knew that the waiters in this era were all so virtuous, so she didn't mind, so she asked again.

   "You mean defective cloth? Can the defective cloth supply and marketing cooperative be so quiet? No, no!"

  Although the eldest sister of the salesperson had a bad attitude, she answered seriously when Bai Xue asked her questions.

  Bai Xue was a little disappointed, there was no cloth from this era in her supermarket, so her idea of ​​making a few sets of quilts had to be shelved.

  Almost everything requires a ticket, and she had a headache when she was shopping. Seeing people coming in and buying things and leaving, Bai Xue looked at the counters like a fool, didn't buy anything, and walked out in a daze.

  She knew that those salesmen must be saying something behind her.

  She was thinking about how to take out the things in the supermarket, thinking about it, and she was thinking about this problem all the way back to the hospital.

   When he was about to arrive at the hospital, his mind flashed.

  She didn't enter the hospital, but crossed the hospital and took a good look around the town in the 1960s.

   It was almost noon when she came back.

  Holding a cloth bag in his hand, it contained three catties of white flour, two catties of yellow millet, two taels of brown sugar, one catty of pork belly, a double-happiness red candle the size of a baby's arm, and a handful of old-fashioned paper-wrapped candies.

   She didn't dare to take out any more, for fear of scaring her father.

   When she walked into the ward, the second uncle had gone back to the village to borrow a bullock cart, and only her father was hanging the bottle.

   "Dad, I'm back!" she shouted.

   "Xiaoxue, why have you been shopping for so long?" Bai Daliang lay down and raised his head to look at her.

"Hey, don't talk about it. I met an old lady on the way to the supply and marketing cooperative. She slipped and couldn't get up. There was no one on the road, so I had to go up and help her up. But the old lady broke her back, and I can only be a good person." To the end, I sent people home, but I was exhausted!" Bai Xue said seriously.

   "Is that person okay?" When Bai Daliang heard this, he was still worried about the old lady.

"It's not a big deal, I should just lie on the kang for a few days and it will be fine! When I sent it back, her son just came back. When she saw his mother fall down, she was very worried. She even gave me a lot of things to thank, but I said no." He has to give it, isn't it? I took it all back!" Bai Xue then lifted the cloth bag in her hand.

  I still went to the state-run hotel to ask Uncle Wang for this cloth bag.

   The plan to make cloth bags and stockpile them must be paid close attention, otherwise how could a mysterious rich man always ask others for mere cloth bags!

  (end of this chapter)