MTL - The Era of Rebirth: Supermarket Space is Easy To Get Rich-Chapter 319 wedding gift

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  Chapter 319 New Wedding Gift

   "What's wrong? We're already married, why don't we call it that way? I just came to Kyoto, and I don't know much about the customs here! Ms. Gao might as well teach me!" Lin Xue knew the other party's identity! Isn't it just a blind date with Zhang Yuan?

  She had already seen the expression on the other party's face, she was still thinking about her man. Shouldn't she stand up and declare her sovereignty?

  Zhang Yuan smiled in a particularly good mood. His wife is jealous, which is too cute.

   "Are you married?" Gao Youhan asked with an expression of disbelief, "Why didn't I know?"

   "You should know by now when you get home today! The wedding the day after tomorrow! Remember to attend!" Zhang Yuan said lightly beside him.

  Because the daughter-in-law doesn't know when the wedding will be, he has to speak up quickly.

  Gao Youhan looked at Lin Xue, who was not at all a peasant girl, and even felt that he was not as beautiful as her.

  She is not a stalker either. Didn't she immediately give up when she found out that the other party had a partner, so the smile on her face became a little more sincere.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know you were married just now. So I kindly reminded you! I'm here to pick up the photo! Let's go first! You are busy!" He raised his hand and showed them the photo in his hand .

   "Okay! Thank you, Ms. Gao, for your reminder! Goodbye!" Lin Xue waved her hand. Although the expression on the other party's face relaxed later, she couldn't get over the woman who had thought about her man.

   "Okay, daughter-in-law, let's take pictures! We have to register for marriage soon!" Zhang Yuan took Lin Xue's hand.

   Let’s say it’s a wedding photo. The two of them only took a few photos. In fact, it’s just a set of clothes and only one scene. It’s not interesting to take so many photos.

  After coming out of the photo studio, Zhang Yuan took Lin Xue and the two of them to register after sending the two younger sisters and the wedding dress home.

  The family is still busy. The wedding date has already been set. Although they have done everything they should do, they are still a little nervous. They have been busy all the time and don't know what they are busy with.

  Lin Xue was relatively idle, and looked at the marriage certificate several times a day!

  The marriage certificate at this time is just a piece of paper, not a red book, but the more she looks at it, the happier she is.

   She didn't follow Zhang Yuan into the space until night.

  But when she just entered, the space shook like a mountain shaking. Although nothing on the shelves fell down, she turned pale with fright.

   "Daughter-in-law!" Zhang Yuan quickly hugged her, which saved her from falling.

   "What's going on?" After standing still, Lin Xue patted her chest in fear, looking around to see what happened and how it happened.

   At this time, the voice of power assist, which had not appeared for a long time, sounded.

   "Boss! This is a wedding surprise for you! Hurry up and check it out!"

   "What a surprise, this is a fright, okay, you want to scare me to death?" Lin Xue shouted angrily.

   "It's okay, it's okay!" Zhang Yuan patted her on the back lightly to comfort her.

   "Boss, hurry up and go to your garage to have a look! Don't be angry!" Zhuozhu corrected himself and said, "I can't help it. Space upgrades require movement, and I have tried my best to restrain myself!"

   "Garage? You mean my car?" Lin Xue was surprised, and had already forgotten the shock just now.

   "Yes!" Help relieved, this is really scary.

  Zhang Yuan raised his eyebrows, this is? Has the car my daughter-in-law has been thinking about all along been found?

   Before he could figure it out, Lin Xue had already dragged him to the garage.

   "Hurry up! I'll show you my car! If you can research it and make it, it will definitely be the first to make a worldwide sensation!" Lin Xue dragged Zhang Yuanpao while bragging.

   "Okay!" Zhang Yuan smiled dotingly, no matter what his wife said, he could always say yes.

   This wife-loving maniac seems to have been cultivated.

   Two people came to the garage, and they were the two cars from Lin Xue's previous life. Although they were not luxury cars, they could be considered luxury cars in this era.

  Lin Xue was puzzled, she remembered that she only parked one car in the garage, why are there two now?

If she doesn’t understand, she doesn’t want to. She wants to try if there will be another car in the garage after the car is driven out, but she is a little afraid, for fear that there will be another car in the garage after the car is driven out, and then the other one will be taken out. If you don't have it, you won't be able to get in, so where will you put such a big lump?

   This is not like an electric car... Lin Xue looked back and seemed to be listening to the direction of those old electric cars, and she had a headache.

  My own warehouse is already full, and there is no place to park.

  In the past three years, she has operated more than 130 electric vehicles without delay, and the vacant positions in the warehouse are full of electric vehicles, just like a large electric vehicle hypermarket.

   Fortunately, Zhang Yuan has already produced an electric car, and it will be on the market soon, and it will be reasonable and legal for her to take it out at that time.

   At that time, they will all be sold, one for each family member, but they must be consumed quickly, otherwise it will be too difficult to pick up the goods from the warehouse.

   Fortunately, they are no longer doing business on the black market, and Wang Cheng has stopped supplying them. Otherwise she will die of exhaustion.

   "Daughter-in-law, the performance of this car is amazing! Get in the car and experience it!" Zhang Yuan had already checked around while Lin Xue was thinking wildly. He liked both cars so much, he couldn't wait to open the door and got into the car to check the built-in.

  The more he looked at it, the more excited he became. If it weren't for the inconvenience of taking it out now, he couldn't wait to take it apart and study it.

Although he is now the main leader of the electric vehicle factory and the factory director of the auto parts factory, he still has an identity, that is, the research institute, the invisible research institute, that is, his identity is the factory director on the surface, which is his protection That's all, privately he has the right to research.

  The two of them stayed in the garage for a long time. Finally, Lin Xue, who was excited, calmed down and fell asleep in the car. Zhang Yuan was still thinking about it and couldn't fall asleep.

  It was past two o'clock in the morning when Lin Xue woke up. Seeing that Zhang Yuan was still thinking about it, she reminded her, "Tomorrow is our wedding, don't you take a good rest, you still have work to do tomorrow, you want to marry me with a pair of panda eyes?"

  The person who was scolded by the young wife obediently got out of the car, hugged her and walked to the lounge. This place has almost become their second home, and they have always lived here.

   "Put me down, I'll go by myself! Don't tire you!" Lin Xue patted Zhang Yuan's arm, she was a little worried that Zhang Yuan's arm would not be able to bear her if she was carried back like this.

   "Don't talk about carrying you back to the room, even holding you for a lifetime won't tire you!" Zhang Yuan kissed Lin Xue on the cheek, and hugged her even tighter.

  Lin Xue rolled her eyes, she really enjoyed the earthy and romantic words.

   "Then hold it for the rest of your life and don't let it go!" Lin Xue raised her chin and looked at Zhang Yuan.

   "Okay! Are you ready? I picked it up! It's too late if I'm not ready! I won't let it go!" Zhang Yuan acted like a rascal! As he spoke, he declared his promise.

   "Get ready! I plan to grow old on you forever!"

   The two of you walked towards the lounge while you said something to each other.

  (end of this chapter)