MTL - The Evil Wife’s Wild Husband-Chapter 6 A small Zhengtai

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"Don son, what are you doing?"

I saw a man under the dense tree, a 16-year-old man was kneeling on the ground, holding a shovel in his hand and constantly digging the soil. The sun shone through the cracks in the leaves and landed on him, forming a little halo. .

Hearing the question of the little waiter, the man looked up at him and lifted his sleeves to wipe the sweat from his forehead. He shook his head and sighed. "Don't worry, this stupid question needs the answer of this son?"

The wind rushing to sleep on the branches was awakened by the voices of the two people. They couldn’t help but look down at the tree, just to see the white and tender little face being too helpless, a cute baby face with a blush, round The slick big eyes are full of ingenuity. At first glance, it is a person who does not make people worry, but what is the hidden emotion in the fundus?

Feng Ling shook his head and did not explore it. What does it have to do with her?

She remembers good things. Is this the general of the town? Is this little Zhengtai the son of the generals?

She has seen the Dagongzi of the General of the Township, and Yunyi is the first person among the phoenix people. As the most favored eldest son of the generals, he is an honorable and the first of the four great talents. Known as the "first son", martial arts seems to be good. However, he does not like to dance with a knife. His character is very docile and he is the first choice for a coward.

After the 14-year-old and the 笄, the number of people who came to the door was countless, but the first son is now 18 years old, but he still hasn’t booked a marriage. If he doesn’t marry again, he’s full of nineteen, even if it’s Excellent, it has become an old man, and the price will definitely fall.

Therefore, the number of people who went to the General’s Office this year has never been more, because Yunyi will definitely set up his marriage within this year, and thus he will have the grand view of the lake.

Because Yunyi is too good, it is neglecting the other sons of the generals. Only Yunyi’s brother, Yunxiao, is known to somebody, but the Yunsan son is born with Yunyi’s compatriots. Very different from each other, the talent is not as good as Yun Yi, and the personality is also quite awkward. Naturally, it is not very popular compared with Yun Yi.

I don't know what is the current ranking?

I was thinking, the little waiter under the tree spoke again. "Gongzi, what do you say is also the second son of the generals, how can you do this kind of thing, or let you not help you!" Xiaoke looked at his son's feet. The squirming cockroach in the bottle also found that he asked the stupid question, but still did not give up trying to let his son pay attention to the image.

Xiaozheng, who tried to dig the shackles, was too lazy to raise his head. He just asked, "Don't you, do you know why I gave you this name?"

“Why?” Little waitress was curious.

"Because you are too embarrassed, don't be jealous!"

The curiosity moment in the eyes of the little waiter turned into a sad sorrow, watching the busy little Zhengtai too, broken and chanting, "The son, I am for your good, you and the son of the big son only a few months difference, you look There are so many people in Dagongzi’s relatives, but you don’t care, you don’t pay attention to the image, you can’t get married!” This little courage is quite big, dare to say this, so you can also see that the second son Usually he is more tolerant to him.

Xiaozheng took the bottle at his feet and looked at it. He felt that he was enough, and he stood up and looked at the little waiter who was worried. "I wouldn’t even mention someone when I was gentle." of."

"Why?" He clearly felt that the son was very good! Although it was too lively, it didn't keep a little bit, and it was a bit of a hit, but in general, it was a good person.

"Because no one knows that the generals of the General's House are round and flat, and I am only a dispensable person in the General's Office. I won't get any benefit from it." And Yun Yi is different.

Wen Yan, Feng Lingqi picked up his eyebrows, I did not expect him to see clearly, although some people are going to Yun Yi this person, but most people who want Yun Yunyi because of his reputation and identity, such a Is it true that love is a bit?

"That... what should I do?" Xiaoke’s face wrinkled into a group, and he said bitterly, "Is that son not married?"

Xiaozheng’s slap in the face of a small head, angered, “Is Yun Yunyu a person who needs to live by a woman? Only a weak man will be so sad!”

Since the death of Yu, no one has ever guarded him. If he is weak in these years, I am afraid that even if he is bullied and dead, there is nowhere to go. The mother may not remember what he looks like?

Yun Siyu sarcastically hooked his lips, even the dear ones could not rely on it, can he expect a strange woman to protect him for a lifetime? When he died, although he was still young, he also remembered the sadness of tears in his face all day long. He didn’t want to follow the footsteps of the shackles. Everything is still good by himself. Others are unreliable, especially those who are tempered. Dog-like, ruthless woman!

Feng Ling looked at his bulging look, the corner of his mouth could not help but rise, Yun Siyu? It does mean something. Is this a male strongman in the world? But it looks really different!

The little aunt took a look at his head, and his face was sore, and he refused to take the mud on his head. He tried to persuade him, "You, though you are a man, you are still a man, how can a man not marry?" What about people?"

Yun Siyu is slap in the face of rudeness. "What happened to my son who didn't marry? I am hungry for you? I dare to say more, and later renamed me a little dumb!"

"Ah? Have to change?" The little waiter was bitter and changed his name in three days. He was afraid that when he asked him what his name was next time, he would make a mistake!

Yun Siyu ignored him and waved. "I am hungry, go and give me some cakes."

"Oh." Xiao Shi took a few steps and turned his head. "The son, if you don't marry, you can't do it. The general won't allow it." Then he quickly walked away.

Yun Siyu turned a blind eye to the sky, but found a little red among the leaves, could not help but sink a small face, and said, "Who?"

Feng Ling slammed on his sight, some speechless, she was actually discovered?

However, since she was discovered, she did not intend to escape. A spin-on, fluttering on the ground, could not tell the chic, the red dress of the publicity fluttered in the wind, warm like a fire.

The face is covered with a butterfly mask, covering most of the face, leaving only the white squat, beautiful red lips, and the eye-catching eyes of the hook, the silky long waist with only one red The hair band was loosely tied and hung behind, very casual, but it matched the lazy atmosphere that she had revealed.

Yun Siyu frowned and looked at the person in front of him. This man’s martial arts is very high. What did he want to do when he ran to the generals? After thinking about it for a while, I didn’t get the result. Yun Siyu had to reach out and say, “Go left and turn right and go to my mother’s study.”

Feng Ling’s heart feels funny, is this a betrayal of his own mother?