MTL - The Evil God Emperor is In the City-Chapter 19 Realm promotion

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"You're not injured, are you?" Zhao Yiqing, who was hiding in the garage, heard that there was no movement outside, then came out and checked Ge Mu with concern.

"Don't move around, the parts are normal, and there is absolutely no delay in using it."

"Fuck you! Where's Yingsha?"

Ge Mu looked at the bamboo forest in the distance and said, "I let her go."

"Ah, that's not right, in the impression of the little girl, Immortal Master Ge has a very hot mind. In West Siberia, he killed ten hairy sons without blinking an eye, and that Liang Sheng, who just said a few words to you, you will kill them. He's crippled, how could he let Yingsha go this time? Seeing that he's beautiful, he's softened?"


Ge Mu laughed happily.

When he was in charge of the Thunder Department in his previous life, he was solely responsible for the punishment of heaven and earth. Lei Ting's soul was dissipated, and he was later promoted to the God King of Xiaoting, killing more than a thousand demons? He has never been soft-hearted, as the so-called kindness does not hold the army.

He said: "Lianxiangxiyu is what Immortal Yan likes to do the most. I don't have any thoughts, otherwise I will treat you better. It's just that Immortal Yan and Yingsha have had an intersection, saying that she is also a pitiful person. If I encounter it in the future, it is best to persuade her to change her evil ways."

"Oh? Immortal Master Yan, I believe it, he is indeed that kind of person."

Even Zhao Yiqing said the same, which shows what Immortal Yan was like before.

Ge Mu nodded in agreement, and added: "By the way, the meaning in Ting Ying's words is that you are hired by someone to attack you. I guess the master behind it should be your Zhao family's business competitor, you ask your father to check it out. ."

The shopping mall is like a battlefield, and there will be many shameful activities for the sake of profit.

Zhao Yiqing is also clear.

She said, "I'll call my dad tomorrow morning. If it's an ordinary person, the Zhao family can still handle it."


Ge Mu nodded and picked up a black animal skin bag from the ground.

This was just when he flew Yingsha Zhen out and fell from Yingsha. She was so frightened that she didn't dare to pick it up when she left.

Open the bag.

The first is a neatly folded piece of oiled paper. Shake it open, and you can see the words "Nine-Rank Ice Lotus Imprinting Heart Method" at the beginning of the inscription.

"Nine-Rank Ice Lotus Seal" is regarded as a first-class practice in the world of cultivating the earth, and it is highly regarded, but it is not far into Ge Mu's eyes. He glanced at it roughly, and the movement of his wrist shattered the oil paper and turned it into a paper butterfly. .

Then he reached out and touched it, and it was cold.

Ge Mu was slightly surprised.

He hurriedly opened the mouth of the animal skin bag, and saw seven irregularly shaped transparent stones inside, reflecting blue light in the moonlight.

"What a big piece of sapphire, you're going to make a fortune." Zhao Yiqing also came over to see.

Ge Mu's face was full of joy, and he raised his hand and tapped Zhao Yiqing's forehead lightly, "What sapphire, this thing is much rarer, I didn't expect it to be able to get seven pieces."

Zhao Yiqing said playfully: "I read a lot, so don't try to lie to me, what is this not a sapphire?"

"Blue Spirit Essence Stone!"

Although the modern earth is deficient in spiritual energy and has entered the era of the end of the law, it was also very strong in ancient times. The rich spiritual energy settled and combined with the underground minerals, and over time, the spiritual essence stone was formed.

It contains spiritual energy, which is thousands of times purer than the spiritual energy between heaven and earth!

The Lingyuan Stone is divided into three grades:

The white spiritual essence stone is the worst; the blue spiritual essence stone is rare in the bureau; the blue spiritual essence stone of the highest quality is even rarer, and it is estimated that only the big sects will have it in storage.

But no matter what kind of practice, the cultivator's practice can be multiplied with half the effort.

Getting seven blue spirit essence stones at once is enough for Ge Mu to stabilize the ninth level of Qi, why not be happy? After a brief explanation, he squinted at Zhao Yiqing and said with a wicked smile: "Unfortunately, the only cultivator who wants to hijack you is Yingsha. If there are more, maybe I can gather enough for foundation building."

"Bastard, what are you thinking?"

Although it was a joke, Zhao Yiqing stomped his feet in anger.

And throw him a big white eye.

It was nearly 4:30 a.m. after the storm subsided. Zhao Yi, who had tossed around in the middle of the night, went to bed early in the morning, while Ge Mu took seven spiritual essence stones to a secluded place in the bamboo forest.

Sit cross-legged and calm down.


The breath is like a wisp of fine dust that dissolves into Xiaoyuan Mountain.

Not the slightest ripple.

Then Ge Mu took two blue spirit essence stones and held them in the palm of his hand. The blue spirit essence stones emitted a slight blue light, and the rhythm of his breathing flickered and gradually converged.

lean less,

The surface of the blue spirit stone began to peel off white powder.

The blue light gradually turned into tiny particles of light that lingered around his body. With the circulation of the surrounding sky, it penetrated into the meridians from the pores of the whole body and merged into a trickle, which was transformed into a part of his spiritual energy through the "Da Yan Yin Yang Jue".

Those auras that remained outside and were not absorbed were presented in the form of blue light particles, lingering around Ge Mu, as if he was wearing a dazzling blue galaxy.

Half an hour passed.

The blue light particles are reduced a bit.

At this time, the spiritual energy in Ge Mu's body was already as strong as the sea. It was divided into rivers by the meridians, and it impacted the acupoints of the whole body like a destructive force, making the silted nodes gradually unblocked, and the Zhoutian looped back and forth, and the running speed was twice as fast as before. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

This is the phenomenon of a significant increase in strength.

The faster Zhou Tianyuan turned, the more spiritual power that could be invoked within the same time period, and the power of the formed spells would definitely be stronger.

And the full aura was still roaring in Ge Mu's body.

After opening the acupoints and openings, after two hours, all the orifices have been opened, and the spiritual flow of the rivers has returned to the original one, and all of them have been injected into the dantian.

humming sound.

There was a trembling like a dragon and a tiger roaring in the dantian, and the spiritual energy had already turned into a liquid, and this powerful force was sent out of the body, forming flowing arcs around Ge Mu, which lasted for a long time.

Consecutive nine layers of Qi!

What would have taken nearly a year to do was accomplished in just two hours.

Rao is that Ge Mu had reached the peak in his previous life, and he was extremely happy with this progress. After all, it is not easy to cross a small scale in a short period of time in a modern earth with a lack of spiritual energy.

Take a breath.

Shaking off the two spirit essence stones that had completely turned into white powder, he clapped his hands, and Ge Mu murmured to himself: "There are still five stones left, and five stones at the level of ordinary cultivators are enough for them to build their foundations. I will repair them. "Dayan Yin-Yang Judgment" is estimated to cost thirty yuan, where can I get it?"

The most terrifying thing about Ge Mu is not that he has the blessing of Long Yuan, nor that he has the "Dayan Yin Yang Jue", which is unique in the world of cultivating the earth and is the top in the upper realm.


There is no bottleneck in his practice!

In the past life, he had experienced bitter realization in the spring and autumn of 36,000 degrees. His understanding of cultivation was close to the essence. His mind was clear and unsullied. That's it.

Therefore, there is a longing for Lingyuan Stone.