MTL - The Feast-v2 Chapter 235 : Help not help the pro

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Su warmly smiled and said: "Although this time the EQ performance is somewhat low, but Ting Xuan, you have to admit that the second brother is talented in doing business. Look at this Anle Restaurant and Anle Inn to know, don't say anything else. That is to say, there are so many talents in his hands that can be sent to the shopkeepers in the hands, which is enough to show that he is flexible in his business operations. @乐@文@小@说|"

Duan Tingxuan didn't make a sound, and he was angrily at the back. "When is this stinky boy, when did you get such a person? This Li Qiushan, I didn't know it at all, but I couldn't think of it alone."

Su warmed and laughed and shook his head. "Since the second brother concentrated on doing business, I felt that he was like a shackle. You can't take all of his sights as you used to." It is his ability..."

After waiting to finish, I listened to Xiao Houye and said: "What is the skill? It’s just that some shrimps and crabs will be gone."

"Hey! You are not right. Why is it that the people are the shrimps and crabs? What is said that everything is only high, but in fact it is true? You and I know in my heart. There is no farmer to grow food, no artisans build houses, No businessman makes money to develop the economy. Can your readers stand on the tip of the mountain and tell the story of this Wanli River?"

"Warm..." Xiao Houye looked at his lover with sorrow: "I understand everything, just... I feel that you should stand on my side, and I also like to listen to good words and praises?"

"Hey!" Su warmed and coughed, and said: "That... I have always helped the pro, I am used to it."

"Occasionally, do you do something to help the pro?" Duan Tingxuan took his wife’s sleeve: "For example, now, you can sneak up with the court and I don’t know how to converge. Anyway, he can’t hear it, it can’t affect you. The fair image of Daxie."

In the face of a husband who is arrogant and arrogant, the Soviet Union is somewhat worried. It took a while to turn a blind eye: "What you said is justified, I am speechless."

"It’s right to be speechless..." Xiao Houye forgot the shape when he was happy. He waited for his wife to take a slap in the back: "Go to me to prepare the ink and paper, I have to ponder the recipe and put The ingredients are written down, so I will give them to Li Qiushan to prepare things."

"Yes, yes, prepare for the husband." Xiaohouye likes to hear this. Wen Yan quickly went to the desk to personally spread paper and ink. And all of this fell in the room, bored in the room, Long Pingzhang and Chu Xiu eyes, watching the shocked eyes of friends, Duan Ting Xuan grinned: "Is it amazing? Hehe! Wait until you become married. Fear is It’s worse than me.”

In a word, Chu embroidered red face, hurriedly argued: "The world does not talk indiscriminately, I ... how can I possibly ..." but said nothing here, because no matter what she said. It seems that the contrast of the Soviet Union is not good, so you can only bow your head.

But see Duan Tingxuan smiled and said: "Isn't it possible? Hedong Griffin? Ha ha! Chu girl. Believe me, you actually have the potential of Hedong Lion, and there will be more contact with warmer in the future. Black is easier than eating..."

Don't wait. Feeling cold behind, Xiao Houye quickly cleaned up his face, a serious saying: "I said the wrong thing. Follow the warmth, it is only possible to be close to the Zhu red. How can it be black?" I smiled at my wife: "How? Warm up, look, I am deep enough now? As a court official, I will openly encourage women to fight for their own destiny..."

"Well, let's talk nonsense, let the dragon and the embroidered children think that I am really a wife." Su warm and cold, this sound heard Duan Tingxuan's heart straight into the eyes, I wonder if you are not a wife? But...hey! Who made me like you, this is a child, and it is not cured.

While spitting on the side, but could not help but curiosity, I went over to see what Su wrote warmly. I saw that the first one on paper was the same thing that he could not understand. He couldn’t help but lose his voice: "One hundred years of Shaoxing big jar What do you mean by warming up? Can the wine jars also enter the dish? How have I never heard of it?"

"You haven't heard much about it." Su warmed and ignored him, and continued to write down: "Two pounds of shark's fin in the water, two pounds of water and fish, two pounds of fresh abalone, fat chicken Only one fat duck, three pounds of fine pork, one pound of pork belly, three pounds of lamb, twenty eggs of pigeons..."

I wrote twenty different ingredients in one breath before I paused. I looked at it again and warmly, and then nodded. "Okay, the ingredients of the main course are enough."

"What do you mean? Don't tell me that this is just a dish." Xiao Houye was shocked. Next to Long Pingzhang and Chu Embroidery saw this complicated list of ingredients. I heard that it was just a dish of food. But listening to Su warm and smiled: "Can't always create ten new dishes? That can make me a blockbuster, but then? I can't make a whole pattern every day, so we have to get a lot of water. And Fu Shengxiang's Compared to the test, it is enough to have this main dish, and two fresh dishes are enough. For the rest, you can use the signature dishes of our restaurant."

"What is the number of people? It is the signature dish of our restaurant. Although it can't be alone, it is no problem to be an enemy." At the crucial moment, Xiaohouye revealed his own face and then asked with expectation: "This dish is so complicated, what is the name? How did you see it when you were in the government?"

"In the government, you still have less to eat. You have to make me want to exhaust me." Su warmed and warmed up Duan Tingxuan: "You really treat me as a cook, isn't it?"

"Don't dare to Who dares to use Grandma as a cook, I cut his eyes and let him have no eyes." Duan Tingxuan laughed and watched Long Pingzhang worry more and shook his head and whispered: "Hey, what is this husband's class? Is it wrong? Is there still a husband?" After turning around and holding the hand of Chu embroidery, he asked: "Embroidery, we will not be married." Is this right for me?"

"If I say that I want to do this to you, you won't marry me, is it?" Chu embroidered with watery eyes, this girl is too clever, and she is not suitable for the warm and warm wife-in-law. So, I started to practice the road with Joker.

Sure enough, it was a small knife test, let the dragons obey, and sighed: "But it, the thief boat is easy to thief boat, from the moment I was rescued by you, I was destined to go to your thief boat. ""

Su warm and warm is wondering if the next dish is a boiled fish or a fish-flavored pork? Both of these are Sichuan dishes. Before the peppers appeared, you could not make them out of the way. You didn't dare to make them out. There was no authentic authentic flavor. These two can't be cooked. (To be continued.)

